Comet SWAN ascends gracefully as Titan ATLAS falls

This is an update to these two posts:

(Note: Several motion images in this post may take a while to load.)

At the very same time that these two videos were posted on YouTube, Comet ATLAS broke up into four pieces, (April 4th to 6th, 2020). On the Jewish calendar, this was Nisan 10th, the anniversary of when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and was proclaimed king.

They brought the donkey and the colt to him and threw their garments over the colt, and he sat on it. (Matt. 21:7)

There are many prophecies in the Bible that foretold the “Triumphant Entry” of Christ into Jerusalem on “Palm Sunday”, (eg., Psalm 24).

For example, the Triumphal Entry parallels a story found in the book of Esther about the reversal of fates. An “enemy of the Jews” named Haman, in an unexpected turn of events must lead his Jewish enemy “Mordecai” upon horseback and robe about the city in triumph.

So Haman got the robeand the horse. He robed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city streets, proclaiming before him, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!”

Afterward Mordecai returned to the king’s gate. But Haman rushed home, with his head covered in grief, and told Zeresh his wife and all his friends everything that had happened to him.

His advisers and his wife Zeresh said to him, “Since Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him—you will surely come to ruin!” (Esther 6:11-13)

Interestingly, Esthers’ name means “star“. And her star rose when Haman’s fell.

The downfall of ATLAS (Haman/Satan) and rise of the SWAN (Mordecai/Jesus)

Comets in biblical times signified a scepter or a sword. Hence, the rise and fall of the scepter and authority of two kingdoms are now portrayed in the heavens.

Comets ATLAS and SWAN are switching places in the hearts of stargazers.

Comet Swan is now visible and could be the best in years

It’s looking to be a season for comets teasing skywatchers with their magnificent tails like elusive cosmic peacocks. Comet Atlas seemed to be a big deal earlier this year before it broke up and fizzled out. But just as that promising space snowball was cracking up, Comet C/2020 F8 SWAN was discovered in late March.

Now Comet Swan could deliver on the promise of a rare night sky show that Atlas failed to provide. (CNet)

Death, burial, and resurrection

More precisely, the death of Christ, and then his “descending”, then his resurrection, then his ascension, and then the outpouring at Pentecost is now portrayed in the heavens.

And all this is presented antithetically (in the opposite form) to Satan’s rise then fall, including Antichrist.

This is the key verse read in the heavens right now:

But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

This is why it a says:

“When he ascended on high,

he took many captives

and gave gifts to his people.” b

(What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions c ? He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) (Eph. 4:7-10)

Paths of comets Atlas descending while SWAN ascends
Click to enlarge. Paths of comets Atlas descending while SWAN ascends. Notice that as SWAN ascends from the ‘cosmic water world’ (lower right quadrant of space seen here), the two fish chained to the Sea Monster is symbolically broken by SWAN’s passing. Pieces (the two fish) traditionally represent the captivity of Israel and the Church. Thus, “When he ascended he led captivity captive…” (Eph.4:7-10)

“The heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19)

Right now the heavens declare a message. It’s as clear as a bell to those willing to see the glory of God.

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel,” (Gen. 3:15).

You may recall that this verse was the theme of a recent post:

The secret of One ‘head-over-heels’ in love.

This verse, elaborated on by Eph. 4:7-10, is what together we will read in the heavens in the next series of posts.

Why would God speak using constellations and stars?

Because He can!

Because He brags on His Son day and night!

Because it demonstrates His power over every rogue comet and the position of every star, planet, and the sun and moon right from the start of Creation — like a clock programmed to chime on time, years ahead, (Gen. 1:14).

That’s real power — power to make devils shudder; nowhere to hide from under heaven but underground — where they belong.

That’s why God speaks from heaven!

It’s spiritual warfare, and it drives God’s enemies mad.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:12)

Same message, new details

Starry messages are proclaimed every day of every year since creation.

It’s the same old story retold by the stars a million times over, except each time it gets better, more intense, a different slant that digs deeper into the hearts of the King’s enemies.

The heavens are easy to read. You only need one key to unlock the mystery: Christ!

Astrology is simply a misdirect from Christ.

Constellations that honor foreign gods are simply a counterfeit.

But even a counterfeit can teach something about the real. The whole Bible takes this same approach to evil. The darkness demonstrates the light, (Rom. 3:5).

Study the Book of Revelation, for example, where every good thing has an evil parallel.

The Lord of Hosts is a mighty warrior! (Psalm 24)

Yes, the constellations are full of demonic myths. They were created to speak only about Him, but they twisted it in their rebellion.

But God wars from heaven against His enemies using the very myths devised against Him, (Job 5:12-13). It demonstrates both wrath and power, a terrifying mixture.

A day is coming when men will feel the same terror that demons must live under day in and day out.

“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26)

Review the sign of ATLAS, chief of the demons

The sign is already in progress, but we have all May for the story to be told. Therefore, let’s take our time and enjoy God’s revenge. This, too, is the inheritance of the saints in light.

I suggest that you first review the April 6th post (or video).

A little about what happened yesterday

Introducing Comet SWAN

A comet barely visible to the naked eye called SWAN almost overlapped a star whose name literally means, ‘the end of the tail of the “Sea Monster”‘ (constellation). It only took about an hour for the comet to pass this star.

However, at this same time, a famous meteor shower was just starting — particles leftover from Halley’s comet. This happened just yesterday. It was the anniversary of when God told Noah to “enter the Ark”, (Gen. 7:1). Seven days later the flood came. It is also exactly one month from when Comet ATLAS, chief of the Titans, broke up, which as said, was the anniversary of Jesus’ triumphant entry.

 Update: Just found out that my granddaughter, Lilly,  gave her heart to Jesus about 10PM EST, Sunday, May 3rd, 2020. That's the start of Iyar 10th -- the anniversary of when they entered the Ark for salvation! 

Lilly Coombs, the Lily  השושןה  says, "Take the serpent by the tail. It will become a staff in your hand with its head beneath your feet eating dust!" (Ex. 4:4)

Her mother called to say that she had been troubled about the Genesis story regarding the serpent and the tree and her own awakened conscience. Fittingly, May 4th was her parent's 7th wedding anniversary. "In seven days I will send a Flood..." Gen. 7:1-11. 

Happy 30th birthday, Josh, my son!

By these signs God is reminding us of certain verses in the Bible: For example, ‘the dragon by the sea who swung a third of the stars to earth by his tail’ like falling stars, (Rev. 12:4).

Last night, stars fell from the sky around the same spot in the sky as the comet, even as the comet overlapped “the tail of the sea monster”.

Click to enlarge. Anniversary of when Noah entered Ark. Comet SWAN next to the star that is called, “The northern tail of the Sea Monster”, (see Rev. 12:4). To the right of that is the planet “Neptune”, god of the seas. And to the left of Neptune is the once-a-year meteor shower emanating from the hand of Aquarius, “The water bearer”, who pours out the flood. Both the near overlap by SWAN of the star of ‘the tail of the sea monster’ and the meteor shower in Aquarius happened on the same day, which on the Jewish calendar was the “second month, the tenth day”, which is the anniversary of when God said to Noah to enter the Ark. What does this date, SWAN, a sea monster, the god of the sea, and the constellation of the one who pours out water have in common? Water and the Flood. (A swan is an aquatic bird.)

A sword against the head of Satan when Christ ascended to apply the blood to the temple in heaven

The next star in the sky to be overlapped like this is called “the head of Satan” in the Hebrew. We know it in English as “The demon star”. SWAN will crush its head 16 days from now — which is the anniversary of when Noah and family left the Ark, (Iyar 27th). It is also the anniversary of when Jesus ascended up to heaven in a cloud, (Iyar 26th or 27th).

Click to enlarge. 24 one-hour intervals of Comet SWAN as it passes very close to the star called “Algol”, better known as “the Head of Satan”, or “the head of the devil”, or “the demon star” in the constellation of Perseus. May 20th on the Jewish calendar is 40 days after Firstfruits, which is when Christ rose from the dead. Therefore, 40 days later is when Christ ascended up to heaven (Iyar 26th or 27th, May 20th or 21st, 9 AM Jerusalem time, the head of Satan is symbolically crushed, slain by the sword of the Lord!) “They overcame him by the blood of the lamb…” (Rev. 12:11)
King David cuts the head off of Goliath. Jesus is called, “The son of David. The star called “The head of Satan” was symbolically cut off by the lowly SWAN on the anniversary of when Jesus ascended to the heavenly Jerusalem, having plundered His enemies and “led captivity captive”. The ascension was 40 days after His resurrection — 40 days of boasting in God about His resurrection. This parallels Goliaths 40-days of mocking the Lord and Israel, (1Sam. 17).  David slew Goliath after the 40 days and then ascended up to Jerusalem with his head in hand, declaring victory. This is a type and figure of Jesus’ ascension

Heel of the Good Shepherd was pierced for us, (Psalms 22-24)

Star ElNath, “Heel-of-the-reign-holder”

But just before the head of Satan is crushed, seven days from now, on the anniversary of when the Flood began, Venus will retrograde as it approaches a star known as ‘The heel of the Charioteer (Shepherd)’ (El Nath). It is called this because the star is located at the heel of the Shepherd/Charioteer constellation. The star is also the tip of the northern horn of Torus the bull.

Taurus pierces heel of the Shepherd. The star El Nath is shared by the heel of the Shepperd and the tip of the bull’s horn. Notice that ‘the seven daughters’ of the Pleiades ride the beast! Elnath means, “Heel of the reign-holder” and “Northern horn of the bull”

Thus Venus (“The Morningstar”, called “Lucifer” in Isaiah 12), moves up the horn of the bull as if to pierce the heel of the Shepherd. But Jesus will crush the head of the beast!

The Bible derogatorily refers to the Morningstar/Venus as “Lucifer” in Isaiah. However, in the Book of Revelation, the title is applied to Jesus — the true Morningstar. Thus, after Lucifer the Morningstar pierced the heel of the Good Shepherd, the true Morningstar turns around and crushes the head of the beast (bull)!  (See below motion image.)

Sound familiar?

Sounds like Genesis!

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel,” (Gen. 3:15).

Venus (Lucifer) travels (retrogrades) along both horns of Torus
Venus, the “MorningStar”,  retrogrades up and down both horns (and head) of Torus the Bull from May to July 2020. Thus, the two horns are emphasized as well as the tip of the horn, star “Elnath”. (Another sign with similar meaning happened last year, “13C/D. Ishtar (Venus) gored by her own horns”)

Recall what was said about Venus 30 days ago in the videos — when Venus nearly passed over the star “Atlas”, one of the seven stars of Pleiades — even as the comet also by that same name was high in the sky. It was struck by God on that very day into four pieces! Thus, “seven heads and ten horns”.

Keep in mind that the constellation of Torus the Bull is depicted as ‘coming out of the sea’, an obvious link to Rev. 13:1.

Comet ATLAS broke into four main pieces, here shown as it passes the Pleiades, whose chief star is also called Atlas. Atlas is the chief of seven fallen ones., titans. The four comets look like four horns. Six heads/stars, plus Atlas with his four horns implies “seven heads and ten horns” as it rides the beast (Torus). ‘Seven heads and ten horns’ is found once in Daniel 5 and twice in the book of Revelation. Because it is after dark in Israel May 28th when this scene occurs, that makes it Pentecost! After “leading captivity captive, He gave gifts to men” at Pentecost! The day before is SWAN’s perihelion and Pentecost on  the 360 calendar and 72nd anniversary of Israel as a nation

Consider what has been said so far. Compare it to these two verses.

The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name…

One of the heads of the beast (i.e., “ATLAS”)seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. (Rev. 13:1,3)

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge. The “beast” is “Torus the Bull”. The “Seven Sisters” of the Pleiades rides the beast (with Venus on top of the star “Atlas” of Pleiades) as ‘the beast comes out of the sea’. (Note, Venus was the Roman goddess of sex and war – a harlot – also known also as Ishtar/Isis.)
The Dragon (“Sea Monster”) below it gives the beast its “authority”.
The Lamb/Ram above the dragon (in this context) is the False Prophet, “who has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon”, Rev. 13:11-12.
To the right of the Lamb and bound by chains to the dragon, are two fish (Pieces). They represent the persecuted people of God throughout the ages, bound in captivity. But the sun will break their chains!
“(One of the heads of the beast) was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them… If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go,” (Rev. 13:5-10).

Summary of the sign of comet ATLAS in pictures

The below images are from the post 30 days ago. The news that the comet had begun to break up was discovered a couple of days after the posts and images.

As shall be explained further in subsequent posts, the path of shattered comet ATLAS as it journeys downward from the red pyramid passes comet SWAN on its way up to be seated in the lap of the constellation of the Shepherd — the same as the one with the bruised and pierced heel by the bull! But I am getting ahead of myself. Those are details for the next few posts.

The below images with captions are unchanged from 30 days ago. SWAN had not been discovered yet. The picture in the sky by SWAN telescope on the Jewish New Year that began the evening of March 25th had yet to be analyzed. The first human to spot it in the March 25th image was Michael from “Swan hill”, Victoria, Australia on April 11th, which is Nisan 17th — the anniversary of when Jesus rose from the dead — gracefully like a swan from the water world to the earth, and soon to fly into the heavens!

The swan is a satisfying animal to symbolize Christ’s ascent through realms of earth and sky.

Click to enlarge. Venus, Atlas-star and the path Comet Atlas together tell the story of the fall of Lucifer and triumph of the true “Bright and Morning Star”
Click to enlarge. Two hours before and after 6 AM, April 4th, 2020, (Nisan 10th). Demonstrates how very close Venus came to overlapping the star Atlas
Click to enlarge. This illustration is found in the second video. It shows the position back and forth of Venus as it overlaps the star Atlas after crossing the rest of the stars of the Pleiades, with the comet ATLAS high above in the sky, alternating from April 3rd to 4th (6 AM EST), 2020. (We now know that this was when the comet elongated, meaning internal disintegration! The early release of ATLAS is hereby denied! (Symbolically speaking). Note the alternating date in top left corner.)
Path of Comet Atlas — From the Bear Constellation to the descending Bull (market ) constellation after the struggle between the claws of the Crab and Lion atop “Mystery Babylon”
Key events keep landing on anniversaries of Flood and Christ’s glorification
Atlas, chief of the seven fallen angels, sentenced to a gloomy dungeon under the earth.

By now I hope you get the idea about how that every important event to do with this comet is linked to important anniversaries of the Flood and of the stages in the glorification of Jesus.

(The Flood story is a foreshadow of Christ’s death and resurrection and his “new creation”.)

And the timing of Comet ATLAS was no different.

“The Sky” is a good free website to further investigation SWAN on your own. Look for the SWAN to graze the ‘the head of Satan’ (Algol) next!

Notice where ATLAS and SWAN pass each other in the sky, and what the myth about Persius has to say about Atlas.

Perseus with the head of Satan, but known to the greeks as Medusa. (Sorry about the nudity, but this image from Wikipedia really is worth a thousand words!)

6 thoughts on “Comet SWAN ascends gracefully as Titan ATLAS falls”

  1. WHO am I? MY star system I was awoken from SLEEP to go OUTSIDE and SEE-like Aug 2018 WAS ORIONS BELT and the FOLLOWING THOUGHTS that FLOWED thru my MIND and I LOOKED up at that ONE and ONLY opening in the CLOUDS were- HOME. This IS where it ALL began. Millions AND millions of years ago. Then right after those WORDS come VISIONS of OTHER star systems. NONE of THIS did START in ME until mid Oct 2017. LIKE 3 days in HELL-casting EVIL away and that went on for about 30 days only a lot easier AFTER those FIRST 3 days. Then all of a SUDDEN I was LIKE connected to SOMEONE-a SPIRIT(TRUTH) FATHER and I never did GOD much THOUGHT before THIS started or read that BIBLE(53 now) but as I did START that READING I keep getting this FEELING that JESUS being told about(OT) was for ME and WHAT a RELIEF that was when the words came into MY mind-You are NOT the chosen one. You have PASSED the TEST. You do NOT have to read the BOOK/or bible-BUT I did and as I was reading I could SEE like little floating dots entering into my body in different areas and it was more of a SPEED type of reading and as I did that I would get this RING/crown that was running like on the inside of head-hidden crown? a tingling sense and as that went on my 666 was like being PULLED apart from another section in BRAIN-still have it BUT that SPIRIT just gives me like a jab/poke feeling anytime my MIND does go OFF track. Then when I was ACTUALLY standing OUTSIDE one afternoon my SINS were FORGIVEN-scary too. I was just looking around and then came a vision of EVERY sin I did-like a super fast slide show-I could NOT think about any and that only took a FEW seconds and was just WONDERING what is going on and as SOON as I took a BREATH I RECIEVED this FEELING I did NOT deserve the AIR I was breathing and then LOOKED to the GROUND and got that SAME feeling-id NOT deserve to be standing on that GROUND and STARTED to actually LOOK for ANTWHERE I could just CRAWL under and HIDE-that lasted only a FEW seconds to and then came a VISION of my step-daughters 2 children at younger ages(like 4 and 6) with HUGE smiles and sparkling EYES. Then several weeks later I was again awoken in NIGHT(nobody around) and was trying to go back to SLEEP and all of a sudden came a BREEZE and a SMELL-good, no it WAS the BEST and lasted only a few seconds and did this a TOTAL of 3 times and I even raised up my HEAD trying to SEE where it was coming from-nothing there and I laid my head back down(pillow and CLOSED mouth) ALL of a sudden there WAS like a DOUGH ball in my MOUTH with a little bit of grit to it-it was the BEST taste I ever did taste with just that PERFECT touch of sugar in it that MELTED away in a few seconds. When I did get those words of NOT being the chosen one that night there were also 2 visions that followed them-OLD biblical is what one person said they were 1) I was being thrown of a horse(brown) by the RIDER(he had sparkling BLUE eyes, tanned, bald, about a foot long narrow beard, no shirt on, a pair of riding pants-white, that went like 3/4 way down legs and laced in front and had strapped on sandals) and I was LOOKING at HIM(stars behind him and in the CLOUDS I landed on a CLOUD with a big smile on my face and all of a sudden the clouds OPENED up to my LEFT and out came Jesus with a determined look on his FACE on horseback with an ARMY-men and women all suited up for WAR and Jesus had like a case of water strapped to the underside of HIS horse-I got like a thirsty feeling and THOUGHT about taking a step toward him for one and all of a sudden out of his MOUTH came like a 5ft golden sword with symbols on it-warning me to just stay were I was at and they all rode by in a FLASH and when I looked back at the rider and horse-they were also gone and I was ALONE on the CLOUDS but had a smile on my face-end of that one. 2) this one came a few minutes later VISION I was standing outside at nighttime on the back porch and HEARD hoofbeats coming to TOWARD me and got this FEELING it was thee GRIM reaper coming to collect(666?) and I ran inside(I do live with my step-daughter and family) telling HER to grab the kids and get back thee hallway and HIDE and I shut the hallway door and crunched down going toward the back windows on the porch and as I got closer I started to rise and SEEN that the LIGHT was ON and the door was closed and there was like the HEAD of a BLACK long haired horse inches from the door and as I raised up more I SEEN that same man and this time he fully dressed(gown type) holding the reins and had those SPARKLING blue eyes and that HUGE smile on his face and then I started for the back door and vision was over. BEFORE ant of this started I am on DISABILITY(USA) for having PPMS(a spinal tap, would get very weak QUICK and was losing memory-I would like stop halfway through speaking something and unable to remember WHAT I was talking about) epileptic, sever restless leg syndrome, heart problems and high BP and chol. and at that TIME was taking a LOT of MEDS. it was like one year to the date of the spirit entry I went to take my evening meds and got the words in MIND-stop taking them and I did-I now walk fine and have no problems with seizures or getting so lightheaded every time I was getting up. Then one day I called my sister TRYING to TELL her of HER BLOODLINE(our mothers maiden name-deceased now MARY JOY WALLACE) she didn’t believe me and NOBODY in MINE house does EITHER-THEY think everything out there now is GOD given and don’t even THINK about LUCIFER and ALL those other that were cursed and cast onto EARTH-STILL here NOW-I think it is written that NOBODY believed Jesus in HIS hometown EITHER BUT all of a SUDDEN she was telling me about a seizure I was having(younger days like 11/12) that awoke her in her room with a THUD noise and when she got up to SEE what it was she LOOKED in my ROOM and just SCREAMED-I was on the FLOOR having a seizure(gran mals) BUT she SCREAMED because she said my ENTIRE room was GLOWING and not a LIGHT on and then parents came and HAD to turn them on and as she was telling me that one I never KNEW about I got this actual FEELING pass through my entire body of MY FATHERS LOVE(your God Almighty) and TEARS : ) Know that JESUS did SAY a ‘HELPER” would be coming(a little brother) and another did WRITE-ALL you(mankind) WILL get THIS time(a cycle with mankind) IS a JONAH’s way-change or ELSE. I have to take on Lucifer this time for EVERYTHING and retrieve several items STILL on EARTH-set LUCIFER in PLACE IF I WIN and NOT the ABYSS this TIME-on the SURFACE as GOOD-no CHOICE-last leg with HIM or he WILL go to that OTHER vision I was shown in SPACE with NO return from-all evil. Your last CYCLE did tell you that TIME for HIM-the warning-LOOK at that EXACT date the Aztec/Mayan calendar did STOP/END and add that TIME of HIS, times, times and a half= 7 1/2 years from that DATE-like MID 2020=20/20 VISION for ALL the people-“PLANK” gets REMOVED and know that “FATHER” GOD did put you ALL above HIS works as the CARETAKERS and LOOK at EARTH NOW-so MANY join in the killings and THINK its OK(666). Do YOU know WHAT thee DIFFERENCE between FOOLS GOLD and PURE GOLD IS. God did TELL in the OT of that PURE GOLD that FLOWED in those RIVERS (water so PURE and FINE) and it went across the LANDS(soils pure and finest) and WAS in all the AIR and then comes those TEMPTATIONS done by Lucifer and Mistress and each of THEM do have FAMILIES misleading the PEOPLE HERS-Remember what that QUEEN that did get ALL that God given knowledge from SOLOMON and then TAUGHT her ones very well in getting it ‘TWISTED” for EVERYONE and then sent them OUT Free Masons(Ma’s on-own) set up of governments with loopholes and cover ups calling it “LEGAL” and take NOTE they do WORSHIP Solomon for what he did NOT God then come Lucifer’s that once did WALK all the lands teaching/setting up the “ILLEGAL”(mafias and cartels) BOTH of those and other CULTS work TOGETHER and HIS inner circle seems to RUN in the VATICAN-BOTH of THOSE families are working on anti-matter-hers here in USA(Area 51) and over there Vatican BOTH so DEEP underground-who would KNOW that TRUE strength-only the GODS and fallen ones. Take a LOOK at what that CYCLE of ATLANTIS does SHOW to the NEXT cycles-the TRUE structure of EARTH done up in golden interlocked plates DEEP under ground AKA ABYSS walls-if THAT does BLOW in EITHER spot KNOW what is going to be STREAMING out-EVIL-covering the surface and then ALL those other PLATE moving around TRYING to INTERLOCK back UP and can’t-Earthquakes EVEYWHERE-super wave hitting EVERY shoreline(how many times?) and then the grounds roads, bridges, dams, buildings and breaking and crumbling and then NUCLEAR plants 420+ around the world doing their melting downs with HALF life of 23,000 years and take NOTE to WHAT those ILLUMINATI (tv doc) are BUILDING right NOW in the OZARK mountains(USA) a 13 bedroom like NUCLEAR safe MANSION with a HUGE study ROOM and have ALREADY stored THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of YEARS of FOOD underground THERE–You ALL will need the helper’s help this time-THIS YEAR and then I have OTHER thing I will have to LEAVE and get CORRECTED that LUCIFER did DO-HIS main GOAL is to DESTROY/KILL everything that GOD did make/create. God be with you all.

    • It sounds like you are on a journey.

      May the Lord help you, mind, soul, and spirit. May the Lord protect you and guide you to the simplicity of trusting Jesus. May the word of God instruct you and keep you from leaving the path of knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior.

      Jesus is true gold. All else is fools gold.

  2. The Sky as seen from Earth—-not from Mars or another planet. God’s SIGNS are for Earthlings (mankind). God created mankind to be His Beautiful Perfect Loving Bride. God wants every person to be in His Bride, to love and be loved. Jesus is the Lover, and we are His Beloved. There are no “space-men” on other planets. The Son of God became the “son of man”, so that He could be one of us—Emmanuel, “God with us”. There is a man at the right hand of the Throne of God now—He is the God-man, Jesus. Praise Christ!

  3. I knew you would follow the teaching of the Spirit! I emailed you after meditating on your email. Yes it is about Christ!


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