Why delay in posting

Early August 6th, 2019, the Lord revealed something tremendously important  — perhaps the most important mathematical discovery of all time as far as the secular world is concerned.

This thing was revealed as a simple aside to the work on the fractals (superimposed over Ezekiel’s temple).

It came in a vision of me typing the following now:

“In that, you (of slow mind) have understood this great mystery, therefore this lesser thing, prized by the world, is explained (as well).”

Immediately after the vision, a flash of insight came that quickly unraveled the mystery (beginning with a verse in the Bible).

And so the glory is His.

Therefore, because the world will debate this “lesser mystery” and refuse to believe the obvious implications (for men love darkness rather than light), I have decided to check and double-check this discovery before posting it.

Please pray for its completion, which should be soon.



“Begin at my Altar” and “The Great White Throne Judgement of the Lamb”

This lesser revelation is a byproduct of the below images. The Lord had said, “Begin at my altar”. (Also see earlier posts related to the altar.)

The below fractals complete this starting point “at the altar”. After this, we move on to the next furnishing in the tabernacle/temple.

The Lord's altar before the Tabernacles
The Lord’s altar before the Tabernacle. The Lord offers up Himself. Images will be explained in detail later
Book of Life at the Great White Throne Judgement seat
Book of Life at the Great White Throne Judgement seat of the Lamb. This image and the one before it, are derived from the same math
Closeup of the Book of Life of the Lamb. Notice the Lamb's head that faces the opposite direction. Although not visible here, the altar where the book is read faces all four directions
Closeup of the Book of Life of the Lamb. Notice the Lamb’s head that faces the opposite direction (and thus appears as if upside down at top). Although not visible here, the altar where the book is read faces all four directions. Click to enlarge
Closeup of the Book of Life of the Lamb. Notice the Lamb's head that faces the opposite direction. Although not visible here, the altar where the book is read faces all four directions
Above image enhanced

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Rev 20:15)

For perspective, recall this image, which overlaps the above images.

Fractal image of throne room with altar at center
Fractal image of the throne room with the altar at center

6 thoughts on “Why delay in posting”

  1. Hi Dean,

    Looking forward to seeing more on this. I think is would be helpful if you could provide some circles and arrows to point out features you are describing in the images. Sometimes my imagination gets in the way of seeing what you are really describing.


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