Parallel Geneology in Genesis

In Genesis, the ungodly lineage of Cain features names parallel to those in the godly seed. This has been a subject of scholarly debate for centuries. The text emphasizes these names through a mathematical pattern of sevens, including references to 7, 77, 777, and less obviously to 70×12, 70×13, 182+595, and even 70×7 in the LXX. This pattern contrasts with Jesus’ teachings, where he uses similar numerics to denote “vengeance” and “forgiveness.” Notably, 1260 is also present, equating to half of seven years (7×360).
Mahalalel and Enoch in the genealogy stand out by crisscrossing to their corresponding evil counterparts, unlike the rest, who are simply parallel. Mahalalel and Enoch symbolize the two witnesses of Revelation 11, described as “two lamps” standing before the world for 1260 days before ascending to heaven. Mahalalel, meaning “One who shines for God,” and Enoch (which means “disciple/teacher” and, by implication, a light shining on ignorance), who also ascended to heaven without dying, lived for 895 and 365 years, respectively. Their combined years total 1260, representing a “time (365), times, and half-a-time (895).”
Their evil counterparts, “Enoch,” who built the first city—a precursor to “Mystery Babylon,” and “Mehujael” (meaning “God manifested”) represent the false prophet and the antichrist, respectively, of Revelation 13.
Jarod/Irad are at center. We are told in the Book of Enoch that the Watcher Angels who rebelled descended from heaven to earth “in the days of Jarod.” Thus, the “days of Jarod” are a synonym for the “last days.” The six-pointed star represents the third of the stars/angels cast down from heaven who counterfeit God’s every move.
The Meaning-of-Names Bible Code is also found here.

And they were in all two hundred; who descended (in the days) of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon.
Book of Enoch 6:6

The 77 names from “God” to “Jesus”, the “Son of God”, which is also 70 names from Enoch. When strung together, the meaning of all these names tells a story that interprets the epochs wherein each of these ancestors of Christ lived. The flag also includes an acrostic.
Interestingly, seven years from now (2025) is the 70th jubilee (70x7x7 years) from when Israel entered the Promised Land, and the jubilee cycles officially began (1406 BC), which is when Moses died, thus completing that genealogy. Moreover, 70 years had elapsed from when Israel became a nation. This also means that Israel will celebrate its 77th year in seven years.
The two flags are close but are not an exact match. Perhaps the flag created by the parallel names refers to a coming conflict between the godly seed and the ungodly seed?
The star in the middle of the flag resembles two tridents overlapping each other — a symbol associated originally with Nimrod, “the mighty hunter before the Lord”, who in turn is a proto-type of antichrist (Gen. 10:9).

Bible old testament book of Amos 5:26 – But ye [Jews] have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch (Satanic god child sacrifice by fire) and Chiun your images, the STAR STAR STAR star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. (Jews carried what star?)
Acts 7:43 – Yea, ye [Jews] took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the STAR STAR STAR star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
What STAR STAR STAR do the jews (even so called Messianic) carry? Moloch and Remphan
Moloch was the satanic god that demanded children be burned alive in fire.
Remphan has reference to the giants, think Goliath
Look at the Israeli flag.
Interesting the way you put together the names codes with the Israeli flag.
Thanks for your thoughts.
However, we must remember that the devil is a counterfeiter. He does not come up with better imagery than God — he can’t. It’s not possible. He just twists God-ordained imagery. So the star of Moloch is a perversion of truth, just like in the Bible the “morningstar” is applied to both the devil and Jesus.
You are correct with your analysis. I have researched it and found the same thing. The name “Star of David” is very MISLEADING!! David never used that star. The star, is in fact, the Star of Remphan! Why should it be on the flag of the State of Israel?
when OT Israel was faithful—she was victorious over her enemies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
When the early Church was faithful—she was victorious over her enemies (Acts 1), healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching, making disciples, sending out apostles,……………..
When the Church (as a whole) was unfaithful—-her enemies were victorious over the Church…………….
In these endtimes, the Church (as a whole) is unfaithful (apostate)—-so the demons gain courage to rise up and defeat us, and we dont heal the sick and cast out demons…………….
In the coming Tribulation, many will leave the Church to join the Harlot of Babylon (satan’s false Church), and the faithful Remnant of the Church will be purified by persecutions, and will be victorious over her enemies (healing the sick, and casting out demons), and God will Rain down the LATTER RAIN OF GOD’S SPIRIT upon the Church…………..the LATTER RAIN will be far greater than the EARLY RAIN (read the book of Acts)
“Tisha B’Av” = 911 (Jewish Gematria)………..
“Tisha B’Av is the “9th of Av” = 9th day of the 11th month of the Jewish calendar = fore-shadow of 9-11-01…..9-11-1994…..9-11-08……….GREAT SIGN FROM GOD!
AD 70 was the fore-shadow of the 7 year Great Tribulation…………the Church was driven out of Israel before AD 70………..likewise…….in Rev12, the Church escapes into the wilderness on eagle’s wings to flee from the Great Red Dragon satan………..Colossians 2;16……….the Physical is the fore-Shadow of the Spiritual………..Everything in the Bible has a fore-Shadow……….the Shadow explains the Substance………..the Substance is always infinitely better+greater than the Shadow………..ONLY CHRIST KNOWS THE FUTURE,,,,SO HE GIVES US THE FORE-SHADOW! PRAISE CHRIST!……..Isaiah 46;9-10
SIGN FROM GOD……….911 days between the NORWAY SPIRAL and the ISRAEL SPIRAL……….
THE NORWAY SPIRAL occurred when obama got his NOBEL PEACE PRIZE…………
THE ISRAEL SPIRAL occurred when obama assured the Jews of his support+fidelity to the Israel nation………..
Jesus knew that the world was honoring obama for murdering the nation Israel, which he failed to do……….the SIGN proves that Jesus knows our true evil motives……….the world craves to murder Israel because the world hates Christ.
Jesus has sent many astounding SIGNS about 9-11.
The SPIRAL is the Sign that means SCREWY+CRAZY.
This is not what you think it is….
Ron’s discovery has been covered-up for 36 years, especially the blood evidence. The circumstances around his discovery are very suspicious and reads like a set-up (Sunday Law). The circumstance surrounding the 4 angels only appearing during his 4th entry into the chamber is highly suspicious and could be a pre-planned set-up.
The mark of the beast is also not what most Christians believe it to be. It is instead a literal description and appears to be closer to at counterfeiting certificate of authenticity with a hologram of an animal avatar. A mark on the hand and forehead is from a camera or a hand-held scanner. Those who don’t venerate the mark, their products will be terminated from global trade.
It’s my belief that man cannot willfully fulfill prophesy with prior knowledge, so this Sunday Law appears to be a Red Herring and could be intentional. The Israeli military were involved in Ron’s discovery and the US Department of Intelligence was clearly also aware.
So if the Vatican has been pushing this Sunday law for so long (didn’t start until after 1982), it’s pretty obvious that this isn’t a fulfillment of prophesy. It’s an intentional misdirection so that the genuine fulfillment isn’t known beforehand.
I enjoy your codes Dean, but I think that a large majority of them are not what you think they mean.
Hi! For the record, I have strong doubts about most of Ron’s discoveries.
Lets say Ron Wyatt lied, Now lets think about that for a minute. A man who devotes enormous time in several countries to prove the Bible a true historic record decides one day to LIE and bring his makers rath down on himself. Ron Wyatt told the truth I must conclude.
I am not Ron Wyatt’s judge.
For those embracing a false theology of Ron Wyatt: he said Jesus’ blood needs to spill on the ark “made with human hands” quite openly and literally degrade the precious blood of Jesus Christ right down to the level of oxen, goats and sheep. How awful is that? His blood is to be the “better” sacrifice that spills on the “greater” and “more perfect tabernacle.” Declaring it must mingle with the blood of goats, oxen and sheep on a man made tabernacle. Can’t you see what Wyatt was saying there. The least one can do is show respect towards Jesus.
SIGN FROM GOD……12 = LIGHT. (bible symbolism).
1335 is a famous wonderful bible number in Revelations……1335 = the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST……1+3+3+5 = 12.
Jesus had 12 Spiritual sons. Jacob had 12 Physical sons.
why 12?………Jesus said, “There are 12 hours of dayLIGHT in a day”……we are the LIGHT of the world…..the children of LIGHT(God is the Light).
Abraham’s army of trained men was 318 adult men “born in his own house”……….3+1+8 = 12……..Abe had 12 sons.(symbolism)
12 NEW MOON ASSEMBLIES in a year……..
noon and midnight are 12 o’clock.
the 24 Elders in Revelations = 12 + 12 = 24.
the 144,000 = 12 X 12 X 1000.
zodiac = 12 signs
dozen = 12.
“in criminal cases involving serious felonies there are usually 12 jurors.
There are 12 troy ounces in a troy pound (used for precious metals)
In the former British currency system, there were twelve pence in a shilling.
There are normally twelve pairs of ribs in the human body.
Twelve people have walked on Earth’s moon.
12 inches in a foot.
12 face cards in a card deck.
Alcoholics Anonymous has 12 steps, 12 traditions and 12 concepts for world service.
The book of Revelation is never to be referred too or called “Revelations” Why?
Because it is the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ…
One Revelation.
This is true. The true title is stated in Relevation 1:1.
The Deuteronomy 28 curses have fallen on the nation Israel because she rejected Christ Jesus in 30 AD………the curses include the Holocaust, ghetto, pogroms, Hitler’s Final Solution, intifada, anti-semitism, 9th of Av, 70 AD fall of Herod’s temple, 70 AD Diaspora, etc………All this is a Shadow of the consequences of the NT Church’s GREAT FINAL APOSTASY (2 Thess 2), the Great Falling Away,,,,,,,,the endtimes apostate Church will suffer a spiritual babylonian Captivity in the 7year Trib, because of her apostasy………..the OT Israel nation was the Shadow of the NT Church………Colossians 2;16…… the Trib, a Remnant will cured of apostasy, and will Return from Babylon to Christ. Praise Christ!……………the OT was physical—-the NT is spiritual…………OT Babylon is the Shadow of NT Babylon…….Col 2;16