This article is in two short parts.
- Pt. 1. Jubilees of Book of Enoch & the Dead Sea Scrolls March 16, 2021
- Pt. 2. Lampstand patterned after Enoch’s 70 jubilees & Israel’s Coming Exile March 17, 2021
This morning (March 17, 2021) the Lord opened my eyes to something wonderful. The lampstand described in Zechariah 4 is symbolic of the 49 generations of the Book of Enoch that was posted five days ago. Each branch represents one generation of 70 years. Jesus is the utmost “Branch” who is both before and after all things. He is the gracious source of all light (oil), King and Priest to God forever.
What clued me to this connection was yesterday’s Dead-Sea-Scroll announcement that included the discovery of a portion of the “7th blessing” in Zechariah 8, (Zech 8:16-17). (Please see yesterday’s post about the Dead-Sea-Scrolls discovery as a sign, among other things, timed to the chart about the 49 generations of the Book of Enoch.)
Coincidentally, my Jewish calendar for March of this year displays an image based up Zechariah 8:11-12, (which is just five verses before the discovered fragments).

All these “coincidences”!
Ironically, this morning is “Nisan 4th” on the regular Jewish calendar, but which is the New Year at sunrise on the Enoch calendar.
Note: Nisan 4th was a Wednesday at creation and is the first day of the Enoch New Year because God created the sun moon, and stars on the 4th day — and for this reason is the start of their year. Enoch's New Year just happens to also fall on Nisan 4th this year as it did at Creation! And 3.5 year from this morning (1274 days) is the New Year and thus the 70th and 100th jubilee according to the Book of Enoch. See Chart. Keep in mind that a great many fragments of the Book of Enoch were also discovered 70 years ago in those same caves of Qumran, including references to this calendar.

I plan on using the imagery of Zechariah 4 to help explain and illustrate the Enoch-jubilees chart. It will soon be apparent how perfect an illustration it really is — a God-inspired illustration, and thus perfectly adapted. But first, a look at chapter five of Zechariah!
The Lampstand, the Scroll, and the Basket
The jubilees of the Book of Enoch is the Lampstand, however…
Heralded as perhaps the most significant discovery among the items found in yesterday’s announcement were a very large 10,500-year old basket and its lid. I mentioned it briefly in yesterday’s post.
This is fascinating because only in the book of Zechariah is a large basket used to describe the “70-year exile” into Babylon. (CBC News has a good picture of the basket.) And immediately before this, Zechariah refers to a large scroll — appropriate in that we are referring to the Dead Sea Scrolls. (Compare Zech 5:3-4 with the portion of Zechariah recovered, Zech 8:16-17.)
Zechariah says that a woman (“אִשָּׁה“) was pushed into this basket (Zech 5:8). While a woman was not found in this basket, however, “two women” Zech 5:9 (and a man) did “lift up the basket” out of the ground of the cave.

Youth volunteers… discovered a huge, 24- to 26-gallon basket made 10,500 years “ago… Experts think the woven vessel is the oldest of its kind found to date.
Researchers working in the Cave of Horrors also found the 6,000-year-old remains of a child whose body was naturally mummified in the dry cave. Based on a CT scan, they estimate that the individual, likely a girl, was between 6 and 12 years old. They were buried in fetal position in a shallow pit, with cloth tucked around their body. (Smithsonian)
Oddly, “taking a pee” led Oriya Amichay unto the trove of treasure. (Oriya Amichay in Hebrew means, “The Lord is my light”, “My nation lives!”)
“I crouched to pee and suddenly I saw something that didn’t look like sand, and I realised it was a sole of a shoe,” Oriya Amichay told the local Haaretz newspaper. She said her male colleagues would have probably missed it.
Zechariah had eight visions in one night. The vision of the basket was the 7th.
The discovery of the basket reminds us of Zech 5. And immediately before chapter five is chapter four about our Lampstand!
And the lesson behind Zech 4 is this: The Lord is our light.
And the lesson behind Zech 3 is this: Israel will be cleansed of her filth and clothed.
I believe that the Lord is bringing this scripture to our attention at this time for a reason.
The “70-year exile” may happen yet again.
The scroll fragments from Nahum and Zechariah were hidden there during the Bar Koshba Revolt in AD 135. They thought it was the end of the world. Their false Messiah failed them and they went into exile, never to return again until 1948.
Is God warning of yet another exile of Israel 7 x 4 generations later? Perhaps 2025-2095? (Ponder Zech. 13:7-14:4. Use commentaries.)
Modern historians view the Bar Kokhba Revolt as having decisive historic importance.[13] They note that, unlike the aftermath of the First Jewish–Roman War (AD 70)chronicled by Josephus, the Jewish population of Judea was devastated after the Bar Kokhba Revolt,[13] being killed, exiled, or sold into slavery, with so many captives auctioned at “Hadrian’s Market” that the price of the Jews were as low as the price of a horse.[68]
…The massive destruction and death in the course of the revolt has led scholars such as Bernard Lewis to date the beginning of the Jewish diaspora from this date. (Wiki)
The clothing of Jesus/Joshua the High Priest
Coincidence? The names of the two here lifting the basket together mean, “A Priest lives, and will be clothed with a beautiful garment.” (See caption of below image.) This, of course, reminds us of Zech. 3.

The woman (R) lifting the basket is named Naama Sukenik. The name, Naama נַעֲמָה , comes from Gen. 4:22.
Zillah gave birth to Tubal-cain, who became a forger of bronze and iron work. Tubal-cain’s sister was Naamah. Lamech told his wives…
For if Cain is being avenged seven times,
then Lamech will be avenged 77 times.” Gen. 4:22,24
Like the godly Enoch, ungodly Lamech was born in the 7th generation from Adam. (“Lamech” is discussed at length in this 2018 post.)
As seen on the Enoch-Jubilees chart just posted, there are 70 jubilees (70 x 7 x 7) to the Bar Kochba revolt from Adam (3296 BC-AD 135) and 77 generations of 70 years to 2025-2095 AD. (See chart for more.)
The “lampstand” of Zech 4 will be explained in subsequent posts as it relates to Enoch’s 70 jubilees and 70 generations.
For something similar, see Life of Abraham structured like Menorah (March 29, 2020)

This has been Part Two. Please see below link for Part One.
- Pt. 1. Jubilees of Book of Enoch & the Dead Sea Scrolls March 16, 2021
Hi Dean, I wasn’t sure where to put this, but I just thought you should know about a New Tornado Outbreak underway in the South Central US, which began on the New Year “From Christ” (6BC) Enoch Calendar. As you know the other outbreak (March 17, 2021) began on the “From Conquest” (1406BC) Enochian Calendar New Year.,_2021
Additionally, the 7.0 Mw Japan earthquake on Mar. 20,2021 (Equinox) Nisan 7 (Hebrew) was in the Middle of the this “week” between New Years.
Here is what is so special about this (quoted from Accuweather Article):
“SPC issues two high-risk outlooks in March for the first time in 30 years
By Mark Puleo, AccuWeather staff writer
“For the first time since 1991, March has seen the NOAA Storm Prediction Center (SPC) release its most urgent warning on two separate occasions. The “high risk” warning is a severe weather outlook the center reserves for the most dangerous of occasions and is the highest level on the severe weather outlooks scale from 1 to 5 for daily outlooks. According to SPC data, only one high risk warning was forecast in 2018, 2019 and 2020 combined. This month, the center has issued the rare warning on March 17 and March 25.”
“In 1991, the SPC released five such outlooks over a seven-day span. Similar to this month’s severe threats, 1991’s dangers featured dozens of tornadoes, although history tells us the severity of the twisters was much stronger 30 years ago than what residents have endured thus far this month. The first issuance was on March 22, 1991, a day that brought 23 tornadoes, three of which were rated F3 strength. Then from March 26-29, another 73 twisters were reported, the strongest of which reached F4 strength. Both outbreaks focused on the Midwest, and in all, 13 people were killed by the total of 157 tornadoes reported in the country that month. ”
End of excerpt.
Interestingly, 30 years ago the March 22, 1991 outbreak was Symbolic 1445BC/1475BC (Year 2 of Exodus: At Sinai), using the March 6, 1995 (1st day of 1st Month on 360 day calendar= 1A.D.) New Datum (because 1995 was 1290+1290+1290 years from 1876BC & 430*8 years from 1446BC (Exodus).
God Bless you Dean, in Christ’s Name!
I just thought I’d add that from the “best guess” date of Nahum’s Prophecy (697BC) to 2024AD is 2720 years (160*17 years). If using the 17 to 17.5 years conversion, this becomes 2800 years (40*70 years).
Both are generations in the Bible, and as you state in the Book of Enoch.
Another possible date span for the writing of Nahum is between 663BC-612BC ( ) Quoted from the article at the above website: “Therefore it is reasonable to affirm that Nahum was written sometime between 663 B.C. and 612 B.C., perhaps before the rebuilding of the city of Thebes from 663 B.C. to 654 B.C. ”
“Coincidentally” 663BC is 34 (17*2) years later than 697BC and in the BC/AD Mirror, that is 663BC/AD to 612AD/BC, spans 1274 years (364*3.5 or 3.5 years of years).
17 years cycles are actually consistent from 3366BC to 612BC, etc. as shown in in your chart.
Yes, I was wondering what the Dust Storm meant!
Wow! Spectacular! Zechariah 5 & the “Basket” just fits! As does Nahum 1:3, located just above the verses of Nahum 1:5-8, found in the new discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the ongoing “Severe Tornado Outbreak” in the United States on the Enochian Calendar’s New Year!
Washington Post Article: “Damaging tornado outbreak underway in the South”
“The Weather Service has issued ““particularly dangerous situation”” tornado watches in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. The threat shifts to the Southeast and southern Mid-Atlantic Thursday.”
Nahum1:3 “The Lord is slow to anger but great in power;”
“the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.”
“His way is in the whirlwind and the storm,”
“and clouds are the dust of his feet.”
Enoch’s 364-Day Calendar Article & New Year Dates in PDF form are found in the below links
The LORD is indeed “Great in Power”! Praise the Yeshua Messiah!
Christ will grant grace to those who repent & believe the Good News!
P.S. Something else interesting is that in my work on 17 in the Bible I had noted that the date given for Nahum’s Prophecy was dated at 697BC, 85 (17*5) years to the Fall of Nineveh 612BC (or 613BC) these two dates in the BC/AD Mirror are 77*17 years apart.
China has been in the news lately for its persecution of religious groups. As “Ninevah” was the capital of Assyria, so Bejing is the capital of China, the most populous country in the world, and nearly the most powerful.
It happens that on the day before the Nahum passage discovery was announced:
Wahington Post
Massive sandstorm blankets China in thick, orange muck
China’s National Meteorological Center said it expected 12 provinces and municipalities — an area covering about 160,000 square miles, about the size of California — to be affected by the storm.
Beijing skies turn orange as sandstorm and pollution send readings off the scale
A massive sandstorm has combined with already high air pollution to turn the skies in Beijing an eerie orange, and send some air quality measurements off the charts.
Air quality indexes recorded a “hazardous” 999 rating on Monday as commuters travelled to work through the thick, dark air across China’s capital and further west.