This is an update to the last post from three days ago: “Mercury: Sign of Armageddon“. It’s best to read the following in the context of that post.
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On 11/11/11:11
Today, on 11/11/11, Remembrance Day, even as Mercury passed in front of the sun, the Lord reminded me of an earlier post from half-a-year ago. It was about a comet that depicted a sign in the heavens of multitudes on the Day of Atonement slain.
The Day of Atonement was just a month ago.
“The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath.” Rev 14:19
Notice the sword/comet in the hand of Virgo and the loop of Mercury in Libra where a hand would hold the balance thereby emphasizing “weighed in the balance”. (The looping effect is called a retrograde.) “Weighed in the balance and found wanting” is also the meaning of the name of that bright star that Mercury loops beside.
Notice the cup of wrath and bird eating the flesh at the lower right corner.
It’s the story of armageddon told in the heavens.
It’s what could have been, and soon will be.

Below is a better image of the sword-swinging action in the hands of the angel (Virgo with wings) on the Day of Atonement, 2019. (See “Day-of-Atonement Comet is a sickle, sword, and scepter in the hand of Virgo“, posted half-a-year ago on May 12, 2019.)
Prophetic Map
Also, recall the below “Prophetic Map”.
It happens that “Typhoon Descending Dragon” peaked in power over the “sea” (ocean) located along the rod just above the right hand of Virgo, where the comet-sword swings brightest.
In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. (Isa 27:1)

At the start of this year, I said to expect signs to occur in the future in keeping with this prophetic map.
The path of Mercury follows the green line (ecliptic) down. Mercury made a loop at the top of the green line three months ago (when Pi-of-Time was discovered). And now again it loops at the bottom of the earth at the Balances/Lybra.
It symbolizes this: ‘the devil is cast down from heaven and soon into the bottomless pit’.
These are signs of things still to come. They could take place now, but God is delaying for the sake of souls.
Below is one of the many signs this year that repeat the same message.

“Cast down from heaven.” Is it merely a reminder, or in some sense true at this time?
Pushing Pi again -Why? Because it’s important!
If you locate Iceland on the prophetic map (where the photo of the dragon was taken) you will notice that Iceland is located at the top of the overlayed spear of Pollux.
This is also where Mercury made a near-perfect circle (retrograde) symbolizing the dragon cast down from heaven.


St Louis is an example of snow and record-cold. The same night that record cold occurred there, the roar of a bright falling star was both seen and heard.
The below video was taken at about 8:45 pm, Remembrance Day. The falling star with the iconic Gateway Arch in the background speaks to me again of the fall of Lucifer because in antiquity a circular gateway was a common concept of a portal to the stars.
It is the largest arch in the world at 630 feet. If it were a full circle it would be 1260 feet in diameter. It coincided with the peak of the Taurids meteor shower (falling stars).
(The dragons) tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth…The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. (Rev 12:4,6)
Also related to Remembrance Day, see Mystery Mountain rising beneath the sea (& Taal volcano)
Part of the Pi formula:
Ponder the first term and Gen 1:14-16; 2:2; Lev 23:39.

Among other things, the formula refers to the release of the Nephilim from their prisons after “seventy generations“, i.e., 4900 years. (A generation is 70 years in the book of Enoch).
Many scholars believe that Enoch was represented by the planet Mercury in antiquity, although corrupted under other names such as Thoth or Nabu. This is why Wednesday, “the middle of the week” is derived from the word Mercury. (Most festivals occur on Wednesday in the book of Enoch, including the start of each season.)
All that Enoch symbolized was fulfilled by Jesus the Messiah. All Christians walk in Enoch’s shoes as part of “the Body of Christ”.”Or do you not know that we will judge angels?” 1Cor 6:3.
And to the Jew…

(The dragons) tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth…The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. (Rev 12:4,6)
This verse above is a quote of scripture you’ve used in an attempt to link it to a sign of a falling star over the gateway arch after a “shimmering green dragon” appeared as an Aurora borealis. I’m curious how you come to this conclusion that these events are connected and interpreted as recorded scripture? Also how you’ve interpreted them as sequential; as in today and tomorrow or this year next year, whatever time frames you determine?
From various other posts you’ve made, it appears you have some knowledge of the scripture so you must also know, as an example, where Jesus stood up and began reading from them, that in mid verse he stopped because the next word was for a time far in the future.
You say “fractals” as in the scripture are past, present and future but also literal, spiritual and symbolic. I’m sure you are also aware of the multiple warnings not to add to or subtract from the scripture. Jesus said, “My word is spirit, and spiritually discerned.” He didn’t ever say my word is mathematical and mathematically discerned.
The Apostle does tell us to use wisdom and to calculate one thing. This word “calculate” has also been translated “count”. Both of these words in conjunction with the word “wisdom” is synonymous with “reason/reasoning” rather than a mathematical equation as in to skip letters and look for codes/patterns that people want to see rather than the reality who is Christ. This methodology all sounds more like “divination” than wisdom from God.
I say this only as a caution because I’ve heard all the arguments they make often using only one verse to believe what they want to believe and to justify themselves. I do know that this is true, “God has blinded the minds of unbelievers” and also a warning “he sends them a powerful delusion to believe the lie because they refused to love the truth and be saved.”
My counsel to you then is a reminder to stay on the course Jesus himself followed and led as an example: John 16:8-15 For in all of scripture and all that has ever been inspired by God through the Holy Spirit I’ve found no example like your “code search”.
You’ve referenced the book of Enoch so you are also aware that the sin of the fallen angels they thought was wisdom was in part “teaching the stars/zodiac etc.”
I’ve posted one other comment on one of your topics. This will be my last. I will not go into details about the many things I’ve been led through and am being prepared for by the Lord’s will or know are yet to come. For somewhere it is written, “I understood by the scriptures” and so I understand by the multitude of witnesses in the scriptures, for as many as are led by “the Spirit of God are sons of God.”
Jeremiah 8:8
The Bible is more wonderful than you or I can imagine.
Don’t put God in a box.
That’s right. Do not put God in a box. What I find most disturbing in comparison to the prophets God called by his will is that they knew and believed that “God is the Saviour of all men, and especially those who have believed.” For with the power of God that enabled them to act in “Faith expressed through love” they went out to the people and warned them to their face what is to come. That is all I will say about them.
As for me just as an example as I’ve already hinted towards but you’ve not understood. The Holy Spirit tells me what is to come. I do not seek news reports, I do not have cable. Very very seldom do I ever search the internet for information. It just so happens that I’ve visited your site again after many years and found a news report confirming what the Lord told me.
Just a caution brother again. Do not try to make events fit the verses. For God has made foolish the wisdom of the world through what was preached. And you know that is: Christ crucified.
Twice it is written, once from Jesus himself, “It is not for you to know the times and dates set by the Father’s own authority.” And once from the Apostles, “About times and dates we do not need to write because you already know…”
Remember, he gives us his spirit so that we may know the one who is true. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
I write these things for your encouragement in the Lord who does not speak to us in riddles but speaks to us plainly.