Part Two: How all calendars harmonize in cycles of 40 years

Lunar calendar and the ‘seven trumpets of the Book of Revelation’

There is no need to explain the 19-year Metonic cycle of the lunar calendar. Please go to Wikipedia, “Metonic cycle.”

However, because lunar months are irrational numbers (29.530588861…), therefore it takes more explaining.

The Seventh Lunar Trumpet

But to the point …

Seven and multiples of seven are important in the Bible and have to do with the rhythm of time.

The Bible commands Israel to blow a trumpet at every new moon, Num 10:10, Psalm 81:3. Every seventh month/moon was the Feast of Trumpets (also called Rosh Hashannah). Therefore, this was the seventh new moon of the year, and thus the seventh new-moon trumpet (Rev. 8-11).

God also commanded that every seventh year the land must lay fallow — it must rest just as men do on the 7th day (Ex. 23:11). Moreover, the 7th year was announced on the 7th month of that 7th year. Depts to Jews were canceled.

And then every 7 x 7 years is the Jubilee. (This is like the Feast of Pentecost, which is 7 x 7 days). The jubilee, too, began at the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashannah) — the seventh new-moon trumpet of that year.

With this in mind, observe the following:

It happens that 49 lunar months is almost precisely 1447 days — and that ratio will be exact in about a thousand years. This turns out to have immense importance.


‘Seven times seven months’ — the jubilee of the Moon

We saw that cycles of seven and seven times seven are important in the Bible.

Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place. Daniel 9:24

When it comes to seven-year cycles — think of a wheel within a wheel, smaller wheels interacting with larger ones like the wheels on a clock (Ezek. 1:15-18; Dan. 9:24-27).

The heavens keep time like a clock.

And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years… and there was evening and morning, the fourth day. Gen. 1:14,19

God made the Moon cycle with the “seventh Moon” (i.e., Feast of Trumpets) and seven-times-seven moons. This is because, after 49 trumpets blasts, that is, after 49 (7 x 7) new moons, there accumulate exactly 1447 days — so exact that in 1000 years, it will be accurate to the very second! Thus, approximately 7000 years from the creation (according to the Hebrew Bible), 49 moons will equal an exact number of days.

Presently, the exact length is 1446.9989 days.

  • @Y2K lunar month = 29.530588861 x 49 = 1446.9988542 days, that is, 1447 days less just 99 seconds — counting down 1 second per decade!

No other comparably low number of lunations comes close to an even number of days — and it just happens to be “7 x 7″. As we shall see, this has remarkable results.

The ‘rod’ of 2900 years

For example, in the video on Sept 13th, 2020, the importance of “2900 years” was explained. In 2900 solar years (esp. 365.2425 Gregorian) elapse, 49 x 12 x 61 lunar months — which on a strictly lunar calendar (such as Muslims use today) is precisely 61 jubilees.

As the video explains, the Creation expands to 60 x 49 (2940 years) to the Conquest of Canaan in 1406 BC, and thus 2900 to the Exodus, and “2900 years” equals exactly 61 lunar jubilees. To be exact, it works out to 2899.99976 years. (It was even more accurate from 4346 to 1446 BC than today.)

As 49 x 12 x 61 lunations {2900 solar years} symbolizes the rod of Moses as explained in the video, 16660 lunations symbolize the serpent, which is about 1347 solar years. 16660 is also 490 x 17 x 2. The number 17 belongs to another category of numbers that includes the "17-squared" that David Rooke recently discovered.
399 years of the Metonic system

Earlier, we touched on the 399 years concerning the 400 years. Because 399 is 19 x 7 x 3 years, 7 x 7 x 3, lunations must be added to 399 lunar years to make 399 solar years. Again we have multiples of seven.

As said, after ‘four-times-399 years,’ all the calendars align on the 7th leap cycle. This includes the Muslim calendar because 7 x 7 x 3 x 4 leap months equals a lunar jubilee and, thus, a New Year.

Daniel and 490 lunations

The importance of 49 x 12 months (an exact 49 years on a strictly lunar calendar as kept by Muslims today) has other consequences. For example, 490 lunar years (without leap months) equals 475.4 solar years (12 x 490 months). The Bible divides Moses’ 120-year lifespan into three 40-year periods, just as the United Kingdom of King Saul, David, and Solomon (Acts 7). It so happens that there are 475.5 years between these two ’40 x 3′ year periods.

  • 1526, 1486, 1446, 1406 BC unto 1051, 1011, 971, 931 BC are 475.5 years (1 Kings 6:1).
70 lunar jubilees

This pattern of lunar jubilees continues, especially the 490 years.

From Nisan 1406 BC (Tishri 1407 ) until 1922 AD, Tishri are 70 lunar jubilees. Each cycle of 490 years lands on important dates related to Bible prophecy — especially in the BC/AD mirror. (Example: The wedding of Jacob was in 1922 BC. Its “mirror” is 1922 AD. The death of David was in 971 BC. Its “mirror” is 971 AD.)

In the below eight frames, notice that we jump 490 lunar years at a time, thus, new moon to new moon. The dark new moon is located in the center of each frame.

Click on the image to enlarge, then wait briefly for the motion image to download. Click to enlarge

The above images are of the seven cycles of 490-lunar years that begin in 1407 BC, Tishri  — Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets. (The Conquest begins, and also half a year later in Nisan 1406 BC. But the actual jubilee year is announced half a year prior, that is, 1407 BC, Tishri, in Autumn.) Each 490 lunar-year period is here an exact 14470 days to demonstrate how accurate this round number is. Also, every five cycles of 490 lunar years, land nearly the same time as the Julian year. Among other things, notice the death of Solomon 931 BC, the decree of Ezra (457-456 BC, Daniel 9:24-27), and the life of Christ, 20/21 AD. Also, observe 20/21 BC as from 1447/1446 BC, which is the year of the plagues of Moses and the Exodus. Note the mirror of the Exodus, etc.). Note: the software jumps ahead 13 days in the seventh cycle because of the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.

Just to complete the study: The Bahai Calendar (361 days)

The Bahai keeps a unique 19-year system comprised of 19 x 19 years. This totals 361 years and becomes symbolic of the 361-day year that they keep. It is also found in the Bible, but more obviously in ancient Sumer tablets as evident by the repetition of occurrence.

The Bahai calendar began in 1844, 9 x 361 years from 1406 BC, when Israel entered the Promised Land. This may be why “9” (3 x 3) and “19 x 19” are sacred numbers to the Bahai — God allowed them to revitalize this calendar for His own purposes — to help guide them to Messiah.

Enoch and the Calendar of Enoch

8 thoughts on “Part Two: How all calendars harmonize in cycles of 40 years”

  1. The Generations of Adam ages encode a lunar table.
    The Sumerian Book of Kings before the Flood includes an encoding of 72°, 0°, 72° for the first 4 kings, suggesting the setting-up of a new cycle of 1 degree shift, zero, then 1 degree shift. Hope that helps. You might also want to go through the encoded clues for the hemispherical Boat of Atrahasis, the hemispherical Molten Sea and pi, the calculations as hemispheres for the Tabernacle, Ark of the Covenant, Noah’s Ark. Interesting is the bed of Gog the giant of 9 cubits by 4 cubits = 36 cubits. 10 plagues, 10 commandments in one story are also of interest. Can you contact me please, Dean and I’ll send notes that might be of interest if you wish them.

    • Thank you for your insightful comment. It’s clear you are well-read. I’ve encountered these topics over time. While I don’t discount them, I believe a more straightforward approach is to view the extended spans as symbolic of “a day is as a year” within the Biblical context from a Hebrew scribal perspective. Unfortunately, my current focus is on consolidating my thoughts from the past 40 years and selectively distilling them for future generations. This leaves me short on time to explore new areas in depth. Thank you for understanding.

  2. Greetings, the 40 Solar year cycle is indeed very Biblical and so is the 50-year Jubilee cycle which BOTH evenly divide into 6,000+1,000 years of God’s plan for mankind. For a “Day” in the Bible is sometimes as a year and at other times as 1,000-years e.g., Hosea 5:15–6:2. Creation gives a 6+1 literal 24-hour days as prophetic of 6,000+1,000 year “Great Week” and the 120 divisions of time for man is 120×50 =6,000-years and God will then stop contending with man and Messiah will rule for 1,000-years instead, Rev 20:1-6.
    If you want true bible chronology then start with this framework and see what emerges? E.g., Count EACH begetting age of the Patriarchs in Gen 5 & 11’s chrono-genealogies INCLUSIVELY and the 50-year Jubilee pattern becomes clear. Something that westernized exclusive counting successfully vails. If you begin day-1 of creation as Tishri day-1 and Adam’s FALL on Tishri day-10, the 1st ever Day of Atonement, just a few days after man was created on day-6. THEN Tishri day 10 memorializes not only the fall, 1st day of Atonement BUT also the 1st ever Yovel year. Too be celebrated every 50-years thereafter in 51-AM, 101-AM, 151-AM, 201-AM and Noah’s birth year of 1,051-AM. Noah beget the next in the Messianic line at age 500 in 1,551-AM. The flood was ended early in +100 years in 1,651-AM and Noah died 350-years later in 2,001-AM WHEN Abram was born. Plus 500-years or HALF a 1,000 year “Day” is the Exodus in 2,501-AM. The Shekinah Glory enters Solomon’s Temple in 3,001-AM after Solomon had reigned 7+13-years after +480 years from the Exodus. Cyrus’ famous and prophesied “decree” was in 3,501-AM and Jesus died 500-years later in 4,001-AM. Dan 70×7 is 490 WITH 10 understood 50th Yovel years intercalated = 500-years or the 4th half “Day” in a row NOT 490??? THEN Hosea 6:2 = +2,000 to 6,001-AM for our soon returning Messiah to Reign for 1,000-years.
    You can teach these things in Sunday school and set the foundation for a life’s learning of bible chronology and theology that will be self-authenticating based on the MT. Note however, that God gave promise to Abram in UR when Abram was 70-years old then 220-years to Jacobs entering Egypt +210 =430 to the Exodus out of Egypt unto Mt Sinai. Or else 2,001-AM +100 when Abraham has Isaac +400 to Mt Sinai. Or 100 from Abram +150 to Joseph to Egypt +250 to Exodus. When it says, Joseph was the “son of 30-years” was not his age, it was him/Joseph as the “a son of Egypt 30-years from age-17 when he arrived in 2,251-AM. These things are only the beginning of what has been vailed from our eyes. Regards Glen

    • “Note however, that God gave promise to Abram in UR when Abram was 70-years old then 220-years to Jacobs entering Egypt +210 =430 to the Exodus out of Egypt unto Mt Sinai.”

      Your calculations are using the incorrect views of Jewish chronology (Sedar Olam Rabbah). The Bible does not say anything about Abram at 70 years of age. It says that he was 75 years old. Jewish myths and traditions within chronology is at the root of many errors. People assume that just because someone is Jewish, they have greater insight, even if they deny Messiah. But this is a false premise.

  3. Greetings, the 40 Solar year cycle is indeed very Biblical and so is the 50-year Jubilee cycle which BOTH evenly divide into 6,000+1,000 years of God’s plan for mankind. For a “Day” in the Bible is sometimes as a year and at other times as 1,000-years.e.g., Hosea 5:15–6:2. Creation gives 6+1 literal 24-hour days as prophetic of 6,000+1,000 year “Great Week” and the 120 divisions of time for man is 120×50=6,000-years and God will stop contending with man and Messiah rule for 1,000-years instead Rev 20:1-6. If you want true bible chronology then start with this framework and see what emerges? E.g., Count EACH begetting age of the Patriarchs in Gen 5 & 11’s chrono-genealogies INCLUSIVELY and the 50-year Jubilee pattern becomes clear. Something that westernized exclusive counting successfully vails. If you begin day-1 of creation as Tishri day-1 and Adam’s FALL on Tishri day-10, the 1st ever Day of Atonement, just a few days after man was created on day-6. THEN Tishri day 10 memorializes not only the fall, 1st day of Atonement BUT also the 1st ever Yovel year. Too be celebrated every 50-years thereafter in 51-AM, 101-AM, 151-AM, 201-AM and Noah’s birth year of 1,551-AM. Noah beget the next in the Messianic line at age 500 in 1,551-AM. The flood was ended early in +100 years in 1,651-AM and Noah died 350-years later in 2,001-AM WHEN Abram was born. Plus 500-years or HALF a 1,000 year “Day” is the Exodus in 2,501-AM. The Shekinah Glory enters Solomon’s Temple in 3,001-AM after Solomon had reigned 7+13-years after 480 years from the Exodus. Cyrus’ famous and prophesied “decree” was in 3,501-AM and Jesus died 500-years later in 4,001-AM. Dan 70×7 is 490 WITH 10 understood 50th Yovel years intercalated = 500-years or the 4th half “Day” in a row NOT 490??? THEN Hosea 6:2 = + 2,000 to 6,001-AM for our soon returning Messiah to Reign for 1,000-years. You can teach these things in Sunday school and set the foundation for a life’s learning of bible chronology and theology that will be self-authenticating based on the MT. Note however that God gave promise to Abram in UR when Abram was 70-years old then 220-years to Jacobs entering Egypt +210 to the Exodus out of Egypt unto Mt Sinai. Or else 2,001-AM +100 when Abraham has Isaac +400 to Mt Sinai. Or 100 from Abram +150 to Joseph to Egypt +250 to Exodus. When it says, Jacob was the “so of 30-years” it was him as the “a son of Egypt 30-years from when he arrived in 2,251-AM. These things are only the beginning of what has been vailed from our eyes. Regards Glen

  4. I have restored and innovated the Dead Sea king David calendar system of 12 year priestly and singers order. As well as lunar and zodiac calendars with the 2nd book Enoch 365.25 calendar and as he states don’t add leap year..
    It is a time machine can go forward and back into time .. as a 12 inch ruler the numbers are unique and are each calendar used on this earth.. all rotate over and some attach to 364 day calendar most have 12 year cycle. As the moon travels 30 days back in time every three years without man interfering example every 3 years 364 – 354-10×3=30days.. 36year cycle.. nevertheless a new moon will be at the Vernal Equinoxes 364 day and on Passover 15 Aviv/Nissan there will be full moon.. and commandment To feed the poor.. now 364 day calendar starts on the 4th day and 4th day is first sabath of the season all seasons.. 24 divisions of priests singers rotate every after 6 years on 7th year the repeat order.. the order of priest starts 22 division Gamul.. secret in the names of divisions..
    There are 12 zodiac years each division has their own unique zodiac year. As you will see if you check this out.. their are 13 zodiacs Orphicus snake holder is The tribe of Levi Moses and Aaron.. nevertheless they are given the heavens and not the land of Israel. And in the daily zodiac leave one month out of the year once twice. Every Jubilee you have change of zodiac.. as well as the progression..I have scrolled 12000years 2000 years each..and when you see the bigger picture.. secrets appear and reveal themselves.. and being in a scroll you can see the progression of zodiac and Jubilies see the moon phases and actual movements as well as the sun’s movements.. 2 Enoch 365. Day calendar ends 28 days as February does today nevertheless it is now 2nd month of year in Gregorian and Julian.. this This Sunday
    27th March is Passover corrected.. nevertheless on day this will be restored to Israel and restore Jerusalem ‘s time..
    .. you are on right track..
    This is Astronomical Astological calendar.. the watches clocks used today are designed after this system..

  5. Amazing!
    So, Julian Day # 1719313, instead of 1719320. It will take quite a bit of work to update the tables, but a nice refresher in how they all work.


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