This is Part Two ‘B’.
Click here for Part Two ‘A’
and Part One: Vision of the Lamb
Ten days ago, ‘The fractal vision of Jesus Christ upon the throne‘ began to be explained.
Actually, seven months earlier we began with a vague explanation about the altar. However, further interpretation was delayed by the study of 'the geometry of time' discovery, namely, Pi and Sqrt, interspaced with a series of about ten signs to do with the victors crown. This culminated negatively with the crown-virus (corona-virus). Also, see endnote about "Pi, Fractals, and the future told beforehand".

Signs always follow broken seals, and thunder always follows lightning
Signs follow when an image is discovered and also when it is publically explained, such as the California earthquake when the Christobrot fractal was discovered that symbolically replaced the Buddhabrot. (California has forsaken Christ for Buddha and New Age dribble.)
In the previous post about the Christbrot fractal, we said that the cross over the mouth and eyes of the Lamb represents “the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world”, (John 1:29).
Previous post summarized
Jesus bore the crossbeam that once blinded us in order to take away “the log in our eye” (Matt 7:3-5). Jesus bore the beam in His eyes so that we might see His glory. Once we were blind, but now we see. It’s time for 20/20 vision in 2020.
The vertical beam that stretches from the crown of His head down to His open-mouth symbolizes the final cry of Christ upon the cross. At that cry, the veil in the temple (embroidered with cherubim) was torn in two so that men might see God. (See below image and caption.)
This is why we must be careful to forgive our enemies just as Christ did upon the cross. For by our words we shall be acquitted, and by our words, we shall be condemned, (Matt 12:37).
Jesus said, “Judge not lest you be judged”.

Donald Trump at the Prayer Breakfast
In the previous post, I explained that Trump is given 12 months to turn from his pride or else be removed from office like Nebuchadnezzar was, and as King Saul.
The morning after the post (and the State of the Union address), Trump attended the Prayer Breakfast along with about 1000 people. Immediately before Trump got up to speak a man pleaded with Trump, in effect, to walk humbly and forgive his enemies. (The passage in the Bible about the beam in one’s eye is part of the Sermon on the Mount and includes the warning to forgive your enemies.)
However, Trump instead began by saying, “Arthur, I don’t know if I agree with you”.
He then went on to humiliate his enemies publically at the prayer breakfast.
Then at the press conference later that same day he unleashed verbal wrath against his enemies. “So and so and so are horrible people…” Etc.
Judge with righteous judgment!
“For in the same way that you judge others, you, too, will be judged.”
Trump’s words at the prayer breakfast need little discernment…
“I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong,
“Nor do I like people who say, ‘I pray for you,’ when they know that that’s not so.” (Vox)
Donald, take the log out of your own eye.
Humble yourself before God so that prosperity might continue under your leadership.
This was Part Two ‘B’.
Click here for Part Two ‘A’
and Part One: Vision of the Lamb
Pi, Fractals, How that the day when discovered was encoded ahead of time
(Click here for this endnote.)

Side note?: Minimoon discovered today that has orbited the earth the past three years.
The Cult of Trump is so disturbing. Trump said he’s “the chosen one”… chosen to lead the gullible Christians off the side of the cliff. He is the self-named “Father of the Vaccine” that contains messenger RNA technology. “As in the days of Noah” when everyone’s genome was corrupted from the genetics of the fallen ones, so it will happen again. Only God knows what is in those “vaccines” that are NOT actual vaccines.
I know that it’s confusing out there, but Jesus is the Truth. Anything that you read may or may not contain accurate facts, but its never the Truth. No offense, but I do not believe that taking the vaccine is good or bad, although you may avoid the worst part of Covid if you take the vaccine.
I know. Not what you wanted to hear. Nebuccanezer saw the future gentile world empires. His Babylon, the medio persian empire, and finally the brutal Roman empire which was never conquered but degenerated into the European western rulers. The Romans(“people of the prince to come”) destroyed the temple and scattered the Jewish people. Soon, “the times of the gentiles” will be fulfilled. Even as we speak, the real powers of the world, the crime and banking institutions are gaining power. Populist moves like Trump, the God-fearing US, and the UKs move from the European union are an affront to them. Trump is not Saul, Constantine, Nebbacanezer, or anything from those scenarios. In the US, we don’t have a “king”. We elect someone to uphold the constitution which is what he is doing and he is hated worldwide. He has stood against the global Clinton epstein pedophile machine along with its network of drug and human traffickers, against the horrific abortion industry and spoken up for Christianity and Israel. Canada’s officials hoped for the last cat 5 hurricane to destroy Florida & his resort, but God steered it away. Sadly, Canada is falling in line with the spirit of anti-christ with a liberal leader that is “changing morals and customs”, even doing away with gender. Few are willing to warn them.
What will be removed is the spirit of belshazzer. What will be removed is the spirit of anti-semitism within the democrat party that calls Israel “evil”. What will be removed is the arrogance against the humble people that Trump states are making America great-the WWII vet that fought against hitler. The black people, wrongly imprisoned. The young mother who fought for her premature baby. What will be removed is the spirit of Jezebel that led her witches to shriek when Trump spoke against the barbaric partial birth abortion. We voted for Donald Trump and he is doing what we elected him to do. He speaks for me. He was falsely accused and his kangaroo trial was based on lies and “witnesses” who witnessed nothing. I too, have problems with people who justify their faith for wrong doing. People who say”Jesus wants women to have abortions.” People who teach our young people that socialism and climate change are christanity. They and their arrogance will be removed.
Yes, that’s the positive side of things regarding Trump. Thank God for the good things.
But the sword of truth spares no man. The false prophet seeks to please men. More often than not, his or her voice is popular among those who profess to follow God. It’s what they want to hear. Pillow prophets.
But all is not good about Trump or God’s people who support him. Israel chose king Saul. Saul brought prosperity to the land. But his heart was proud, and like Nebuchadnezzar, God removed him.
Trump is the emperor Constantine of the United States. State religion kills. The Prayer Breakfast is a good illustration of religion used to advance political agenda. Religion and politics always attract the insincere. The kingdom of Jesus is not of this world.
History repeats itself; God’s people never learn.