Sometimes I write something more for my own benefit than anything else so that I do not forget. And this is really one of those times.

As said in the first part of the Mene Tekel Peres article, in a sense the writing etched upon the plaster of the wall of the palace in Babylon was God’s cylinder stamp because what we have been discussing remained sealed six-times-364 years from when the prophecy about the “2300” in Daniel 8 was fulfilled — to the exact day.
From Kislev 15/25, 167 BC to Kislev 15 and 24/25th, 2018, the day when further insight was granted into this writing.
(Also see the last verse of Haggai and date. Go to for 360 and lunar calendar for Nov. 23, 2018, when the second part of the Mene Tekel Code was revealed.)
“This vision about the 2,300 evenings and mornings is true. But none of these things will happen for a long time, so keep this vision a secret.” (Same Hebrew word, סתמ-secret.)
Thus, the line to the right of the above image reads:
“Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsin:
The One putting him to death is the one concealing them!”
Back to Part Three of Mene Tekel Upharisn
This prophetic Picture Code began to be revealed Nov. 23, 2018, during the full moon. It was the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”, 6*364 years ago in 167 BC. The Mene Tekel code was worked on and posted from Dec. 5 up until Jan. 11, 2019.
Clarification: The site was purchased Dec. 5th for seven years, but although live on Dec. 5th, nothing written therein was announced publically, or the purchase of that domain name made known, until the next day, Dec. 6th, on the site, with the post
Record of revisions for Parts One to Three of Mene Code
Below is the record of revisions that show Jan. 11th as the day revelations into Mene Tekel finished. (In a minor way, however, it also spilled over a little into the next day, but those additions were added to the “Four Signs” document, not the main articles, “Parts One to Three).
This is the same time-date stamped onto this post.
Only minor changes made (such as adjusting the record of “Signs”) to Mene Code after Jan. 11th, 2019

Therefore the articles were posted and major additions made from Dec. 6, 2018 to Jan 11, 2019. This spans 36 days (perhaps 36.5) and 49 days from said Nov. 23, 2018, (or 50 inclusive).
Jan. 11, 2019 is also 19*364 from the initial Mene Code back on Feb 4, 2000. And because with the Enoch calendar a day is constituted as from morning to morning, therefore, the 19th anniversary runs from the morning of Jan. 11th to the morning of Jan 12th — and is also, thus, 49 and 50 days from Nov 23, 2018.

This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Part One. Mene Tekel: gods are judged! Dec. 6, 2018
- Sea-Dragon comet under foot and ‘Meteor in Russia like 10 atomic bombs’
- Dec. 16 & 18, 2018
- Eruption of Anak Krakatoa triggers tsunami due to full-moon
- Dec. 22, 2018
- “OSIRUS-REX” reaches Bennu on Hanukkah as Bush laid in state. And 30 days later: China on dark side of moon
- Dec 3, 2018, and Jan 2, 2019
- Locust invade Mecca as a partial solar eclipse occurs
- Jan. 5th local time, (eclipse EST)
- Meteor strikes “Super Wolf Blood Moon“, and New York Tower of Babel lit up baby-blood pink
- Jan 20 and 22, 2019
- River of blood: Dam bursts in Brazil killing 360
- Jan 25, 2019, noon
- Polar Vortex, F4 Tornado strikes North America and Havanna, Cuba
- Jan 27, 2019
- Meteor strikes Cuba at foot of mountain-mural of dragons and giants; (And Part A, “Dragon Aurora in Draco”)
- Feb 1st and 6th, 2019
- Magnetic Pole speeds across the Arctic
- Feb 4, 2019
- Mount Kea (Hawaii) Enlil, god of wind and mountain — judged!
- Feb 10-11, 2019
- “Mene, Tekel, Persia“, Turkey, 50 Russian bears, the Pope, and Kushner’s Peace Treaty
- Feb 1st, 4th, 9th, 11th, and 14th
- Resurrection! Mountain clothed with butterflies
- Dec 22, 2018, and Feb 14, 2019
- (Pt. B/C) Star of Isis and Virgo darkened (full moon), creating triangle both in heaven and earth. (Pt. A. “Serpent ascends”)
- Feb 19, Mar 6, 2019. (Pt. D. Venus gored by her own horns, Jan 30)
- Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid 30 days later
- Israel and Bible: 7x around the Moon/Jericho
- Feb 21 and April 11, 2019 (And “Dragon’s Palace“, April 5)
- “Prince of the power of the air” exposed
- Feb 1 & 15, 2019
- Tornado (F4) topples tower three-hours after posting its image. And, “The Mark of Trump”
- March 3rd and 8th, 2019
- US recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights, and thus Mt Hermon where angels fell
- March 21 (& Feb 16th), 2019. (Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid)
- Drill for water in Antartica
- Dec 18, 23, 26th, 28
- Book of Enoch and the underworld: Three scientific reports
- Jan 10th, Feb 14, 15; March 1, 3, 2019
- Enoch’s solar cal.: The great switch from lunar to solar commences
- March 21, 23 (Enoch New Year – March 20 & 27)
- Secret code predicted deaths of Saddam, Bush, Yitzchak Kaduri and Sharon
- Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
- Drought in USA, Israel, and Babylon ends
- Notre Dame Fire
- Easter Sri Lanka bombing
- Three Unusual Typhoons
- Mystery Mountain rises from the sea
- Final prophetic images coincide with record stretch of tornadoes
- Day of Atonement Comet