This document is presented in its original rough form. It is written by David Rooke. It contains unique information about the number “17”. The author demonstrates that the number seventeen appears in Bible Chronology unusually often. Moreover, seventeen-squared also occurs frequently.
David’s additional use of the symbolic “Day-Years” and the “Seder Olam Rabbah” may be confusing at first. I suggest that as you read this article, focus on the number seventeen in the normal Bible Chronology as used in most Bible Commentaires, which I include below.

The Number Seventeen & Cycles of Seventeen Squared & Cubed
By David Rooke
I thought I would start writing about the significance of the Number 17 in the bible, its meaning, and the cycles found in the Bible’s Chronology.
I will begin in the obvious places that the number Seventeen is found first. This is as much about explaining the meaning of 17, as it is a second witness that the separate chronologies of the Bible are in fact all connected by biblical Numerical patterns, which include the Numbers 23, 17, 7, 40, and others.
My closer study into Bible number Seventeen began around the time of the Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE’s closest approach to Earth. It was around this time when I began to notice a series of major events occurred at 17-day intervals. All of which I will not mention here. But continue reading to see how they were timed perfectly.
The number Seventeen is first found in Genesis 7, as it was on the 17th day of the 2nd month in which the Biblical Flood began. In this case, it is a number tied to wrath, destruction, and purification of the Earth by water, from the filth & corruption found in it. This is not the end of the story, because God made the Earth be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18). Noah and his family are given a chance to survive, by God & have a place in the New (post-flood) World. Therefore, I believe 17 can also be thought of as tied to new beginnings (New Creation) as much as it is an ending of the Old Creation. The Ark itself can be thought of as a Type of Christ, bringing the eight safely to the New Earth, (A New Creation).
Though a bit more obscure, the number 17 is again found in the bible the book of Esther, like Xerxes, who although pagan, was a picture of Christ (God) on His throne, had a feast for 187 days (180+7), in the 3rd year of his reign (likely 483 BC). However, Vashti, who was a foreshadow of the majority of the Jews (not all) at the time of Christ, would not come when called. (Esther 1 ).
Esther 2: 1 “Later when King Xerxes’ fury had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what he had decreed about her.”
Seventeen is also tied to the biblical account of Joseph, a major foreshadowing of the Messiah; Jesus Christ, who was & is to come. According to the Masoretic Text +LXX & SP Exodus 12:40 Bible Chronology ( ), his birth was either in Autumn 1701 BC or Spring 1700BC In the Bible, again is Joseph at the age of 17 years old (Genesis 37), who has two dreams that his eleven brothers would bow down to Him.
Genesis 37:
5″And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it to his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. 6And he said to them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: 7For behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and behold, your sheaves stood around and made obeisance to my sheaf. 8And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? and they hated him yet the more for his dreams and for his words.”
9″And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more: and behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. 10And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said to him, what is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? 11And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.”
After this Joseph is thrown into a waterless pit (cistern) a metaphor for the grave, but then he is taken out, Symbolizing overcoming the death. If you are not familiar with the precept of how actual years interact with what is called Symbolic day/years, wherein a day is counted as a consecutive year of the time it is recommended that you read this article first ( ).
The way this is done is through the dates given surrounding the years of Major Epoch events in the Bible, such as the 30 AD Death and Resurrection of Christ. The beginning of the year ( 1st day of the 1st month ) in which the Epoch events happen, on the 360-Day Calendar of Bible Prophecy represents the year 1AD (Note Dec.25 1BC is the Traditional Birth of Jesus Christ).
Therefore, the Symbolic Dates of what is called “Passion Week” is 10AD unto 17AD, with the 7 days/years being split by 5 days/years (Passover festival Day 1: Jesus Crucifixion was 15th day of the 1st Month = 15AD) and 2 days/years (exclusive 3 days/years inclusive), according to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, & Luke). Knowing this, when one count from the Resurrection day represented as 17AD back 1700 years exclusive, to Autumn 1701BC or inclusive to 1700BC, one would end up at the Minimum Masoretic Text Chronology’s Joseph at the age of 17 (×259.png ), which is Autumn 1684BC or Spring 1683BC. I believe that all 17 years or days patterns intersect meaningfully with the life and ministry of Christ, the Risen King. This includes his actual birth in 6BC (or 5BC). His visitation by the wise men, along with his entry & exit from Egypt (Matthew 2).
Spectacularly, the Symbolic Day/Year Grid System exists in modern times too!
The Symbolic day/year is determined by the linking of 10 Major Epoch Events found in Bible History to our modern-day via time gaps, spans of years, that are combinations of Bible Numbers, such as 390, 430, 490, 1260, 1290, 1335 years, etc. Right now there are two years that determine the Symbolic Year for every day in our modern time. These are 2025 AD (Feb.26 & Mar.28, 2025: both dates are considered AD1), because it is 70 Jubilees (of 49 years, not 50) or 490*70 years from the Conquest of Canaan in 1406BC & 2035AD, 3910 years (23*17*10) years from the Entry of Israel into Egypt during the 7 Year Famine in 1876BC & 71 Jubilees from Exodus in 1446BC & many other key dates in the Bible are linked to 2035AD (Mar 6, Apr.5, & possibly May 5, 2035 (Michael’s 360-Day Calendar) are the dates that are considered 1AD (1st Day of the 1st Month: 360 Day Calendar). Simple subtraction, when using the Modified Julian Day count provided on the Calendar Converter on the 360 Calendar Website ( ), will provide dates in BC, if they occur before the dates listed above. Day/years begin after 6 PM & end at 6 PM the following day on this system & the local time of events is considered first. There will be a chart provided that lists some special Symbolic Dates, many found in the Book of Ezekiel & See Bible Timelines for more, like the MT’s Flood dates if you are interested.
One example is the California wildfires I mentioned. On July 31st, 2020 The so-called “Apple Fire” began on the anniversary of Ezekiel 20 (Ezekiel 20:45-48), which was the 10th day of the 5th Month on the 360 Day Calendar of Bible Prophecy CalendarAnd Symbolic date 1701BC & 17 days later were the beginning of the Major Lightning Complex Fires Wildfires Aug. 16th after 6 PM to Aug. 17th, 2020, which was Symbolic 1684BC (Joseph at 17 Years of Age).
Another Numerical Link to Joseph & Christ
Or how about when Joseph, at age 30, in Autumn 1671BC (or Spring 1670BC), is released from prison, again symbolic of overcoming death, after 2 years (3 years/days inclusive), when he interprets the dreams of two men in prison (See: Dreams of 3 days in Genesis 40). Another 1700 years until the Death and Resurrection of Christ in 30AD!
The Flood & Christ 40 days & years
The date of Christ’s Ascension from the Mount of olives & Noah & his family leaving the Ark & descending from the Mountain which the ark rested on, occurred the same day & was 40 days after Christ’s Resurrection. This is actually key in the 17 days/years pattern as it represents 56/57AD & fits in with other patterns in Bible Chronology, especially having to do with Christ’s life & the Flood, but also see 1406BC. I agree with Dean’s statement in regards to how the flood relates to Christ. This is quoted from the article “Comet SWAN Ascends Gracefully as Titan Atlas Falls”.
“By now I hope you get the idea about how that every important event to do with this comet is linked to important anniversaries of the Flood and of the stages in the glorification of Jesus.
(The Flood story is a foreshadow of Christ’s death and resurrection and his “new creation”.)”
The 17 years Expansion Principle
As Dean Coombs has stated, 17 years can be expanded to 17.5 years. This is because 17 years on the 360-day Calendar is 6210 days, which is 23*270 days or 69*90 days. And because days are as years prophetically speaking (Ezekiel 4:5) & 23 Enochian or 360-day years 8400 years, are 25 “Priestly Years” (336*25=8400 days) & 69 years converts back to 70 unadjusted 360 day years, then 69*90 years/days (6210) is 70*90 days/years or 6300 days, which is 17.5 years. See the next topic for the amazing implications! I also suspect that there is much more to this conversion principle, morphing other 17 year spans (86*17 to 86*17.5= 215*7).
Jesus Christ, Joseph, & King David
Some Jews who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, believe that there will be two Messiahs, one will be a descendant of Joseph and one of the lines of David. Quite amazingly, from the rejection of Joseph at 17 years of age (1683BC) as one whom his brothers would bow down to, unto the coronation of King David (also a major type of Christ) in 1003BC, when all the tribes bowed down to him, there are 680 (17*40) years! Using the 17 years to 17.5 years conversion, 680 years becomes 700 years from Joseph to King David! Seventeen joins these two major figures of Christ! Continue from 1003BC forward by another 1020 years/days (inclusive) and one reaches 17AD, which is again the *Symbolic day/year of the Resurrection of Yeshua Messiah!
(* Symbolic 17AD is the 17th day of the 1st Month in Actual 30AD.)
Then there is the “Exclusive MT’s” 1876 BC Entry of Israel into Egypt unto the 6BC Birth of Christ is 1870 (110*17) years, which was also 17 years until the death of Jacob in 1859BC (Spring NY date given, but could be Autumn 1860BC), who died at 147 Years of age, after prophesying about what should befall the tribes/sons of Israel in the last days.
17 Years Patterns Through the Bible & History
Take the Flood & for instance, two potential Masoretic Text Flood dates are hit in one string of the 17 years pattern 2458 BC (MT Exclusive) +85 (17*5) years = 2373 BC (MT +SP & LXX). This pattern actually goes back to Methuselah’s Birth 969 years previous, in 3427BC (MT Exclusive). There is more to this pattern, as continuing further back in time renders two Autumn Creation dates 4175 BC & 4090 BC, which are both 1717 years from the previously stated Flood Dates, respectively. Of course one could make the argument that it was from the first Creation unto the end of the Flood, a type of new Creation. Even more spectacular is when we use the “BC/AD Mirror”( ), as from 2458 BC (MT Exclusive) unto 2456 AD, which is the Mirror of 2456 BC, that is the Masoretic Text Exclusive Flood, when the two years are not accounted for in the reading of Genesis 11:10. This makes for 4913 (17*17*17) years! This shows design, by a Designer! Praise the LORD!
It should also be noted that Arphaxad was born two years after the flood, & if Genesis11:10 is used, then 2456BC (50 Jubilees of 49 years to Christ in 6BC) is used as his birth date, then it represents the firstborn of a New Creation.
This isn’t the only example either. There is the “Adjusted” Seder Olam Rabbah (SOR) which accounts for the 586 BC Fall of Jerusalem instead of 423 BC, which adds 163 years to the Chronology, rendering a 2268 BC (or -2years 2266 BC) Flood date, instead of 2105BC & a 3924 BC (or -2 years =3922 BC) Creation. Knowing this, we add 4913 years (17*17*17) and end up at 2646 AD (or 2648 AD), which is the Mirror of the Maximum Masoretic Text Flood Date!
- SOR Autumn 2105BC Flood date + 4624 years (16*17*17) is 2519AD the mirror date of the Autumn 2519BC/ Spring 2518BC Flood ( )
- Then there is the Septuagint Minus 33 Years Variant’s Flood date of 3265BC (or 3263BC) onto the 2516AD (or 2518AD) , Mirror of 2516BC (or 2518BC), which is 5780 years (20*17*17 or 289*20).
- Septuagint (LXX) Chronology’s Minus 40 years variant (440 years of 1st Kings 6:1 LXX), with plus 60 years of Terah (Acts 7:4 included), & 33 years in Canaan & 397 years in Egypt (430 total of Exodus 12:40 LXX) renders a Flood date Autumn 3226BC/ Spring 3225BC/, or Autumn 3224BC/Spring 3223BC with Minus 2 Years, when 11:10 is not considered, to Mirror Date 2266AD or 2268AD, which is the “Adjusted” Seder Olam Rabbah (+163 years from Fall of Jerusalem 423 to 586BC) Flood (- 2 years without Gen 11:10) or Arphaxad’s Birth Autumn 2266BC or Autumn 2268BC. Total 289 years *19 years.
- And notice that the Autumn LXX variant’s Flood Date Autumn 3226BC to the 2648BC Masoretic Text’s Maximum Flood Date is 289*2 years.
The 17 years cycles are evident throughout the Bible’s chronology.
4175BC/4174BC Creation to The Vision of Isaiah 6 in the year of Uzziah’s death in (740/739BC) is 1717years to the Flood t2457/n2456BC 3434Years to the Mirror of the Flood n4174/t4175BC (4174AD/4175AD) MT Creation date is 4913 years (17 cubed). Altogether, it is 491*17 years from Creation 4174BC to its Mirror (4174AD).

17 Squared (289) Years: A Natural Cycle Ordained By God
Possibly one of the most amazingly accurate natural Astronomical Cycles ever revealed, is 17 times 17 years span of years (289 years). This was discovered on the day that marked the end of the year & the beginning of the next year on the Hebrew Calendar, which was the Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1, A.M. 5781 = Sep. 18, 2020, After sunset to Sept. 19, 2020) 5780 (289*20) years from the Traditional Hebrew Creation (3761BC). It is a near impossibility that this cycle was discovered by chance on this date!
All calendars employ an integer count of whole days in order to make timekeeping over many years easier & all use a form of intercalation ( ) to achieve a count of whole days, while attempting to remain accurate to the Average Tropical Year, in order to stay in synchronization with the seasons (important in agriculture). This Cycle, without any need for intercalation, keeps time over thousands of years with ease!
Employing the Mean Tropical Year, as recorded January 1, 2000, renders a count of 105554.9928145830375 days ( Y2000 Mean Tropical Year 365.2421896698375 days × 289 = 105554.9928145830375 days ), which is 0.0071854169625 days less than a whole count of 105555 days ( ).
If going by the year 2000’s Solar year value indefinitely (but this changes over time), it would take over 40,000 years to be out by one day, when using the 105555 whole days (289 years) over the actual value, if the Average Tropical Year remained unchanged from the Year 2000 value!
One can’t be sure how long the average Solar year will be over many thousands of years, however, it seems that by the Software used (Starry Night 8), the most a cycle of 105555 days would be off from the Equinox coordinates, in a 5780 year period (289*20), would be by about 3.5 days, which is just about as accurate as the Gregorian Calendar, without the need for intercalation! All this, while still keeping the whole day value for over 40,000 years.
It appears that this difference can be reduced to less than days by straddling the Equinox by less than 2 days in either direction of the coordinates, and over time it seems that the coordinates of the Equinox work themselves back into sync with the 105555 whole days value. Regardless it is still amazingly accurate for a naturally occurring cycle. Note that just so happens that from September 20 (Gregorian Calendar), which is October 20th (Julian Calendar), the date of the Autumnal Equinox in 3761BC (The year of Traditional Hebrew Creation (SOR), unto September 18th, 2020 (End of the Hebrew Calendar Year/Beginning of the New Year) & the revelation of this cycle!
Note that a period of Seventeen Average Solar Years on its own, is very close to a count of whole days, at 6,209.117224387238 days, which is out one day every 8.5 cycles (½ of 17) of 17 years & is rather close to the Enochian Calendar’s 6209 whole days ( 364*17 + 3 epagomenal leap weeks ). We will also consider the 360 Day Calendar of Bible Prophecy’s 6210 whole days ( ).
Like A Key in A Lock
The 23 years (8400 days) Enochian/Priestly Calendar cycles, revealed by Dean Coombs ( ), along with the 23 years of the 360-Day Calendar’s same 8400 days, fit together perfectly with the 40-Year cycles of both calendars ( Enoch’s 40 years =14609 days & 360-Calendar’s 14610 days)! Although it is not necessary for this Natural cycle to follow any Calendar system, it likely follows all of them (Enoch’s, 360 Calendar, Hebrew Calendar & others). It should be obvious to anyone that this was ordained by GOD, who created all things!
The Times Seven Lunar Synchronization
To achieve a naturally occurring cycle such as 17 Squared years is rare… well how about all three!
Add to this 289 years (17*17) years cycle a Lunar Synchronization at 7 times 289 years (2023 Years). Seven, which is the “Number of Perfection” (Completion) times 289 mean tropical years (365.2421896698375 days) equals 738884.9497020812625 days. ÷29.530587981 days in a Synodic lunar month = 25021.0036514505004 Lunar Months. Again, this is very close to an integer number of Months! This Cycle seems to be accurate over more than 16,000 years & tells me that The LORD Christ reigns supreme over all creation!
Compelling Reasons Why the 289 Year Cycles Are Real
It is my goal to show that not only is the 17 Squared Years pattern found in the various chronologies but it, along with other 17 years patterns (17*23, 17*7, 17*40 years, etc.), also links the seemingly disparate chronologies (Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint: LXX, Masoretic Text, Unadjusted Seder Olam Rabbah, Adjusted +163yrs Seder Olam Rabbah).
We will begin with the Masoretic Text Chronology’s “Minimum Creation Date” of Spring 3899BC ( MT+SP LXX’ Reading of Exodus 12:40 & Gal. 3:17 ). Follow this forward by 2023 years (289×7 years or 119*17 years) to reach 1876BC, which on this timeline is the date that Abraham is called out of Babylon & enters the land of Canaan (MT Exclusive 1876BC is Israel’s Egypt Entry). From there goes into Egypt for a time during a Famine. This actually connects to the 215, 430, & 1290 years (or Symbolic days/years) pattern found in the Bible (Dates of Ezekiel, Exodus & Israel’s Entry. Famine via the BC/AD mirror, by a period of 2890 days/years, which lands on 1015AD-1016AD (+430 another years days to 1445AD). See Chart provided.
Even though 1015AD is a non-event, by continuing the 289 years/days pattern one can reach the Septuagint (LXX -33 years) Mirror date 1882AD, which is Joseph’s LXX -33yr Birth in 1882BC! That is 3899BC (Shortest of the MT Creation dates) to 1882AD, which amounts to 5780 Years or 20*289 years! See the “BC/AD Mirror” ( ) This is all by design.
Most importantly, in the BC/AD Mirror Exodus Year One 1446BC to 1445AD, the Mirror of Exodus Year Two (1445BC) is 2890 Years (17*17*10). This also works for the Period of the Conquest of Canaan, as an end of 40 years that the Children of Israel spent wandering in the Wilderness 1406BC-1405BC, which is 40 years after Exodus (1446BC), +2890 years unto 1485-1486AD, the Mirror of the Beginning of 40 years that Moses spent in the Wilderness of Midian when he fled from Egypt.
Then there is Moses’ possible Spring Birth year 1526-1525BC/AD, +2890 years, to the Mirror of the year of the Death of Joshua 1365-1366AD/BC. This is consistent.
This works along with The “Masoretic Text Exclusive’s” Creation Date of Spring 4114 BC (or Autumn 4115BC) because it is an additional 215 years (×259.png & ) rendering a 2091BC Entry into Canaan. This too, when adding another 2890 (17*17*10) years/days (4114BC + 4913 years or 17*17*17) lands on Symbolic 800AD-801AD, the Mirror of 801SBC the Symbolic date of the beginning of the Siege of Jerusalem in Actual 588BC (or 589BC), that is the 10th day of the 10th month on the 360-day Calendar of Bible Prophecy. ( See: )
More 289 (17-sq.) Years Cycles in Bible Chronology
Beginning From the Masoretic Text Exclusive (-2years) Flood date of 2456BC to a possible Autumn birth date of Abraham in t2167BC, to the beginning of the 7 Year Famine of Joseph, from 1878BC-1871BC to when David is made King over Judah in 1011BC (note the 7 or 7.5 years until he was made King over all Israel), to the Fall of Samaria, the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722BC (or 721BC). *Side note 136 (8*17) years later in the Fall of Jerusalem in 586BC. And see 586BC to 588AD, the mirror date of the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem in 589/588BC (391*2).
The 17 year & 289 years pattern runs through all Chronologies. It is especially evident in the fall of Empires & the dividing of the kingdoms of this world, which were run by the demonic principalities & powers behind all world Empires, and seems to mark the rise of kingdoms who were to be ruled by God (Israel). Note the fall of Egypt (A type of Babylon) & the Exodus Years 1 & 2 (1446-1445BC) & 1407BC-1406BC Conquest years are key in the 17 years patterns. From the beginning of the Conquest of Canaan in 1406BC (Book of Joshua) by the children of Israel unto the Fall of Babylon in 539BC (Daniel 5), which is 289*6 years. Then there is the Fall of Nineveh (Assyria) 612BC to the Division of Alexander’s Kingdom to the “four winds” after his death in Babylon in 323BC. Through the “BC/AD Mirror” 323BC unto the Mirror (1701AD of the Autumn Birth of Joseph in t1701BC (MT +SP & LXX Exodus 12:40, Galatians 3:17) is 289*7 years.
More Symbolic Dates with Actual Years & 289 Years
Or from Actual Autumn 4030BC MT +SP (Galatians “430years” 3:17 supports this) Creation unto Symbolic 17AD ( Resurrection Day in Actual 30AD) is 4046years (119*34 or 289 Years *14 Cycles).
Seder Olam Rabbah (SOR) 17 & 17 Cubed
The Traditional Jewish Chronology’s Creation date (Tishri 1, 3761BC) is no different when finding this pattern, as it uses the Masoretic Text’s Genesis Genealogy as its basis for its dates.
Firstly, I will address a couple of problems with the Jewish Traditional Chronology, then I will explain that amazingly this proves design by God. Note that because when switching from the 1313BC Spring date of Exodus to the Autumn Count of years, a half year was subtracted instead of added, a year can be added to the Jewish traditional Creation date, but both are acceptable. There are quite a few reasons to believe that the Tishri (Autumn) 3761BC (AM 1) date for Creation is too late, most notable is the 423BC date for the Fall of Jerusalem/Destruction of the First Temple versus the “Actual” 586BC or 587BC date, which based on independent records (Babylonian records that include Astronomical info). There is the overlap of dates by 220 years (or 221) when going forward from Creation or backward from Exodus.
For instance Joseph’s Birth A.M.2200 (t1562BC), or the entry of Israel (Jacob) into Egypt in 1523BC, the 2nd year of the 7 Year Famine (1525BC-1518BC), from Creation using Genesis’ chronology. It should also be noted that when transferring from the count of years of the Spring new year at Exodus to all dates previous, that were counted on the Adding the 430 years in Egypt one would come to the date of 1093BC, which is a whole 220 years (110*2) later than the established Nisan 1313BC. Recall that Joseph lived 110 years, so 220 (110*2) years is quite striking.
Special note: The landfall of Hurricane Iota in Nicaragua, as a catastrophically destructive Atlantic Cyclone, was after 6 PM on November 16th, 2020, which was Symbolic 1562BC (Joseph’s Birth SOR Creation Forward). Count the days from February 26, 2025AD (= 1AD).
Going backward from the Jewish Traditional (SOR) date of Exodus (n1313BC) Minus 430 years (Exodus 12:40) is t1743BC. That is 2 years into the 7 Year Famine (t1745-t1738BC). This overlaps Abraham’s entry into Canaan (then Egypt) at age 75 (biblical reading: t1738BC) or at age 70 (Jewish tradition (t1743BC) when going from SOR Creation (3761BC) forward! It also turns out that 1743BC
On top of this, a SOR Egypt Entry 1743BC (counting backward from Exodus) back another 22 years to Genesis 37, when Joseph is 17 years of age, we land on 1765BC. Note Joseph would have been born 1782BC Tishri 1765BC just so happens to be 6069 (289*21 or 2023*3) years to Tishri 4305AD, the Mirror of The Maximum Masoretic Text Creation (Tishri 4305BC or Spring 4304BC)! Remember that Joseph had a dream that “the Sun the Moon & the eleven stars” bowed to Him & a period of 2023 (17*17*7) years is a span of time in which the Exact Mean Tropical Years, whole days & the Moon Synchronize! Joseph is a picture of Jesus Christ, to whom all Creation will bow!
*Conspicuously, Autumn 1743BC (SOR back from Exodus) 2 years into the 7 year Famine, when Joseph’s brothers would have bowed to Him, to the MT (+SP’s Exodus 12:40 & Galatians 3:17) 2304AD the mirror of Autumn 2304BC (or Spring 2303BC) is 4046 years (34*119 or 289*7*2 years)!
Special Note
Unknown to me, until now (Jan 24, 2020, 3:14 PM) on the 289th day, to notice that April 11th, 2020 was Nisan 17th, which represented 1782BC, which would be Joseph’s Birth (SOR Exodus backward) on the Symbolic Day/Year Grid (counted from Feb.26, 2025, was the date that my article called “Update on the Wolf Comet & the Scepter of Jacob” ( ) was posted! And 39/40 days later, on the anniversary Jesus rose from the dead, was the date of Comet SWAN rising above the demon star Algol on the anniversary of Christ’s Ascension on Iyyar 26-27 (Symbolic 1743-1742BC) Jospeh’s/Christ’s Brothers & then All Bow before Him! ( ) Then on Hebrew Calendar Pentecost, Sivan 6, the Most Powerful Solar Flare of the year, at that time (an M1.19) occurred Symbolizing How the LORD descended in a fire in the year of the Exodus, as well as the Holy Spirit (also the LORD) descended on like tongs of Fire on those in the upper room! Curiously, it was 289 days until 1445SBC.
Notes on SOR Chronology
- Amazingly, a theoretical Exodus Year of t1093BC (SOR Creation Forward), unto t5555 AD (Mirror of LXX Max Autumn Creation) is 23 x 289 years!
- Joseph’s Birth (SOR Creation Forward) of 1562BC, plus 289 years is 1273BC, which is the year of the beginning of the Conquest of Canaan!
- From the date that Nehemiah’s Wall is said to have been built 445BC ( ) to the Mirror date of Jewish Traditional Fall of Jerusalem 423AD (423BC) is 867 years (289*3). 423BC to 1562BC is 67*17 years, too.
- The Second year of Exodus 1312BC and the setting up of the Tabernacle & the Mercy Seat for the Shekinah Glory of God, who is Christ, to the Mirror (SOR) date of the Fall of Jerusalem (423AD) is 289*6 years.
- When working backward using the Bible’s own Masoretic Text Chronology from a SOR 1313BC Exodus to the 7 Year Famine one would arrive at autumn 1745BC-1738BC, with Jacob & all his family entering Egypt in the fall of 1743BC/Spring 1742BC.
- Abraham’s (Traditional at 70 years old) entry into Canaan & Egypt (SOR Creation Forward) t1743/n1742BC & Israel’s Entry into Egypt (SOR Exodus Backward) t1743BC to the Actual Fall of Jerusalem 587BC or 586BC is 4*289 years. This overlaps with SOR’s date for
Called out of Babylon
Using the Seder Olam Rabbah (SOR) Creation date of Autumn 3761BC or Spring 3760BC & going forward 2023 years (289×7) we reach t1738/n1737BC, the year that Abraham would have been was called out of Babylon. A major event in God’s plan of redemption. “Why was he called out of Babylon?” Because it represented the corrupt world system of the Old World, which is destined to be no more (2Peter3:8). Because there was a better promise, a Promised Land.
Abraham’s Call out of Babylon & Caanan Entry (SOR t1738/n1737BC runs right along the pattern with the MT Exclusive Chronology’s Autumn 2027BC or Spring 2026BC Marriage of Isaac to Rebekah in the which Dean has mentioned. ( )
Or how about Abraham’s (“Biblical”: at age 75) call out of Babylon into the Promised Land (then Egypt) of the “SOR Creation Forward” t1738/n1737BC, which is 289*7 from t3761BC/n3760BC Creation. This lines up in a period of 289 years, with the Masoretic Text Exclusive’s Autumn 2027BC/ Spring 2026BC Marriage of Isaac to Rebekkah, which Dean has talked about, the Samaritan Pentateuch’s Flood date of Autumn 2894BC or Spring 2893BC & Tishri 4BC to Nisan 3BC, which as around the time of the wise men come to see the “King of Jews” & the “Escape to Egypt” (Matthew 2). It also is in line with the Septuagint’s Creation Date of t5495BC/n5494BC (LXX -60 Years No Acts 7:4 + MT reading of Exo.12:40). As Dean has pointed out Autumn of 2020 AD to 2021AD (2026BC-2021AD is 119*34 years, but also 289*7 years) may be special ( ). I recommend reading this document.
King David’s Coronation
Another major type of the Christ to Come was King David, who according to the
the Seder Olam Rabbah (Traditional Jewish Chronology), was made King over all Israel in either autumn 871BC or Spring 870BC (AM 2891: fall new year to fall new year), which is 2890 years from the Creation of the world! Notice the 7-year famine of t1745BC/n1744BC to t1738BC/n1737BC (SOR Exodus 1313BC backward) is 867 (289*3 years until) 878BC-870BC (7.5 years) of war between the House of Saul & the House of David (2 Samuel 3:1).
This links the 7 years of Famine of Joseph & the 7.5 years from the death of Saul & the beginning of the reign of David in Hebron to the beginning of his kingship over all Israel. From 871/870 BC, it would be another 867 years until the Wise Men came to worship the One who was born “King of the Jews”! Then the flight into Egypt & after the death of Herod, Christ came back to Israel. These events in Jesus Christ’s life likely took place between 4 & 3BC, which is 289*3 years from the coronation of King David the Warrior King. And that is what Christ is, especially when he returns!
Revelation 19: 11 “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, he doth judge and make war. 12His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 14And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 15And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name is written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
We are now in the 5781st year, that is 2890 x 2 years From the Traditional Jewish Creation (Tishri 3761 or Nisan3760BC)!
Add to this that from the 1313 BC Exodus to King David’s death 837BC (SOR) or 1446BC to 970BC (MT) is 476 years (28*17) years, which when using the 17 to 17.5 years conversion is 490 years (a Royal Jubilee)!
Creation Dates Linked by 17, 17 Squared, & 17 Cubed
- Septuagint’s (-33 & -60 Terah No Acts 7:4) 5461 BC Creation to Unajusted Seder Olam Rabbah’s (SOR) 3761BC Creation is 1700 years (half-year difference).
- Septuagint’s (-33 & -60 Terah No Acts 7:4) 5461 BC to Masoretic Text Max Autumn Creation 4305BC is 289*4 years. (half year difference)
- Septuagint’s (-33 & -60 Terah No Acts 7:4) 5461BC to the Mirror of “Adjusted” SOR (+163yr) Creation 3924AD 24*391 years or 24*23*17 years (half year difference)
- Masoretic Text’s Max Autumn Creation date 4305BC to the Mirror of the Septuagint Chronology’s (-33 yr LXX Exo.12:40) Autumn Creation date of 5522BC, that is 5522AD, are 9826 years (17*17*17*2)!
*For More See Timeline Chart Provided
Intersection of Chronologies
Right now we are at a special point in time where many Bible Chronologies intersect. There is the Septuagint Minus 60 years Variant (No Act’s 7:4) Autumn 5495BC/Spring 5494BC to the Seder Olam Rabbah’s Autumn 3761BC/Spring 3760BC, to the Samaritan Pentateuch’s (SP) Autumn 2894BC or Spring 2893BC Flood to SOR’s Abraham being called out of Babylon Autum1738BC/1737BC to SOR’s King Davids Coronation Autumn 871BC/Spring 870BC, Autumn 4BC-Spring 3BC, when the Magi Visited Christ & The flight into and out of Egypt (Matthew 2) unto now Autumn 2020 to Spring 2021AD.
Note that it has been 4913 (17*17*17) years since the SP’s Flood, which is one of 8 known to me through Dean’s website: .
Other Spans of Time that intersect with periods of 17 Years
I would not have you think that I know what & when things are going to happen, as there are many possibilities as to when “The End” will occur. I believe that the Jubilees & Sabbath Years/Year of Release will also factor into these timetables. Here are some dates that I believe are also important.
- From the Unmovable Date of Center date of both of the Pillars of the Temple of Time in the Blood Moon Prophecy article ( unto 2025AD are 70*391 (23*17) years & another unto 5*391 (17*23) years back to 70AD & the Destruction of Jerusalem & the Temple (75 Cycles altogether).
- The 7 Years Famine of Joseph (1878-1871BC) & Entry of Israel into Egypt in 1876BC, plus 3910 years (17*23*10) to 2033-2040AD, with 2035AD being 3910 years (4030 years in 12-month Lunar years) from 1876BC (MT).
- 1446-1445BC to (289*5 yrs) 1BC-1AD: Christ’s Traditional birth year & to 289*7 years 2023-2024AD & maybe even autumn 2022AD, as it is 12*289 years from the beginning of the plagues on Egypt?
- As Dean Coombs has stated The Marriage of Isaac to Rebekkah 2026BC-2021AD & in the Mirror ( 2025-2026AD).
The revelations into 17 & 17 Squared, & 17*23 (391 solar to 403 lunar 12 months) years & the timing of Comet Neowise which was 2023 years (119*17 or 289*7) years from the Wise men (Magi), who came to see the true King of the Jews, who is Jesus Christ 5-4BC! And recall that there was a Star, which is commonly interpreted as being a Comet! Note also that it was had also 2024 (23*88) years from around the time of Christ’s visitation by the Magi! Indeed we have two numerical witnesses. As Dean has said, the Comet was about Christ’s Second Coming. The article “ Names Found in the Book Esther” ( ) elaborated on the Comet’s meaning & helped lead to the Discovery of the 289* 7-year cycles.
The Meaning
I will admit that I have had difficulty understanding the meaning of 17 Squared, but I will offer my thoughts. I think that the discovery of the significance of 17 & 17 Squared, recent events, & Dean’s own writings allude to a time of wrath soon to come. The spans of 289 years are linked to times of famine & the fall of & rise kingdoms. This seems to allude to the time of the end, in which the Risen King of Kings, Jesus Christ, who was foreshadowed in the life & account of Joseph & King David will come again & forgive his brethren, the Jewish people after a Time of Trouble. (Genesis 50:15-21 & Romans 11:11-32 & Zechariah 1). Then Christ will establish his everlasting Kingdom!
I believe we are in a key time frame in the history of the world & the fall of the nations & the prince of this world is very near! But no man knows the Hour, save for the Father. This revelation on 17, 17 Squared & 17 Cubed shows that all things are under God’s Control! I believe, as Dean has alluded to, that Israel will be resurrected in some sense as a world power & eventually be spiritually awakened as God Shows mercy to His people, Israel. Now is the time to repent and be saved from a world that is destined to be no more. And Christ will eventually show Himself to His brothers as being God in the flesh!
Romans 11: 15 “For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?”
The number Seventeen also seems to represent the “Author of Life’s” ability to create, destroy and create again; that is the Resurrection and runs through all Chronologies. 17 is used in both Wrath & Resurrection. Wrath for those who belong to this world & Resurrection for those who belong to Christ Jesus. The Bible teaches that all who are not saved, who live according to the desires of the flesh, are vessels of wrath (Romans 9:22). From the beginning to the end, unto a promised new beginning for those who repent, believe in the good news that Christ died for the sins of the world on the Cross & rose to life on the third day. They are are “renewed” by the Holy Spirit are called to follow Him. Jesus the Son of God & is God, by whom all things were created, holds your life in his hands & has offered a way for you to live, even though you may die. (John 11:24-26) To witness a new creation one must become a new creation in Christ (John 3:4-8), as a Flood is coming!
In the end, only one kingdom will stand, that is the Kingdom of God, that is Christ’s Kingdom! Then the Prince of Peace will reign on Earth forever!
The Supremacy of Christ
I thought I would leave you with some verses of Scripture to encourage all that Yeshua Messiah is who you should look to. He is the only one with the power to save all who come to Him!
Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. 18And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” 19 “For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; 20And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.
The Flood & A New Creation In Christ
1st Peter 3: 21″The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: 22Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him”
2nd Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!”
Revelation 22:12 “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”
14 “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.”
16I “Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”
17”And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”
More EndNotes!
It is amazing that 17 seems embedded in God’s Creation, from the age of the universe as recently estimated (13.77 billion years), Axial Precession (25772 years), the 17 Fields & Particles of the Standard Model in Quantum Field Theory, 17 in the Eclipse Cycles, etc, etc. .
LXX Creation dates listed at the above link are all linked to one another in the BC/AD Mirror starting from the Maximum Creation date 5660 BC to the mirror of the Minimum Creation date 5255 AD by 642 x 17 years. All dates crisscross one another at 10914 years (17*642) when working from the outer dates to the center.
There are many more!
Editorial note: Below is the chronology of the Seder Olam Rabbah. However, the below chart is corrected to the actual date of the fall of Jerusalem whereas the above article by David Rooke uses the unadjusted chronology of the SOR.

Below is the regular SOR Chronology, used by most religious Jews today.