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This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
Islam, Osiris (i.e., Apollo), and Ra. (See Part Two of Mene Tekel Code for the explanation of this image.)
A fourth sign also occurred. It began the evening of Jan. 5th in Mecca and lasted at least four days. “Black locust” and flying cockroaches descended upon Mecca. Social media has many images and videos of it.
Locust descend upon Mecca when Part Two of Mene Tekel posted, “Islam is judged”. Part Two posted the 7th of January 2019. (Note post stamp on the address of Part Two.) And the below video was also posted the same day that I posted my article about Mecca and the MINAret. The video went viral.
In the above image, notice the Menoret in the background, which is patterned after the Tower of Babel as said in the Mene Tekel Code as posted the same day as this video. Moreover, this image was posted on social media 4*4 days after Anak Krakatoa exploded. Both the sign of eruption of Anak during the full moon and the locust upon Mecca during the New Moon point to the 4th Seal and 4th/5th Trumpet of Revelation.
The New Moon, which is when the locust descended upon Mecca, was also accompanied by a partial solar eclipse in the constellation of Sagittarius, which represented Nimrod of Babel (Nirgal and Ninurta) who has a tail like a scorpion and a breastplate/body like a lion as per the Babylonian Sagittarius.
Biblical PLAGUE? Experts BAFFLED as mysterious swarm of LOCUSTS invade Mecca’s holy sites
AN UNPRECEDENTED swarm of deadly locusts invaded one of the world’s holiest sites this week as Mecca faced an infestation of “biblical proportions”.
Local resident Abdulwhab Soror, 64, said: “On Saturday night I was praying at the Holy Mosque and the insects were everywhere, the mosque was drawing them in, not only in the yards, but even around the Kabba.
“I’ve been living in Makkah my whole life, I’ve never witnessed something like this before.” Sunday Express
Two of the nine minarets in Mecca that surround the Kabba. The minaret is simply a type of Ziggurat, (tower of Babel).
Note: The above man of 64 years of age (4*4*4) says that it all began late Saturday, the 5th of January, not the 7th as has been reported. The morning of the 7th is just when the Government issued statements to the public as to how they intended to irradicate the problem.
According to this man’s testimony, this would place the very onset of the locust around the time that two-thirds of the sun was also undergoing a partial eclipse facing due south just above the horizon in northern Russia, not too far from Alaska.
During this partial eclipse, the shape of the sun (with two-thirds missing) closely resembled the Mene Tekel image with the sun and moon sitting just above the horizon of the Ziggurat/Minaret. It formed the horns of the sun facing just above the ground, like two fiery horns rising up from the earth. (See partial moon in the second image down.)
Close up of the above image showing where the sun and moon overlap when scrolled together. Compare this with the below image. Note the star atop the Tower of Babel.Partial eclipse in Sagittarius, (late January 5th into early January 6th, 2019, Saturday and Sunday). Compare with the image before this. Note how the sun sits perfectly just above the earth’s horizon in the far north with the sun and moon creating the horned effect — the opposite symbol of Islam. (This timing and place of this image are not contrived but the image is set to the peak position and best view upon earth of this particular eclipse.) of the sun in the picture code to that of the upcoming eclipse of the sun as seen in the above image before the locust invasion.
Before the locust invasion happened, I rolled the Mene Tekel code together on a piece of paper and taped it together to form a Minaret standing up on my desk, with an image on it of "Islam" rising from the pit beneath a moon back in December 2018. And I understood it to be an Islamic Minoret, as specially found in Mecca, back then.
Compare shape and location of the cresent moon in the above image to the below Moutain-Ziggurat image created Dec. 26, 2018.
(Click to enlarge.) Sun eclipsed by moon just above the horizon atop the North side of the Ziggurat.The key of the Ankh is put to the nose and the beast of Islam does rise from the pit like smoke from Anak (Krakatoa) and like a cloud of locust upon the earth! This is a close up of the above image showing where the sun and moon overlapped when the image is printed out and scrolled together (as per the “6th Seal” of the book of Revelation as explained earlier). Both the 6th seal and 5th trumpet refer to the sealing of the 144000. 144000 also puts the emphasizes upon the number “four” once more! (400*360).
It happens that the eclipse and locust occurred on the same day, which on the Islamic calendar occurred exactly at the end of the fourth month and the 1440-th day of their year. Did you get that? The locust invaded Mecca in "The Year 1440",which is 4*360. And the command is given that the locust was not hurt the 144000, which is 4*400!)
Moreover, Jesus was born about 1440 years after the plague of locust of Moses (1446 BC), and the connection is intended, but I will not elaborate further other than to say that Muhamid was born in Mecca, (and see Rev. 12). In exactly one year, that is in the Islamic Year 1441 and again at the end of the 4th month, there will be another eclipse, but this time a full annular eclipse. And guess where it begins? In Saudia Arabia, on Dec 26, 2019. (Incidentally, I created the above image on Dec 26, 2018.
Star and crescent
In the Mene Tekel Code, the sun is goring the moon with its fiery horns, rather than the other way around as depicted in Islam and the Byzantine empire, (Eastern Roman Empire), which today is controlled mainly by Islam.
Byzantium 8-pointed star and crescent — the exact opposite to the Mene code where the star is within the sun as seen below as it appears in the code.…But in the Mene Tekel picture code, the sun is the crescent with the 8-pointed star within it that is goring the moon!Please read what is written below about this image. After you read it, recall the star atop the Tower of Babel in the image above this one. The star “Nunki” that in effect means, “The star named the City of the Tower of Babel”. Do your own research.
Compare the appearance of the ancient likeness of Sagittarius with the Babylonian gods Ninurta and Nirgal. All the elements of the prophecy of the 5th Trumpet upon the heels of the 4th Trumpet are present. Sun is two-thirds darkened. Locust emerges from a fiery volcano like Anak Krakatoa. The locust is described as in appearances like the gods Ninurta and Nirgal (ancient Sagittarius). "Apollo" is given the (ankh) key to open the pit, and Sagittarius is also Apollo (Nirgal).
In the Mene Tekel Pictogram, the skull of death that is atop the Ziggurat is also the star (Holloween Asteroid) that in a figurative sense fell to the earth. (The Lord had me use this image of the Asteroid that resembles a skull to be placed at the block of letter atop the Ziggurat that read in Aramaic, " The Place of the Skull".)
Apollo is the one who brings death and destruction by his Arab army when he gathers them from the four quarters of the earth. An army is being assembled now. It will take time, but the gathering has begun! "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth!"
The Number Four and the Ten Plagues of Egypt (across the Red Sea from Mecca)
What is intriguing about all this is once again the number four.
(As explained in the 2nd sign), in the Bible, “Arba” was the father of the “giant” Anak (Krakatoa) and his name means “four”. However, this name sounds like the word “Arab” and “Locust” in Arabic, Aramaic, and Hebrew. This dovetails perfectly with the sign of the eruption of Anak Krakatoa, as earlier discussed.
Moreover, what does the fourth and eight plagues upon Egypt have in common? (Eight is “four plus four“.)
They both were swarms.
Plague four was a swarm of four-legged things, which the KJV translates as flies.
The eighth plague was a swarm of locust.
But both words in Hebrew for “swarm” and “locust” of the fourth and eight plagues sound like and may be related to the word for “four” in Hebrew. In other words, the order of the 4th and 8th plagues upon Egypt is a play on words for the number “four”. And thus, how fitting it is for the number four to again be emphasized by this plague of flying cockroaches and flying locust upon Mecca in their Year 1440, and at the end of the 4th month, on their darkest night of the year! (By the way, 1440 is also 12*120.)
I know people are in a rush, and sadly few will take the time to ponder the following, however, God is pointing to this verse by the sign in Mecca and Anak Krakatoa (as well as to the 6th seal of Revelation). If you have read the first two parts of the Mene Tekel Code, you should be able to easily tie this verse in with what we said in the Mene Tekel Code about Mecca and the rising of Apollo.
Fifth Trumpet: The Locusts from the Bottomless Pit
(Hebrew word for Locust is אַרְבֶּה Arbeh (from the root Rabah רָבָה (H7235).) Hebrew word for the number “four” is ארבאהArbah)
Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the [a]bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. 3 Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 And [b]they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.
7 The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were crowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. 8 They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth.9 And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle. 10 They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt men five months. 11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is[c]Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name [d]Apollyon.
12 One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things.
All this relates to two more eclipses to occurs in the next ten years or so that will criss-cross the Red Sea and one will go directly overtop Mecca. I discussed that in last years article at the time of the solar eclipse that crossed the USA.
(Click to enlarge.) How God marked an “X” over the southern boundary promised to Abraham that reaches along the Nile River to the Euphrates. It passes over Mecca (where Muhammad was born) and over Medina (where Muhamid died) in 2027 and 2034, which is seven years apart.