Sorry folks. But I have been so busy that this article in rough was completed two weeks ago, but not posted. It here remains in rough as time does not allow me to polish it up.
The upcoming total solar eclipse that arches over Antartica fits well with the ongoing theme that began with this article: “Mene Tekel: The gods are judged!”

The theme of the past 40 or so posts has consistently been that the ancient so-called gods are being judged once again, just as they were when God led Israel out of Egypt after 400 years of bondage in 1446 BC, and again at the fall of Babylon in 539 BC. The "writing on the wall" i.e., "Mene Tekel Peres", is the foundational theme of all 40 posts.
In this post, I leave it to the reader to ponder and draw their own conclusions. Below are suggestions and hints for your own research.
The numeric is awesome, but I know that most will not be interested. Without explained how I derive it, or even what I mean by it, this eclipse is 34300 days/years from 14466 BC and relates to the birth of Isaac, and Jacob/Esau.(700 jubilees.)
The Eye of Thoth and Horus grow dim!
See the sign of, Jupiter, the eye of Thoth grows dim!
The above link is an ABC news article that should be self-explanatory when you look at the shrinking eye of the 400-year storm on the planet Jupiter and compare it to the eye of Thoth.

Some images to quickly review before examining the eclipse
Please quickly skim over the images until the next heading. The images are just there to support what is said about the meaning of this eclipse.

The massive pyramid of the earlier image is meant to be superimposed over the below image, which I have not yet done.
However, it is not difficult to get a sense of it by aligning the peak of the image at right with the peak of the one below so that the water level of the image at right comes to about the foot of the throne in the below image.

What this Eclipse means…
As I said earlier, I leave it to the reader to fill in the gaps. The last thing I want is another long article!
The Moon god “Sin/Suen”
Remember that it is the “Moon god” that is principally being judged in the code.

The mirror image, or left eye, sometimes represented the moon and the god Djehuti (Thoth). (Wiki)
Compare with the location of the total eclipse in “The Twins” on July 2, 2019.
I leave the reader to ponder. Hint: also read “The Great Twins of Babylon” and “The Eye of Horus”

Compare with below prophetic image concerning where the serpent is emerging with the above map of Mount Vinson, Antarctica.

Ben-Nun goes on to discuss the Book of Enoch and its reference to imprisoned Fallen Angels that were removed from Mt Hermon to Antarctica (Mt Vinson/Sentinel Range):
Enoch 18.14 And like a spirit questioning me, the Angel said: “This is the place of the end of Heaven and Earth; this is the prison for the Stars of Heaven and the Host of Heaven.
18.15 And the stars which roll over the fire, these are the ones which transgressed the command of the Lord, from the beginning of their rising, because they did not come out at their proper times.
18.16 And He was angry with them, and bound them until the time of the consummation of their sin, in the Year of Mystery.”
Ben-Nun’s reference to the Fallen Angels still being alive in their Antarctica prison raises an intriguing possibility. The Book of Enoch describes a future “Year of Mystery” when they are liberated. Is this an event we will shortly witness? (Exopolitics)

The mystery year is the calm before the storm I think, war is going to happen. God is getting his warriors ready. Making his moves more calculated more now than ever. Its a chess game.