Enoch and the Calendar of Enoch
View of the Dead Sea from one of the caves where some scrolls were hidden — about 40 years after Christ. It symbolizes Christ, the Word of God, resurrected. A door of revelation!
Wiki summarizes the Dead-Sea Scrolls into three general groups:
- Some 40% are copies of texts from the Hebrew Scriptures.
- Approximately another 30% are texts from the Second Temple Period which ultimately were not canonized in the Hebrew Bible, like the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Tobit, the Wisdom of Sirach, Psalms 152–155, etc.
- The remainder (roughly 30%) are sectarian manuscripts of previously unknown documents that shed light on the rules and beliefs of a particular group (sect) or groups within greater Judaism, like the Community Rule, the War Scroll, the Pesher on Habakkuk, and The Rule of the Blessing.
The discovery and timing of when these scrolls were discovered in 1947/1948 as Israel was reborn— was a sign that we had entered into the final stages of time. And now 70 years have passed. And in seven more years, there will have elapsed 70 jubilees from when Israel entered the Promised Land! The opening of the Dead Sea Scrolls was a sign of the restoration of lost knowledge reserved for the last days.
God validates the importance of Enoch’s Calendar
Update: God gave marvelous signs several days after writing this and the below section to do with the fractal images of the four angels of the book of Enoch that control the flow of time (each stationed at the four cardinal points of the year). A researcher at the Department Of Biblical Studies at Israel’s Haifa University released to the public that they had cracked a “code” after piecing together tiny fragments of the second last of some 900 Dead Sea Scrolls yet to be unveiled. They had been working on it for over a year and have now moved on to working on the last one.
The images presented below, at center, mainly depicts the scene from Revelation 5, that is, the opening of the seven scrolls of the lamb. Hence, the fact that the last of some 900 scrolls is about to be deciphered after 70 long years is an important sign of what is occurring in the heavens, and of this revelation. This was true of the 12th cave and "little scroll" (Rev 10) discovered less than a year ago. The two signs mean the same thing: 'Near completion'. (As in the 12 tribes of Israel.) Friends, the final unsealing and revealing of the Revelation and Coming of Christ is at hand!

In an interview with the CBC, a leading researcher, Jonathan Ben-Dov, stated:
“But also every calendar has to relate in some way to astronomy, whether accurate astronomy or maybe just schematic or approximate astronomy. For them it’s important to distinguish the seasons, which they did then the seasons are nicely symmetrical with the transition day between the seasons celebrated as a festival. So that was the contribution of this little piece that we found, it’s seasonal day, the Cardinal days of the sun actually. This is what made this little scroll important.”
Now it happens that about four days before this press release, I wrote about the same thing. Only the Qumran scroll was only a shadow of what is now being revealed. And this calendar/fractal image (for they are one and the same) is merely a shadow and symbol of what is occurring in the heavens. The below image, with its caption, is what I wrote a few days before the press release. (The same is true of all the images.) This press release compares what I said to what was happening in the natural world.
(In the below image, can you see the four large angels at each corner? Or the four “Star of David” that lays between them and points to the ends of the earth? How about the four fish images that the star of David upholds, in the traditional shape that represents the Church? These are but a whisper of what is there.)

When I wrote this, I was referring to the very same thing as in the press release — the four points of the season as spoken of in the book of Enoch (and the Qumran scroll). It was the main point of their discovery and mine! The exact same thing. Please tell me. If mere chance, what are the odds? Moreover, in the “Alpha Omega” image below that uses the old Hebrew script and Greek letters to form these images, well, as it turns out, the Qumran scroll was encoded too. Guess how? Using the old Hebrew script and Greek letters! In the news article entitled: “Scholars Have Cracked The Code And Deciphered One Of The Last Remaining Dead Sea Scrolls,” the article says:
“And lastly, the researchers are still perplexed by the mysteriously coded nature of this 364-day calendar with the ancient encryption system consisting of both paleo-Hebrew or Greek letters along with arbitrary characters. As Ratzon and Ben-Dov wrote (in the study conducted by the team).”
I could go on more about this great sign, but you get the picture!
Dow Jones Drops 666 points by the eve of 360-cal. New Year — a Shmita Year
Actually, there have been a great number of signs. For example, I refer to the 360 Calendar and the final seven years (Shmita) until the 490th “Shmita” from 1406 BC when Israel entered the Promised Land (Dan 9). I’ve also been speaking a lot about 666 lately, how it has to do with money. This New Year (that marked the final Shmita) on the said 360 Calendar began Friday, 6 pm, Feb. 2, 2018. What happened at or around that hour? The Dow Jones dropped 666 points. It was the most since 2016.
Enoch’s Calendar and Bible numeric create these images
The calendar math and the fractal math for the four angels are one and the same.

Related to this is that one of the great discoveries made in the 364-calendar form Dead Sea Scrolls was the extension of the Barley and Wheat festivals (i.e., “Firstfruits and Pentecost”). The sect that created the scroll followed these two biblical festivals with two more, the wine and oil festivals. What does this have to do with 666 and the coming economic famine?
When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
Enoch Calendar and the Center of Time
As we shall see, the Enochian calendar also agrees with my recent article on the Sumerian chronology. That Babylonian (Sumerian) chronology spans back hundreds of thousands of years. It also has an Enoch figure (En-men-dur-ana) “caught up to heaven to learn secrets” and who was “seventh” from their ‘Adam’.
Most liberal scholars insist that this is proof that the book of Enoch was borrowed from the “much older” Sumer tablets. But as usual, they have flipped the truth upside down. This and all calendars, including the Mayan calendar (the counterfeit of Enoch’s calendar), chime perfectly at the center of time — Jesus Christ. And because events in time repeat in cycles like a fractal, the chronology of these calendars (especially Enoch’s) weave into the complex chronology that forms the fractal imagery of the book of Revelation.
In other words, you can see Enoch’s patterns with your eyes, such as in the image below, with the throne surrounded by the 24 elders (like the hours on a clock), the 7+7 mighty angels, the seven churches like a star, and so forth. (The 24 priestly divisions of weeks are also a part of the Enochian calendar as per 1 Chron. 24.)
Examples of Fractals that Result from Bible Timeframes
Before I lay out the blueprint for the calendar of Enoch, here are some visuals that agree with, and result from, the calendar of Enoch. These fractals will be explained later, Lord willing. I mention them because they agree with the book of Enoch, the book of Jubilees (and of course, the Bible), and Enoch’s calendar. They render a visual depiction of the calendar instead of what otherwise would be, for most, a dull read!

If you wish, here are the four angels again, in the scene from the book of Revelation where the seals are opened by the Lamb, along with the four horsemen of death. They are about to be swallowed up in life by Christ the Victor. See if you can spot the same four large angels. These four are easily seen about one minute into the video as the center is slowly enlarged and zeroed in on.
Enoch’s Clock And the Clocks of the Nations
The calendar of Enoch literally swallows up all other calendars, just as Moses’ rod that budded swallowed up his rivals did, first the magician’s rod of Pharoh, then later the twelve rods of Israel. The 360-calendar (see 360calendar.com), the 24 priestly divisions of David referred to at the time of John and Jesus’ birth, and the lunar calendar used in Israel today are all aspects of Enoch’s calendar. All other calendars are true because they can keep track of time but only have meaning when absorbed (swallowed) by Enoch’s calendar.
What I mean is this: all other calendars are a subset of Enoch’s ancient calendar and were allotted to certain nations by God (and, in some cases, tolerated for a season). They compliment and are subservient to his, much, I’m sure, to the chagrin of hostile principalities that rule these nations. Some principalities “changed times and seasons”, hoping to expunge the memory of the Only True God.
But even here, restricted to the pragmatism of useful time-keeping, the ancients usually set their courses by the sun and moon or stars and were thereby nudged into timekeeping that nevertheless glorifies God, at least indirectly. Such is the Mayan calendars and Islamic calendars. The Mayan calendar especially reveals an attempt to undo the theme of Atonement by the removal of the crucial cycles of seven in relationship to 13 per quarter year (7×13 days) but retain the rest of the elements of Enoch’s calendar, particularly 13 and 20×18 (360) with its 144,000-year grand cycles.
Click here to begin reading the series of articles about Enoch and the signs that have followed.
Enoch and the Calendar of Enoch
- Enoch: Tribulation Witness
- Is the Book of Enoch Inspired?
- Enoch’s Prophecy of 7 cycles of 490
- Part One: How the 364-day calendar works
- The Key of 23 — Serpent into a rod
- Enoch calendar is also Pi to 22nd decimal
- Throne-Room fractal, Measuring rod, & Book of Enoch

Too much ??the book of Enoch is too deep notably the Enochian calendar. Please how will I get the original book of Enoch and also how will I get Greek and Hebrew words of meaning..How is the seventy seven of Daniel linked with the Enochian calender and the end times……..
My friend, you can find where to buy the book on the internet.
The question about “77” is more complex, to be sure.
Without going into the details, ponder the different translations for when Jesus referred to, “How often should I forgive my brother, until 70 x 7”, but many translate that as “until 77 times”.
There is a reason for that both grammatically and numerically. And it all times into Daniel 9, along with other passages.
Perhaps these posts will help:
God bless.
I would love to see how this appears when worked out with the true Scriptural times as marked by the signs we are given in Genesis 1: Two ‘great lights’ and ‘the stars’ – which means the sun and FULL moon and the constellations all have their respective cycles and all mark the times as 1st, 2nd and 3rd witnesses.
If there is a way to just see what would change if you used this rendering, I would be most intrigued!
1 Abib (Nisan) = the Day that the Full Moon sets after the Spica (seed/branch) star in Virgo (the virgin).
for 2019 this is April 19th, with Passover falling on May 2, 2019.
Yes. See home page.