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Exploring God's sovereignty
Key of “23”
Prob. Analysis of 23×2
Prob. Analysis of 230×2
Sumerian King List
4900 yrs
7/13 Redemptive Thread
70 jub to 2017 solar eclipse
Pt 2 of 70 jub to 2017 eclipse & Mecca
Pt 3: 2027 & 2034 Egypt, Mecca, Medina Solar Eclipse
Daniel’s 490 (“70 weeks”) in mirror
“The Year from Hell” 536 AD
Woe! Sign of Two Witnesses of Rev.
70 jub to 2024 eclipse
Hur Harvey (Bill, Hillary, Don)
Bible Fractal Rod & Eagle: (Hur. Irma)
Hurr. Harvey/Irma form serpent
Hurri. Mary/Joseph
Vast ages in Bible (Tetrads)
Sumerian King List
Part 1. Mene Tekel – gods judged!
‘Parade of planets’ at Christ’s ascension
“Shmita” -One new Man-
7-yr Sabbath cycles
“62 weeks” of Dan. 9 & 1948
Daniel’s “70 weeks” in mirror
Jesus our Sabbath
Ezekiel Code of conception
Ezekiel Code unto 1948 & 1967
Webb Telescope: 7x more “light”
Timeline-charts from Creation
Life of Abraham structured like Menorah
Mystery of “17” in Bible
364-days cal. of Enoch
Bk of Enoch Fractal
2. Is Book of Enoch Inspired?
River of Time flows backward. (Waterfall of Raphael)
Video: “Morning Star” grazes rebel-star “Atlas”
Video: Sign of Comet Atlas, “Chief of Titans”
Hurr. Michael
Hur. Fiona & Ian on Tabernacles
California Fires (Paradise)
Fires of California/Lebanon: “No more delay”
3. Enoch’s 7 cycles of 490
“364-day” Dead Sea Scroll opened
490 days to Hurricane Michael & Paradise Fire
Prophecy in Charts: Jesus is our Sabbath Rest
4. 364-day Enoch-cal.
Part Two: How lunar calendars work
Alternative intercalations of 364-day cal.
5a. Enoch Cal. & π
Hurricane Dorian, the Eye of Pi & Sun/Moon
Typhoon “Northern Crown” & New Zealand Volcano
49th New York Marathon — We win!
5b. Mystery of “the Sq-root”
Sign of 2019 Christmas Eclipse (from Jerusalem)
“The Down Under” is on fire (Australia)
Why delay in posting
363-day Palendromic Calendar of Angels & Sumerian Kings List
Enoch Cal. & Feast of Tabernacles
Pt.1. Wings-of-an-eagle fractal & Typhoon “Eagle”
Cocoon/Moth Fractal = death & resurrection
Daniel’s 490 (“70 weeks”) in mirror
Early Bible Fractals
Fractal, Prophetic Map, Enoch/Angels
Christobrot Fractal: Lamb on Throne
Christobrot Fractal. We begin at the altar
California Quakes
a. The Vision of Jesus Christ (& Sign of Trump)
b. The Vision of Jesus Christ: The Lamb
Miraculous Bible fractals?
Woman, Dragon & Mystery Babylon
Names Code
Each name explained
Palindrome Prophecy about AI
Gematria of Palindrome 4 AI
Cain’s Seed Parallel to Godly Seed Forms Flag-Israel
1st sign (1 of 14). Evil star beneath “Seven Sisters”
2nd sign: ANAK’ Krakatoa: The ‘GIANT’ kills 400
3rd Sign: Osiris, Bennu and Bush. AND, China in deepest pit
4th sign: Locust Invasion of Mecca
5A. Meteorite hits moon exact minute of 2019 eclipse
Trump Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse
5B. New York’s Tower of Babel lit bloody-pink to defy God
6. Dam bursts in Minas Gerais, Brazil
7. Rare powerful F4 tornado strikes capital of Cuba 7 days after eclipse
8. Meteor strikes Cuba at mountain-mural of dragons & giants
9. North Magnetic Pole anomaly adjusted 19th anniversary of Tekel Code
10- Signs” occurred per number Babylon assigned to each god!
11- RCC, Persia, Turkey, & the 52 Russian bears
12- Resurrection! Mountain clothed with butterflies
13A. Star of Isis darkened, serpent ascends
13B. Isis, Brightest Star in Night Sky, Goes Dark
13C/D. Ishtar (Venus) gored by her own horns
Easter bombings at Sri Lanka: “A red horse”
Norte Dame Fire (“Our Lady” and the Queen of Heaven)
13E. Rise and fall of the Dung god
14. Bible, Israel go to Moon & Dragon’s Palace
Update: Final 7 days around Moon/Jericho by Israel
Like a falling star, Israel crashed on Moon, but HOPE at “13350 meters”
15. “Prince of the power of the air” includes moon
16. Severe tornado topples Tower of Salem (23 die)
17. Trump recognizes Golan Heights, which includes Mt Hermon
18. Drill for water in Antarctica, but find serpent instead
19. “Until 70 generations in the valleys of Earth” (Enoch 10:12)
21A. Code predicted deaths of Yitzchak Kaduri, Sharon, Saddam & Bush
21B. Part B of Yitzchak Kaduri, Sharon, Saddam and Bush
22. Drought ends after 1260+1260dys in California, & Israel, Iran
23. Norte Dame Fire (“Our Lady” and the Queen of Heaven)
24. Easter bombings at Sri Lanka: “A red horse”
25. Cyclone Fani sits on his chariot and a cobra on the loose
26. Mystery Mountain rising beneath the sea
27. Record stretch of tornadoes (“and an earthquake”): Update
Jefferson City tornado outbreak: A sign
28. Day-of-Atonement Comet is a sword/sickle in Virgo’s hand
Two solar eclipses across USA intersect
Why 2019 Total Solar Eclipse forms dome over Antarctica
Sign of 2019 Christmas Ring of Fire (that began in Jerusalem)
Powerful 7.5 Magnitude Quake Hits Papua New Guinea
Why the Star Trek logo was found on Mars
Wolf Comet and Scepter of Jacob
Sign of comet/sword slaying multitudes
Mercury: Sign of Armageddon, (Isis prophecy fulfilled AGAIN)
Angry dragon descends from a dome-shaped heavens
Sign of 2019 Christmas Ring of Fire (that began in Jerusalem)
Why “Down Under” is on fire (Australia)
Put on the Armour of Light, (fires in Australia)
Prince of Persia (Iran) is fallen
Corona-virus & Doomsday Clock set to 100 seconds to MD
02/02/2020: Rare ‘palindrome day’ (& financial quake)
Dow and TSX enter Bear Market as predicted by Prophetic Picture
Notre-Dame Fire and the Double-Slit experiment
Real reason Olympics cancelled. Jesus won the contest. He wears the crown
House passes 2.2 trillion Relief Bill — exactly “seventy weeks” after prophetic post
Why “2.3 Trillion Fed Bailout”
A pale horse
Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy?
“2020 Christmas Star” & the Great Planetary Alignment when Noah died
Atomic blast mistakenly seen from CN Tower as meteor soars over New York
Dream about “3910 years to Moses”, and more
The sign of hurricane Eta and Iota
Wrath of Hurricane Eta and Iota, Portent for America
Trump is a twig carried away on the waters
Corona-Trump and Book of Jubilees
7.0 earthquake at location of the 7 churches of Revelation
Important addition to previous post about Alpha
Storm “ALPHA” forms at “BEGINNING” of Jewish New Year (& Supreme Ct. Judge dies)
Hurricane ‘Delta’ — A ‘doorway’ opens
The bright fireball — It’s about where and when
Where have all the hurricanes gone?
Hurricane Sally and 7 storms in the Atlantic
Hurricane Laura: The Victory Lap
“The saints will be handed over for a time” (Rev. 13:7)
Comet SWAN ascends gracefully as Titan ATLAS falls
Secret: ‘Head-over-heels’ in love
Video: Sign of ‘the rising beast’ of Rev. 13
Sign of ‘the rising beast’ of Rev. 13, now seen in the heavens
Notre-Dame Fire and the Double-Slit experiment
Part 2. Mene Tekel Upharsin: The gods are judged!
Part 3. Mene Tekel Upharsin: The gods are judged!
(Intro) Bible Project’s video: “Spiritual Beings”
Trump (King Saul?)
(Pt. 1) Donald Trump’s Weather Disasters
(Pt. 2) U.S. Pattern of Disasters Revealed Beforehand
Donald Trump & King Saul — Same Inauguration Sign
Hurricane Harvey (And Bill, Hillary, and Don)
Fall of Isis revealed beforehand, and when
2019-Trump Super Wolf Blood Moon
Update on “The Wolf Comet & the Scepter of Jacob”
Trump hangs in the balance
2a. The Vision of the Lamb
2b. Vision of the Lamb: “Take the beam out of your own eye”
Trump & Biden found wanting
“The saints will be handed over for a time” (Rev. 13:7)
Trump is a twig drifting away
Storm “ALPHA” forms at “BEGINNING” of Jewish New Year (& Supreme Ct. Judge dies)
Where have all the hurricanes gone?
CN Tower meteor soars over New York
The bright fireball — It’s about where and when
Plague of the ‘Donald Trump Delusion’
Recommended Political Video
Trump Peace Treaty
Video on Trump Peace Plan — Why 666?
Why Peace Plan is 3.5 days before Feast of Trumpets
Trump Peace Treaty, Iran, 666, & ’70 x 7′
Corona-Trump and Book of Jubilees
Trump recognizes Golan Heights, which includes Mt Hermon
Trump’s trick or tweet on Halloween
Ishtar worshiped at Commonwealth Games
Death of Queen Elizabeth
Curse tablet of Mt. Ebal
Roe v. Wade overthrown. Sign in heaven
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