In the previous post about Hurricane Iota, I refer to “391 years”, and how that it can convert to 403 lunar or 425 priestly years. All this was s explained in detail in the earlier post about “The Key of 23“.
The below text in between the two bars is quoted from “The Key of 23”, and is also included in the post about Hurricane Iota. It summarizes what one must know about 390, 391, 403, 425, (and 437) to appreciate the dream.
‘Seven’ with 430, (437 = 23 x 19). (I.e., ‘7 + 390 + 40’ of Ezek. 3:16;4:4,6.)
- Ezekiel began his symbolic siege of Judah on the 391st day. 391 (23 x 17) is often chronologically paired with 390. Example: It took one year for earth’s destruction by water, but in one day fire destroyed Sodom, which occurred 391 and 390 years later
391 solar years equals “23 x 31” lunar years
It happens that 23 x 17 (391 solar years) equals almost exactly 403 (13 x 31) lunar years (without leap months) This astonishing fact did not escape the notice of the ancients. This will be explained in future documents, (Gen. 11:13, 15.)
- 23 x 17 solar years (391) can convert to 403 lunar years (or the other way around). (And ’23 x 17′ also converts to the Priestly year as explained.)
- 403 strictly lunar years = 142,809.93 days, which is almost exactly 391 solar years
- 365.2425 x 391 = 142,809.8175 days
- The actual difference between the two was nearly nil at around 4206 BC
- 365.2425 x 391 = 142,809.8175 days
- 403 strictly lunar years = 142,809.93 days, which is almost exactly 391 solar years
The dream about “3910 years”
In the previous post about Hurricane Iota, I said:
Over and over I keep saying that when something is revealed (unsealed) for the first time, signs on earth manifest according to the magnitude of its significance.
This revelation is important because it infers that the ‘last iota’ of fulfilled prophecy is near, and the below chart is part of what was said would be revealed in the last days.
Early this morning (Nov. 19, 2020), in a dream, while sleeping, I labored to understand how 3900, 3910, 4030, and 4250 come together from the time of the Flood unto Moses in the Long Chronology. The Long Chronology (and chart) was posted clearly for the first time Sunday at 6 pm (EST), 3.5 days before this dream. This is when Iota exploded in strength, “astonishingly” so according to NOAA.
This sort of thing happens a lot and is expected. However, this sign was exceptional for many reasons. (See post about Hurricane Iota.)
I wasn’t going to write this post because there are endless patterns in the Long Chronology. But in that this came about in a dream, I thought perhaps the Lord desires it revealed now, and not later. Fortunately, the hard work of explaining “how the 23’s work” is done; it’s already explained in “The Key of 23“, s0 I can just jump right in.
Any questions, please read “The Key of 23”!
I don’t go into great detail anymore. I realize more than ever that I write for a generation that is to come. They will understand.
Here is the “Long Chronology” chart I posted late Sunday night, Nov. 15th, 2020.

Keep in mind that all dates in the above chart are ALSO “plus and minus two years” when you do the below calculations!
The exact numbers of 390, 391, 403, 425, and 437
- Count “3900” and “3910 years” to the birth of Moses from the birth of Shem.
- Count “4370” years to the birth of Moses from Shem with the added “460” of Kenan
391 can convert to lunar 403. (The Long Chronology is generally ten-times that of the regular “short” Chronology.)
- Count “4030” years to the seven years of the Conquest, (includes the first Sabbath Year), (1406-1399 BC)
391 also converts to priestly 425, thereby adding 340 years to the genealogy. (3910 + 340 = 4250). This means that the date of Shem’s birth can convert from 5431 BC to 5771 BC, as can all the dates back to Adam. Thus, 14006 can convert to 14346 BC.
14346 BC to the Exodus (1446 BC ) is 12900 years, and 12900 is ten times the “1290” in Daniel 12:11. Also, 12900 equals 4300 x 3. Furthermore, Israel spent “430 years in Egypt” until the 1446 BC Exodus. Jerusalem fell in 586 BC, 430 + 430 years later, that is, 1290 years from when they entered Egypt in 1876 BC. (Also see the “Pillar of Time.”)
Therefore observe:
- the 4030 from Shem to Moses’ death can contract to 3910
- the 3910 from Shem to Moses’ birth can expand to 4250
- therefore the total difference is 460 (-120 and +340 = 460)
- This 460 is also “residual” because it likewise is divisible by 23
- And 460, therefore, overlaps the “460” option (due to Kenan) and symbolizes the engrafting in of Kenan
I said that “the 4030 from Shem to Moses’ death can contract to 3910”, therefore, the date for Shem’s birth contracts from 5436/4 to 5316/4 BC. 5196 BC to 1446 BC (Exodus) is 1290 x 3 (which is also 430 x 9).
The significance of the 430 and 1290 to the Exodus was just explained when we spoke of the “12900 years from Creation”. Therefore, observe the combined possibility: 7 x 1290 to Shem and 3 x 1290 to Exodus equals 10 x 1290 (12900). “3”, “7”, and “10” each symbolize ‘completion’.
4370 with the 460 of Kenan (see chart)
I said a little earlier:
Count 4370 years to the birth of Moses from Shem with the added “460” of Kenan.
Besides the fact that “437” is the number discussed in the “Key of 23” (and thus part of the dream), it happens that 4370 equals 190 x 23.
What is important about “190”?
The “7 + 430″ of Ezekiel 4 in the LXX reads “7 + 190″ instead. And the “4370 years to Moses” includes the ‘460 of Kenan’, which in turn is also from the LXX.
If you can receive it, even 3910 is related to 430 because of 23 x 340. “340” is the reverse of 430.
The entire chronology can be reversed, as can the Short (regular) Chronology. But that’s for another day.
All the above is what I tried to understand in my dream.
I awoke and looked at the chart and there it all was.
The Spirit reveals what He wants to whom He wants. It’s the end-time purpose of God and is not merited or deserved.
The dates all had to be exact in every way to produce this pattern, including the initial 2 +3 +2 pattern at all pre-Flood dates, (i.e., Shem is 5436/5434/3531/5429 BC).
The various outcomes are all perfectly compatible with one another. For example, they create 430’s and a residual 460 that overlaps the extra 460 of Kenan.
All this gives the appearance of a machine with perfectly coordinated moving parts, and like a fractal. Moreover, the residual 460 implies a living machine that expands and takes on a life of its own.
For example, the 3910 of Shem to Moses birth converts to 4250 thus making Shem as 5776 BC, and with the extra 460 of Kenan, 6236 BC. 6236 BC to the Conquest in 1406 BC is now 4830 years, and 4830 expands to 4900 on account that 69 converts to 70. (4830/69 = 70.) And because Shem lived “600 years”, thus, 4900 and 4300 from Shem to Conquest, (and also 4300 to the Exodus because the 460 can convert to 500), etc.
And so forth.
“A wheel within a wheel!” (Ezek. 1)
“A fire enfolding upon itself!” (Ezek. 1)

The Two Wall Furnaces
This post is a little late getting out today because yesterday my two wall furnaces that heat my whole house were replaced by gas fireplaces. (The former are no longer lawful.) However, the one on the north side would not turn off. It kept blazing and blazing, responsive to the thermostat. I had to cut the gas and call the serviceman back in. He said that it was unusual. This morning he fixed it and for this reason, I was delayed.
The old wall furnaces were a sign to do with the 430 of Ezekiel as explained in a couple of posts two years ago. This, then, completes that sign.
One more thought!
This was not part of the dream, but it’s one of my favorites numeric to do with Shem!
The revelation to Daniel about the “490 years” (Dan. 9) was given in 536 BC. 4900 years before 536 BC is the birth of Shem (death of Noah), and thus is also 4830 to 606 BC when Daniel went into Exile.
And 175 jubilees before Shem (49 x 175) is the Long Creation of 14006 BC. (Also calculate the Short Chronology date of Jacob in 2006 BC.)
Moreover, from the Long Chronology Flood to the seven years of Conquest (1406-1399 BC) at 70 jubilees, 7 x 7 x 70.
Hi again,
in that days I realised, that your wife is a Messianic jew. I want to ask if you hold yewish feasts and sbbath. Do you eat pork and keep Torah law? I read a book by Mikkah ben David on Revelation an he says that keeping the Torah is what Jesus taught. So it is so important for me to do it the best I can. I wander If God reveals you all that because you are keeping the Torah. Do you? I am divorced, have three children I now a have to break up with my partner, because it is a sin. But I dont know which denomination I would choose and how to live now. I am so scared I will choose wrong. Can you help me please?
Hi Dean,
thank you for opening my eyes. Now I decided to be baptized. But I really don’t know, what baptism is right. In the name of the Father, Son and Holly Ghost, or in the name of Jesus? How you have been baptized if I may ask?
Thank you, Vera
Hi Vera.
It’s wonderful that you are being baptized!
I was baptized in water in about 1977. (I became a Christian in 1974).
What is said is not that important when baptized, or who baptizes you, as long as they believe in Jesus.
Whether it be in the name of Jesus, or with a trinitarian formula is irrelevant. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that the risen Jesus is your Lord and Savior then you are saved. Baptism is simply the outward statement of what you did in your heart. It’s testimony before all creation. It’s like putting your signature on a verbal agreement, and for that reason, God takes it seriously, as do angels.
One must be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ….
Notice: Jesus instructed disciples : Matthew 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
But Jesus knew that his disciples had the proper revelation of the Godhead..
They had a revelation of this One Name (Name of the Father, Name of the son, Name of the Holy Spirit, notice how Peter instructed them to baptize, n the Book of Acts, after the day of Pentecost, they baptized in that Name)
Shows that the apostles had a revelation of the Godhead,
Acts 2:38 – And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 10:48 – And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain for some days.
Acts 19:5 – On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Hi Dean!
At 18:58 (gmt +1) a fire ball passed the sky here and hit the sea outside Lysekil. It’s quite close to home, live outside Gothenburg.
What do you make of the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on the Winter Solstice?
I hear that it is similar to the sky around the time of Christ’s birth.
It’s on the back-burner of my mind.
On this subject my husband and I have pieced together that something very important is happening in the night sky. Since the day of the election on Nov 2nd when a small celestial object known as 2018VP1 came near earth, the Hebrew date starting at sunset believed to be the date the great flood waters/rain started for Noah. 40 days and 40 nights from that is December 14th when the electoral college votes and there will be a full solar eclipse. Also interesting, on Nov 11th, the 400th anniversary of the pilgrims signed the mayflower compact, there was a meteor shower. Looking at this and the meteor shower on Nov 16-17th, Full moon and partial Lunar eclipse Nov 30th, then Dec 13-14th Geminids meteor shower, then the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st. I haven’t put the rest together yet but it’s something to watch!!
Thanks for sharing this.
God speaks in so many ways. No one man can keep track of it all.
So again, thank you for sharing this.