Blindness upon the world, the prophets and upon them that believe them
“As we’ve seen in the past few weeks alone, extreme weather events continue to sweep the nation, from the severe wildfires of the west to the devastating midwest derecho and damaging Gulf coast hurricanes. This trend – which is increasingly becoming our new normal – will likely continue to worsen in frequency and intensity as a result of a changing climate,” said Rostin Behnam, CFTC commissioner.
Sin with a touch of “global warming” is the real cause of these calamities. And this ‘touch’ of global warming (pollution) is itself the byproduct of greed.
But the Church is just as deluded as the world — even more so.
For those with ears to hear: The North American Church is like Gomer of the book of Hosea.
I admonished God’s people about this three years ago in a video. The video ended by declaring four times with the wave of the hand that Trump will be removed. If Trump wins this election then the end is nearer than I thought!
(See, “Vision of the Lamb“.)
A fire has come

Fire consumes the west. The smoke of Hollywood blinds the nations.
The prophets prophesy lies that rally the masses to their death, and God’s people love it so.
Delusion and madness sweep the land. Democrats and Republicans both stumble together. They are both alike in the eyes of the Lord.
Christians have brought unnecessary wrath upon themselves by mixing with the world.
“I am a Democrat!”
“I am a Republican”.
It seems that “I am a Christian” is no longer enough.
The skirt is above the head, but she knows it not.
We have exposed ourselves!
We have conceived our own rape!
We have fanned the flames of our own persecution!
We have robbed ourselves!
Avoid extremes heard on the internet
Avoid extreme views on all worldly topics such as COVID.
Be still and wait on your God!
The schemes of men come and go like the waves of the sea.
He is the only sure foundation. He is your Peace in the storm.
Trump’s Peace Treaty
Today the Lord revealed the significance of the Trump Peace Treaty, that Fox.
But if you will not hear the prophet Hosea, why explain what the Lord says about the treaty — and 666?
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27
Thankyou for this but you mean in the statement.. “The prophets prophesy lies that rally (You Mean the (false) prophets which are now manifested)the masses to their death, and God’s people love it so. That prophecy has been come to pass FINISH DONE.
But few will repent.
Yes, sadly so, but Scripture is being fulfilled.
When the atrocities happened in Paradise California I was screaming from the rooftops, yet none cared, and now, with their own survival on the line, they still slumber, only concerning themselves with the enemies devices designed to distract them, and alienate them from God.
Hi Dean,
It is interesting that you linked to the California Fires Document.
I have left you an Email having to do with Fires in the Western United States the timing of which is Both linked to Ezek. 20:47-49 & all the way back to the Thomas Fire of December 4, 2017. Think Methuselah 19, 23, & especially 17 (For The Flood). There is more to it than that, but I kept it short.
David R.