This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Part One. Mene Tekel: gods are judged! Dec. 6, 2018
- Sea-Dragon comet under foot and ‘Meteor in Russia like 10 atomic bombs’
- Dec. 16 & 18, 2018
- Eruption of Anak Krakatoa triggers tsunami due to full-moon
- Dec. 22, 2018
- “OSIRUS-REX” reaches Bennu on Hanukkah as Bush laid in state. And 30 days later: China on dark side of moon
- Dec 3, 2018, and Jan 2, 2019
- Locust invade Mecca as a partial solar eclipse occurs
- Jan. 5th local time, (eclipse EST)
- Meteor strikes “Super Wolf Blood Moon“, and New York Tower of Babel lit up baby-blood pink
- Jan 20 and 22, 2019
- River of blood: Dam bursts in Brazil killing 360
- Jan 25, 2019, noon
- Polar Vortex, F4 Tornado strikes North America and Havanna, Cuba
- Jan 27, 2019
- Meteor strikes Cuba at foot of mountain-mural of dragons and giants; (And Part A, “Dragon Aurora in Draco”)
- Feb 1st and 6th, 2019
- Magnetic Pole speeds across the Arctic
- Feb 4, 2019
- Mount Kea (Hawaii) Enlil, god of wind and mountain — judged!
- Feb 10-11, 2019
- “Mene, Tekel, Persia“, Turkey, 50 Russian bears, the Pope, and Kushner’s Peace Treaty
- Feb 1st, 4th, 9th, 11th, and 14th
- Resurrection! Mountain clothed with butterflies
- Dec 22, 2018, and Feb 14, 2019
- (Pt. B/C) Star of Isis and Virgo darkened (full moon), creating triangle both in heaven and earth. (Pt. A. “Serpent ascends”)
- Feb 19, Mar 6, 2019. (Pt. D. Venus gored by her own horns, Jan 30)
- Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid 30 days later
- Israel and Bible: 7x around the Moon/Jericho
- Feb 21 and April 11, 2019 (And “Dragon’s Palace“, April 5)
- “Prince of the power of the air” exposed
- Feb 1 & 15, 2019
- Tornado (F4) topples tower three-hours after posting its image. And, “The Mark of Trump”
- March 3rd and 8th, 2019
- US recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights, and thus Mt Hermon where angels fell
- March 21 (& Feb 16th), 2019. (Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid)
- Drill for water in Antartica
- Dec 18, 23, 26th, 28
- Book of Enoch and the underworld: Three scientific reports
- Jan 10th, Feb 14, 15; March 1, 3, 2019
- Enoch’s solar cal.: The great switch from lunar to solar commences
- March 21, 23 (Enoch New Year – March 20 & 27)
- Secret code predicted deaths of Saddam, Bush, Yitzchak Kaduri and Sharon
- Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
- Drought in USA, Israel, and Babylon ends
- Notre Dame Fire
- Easter Sri Lanka bombing
- Three Unusual Typhoons
- Mystery Mountain rises from the sea
- Final prophetic images coincide with record stretch of tornadoes
- Day of Atonement Comet

The 8th Sign (Part A)
Part B is “Meteor Strikes Dragon mountain-mural.” But first, a brief look at the sign of the dragon aurora
Dragon Aurora in Draco with “the Seven Sisters” as a crown on its head
How you have fallen from heaven, O Morning Star, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations. Isaiah 14:12
And the great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Rev. 12:9.
Five days after a large meteor struck the area of the dragon mountain mural in Cuba (“Part B”), this enormous dragon-shaped aurora appeared in the heavens over Iceland. It was a new moon and thus very dark. NASA displayed it on its site. (See NBCNews.)

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 2Cor 11:14

Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.
The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. (Rev 12:4-5)

The Cetus (Sea Dragon/monster) comet of the first sign peaked in brightness within the same area of the large drawn star (immediately above the Pleiades).

Zhang said in an email that she didn’t see the dragon shape initially — only later, when she examined the photos she had taken that night. “The aurora that night was chaotic,” she said. (NBC)
Located in the Constellation of Draco (Dragon)
The stars that make up the body of the aurora-dragon are the constellations of the Dragon (Draco) and the Bear. (Rev. 12:4)
Moreover, the stars below where the women stand are the feet of the constellation of Virgo (“The Virgin”); but also “Serpens Caput”, (“The head of the serpent”). (Rev. 12:5) Thus, in Jesus, the serpent is under the feet of the women!

God will soon crush the serpents head under the feet of His people (Virgo).
Why the Aurora dragon was seen in Iceland and ‘the crown of seven stars upon its head’

Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.
Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. (Rev 12:5)
In the below image, the stars (top row of letters) divide into “seven“+” seven“, “one-third“, and “ten“, with Iceland perfectly positioned to create this pattern in full.
In other words, there is no place on earth better suited to create this numeric pattern in keeping with this prophetic image and Rev 12:5 than Iceland!

If you look closely, you can also see a second dragon head, implying that there are indeed seven heads in all.
(In the left image, I have made it easy to spot the second dragon behind the first.)

Safe in Jesus
Moreover, the outer rows (shaded green) are also avoided. It resembles the Twin Towers joined by the cross at the center. A statistical improbability– yet there it is.
Why did God do this?
God is declaring that ONLY those in Christ (the cross) are out of reach of the dragon.
Meteor strikes dragon mountain-mural (Part B)
A 360-ton meteorite (“falling star”) fell from heaven. It broke in pieces and “most” landed in front of the massive mountain mural of what looks like ‘massive dragons and giants’. (Literally, ‘dinosaurs and three ancient 160-foot high natives’).
The Mene Tekel Picture Code predicted all this. Eight signs, each related to the other, have now appeared.
An on-location reporter said:
“You can see the picture of the mural that is very popular here in the town of Viñales…We are told that A LOT of the debris from this meteorite landed IN FRONT of that mural, apparently damaging some rooftops…just something out of this world”. (Click on below video to listen to the report.)

Five days later, another sign appeared in heaven, a large dragon.
Babylon: Mountain of 666
The meteor struck at 1:21 p.m. ET according to radar, (CNN). This was 12 days after the one that struck the moon, the “5th sign“. To be exact, 16660 minutes later, (a “transfer” number). Strangely, the time of 18:18 hours is being equally reported by radars as the time of impact!
18:18 o'clock is 6+6+6 hours and 6+6+6 minutes. Both 16660 and 6+6+6 symbolize the fall of man. 18:18 is UT time. Local time was 13:18 o'clock. Read 13:18 of the 66th book of the Bible, that is Rev. 13:18 --- "666"!
Havana, Cuba (CNN) A meteor broke apart over western Cuba on Friday, hurtling numerous pieces of various sizes to the ground in several towns in Pinar del Rio province, the state-run Granma newspaper reported.
The ball of fire and smoke trails appeared in a clear midday sky Friday and residents said there was a rain of small black stones that did not cause any material or human damage in Vinales in Pinar del Rio province. People said they also heard explosions in Havana. (NewsNow)
Meteorites fall on western Cuba after explosion in the sky
Friday, February 1, 2019- A bright flash over Florida, followed by loud explosions ringing out over the western Cuba town of Viñales, were reported on Friday afternoon, during what appears to have been a meteorite impact.
Shortly thereafter, residents of the town of Viñales, in the north-central part of the province began showing off the “black rocks” that rained down from the sky in the aftermath. (The Weather Network Click on link for more images and details.)

Notice that the “remnant smoke” in the image drifted towards the capital, Havana, 200 km east. Havana was the site of the “7th sign“, a rare F4 tornado, about a mile from city hall.

The explosion of the rock is what caused the sonic boom heard well after the flash of light. (The Weather Network)
In this post, I will not explain each of the images we will examine because these have already been discussed in detail in the earlier posts.

You cannot really appreciate the importance of this 8th sign unless you have been following along with the other signs. Count the number of stars: There are now only 12 letters/stars at the top (1.5+9+1.5). Compare with the other images below.

In the article about the meteorite that struck the moon that happened 21 seconds into the Blood Moon eclipse (and then linked it to the 21 stars), at that time I did not explain these two other images that show just 12 stars.
Reversing Mount Hermon
12 is simply the reversal of the 21 stars. (I.e., 12 is 21 backward.) This reversal symbolizes the curse upon Mount Hermon, where the 21 chief angels fell according to the Book of Enoch 69:2-3 ).
The mountain mural of dragons and giants also contains a play on words for Hermon, for it is located in the Valley of Los Hermanos, with a camp also by that same name right in front of it.
The word itself is unrelated to the Hebrew word for "Accursed/Hermon", but sounds like it. Play on similar sounding words is common in the Bible, such as "Babel", which means, "Gate to Heaven" and the similar sounding Hebrew word, "Confusion".
The 5+2+5 pattern
Now then, count the days between the last four signs:
- Meteorite strikes very minute of “Super Wolf Blood Moon”
- Jan 20, 11:41:38 pm, 2019
- River of blood: Dam bursts in Brazil (Flood from Dragon)
- Jan 25, 2019, noon
- Polar Vortex, F4 Tornado strikes North America and Havanna, Cuba
- Jan 27, 2019, 8:30 pm
- Meteorite strikes Cuba at foot of mountain-mural of dragons and giants (to commemorate extinction)
- Feb 1, 2019
Notice that you also arrive at 5+2 and 2+5,
(I.e., 5+2+5 = 12 days).
Thus, there are 12 days from the 4th sign until this 8th sign, that is, from the first meteor strike to this one.
A day for each of the 70 “gods”
Moreover, 70 days (a day for each of the so-called gods assigned to the nations in Gen. 10) elapsed from when the Mene Tekel Picture Code first began to be revealed. That first day was also the anniversary of “the Abomination of Desolation” in 167 BC. (Hanukkah comes from the cleansing of the temple in 164 BC.)
Recall the sacrifice made by the Sanhedrin in Israel Dec. 10, 2018, on the 8th (last) day of Hanukkah. Recall the headlines in the Jerusalem Post:
A new altar, fit for the Temple, was dedicated outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Also, a “Sanhedrin” statement was released within a week from when the Mene Tekel Code began to be revealed, which concerns “The judgment upon the (70) gods”. And now, this sign of this falling star 70 days later.
Sanhedrin Invites 70 Nations to Hanukkah Dedication of Altar for the Third Temple
The nascent Sanhedrin released a declaration to the 70 nations for Hanukkah to be read at a ceremony in Jerusalem on the last day of the holiday. The ceremony will include the consecration of a stone altar prepared for use in the Third Temple. The declaration is intended as an invitation to the nations to participate in the Temple and to receive its blessings.
This (unofficial) Sanhedrin is itself made up of 70 members.
10+30+30=70 days
Keep in mind that another name for the moon god, “Sin,” is the number “30 (days).” The moon god “Sin” is the main theme of the “Mene Tekel Picture Code: the gods are judged.”
- Mene Tekel Code begins
- 10 days to Hanukkah (Kislev 25th)
- Osirus Rex of NASA arrives at asteroid “Bennu” (3rd Sign) Hanukkah
- 30 days
- China/”Sin” lands on the dark side of the moon (3rd Sign)
- another 30 days
- Meteorite strikes Cuba, (a total of 70 days)

Therefore, the “first sign” spoke to the fact that God has put the dragon/comet under our feet, which is the Church. Then next, we see the devil and his angels cast down to the moon — the fourth sign — then to the earth — the 8th sign.
Serpents, Dragons, and Giants
I will not labor this. If you have been following along then there is no need to point the following out in detail. Also, keep in mind that these prophetic images were revealed and posted at specific short time periods (usually a few hours or seven days) before they manifested in our world.

The Lord led me to use this asteroid for the skull image, which is located at the top of the Mountain/Pyramid /Ziggurat.
The ziggurat picture code where it sits reads, “The Place of the Skull.” This is the altar beneath the top of the mountain of blood. Compare it to the image below. This implies a meteorite strike. God will soon judge those who persecute His children. Woe to them!
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short. Rev. 12:12

The next image below is that of a fallen angel from which came the Nephilim and Rephaim, and from them came the demons.
The Nephilim and Rephaim were giants. Hence, God directs this meteor hurtling toward the giants on the giant mountain mural.

Here, we see images of the serpent/dragon, which is connected to the dragons on the massive mural in Cuba. (That is, dinosaurs.)

“In one hour…”

Notice the appropriate first words of this prophecy: “In one hour…”
(As America has done to Cuba so shall it be done to them?)
Rev. 18:17-21
In one hour such great wealth has been brought to ruin!’
“Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, ‘Was there ever a city like this great city?’ They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out:
“ ‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
where all who had ships on the sea
became rich through her wealth!
In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’
“Rejoice over her, you heavens!
Rejoice, you people of God!
Rejoice, apostles and prophets!
For God has judged her
with the judgment she imposed on you.”
(verse 21) Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:
“With such violence
the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,
never to be found again.
Some have 72 nations/gods instead of 70

This article was posted 72 days after the code. It is 7 days from the 7th sign (tornado strikes Cuba) and 7*2 from the 5th sign (meteor strikes moon) and 7*4 from the 4th sign (locust invade Mecca), and 7*7 from the first sign (comet appears underfoot the Church (“Pleiades”). 1260d.com/2019/02/03/meteorite-strikes-Cuba-at-foot-of-mountain-mural-of-dragons-and-giants/
And today is the 18th anniversary of the original “Mene Tekel Code”, on the Enoch calendar: (6*364+7) + (6*364+7) + (6*364+7) from Feb. 4, 2001. Feb. 4th, 2019, the evening is the Chinese New Year on their lunar calendar, “The year of the pig,” which begins the final 12th cycle. But with the 13-hour time-zone difference, it began before dawn, Feb. 4th, the new moon/new year.
The Moon-god has been sentenced and found wanting — the ruler of the night and night stars (Gen. 1:16).

Luke 10:17-21
The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” (KJV has “70“)
18He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 20However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
How you have fallen from heaven, O Morning Star, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations. Isaiah 14:12

Dean, this is all incredible! But why this methodology? There is no denying the mathematics (numbers) related to these images. These are, however, spiritual signs forewarning what is about to take place! The world does not, nor will not pay attention. These are signs for God’s children, the remnant that belong to Christ. As you know the moon god is “Allah”, therefore all these points to the coming war of the Saints. God has given me insight into the events that are about to take place, and He has given you the insight to predict when they will take place.
The coming events are far more horrific than anyone can imagine. The people (world) have eyes that see not, and ears that hear not and their foreheads are as bronze (very hard). Unless a person has the Holy Spirit of God, what you have to say will be utter nonsense to them, which makes me conclude that your mission is a part of a larger whole that will be revealed as these events continue to happen for we that are chosen–perhaps as future witnesses to a doomed world because as of now this would appear as nonsense even though the mathematics contained therein is beyond coincidental–it is truth revealed. May God Almighty continue to use (inform) you in His extraordinary work. “In the day of the voice of the 7th angel when he is about to sound, then the Mystery of God is finished as He preached to His servants the Prophets.”
Yes, it is as you say. But when you think about it, the Book of Revelation is equally bizarre. I believe it takes only a little power to reveal a matter, but tremendous power to hide a thing so that only those Whom He chooses sees.
“It’s the glory of God to conceal a matter”, but (merely) “the glory of kings to search out a matter.” (Proverbs)