Timeline from Creation and its 8 variations

The Bible presents four possible dates of Creation, each producing a minor two-year variant of less importance.


Reference charts

There are eight variations of timelines. However, each of these can be two years apart. The below charts and these links will answer any other questions. David Rooke created the charts. Thank you, David!

Bible Chronology and numeric patterns from Creation to the Flood— to the Exodus
Chronology: A,‘  ‘B,’ and ‘C.’   (and numeric Patterns: D., E., F., G., H.)

Click on a chart to enlarge it. (Images may not appear correctly with smartphones.)

Timeline of Creation from 4304 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4302 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4244 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4242 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4174 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4172 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4114 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4112 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4089 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4087 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4029 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 4027 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 3959 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 3957 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 3899 BC to 2035 AD
Timeline of Creation from 3897 BC to 2035 AD

At What Age Did Each of the Kings of Judah Begin to Reign?


Biblical Accumulative Lifespans (‘Long’) Chronologies: Comparing the Masoretic Text (MT), Samaritan Pentateuch (SP), and Septuagint (LXX)