And also He was saying to the crowds,
“When you see a cloud rising up from the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming,’ and so it happens. And when a south wind is blowing, you say, ‘There will be heat,’ and it happens.
You know how to discern the appearance of the earth and of the sky, but how do you not know to discern this time? Luke 12:54-56
At least 5 dead as Midwest rocked by hurricane-force winds
Authorities say at least five people died when a powerful storm system swept across the Great Plains and Midwest, spawning hurricane-force winds and likely tornadoes in Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota…
“I can say with some confidence that this event (the heat and tornadoes) is among the most (if not THE most) anomalous weather event ever on record for the Upper Midwest,” Burt wrote in a Facebook post. ABC
Click on the below image to view.
A colossal Great Plains dust storm.
Incredible imagery.
— Dakota Smith (@weatherdak) December 16, 2021
Remove the dust in your ear!
To the (7th angel) angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me…Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Rev. 2:14-22

God gives another sign
It is sin to ask for signs in unbelief.
It is sin to ignore signs in unbelief. (Isa. 7:10-13)
This is the third sign, each five days apart.
And this is the Second Witness by means of unusual tornados.
- Woe! Sign of Two Witnesses of Revelation Dec. 6, 2021
- As said: ‘Expect plagues from Two Witnesses’, Rev. 11 Dec. 11, 2021
- Third sign: Spirit (wind) forms an “Ear” over United States Dec 16, 2021
A few days ago I noticed that the forecast for late Dec 15 (into the 16th) was for an extremely unusual cloud formation to form for this time of year. I saw that it looked like an ear. I was reluctant to mention this sign. To the natural mind, it’s folly to say that this is a sign of an ear. But, Jesus said: “What is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs”, Mat. 10:27.
Indeed it did form an ear, stuffed with dust, along with “dozens of tornados”.
Dozens of tornadoes and record-breaking wind thrash the Midwest

Records were set:
Dec. 15, 2021, set the record for the highest number of hurricane-force wind gusts in a single day.
How do I know what this sign means?
- Because it builds upon what was already posted about the sign of the Two Witnesses
- Because of when it occurred
See what went before:
- Woe! Sign of Two Witnesses of Revelation Dec. 6, 2021
- As said: ‘Expect plagues from Two Witnesses’, Rev. 11 Dec. 11, 2021
The timing of when this happened reveals what it means
It has the same meaning as the first sign.
Because the first sign on Dec. 5/6, 2021, was “The sign of the Two Witnesses of Revelation“. In that post, I explained in great detail how that day (Tebeth 2nd) was the 8th day of Chunkkah on the Jewish Calendar. I also explain how that the 360 Calendar and the Enochian Calendar also work in unison with that sign.
Well, it happens that this third sign ten days later is again “Tebeth 2nd”, except this time on both the 360 Calendar and the Enochian Calendar!
This tells me that the Lord is laying emphasis once again on the 7th and 8th day of Chanukkah, (“7th”, because of the lighting of the seven-branched Menorah that day in Israel. This was already explained).
There is only one place in the Bible that refers to the opening of the “ear” and the seventh candlestick. That’s in Rev. 1-2, where the seven churches are symbolized by seven candlesticks, with Jesus in the middle.
To the (7th angel) angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me…
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Rev. 2:14-22
It’s important to understand that in both Hebrew and Greek, the same word for “Spirit”, is also “wind”, and is often used in the context of tornadoes and dust clouds. Elijah is one example:
And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: 1Kings 19:11
However, as we know, ‘the Lord was in the still small voice’. This is His preferred mode of speech, (1Kings 19:12).

Also on Dec. 15th/16th… Typhoon Rai
Weather system reached category 5 super typhoon strength twice before it struck, killing at least 375
Rai reached category 5 super typhoon strength twice. The first followed rapid intensification between 15 and 16 December, where maximum windspeeds increased from 75mph to 160mph. The second was across the South China Sea, becoming only the third storm on record to reach Category 5 strength across this region. TheGaurdian
A closer look at the Enochian Calendar
Both Enoch & Elijah were caught up in heaven without seeing death. This is why some speculate that the Two Witnesses of Rev. 11 are them. (I hold that the Two Witnesses represent a host of things, including the pairing of Enoch & Elijah.)
Dozens of posts have been written about the Enochian Calendar at Thus, it is interesting what that calendar reveals at this time.
The 360 Calendar and the Enochian Calendar are the same calendars, however, they keep time differently. Every seven years or so they overlap. This is because on the Enochian calendar festivals always begin on a Wednesday. The 360 Calendar is not restricted to a particular day of the week, but instead always has an even 30 days in a month. A day on the 360 Calendar begins at sunset, whereas a day on the Enoch calendar begins at sunrise.
Footnote: Kislev 25th is the first day of Chanukah. On both the 360 and Enoch calendars, Kislev 25th occurs 70 days (ten weeks) after the Feast of Tabernacles. And because both Tabernacles and Chanukah are both seven & eight days long, the full eight days are also 70 days apart.
The dust storm that formed the ear occurred Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021. This means that on the 360 Calendar, the 8th day lasted until the evening of Dec. 15th, but on the Enoch calendar it lasted until Thursday morning. Thus, the 8th light is lit after dark on Wednesday night on the Enochian calendar. The storm also moved from day into night at that time.
The reason why I am saying all this is to point out that there is a hidden message here. The Church in the United States and Canada has, by in large, become “lukewarm” in God’s sight. But this also presents an opportunity for revival and to have first place.
“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. (Note: the storm suddenly ushered in cold air from record highs.)
17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Rev. 2:14-18
Moreover, because the Enochian Calendar has leap weeks rather than leap months or days, it means that Dec. 15, 2021, can also be the start of Chanukkah as well as the end because Chanukkah is a week long. Thus, the offer held out to the first Church (Ephesus) is now offered to the last Church (Laodicea). The Last Church can inherit the lampstand of the First Church, which Ephesus forfeited.
Let Him who hears, hear!
“To the angel of the church in Ephesus write:
These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands…
If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. Rev. 2:1-7
So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. Matt. 20:16
Why is the sign on the lunar and this sign on the 360/Enoch Calendars ten days apart?
As explained in the post ten days ago, on the lunar calendar a three-and-a-half-year period is 1270 or 1300 days long, but on the 360 Calendar, it is either 1260 or 1290 days long. Thus, there is a ten-day difference between the two. Thus, what was said about the 3.5 years lunar to AD 2025 is repeated ten days later on the 360 Calendar!
And the year 2025 is 70 jubilees from when Israel entered the Promised Land. (70 x 7 x 7 years.)
May the Lord keep our ears open and our lamps burning.
I am so thankful to have stumbled across your articles. I still have a lot to research, to read, to understand. My problem is that some of your information here, certain articles required a password, but I see nowhere to sign up to even make a password. I am a little late to the game, but trying to catch up and make sense of everything. I completely understand this article of an ear over the US. It makes perfect sense with my hearing impairment, as well as my partner, who is Deaf in one ear. Let me give you some clues to my identity. My name is Kristi Michelle McDowell with the maiden name of Winebrenner. I was born on Friday, July 13, 1973, in Silver Springs, MARYland at Holy Cross Hospital, but moved to the national oldest city, St Augustine the month before i turned 6 years old. Of course, my birthday in other countries would not be 7/1373, it would be 13/7/73. I understand a bit about the number 137, or 1307, and learn more each day. 1307 was even the year Friday the 13th was invented, don’t know if you know that part of the story. But forget about all my 137 info for now. My mother, Patricia Ann, was born on December 3, 1948 and my father on 12/31/42. My mother died 3/01/19.
An image of Ya hush a appeared in the sky that day.
I myself died briefly on April 1st, 2017. So, born on Friday the 13th, dead on April Fools, hahaha. Not.
I was in a coma for 8 days but woke up the night before the lying evil ‘doctors’ were to unhook me, saying I was brain dead – even though the monitor lit up when my friend loved on me. Thank God my oldest son Joshua came down from Asheville. Maybe why I woke up. Let me tell you about my firstborn, Joshua Storm, son of Star, my ex husband, a hippie who married a girl named Blue(I can’t keep track of all the Blue /Star references I’ve seen!)
Star’s birthday is 12/27/76.
Back to Josh- his birthday is 10/01/95- boy would I LOVE to know what the actual for real date it was then- anyway, my doctor put my due date at September 28th, but it was a hard lengthy labor that lasted 3 days and he was not born until 2:16 am Sunday morning. October 1st- the day before what I’ve seen theorized as Yahusha’s true day of birth, and 2:16(as in, before 3:16)
The last time I saw my son was the end of September, 2017. Before I go on, let me tell you about my first nuthouse experience, in February 2000, my first bout of “awakening” where I had the so called “delusion” that my then 3 year old baby was the second coming of the messiah. Fast forward to 2017, my almost 22 year old, highly intoxicated son babbling out what others would never understand, that were the epitome of the same ‘delusions’ i had previously that I could not even put human words too. He did just that, as well as expanded upon it. I remember the primal scream he gave in my parents back yard that night that ripped my heart out. But what I remember most, is when, with everyone around us, partying and laughing and carrying on, on my parents back porch, he and I were sitting directly across the room for each other, when he stopped paying attention to the others, stopped laughing, gave me a kind of knowing smirk, and said, “You were right. I came back.” This had me literally removing myself to bed to hide and freak out a bit. Let me tell you about Revelation, Chptr 12.
When I was pregnant with Joshua Storm, I had an oversized hippie T- shirt my then husband Started got me from a hippie rainbow gathering (!)that wasn’t quite tye dye, but sort of, with colors of orange, yellow, and red with the front of it the image of lion/sun face. I’ve lost everything I’ve ever owned, but on my phone, I have a picture of me in that shirt with Joshua as a toddler, wearing(this is kinda funny) a Grateful Dead shirt. Get it? The dead will be grateful, won’t they? Joshua’s birth weight was 6lbs 11oz, which is a private joke for me, that you have to dial 611611 on your phone for phone help, or rather, help with your COMMUNICATION(Word) device.
Despite the difficulties we’ve been through, I do still find things to marvel or laugh at.
Joshua once told me, maybe in 2018? He found out that in the ones and zeros binary code, his birthday, 10/01 means The End’s Beginning. And I come to another funny- his daughter, Estelle Talise(who was hidden from us by her mother when she was 18 months old, long story), well, I discovered her name means “A celestial body consecrated to God”. Her birthday is 10/10/14. I asked my very wise friend, Will, who calls himself The Reaper and loves sharp objects, what did 10/10 mean in binary code to which he replied, New Beginnings. I’m sure you know what the symbol for a Libra is- ♎, looks like an upside down horseshoe. A Libra is also the scales of justice, is it not? The point of my story here is, in my town, St Augusta, on our road to our main high school, just past the school (which I recently heard now houses a church that used to be up the road), there is a little church called New Beginnings directly across from a road called Horseshoe Rd.
Keep going, at the end of this road are our courthouse and local jail – how’s that for symbolism?
I know I am rambling, but I don’t feel well and there’s just so much I am trying to assimilate. Right now my mind is moving to my second born son, Michael Stone. Originally, when younger, I had the name Joshua Michael picked out, but when I met Star, I fell in love with the biblical and nature name theme and continued it with all three of my boys. Anyway, Michael Stone was born May 1st 2003. Idk if you recognize those numbers? I found out the Illuminati was organized that day, and just the past week or two found out that so was the Church of Satan. It’s also May Day, the same week as Prayer day, and of course let’s not forget the tax code for churches and charities is
501c3. Michael was born at the numbers of my birthday in backwards America, July 13 at 7 lbs 13oz.
Now for my youngest boy, Matthew Night. Born on January 26, 2007. In American format, 1/26/07. Do you see those numbers? 1260 + 7.
He was tiny weighing in at 5 lbs 9.1 oz my social security number starts with 591, lol. What is NOT so funny, is “they” have been attacking all of us just as is written, especially through pharmakai and the medical atstwn for the blatant part. It is such a long long story, but the part I want to tell you now is akin to this article about the Ear on the US- Certainly you remember hurricanes Matthew and Michael? Did you know that both hurricanes had skull images in their satellites? In the year between those two storms, there was also a hurricane named Irma. Guess what my nurse’s name was who dosed me with the methadone I was forced onto upon getting pregnant with Michael, against my will at Shands Vista rehab in Gainesville (who represents reptiles) after they found out I was hooked on opiate pain meds from the complications i had when Josh Was born, then later stricken with rheumatoid arthritis. Michael and Matthew were both methadone babies. Irma was my methadone nurse.
Wish I could get into the puzzle of my many doctors, but I am presently getting overwhelmed and being, homeless in a tent behind a church, in Florida while very ill and with pain increasing by the moment, as well as my thermoregulation problem and severe heat intolerance and being attacked by bugs – well I’m just about in hysterics, so I must tend to myself and my situation.
But it is very important for me to connect with others who might understand or be able to help, and to be aware of what is going on which brings me back to the point of this entire content, which is, HOW do I access the articles that require a password, where can I sign up?
I have another matter of importance involving my boyfriend, but it’s going to have to wait until next time. I need answers. I need help.
I can’t adequately verbalize how substantially moving it was discovering your site today; While a great portion of the site is still unknown to me, what I saw and read so far rings either right at or very close to truth to me, it’s something I am able to know or recognize upon seeing or hearing it, the truth, that is. Nothing else that I’ve ever come across has been this utterly true… I intend to read more, but really felt I needed to tell you that.
Glad to hear it.
Interesting news
Israel braces for severe winter storm ‘Carmel’
Elijah’s confrontation with the false prophets of Baal (I Kings 18).
Did you notice the ear of winds covered 7 states on the AccuWeather map ?
No, I did not notice. Thanks for pointing that out.
It also seems to be in close proximity to the missing section of the mystery Babylon pyramid
Hi Dean, I was wondering if there may be a major weather event on the 2nd of Tebeth (360 Calendar). I guess that was it.
I Also remembered what you said in your post called “As said: ‘Expect plagues from Two Witnesses’, Rev. 11” December 11, 2021
Quoted from Dean’s previous post: “It should also be noted that another most unusual, but subtle, sign ends with these tornadoes: A record-shattering pause in storms of great strength in partial fulfillment of this verse: “After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.”.”
First becoming/being named a Tropical Storm (Rai) on the Evening (20:00 Hrs Local time) of December 13,2021. Wiki Excerpt: “After passing near Palau with unknown impacts, Rai entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) by the night of December 14, where the PAGASA named it “Odette”.”
“Rai UNEXPECTEDLY underwent rapid intensification on December 15, from 65 knots (120 km/h; 75 mph) to 140 knots (260 km/h; 160 mph) by December 16 whilst nearing landfall.”
Super Typhoon Odette (meaning: “rich”), originally named Rai “Lightning/thunder” made landfall in the Philippines as a Cat. 5 Storm at 240Kph/149Mph Dec. 16, 2021 1:30PM (Local Time).
“Mass evacuations as super Typhoon Rai slams into Philippines”
“Red Cross says millions at risk as ‘one of the world’s strongest storms of 2021’ makes landfall in the Philippines.”
The Christmas Comet Brightens
‘Christmas comet’ to zip through evening sky, won’t be back for 80,000 years
The coming nights will be the best chance to see comet Leonard, discovered earlier this year, and the comet may even be visible to the naked eye under ideal conditions.
News article link:
Video Link:
Hear Hear! I like the radar, it looks like a human head. plus, the ear is over…kEARney…love it! Amen yes amen ;
May the Lord keep our ears open and our lamps burning