Extreme Events (Enochian Calendar)
Hurricane Michael and Typhoon Yutu
At the end of each article in this series, extreme events that occur on biblical feast days on the Enoch Calendar are briefly summarized. (Enoch’s calendar, held in reserve for the last day, does not replace the Jewish lunar calendar. It’s a secret second witness that “God has power over these things”, Rev. 16:9.)
Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018: Super Typhoon Yutu
“Extreme Category 5 typhoon, the worst U.S. storm since 1935, leaves Northern Mariana Islands devastated” (Washington Post Headline)
“Tinian, the island at the center of the storm, was the site from which the B-29 missions to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were launched.”
On the Enochic calendar, this same day marked the last day of Tabernacles, a day that symbolizes the fiery “Great White Throne Judgement” (Rev. 20). Tinian was the 2nd most powerful storm ever to make landfall on American territory.

“For me, no image from 2018 even comes close to this one, which shows the eye of Super Typhoon Yutu passing directly over the tiny island of Tinian in the Pacific Ocean,” said TWN’s Brett Soderholm. “The odds of this happening are staggeringly low, and to see it captured so perfectly here really is incredible.” (“Top 2018 Events — on “The Weather Network“)
Hurricane Michael made landfall just 7+7 days before Yutu. This means that in 2018, both made landfall on the last day of Tabernacles on both Enoch calendars. As we shall explain in later articles, the calendar can be adjusted by a leap-week or alternatively by a 28-day leap month. This means that this year, the last day of Tabernacles (always a Wednesday) landed on both Oct. 10th and 24th. (I.e., morning to morning of Oct. 10/11 and 24/25.)
Hurricane Michael and Maria
Hurricane Michael upgraded to a Category 5 at time of U.S. landfall: Post-storm analysis estimates sustained winds of 160 mph (NOAA)
Yutu, Michael, and Maria are in the top 5 or 6 most powerful on record to ever make landfall on US territory. (Notice that all three made landfall on a Wednesday, which must always be if to align with the Enochic calendar!) Only the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 was stronger. (Moreover, on Oct. 10 and 24th, 2018, each crossed US territory just as an extreme drop in the Stock Market was in progress.)
Last year, Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria (one of the most deadly, destructive, and powerful to have ever made landfall over US territory) crossed Purto Richo on Rosh Hashanah. (Amazingly, that day, the Enoch AND the Jewish lunar New Year overlapped. It was the New Year on both! Sun and Moon — Two Witnesses!)
See the Donald Trump Video that was put out that same day. Video concerns Hurricane Maria and the New Year trumpet blast that marked the last seven of 70*7 years from when Israel entered the Promised Land in 1406 BC. And there were other remarkably timed hurricanes last year and this year too, but none so dramatic as these three in relation to the United States.
(Yutu was also the fifth strongest worldwide.)
Most intense landfalling tropical cyclones in the United States Intensity is measured solely by central pressure |
Rank | System | Season | Landfall pressure |
1 | “Labor Day” | 1935 | 892 mbar (hPa) |
2 | Camille | 1969 | 900 mbar (hPa) |
Yutu | 2018 | ||
4 | Michael | 2018 | 919 mbar (hPa) |
5 | Katrina | 2005 | 920 mbar (hPa) |
Maria | 2017 | ||
7 | Andrew | 1992 | 922 mbar (hPa) |
8 | “Indianola” | 1886 | 925 mbar (hPa) |
9 | “Guam” | 1900 | 926 mbar (hPa) |
10 | “Florida Keys” | 1919 | 927 mbar (hPa) |
Source: HURDAT,[34] Hurricane Research Division[35] |
Look for details in the comments section below for the lengthy entry on Oct. 25th, 2018. (Also, this year, on the Day of Atonement severe earthquake/tsunami in Indonesia.)
U.S. onslaught: Five Category 4 or 5 landfalls in just 14 months
(Wunderground Headline) In the following quote, note the attention drawn to the autumns of 2017 and 2018 by the following anomalies — the same two years that I have been speaking about for the past 30 years in dozens of articles. (See my articles on Harvey, Irma and Maria.) And yet, as I always maintain, God reserves the right to delay the end for another generation.
Yutu is the latest in a string of very powerful tropical cyclones that have struck the U.S. and its territories since August 2017. As catalogued by Chris Dolce at weather.com, these include:
• Hurricane Harvey (August 2017), Category 4 at landfall, peak landfall winds 130 mph
• Hurricane Irma (September 2017), Category 4 at landfall, peak landfall winds 130 mph
• Hurricane Maria (September 2017), Category 4 at landfall, peak landfall winds 155 mph
• Hurricane Michael (October 2018), Category 4 at landfall, peak landfall winds 155 mph
• Super Typhoon Yutu (October 2018), Category 5 at landfall, peak landfall winds 180 mph
It’s amazing to think that just a couple of years ago, there was much discussion about a U.S. “drought” in major hurricanes. There had been no Category 3 or stronger landfalls on any U.S. state or territory in the entire period of almost 12 years between Wilma (October 2005, Florida) and Harvey (August 2017, Texas)… A 2015 study in Geophysical Research Letters found that a nine-year “drought” in landfalling U.S. major hurricanes could be expected every 177 years—unusual but far from inconceivable.
Note: The above study was done in 2015 in the “9th year of the drought”. Almost three more years were yet to come. This would boost the timeframe of “every 177 years” (1.777^9yrs) to about every 900 years! (1.777^11.9yrs)
Dow Jones (and S&P) peak early Wed., Oct. 3, 2018, then decline until now. (The Nikkei took the lead the day before)
This date was both the New Year on Enoch Calendar AND also the 1st day of Tabernacles! (Recall the 7+7-day gap between the two types of calendars of Enoch.) The calendars run 'morning to morning'. Therefore, 6 am, Wednesday morning was the New Year & also the start of Tabernacles.
In addition, on Aug. 31st, 2018, the Nasdaq peaked on the last day of the year on the 360 calendar. (On Aug. 31, 2018.) The 360 and 364 are related Enochian calendars. The 360-calendar has already been on the Internet for about 20 years.) The Nasdaq likewise began its steep decline on Oct. 3rd, the same day as the others.
(The below prophecy was initially fulfilled at the peak of the Dow and S&P on Oct. 9th and 11th of 2007 which marked the start of the worst crash since the Great Depression. Wednesday, Oct 1oth, 2007, was the “New Year” AND also the “8th day of Tabernacles” on the two Enochic calendars.)
Does the prediction back on the 8th day of Tabernacles in 2004 have a double fulfillment? That is, both 2007 and now again 2018?
So far, it’s just a “correction.” However, this is, after all, the start of the 490th Shmita cycle.
Perhaps 2018 is just a warning shot as compared to what happened 11 years ago? This is not financial advice!
The 2007/8 meltdown was also a Shmita year— but those Shmita-cycles began at the return of the Jews from Exile in the days of Ezra (457 BC) and Nehemiah, Neh. 10:31, (444/3 BC), and not from 1406 BC.
However, the Shmita (seven-year cycle) that I always refer to is the one that God commanded Moses. It begins from ‘when Israel entered the Promised Land’ in 1406 BC. Amazingly, both of these seven-year cycles intersect each other in the middle so as to “divide the week” of years in half per Dan. 9:27.
The Lord said to Moses at Mount Sinai:
“Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘When you enter the land I am going to give you (i.e., 1406 BC), the land itself must observe a sabbath to the Lord. For six years sow your fields, and for six years prune your vineyards and gather their crops. But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord.” (Lev. 25:1-4)
Just as Enoch’s calendar begins in the middle of the week of Creation (on Wednesday, thereby exactly dividing the creation week in half), therefore to be consistent, the week of years (Shmitas) must also be divided in half. A wheel within a wheel. (See technical endnote “Wheel within a Wheel” at end of article for more.)
And this is why the two witnesses prophecy 3.5 years and rise 3.5 days later, (Rev. 11). Both weeks and weeks of years are thus divided in half, (cf., Daniel 9:27).
Stop thinking that prophecy is unilateral. Think fractal. The only ONE that ALL Prophecy is about is Christ. Logically, therefore, the rest must necessarily be self-similar (like a fractal).

“To be burdened down is my destiny! He became exhausted, as well as the trees used for the Great Festival. Alas, O’ impoverished one!”
“And be ready always for Shiloh (to return).”…
“For the prosperous bull (market) became a weak bear (market) causing them to wail.”
Endnote: Wheel within a Wheel!
The following is complex. Most may want to skip it!
Day=Year: Viewed Autumn to Autumn, the intersecting Shmitas divide the week of years into intervals of (4+3 yrs) + (4+3 yrs) , etc., so that the 4th day of creation and 4th year of the Exile-Shmita both land upon the first day of Enoch’s Shmita New Year (in this case, the middle of Enoch’s day, that is, Wed., 6pm, Sept., 19th AND again Oct. 3rd, 2018), which year is also the Shmita from 1406 BC. (It’s the reason why the worst earthquake of 2018 occurred a few minutes after 6 pm on the Day of Atonement {Enoch cal.}, Sept. 28, and not a few minutes before.)
However, as viewed from Spring to Spring (and morning to morning), instead it is (3+4) + (3+4) years/days.
(Note: from the start of the Jewish reckoning of a week to the end of the Enoch reckoning are 7.5 days/years.)
Therefore, Enoch’s spring to spring Sabbath reckoning does not fully end until 2019 Spring and 2026 Spring, but the evening/autumn to evening/autumn reckoning, as said, the Sabbath day/year fully ends the autumn of 2018 and 2025 etc.
Thus, Jesus rose on the first day of the week on the lunar calendar, but on the Sabbath (Saturday) on Enoch’s calendar, because Enoch’s Sunday does not start until daybreak. Thus, the resurrection of Jesus bridges the old and new creations, for He is Lord of all.
“The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark…” (Jn 20:1).
Click here for the next article on Enoch: “Is the Book of Enoch Inspired?”
Click here for the next article on Extreme Events: “California Forest Fires and Paradise Lost”
And, “490 days” to Hurricane Michael and The Paradise Fire, and the 2300 days that follow