The following was originally part of the document entitled: “U.S. Pattern of Disasters Revealed Beforehand”.
However, because of the series of incredible events that occurred October 16-17, 2017, I thought it best to detail these latest events in this separate document.
I plan on adding to this document slowly over the next few days. For now, consider the following as a summary. Keep in mind that it was written in the context of the document, “U.S. Pattern of Disasters Revealed Beforehand”.
It seems to me that as I wrote the above document, God must have put it into my mind to include certain things to do with the past seven years, but which now take on new importance.
For instance, concerning the “Record Billion-Dollar Disasters”, I wrote…
“Moreover, 2017 is tied with 2011 for the most “billion-dollar disasters“.”

However, little did I know that within a couple of days of referring to “2011 and 2017”, events in the world would compel me to refocus on these past seven same years, that is, “2011 to 2017” inclusive. All the documents on this new site ( have so far focused on the past several months and the next seven years. But now I am forced to refer back to several widely-read articles that I wrote over seven years ago.
(These were particularly widely-read because it had to do with the year 2012. Recall the end-of-the-world hype for that year. This article drew in about 100,000 viewers from 2009 to 2013, alone.)
I wrote the following in 2010. Notice that I refer to a seven-year period before 2010, about which I also wrote extensively ay back then (2003/4-2010/1).
My reason for mentioning this is to demonstrate how that the events of 2017 is nothing new but is an ongoing pattern that has been extensively documented for more than 21 years.
For example, the following is taken from the “2012” article. (It was written in 2010.)
“The Jubilee Year of 2025,
with plus and minus seven years”
What does it all mean?
“Nevertheless, we should still expect some very interesting events over the next seven years, just as there were the past seven years. There will still be God-sent signs these next seven years, and they will be precisely timed and follow a definite pattern, even predictable to a limited extent — once things begin to unfold, whatever that be — but these will mainly be signs of what is ultimately to come 15 years from now.
And so, I have said such things repeatedly, so I cannot understand the confusion. I do not want to understate the significance of 2025 either, lest I rob 2025 of any significance whatsoever. That would be a mistake because God wants us watching and on our tipsy-toes. When we get closer to 2025/2026 (for it can be either, although 2025 is the 70th jubilee from the entry into Canaan in 1406 BC ), I will explain further details about the numeric to do with that time period, and perhaps make some specific predictions. But for now I have generalized it as simply, “The jubilee year of 2025, with plus and minus seven years”. But this is just a generalization.” (Boldprint in original.)
(Notice that I said: “I will explain further details about the numeric to do with that time period, and perhaps make some predictions.” And now I have now done as I said I would do concerning the seven years leading up to 2025… as first published here on
When I say “2025”, keep in mind that the whole year, biblically speaking, runs from autumn of 2024 to autumn of 2025, and thus “minus seven years” brings us to autumn 2017. (See my first article on, entitled: “Part One: Why the Solar Eclipse of 2017 Launches the 490th “Shmita-Cycle”. (Because 70 jubilees elapse from the Conquest to AD 2025)”.
Seven-year cycles from entering Promised Land in 1406 BC (and 1948)
These seven-year cycles began in 1406 BC when Israel entered the Promised Land. However since Israel became a nation in 1948, these cycles took on a decidedly “birth-pang” appearance. Every seven-year cycle, generally speaking, has been more potent than the one before. And each cycle is a prototype and build up to the one that came after it. This will reach a still-future climax — a seven-year period popularly understood as “The Great Tribulation”. (Think of prophecy as a fractal. It is self-similar on every level: large and small timeframes. But as in the case of The Bible Fractal, there is a definite goal and climax in mind. It is not aimlessly cyclical.)
These seven-year cycles are windups, birth pangs, preludes to what follows. And as said, normally each seven-year period is more intense than the preceding one. I have been documenting this publically since 1996/1997.
Personal Note:
The Burning-Bush Bible Pictogram was the first of seven unfolding multi-faceted images revealed. This was also true of The Bible Fractal, revealed 18 years later. The Burning-Bush Pictogram was first published —to the day— at the end of the 49th full year from when Israel became a nation in 1948, and therefore 28 years to 2025, on the 360 calendar. This, too, can be verified on “Wayback Machine” website, although this document predates “Wayback Machine”. [Notice that “49” + “28” = 77 years].
It may appear at times that I am boasting. However, I am boasting about how great God is. God systematically revealed these three things beginning in 1991: The Bible Numbers, Bible Pictograms, and now the Bible Fractal. And I want the world to know how awesome God is! And these three are really one, just manifested differently. They contain one another and form one another. They are like water in its three forms: Vapour, liquid and solid. And these three bear witness to the Word of God.)
The Seven-year cycles from 1406 BC and AD 1948
(Note: these seven-year periods, in turn, intersect the “Shmita” cycles observed in Israel today.)
I know all this is complex, but I will now make it simple:
- These seven-year cycles each have the same basic theme, (“The end of the world!”)
- The events of these cycles were outlined ahead of time (predictive). This included dozens of specific dates, to the very day.
- The end of each seven-year period bleeds/overlaps into the next cycle
- (Late) 2010 to (late) 2017 is now complete. As predicted, God did many remarkable things that foreshadow the ultimate end. This “seven years” was bracketed by “the most billion-dollar disasters ever”, (both in 2011 and 2017, inclusive). In the middle of these seven were the following: Great signs in the heavens, (especially the lunar tetrads), the Bible Fractal revelation, and the rise of Isis to prominence, with their demise 3.5-years later along the Euphrates — like Babylon of old. And the enigma of Donald Trump in 2017. (Plus hundreds of lesser events throughout these seven years, many documented, many not.)
- What we are now witnessing this autumn of 2017 is the ending of one seven-year cycle and a transitioning into the next. However, this one culminates in the 70th jubilee from Joshua’s Conquest (1406 BC) and is therefore especially important.
- But keep in mind what I have been saying for decades now: the year 2025 can also have “plus-seven years” added to it. Moreover, the seven-years, as said, is intersected in the middle. This allows for short-term possibilities. And if that were not enough, there is also a “plus 30-year leap-month” on top of all this. (This is particularly emphasized in the Bible Fractal, which spans tens of thousands of years.) All this means this: We do not know when the final end will come!
- The one seven-year cycle transitioning into the next helps explains the enigma of “Donald Trump”, and why both positive and negative prophecy is attached to him. As the triumphant leader who takes credit for ending Isis (among many other noble deeds), Donald is a type of Christ. But concerning what is to come, potentially an antichrist. (One of many, I should add.)
Trump can be compared to King Saul. Saul starts off well. The Bible says that Saul was “little in his own eyes”. But soon success went to his head and Saul eventually becomes the enemy of David.
But nothing is in stone!
This does not have to be!
However, this is the pattern that the Lord has been increasingly warning me of, beginning back in 2011, before I even heard of Donald Trump. But what was true of King Saul is also true of Trump. Trump can choose to stay humble — but will he?
And God forbid that we should cease to pray for him. His success means our success.
1Samuel 12:12 “But when you saw that Nahash king of the Ammonites was moving against you, you said to me, ‘No, we want a king to rule over us’—even though the Lord your God was your king. 13 Now here is the king you have chosen, the one you asked for; see, the Lord has set a king over you. 14 If you fear the Lord and serve and obey him and do not rebel against his commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the Lord your God—good! 15 But if you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against his commands, his hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors.”
This also means that Isis will morph into something worse over the next seven years. The sign of the solar eclipse remains true, “A darkness that can be felt is stretching towards America”. And the next eclipse over America is in seven eclipse years. Thus, we know the main heavenly sign that marks this next seven-years already.

The following was taken directly out of the original larger document that outlines the calamities if 2017 and should be read with that in mind. This section focuses on the strange and marvelous events of October 16-17, 2017, and what they mean.
“I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades,” (Rev 1:18).

Compare the “Coliseum Fractal” (made public the month of Trump’s inauguration) with images from “Trump Towers“, where Trump lived before moving into the White House. Notice the theme of the “The Sun King” and the “Chariot of Apollo”. An interesting theme for a man born during a lunar eclipse!

Important Sidenote (Oct. 16-17, 2017)
Do you believe in coincidences?
The above “Fractal Coliseum” images were made public for the first time at the start of Tishri 26, 2017. (It was somewhat different from the similar image in the video. This one emphasized the Lion-Cherub as leading the way. However, the four horsemen were absent this time, and the “living altar” above His head.)
I have repeatedly told everyone to look for mighty signs on the earth whenever a particular fractal is made public; to look for events in keeping with whatever part of the Bible Fractal was released. Usually, it’s a calamity — but this time its good news!
Two great signs in the Land promised to Israel, (both within 36 hours!)

Accounting for time-zone differences, on the very same day (Tishri 26, 2017) that I put out the above “Fractal Coliseum“, (which scene takes place in God’s temple in heaven), “Israeli archeologists on Monday announced the discovery of the first known Roman-era theatre in Jerusalem’s Old City.” It was found beneath the Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem, at the arch gate where people entered the Temple Mount. (This discovery came to my attention just minutes after being led to play the song, “Go Through the Gates“!)
In my one-minute “Fractal-Riddle” video, I also refer to the Roman-style arch “gate” at the entrance into the God’s temple, where Jesus had just entered, riding triumphantly on His cherub-drawn chariot.
(Click and freeze video to view this massive arch-gate above the mighty angel who guards it. Continue to watch as video expands to see the Lord on His chariot inside temple-mount towards the end of the video. Compare video with the above Fractal image.)
I can hear someone mockingly say,
“That theatre discovery in Israel hardly ranks as a “stadium” as in your fractal image! It only sat 200″.
How about a stadium that sits “20,000″?
The northern border of Israel at the time that Solomon built the temple, reached north to the “Euphrates River”. This happens to be the very spot where Isis in Raqqa is located — or rather, “was” located!
Moreover, the last stand of hated Isis just occurred in this key city. It was the capital of its “caliphate,” (“antichrist-rule”). But to be exact, this final last-stand just occurred in the “20,000-capacity stadium“ –it’s final stronghold. The news that Isis has lost this pivotal ‘contest of war’ will send shock-waves racing through the scattered remnant of Isis.

The collapse of Isis predicted 8 years ago: How long Isis would last (3.5 years), and when it would fall — before there was an “Isis”!
This is a bold claim, but fortunately one easy to prove. About 100,000 have read the following quotation from my site, and a snapshot of that article can be found on “Wayback Machine” for independent verification. You can read the whole article if you wish.
Keep in mind that Isis’ emerged out of the vacuum of Saddam Hussein’s death, (the date of which was also predicted back then), and that Isis had two main strongholds, one at the top and one at the bottom of the “Great River”, the Euphrates, which includes ancient Babylon, now called Iraq. (These details are important if you want to read that whole article, put out in early 2010.) Keep in mind that Isis as we know it did not even exist when the following was said:
“As we shall see, the seven years from (late) 2010 to (late) 2017 are part of an important numeric pattern, with 2012 also emphasized. Let us watch and see what will happen along the theme of “the fall of Babylon” during these years…
In the bible, “Babylon” is a symbol of the world system. The fall of Babylon in Sept/Oct of 539 BC became a sign of the coming collapse of the world system and inauguration of the kingdom of God, (Dan. 5)…
Moreover, another 1260 (and/or) 1290 days after the death of Saddam is the summer of 2010, which is the start of the seven year period explained in the chart. This is accurate to the very day! Thus we have seven year periods intersecting seven year periods in the exact middle. Thus, the sign of Saddam Hussein is directly connected to the seven-year period that spans 2010-2017.”

And so, God fulfilled this prediction to the month: (See “Fox News, Timeline” for specific dates to so with Isis.)
- Oct., 539 BC (fall of Babylon), plus 365 times seven-years, equals October of 2017 (fall of Raqqa, and symbolic end of Isis’ Caliphate)
- And 364 times seven-years to 2010. (Both “364” and “365” are associated with Enoch’s length of a year, who in turn is associated with Sumer/Babylon)
From Wikipedia: (Sidenote: “Mosul” (“Ninevah”) is where Saddam’s sons were slain, exactly 3.5 years before Saddam was hung.)
“ISIL (Isis) gained global prominence in early 2014 when it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive, followed by its capture of Mosul {i.e., Ninevah} and the Sinjar massacre.”
“2014, 4-10 June: Mosul taken by forces of the Islamic State of Iraq 2017 – July (21st): Mosul liberation.”
But let’s back up 3.5 years ago. (See “Fox News, Timeline“)
As said before, the fractal images as seen in the video: of the burning bush, the cherubim, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse were the first things the Lord showed me — the very first fractals were discovered back in 2014, on June 26, 28 and 30th respectively. (But I did not show them publically until this year.)
It happens that in Raqqah, Syria, the caliphate was also declared on June 29th, 2014. (Perhaps June 28th EST, accounting for time zone.) As said before, that was also 1150 days unto the total solar eclipse in the U.S. (See heading called, “Timing” for the exact reference to this “1150 days“.)
Hurricane Ophelia, too
Also, on the same day, record-shattering Hurricane Ophelia blasts Ireland and England, turns the sky and land blood-red. Most all major world newspapers noted how eerie and foreboding it looked — and all that on the 30th anniversary of “The Great Storm of 1987”.

Note: the following was written a few days prior to the events of the above “update”.
Jesus has everything TIMED because He is proving that He is the only One who can predict the future like He can……He can predict the End from the Beginning………He predicts the rise and fall of nations thousands of years in advance………..He predicts Revelations from Genesis……..He predicted the Holocaust and Intifada from the Deuteronomy 28 curses………Hitler’s Final Solution started on the “9th of Av”—Jesus TIMED that……..9-11-01 was the fulfillment of the “9th of Av” over 2000 years ago……..the other religion-books dont predict the future like the bible does……..Isaiah 46;9-10….Jesus is the Time-Lord…..Praise Christ!