Today, Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021, (Nisan 10th) as I pondered the Bible fractals that were unveiled a few years ago, I was amazed to realize that the Enoch blueprint of 70 and 100 generations lay at the foundation of these fractals, (even though the fractals predate the study of Enoch’s 70 & 100 generations.)
- New post: Throne-Room fractal, Measuring rod, & Bk. of Enoch March 31, 2021
This naturally led to the realization that a “generation” must also, therefore, be 120 years as well as 70 in the Book of Enoch. (Both the fractals and Ezekiel’s Temple of Time were major past studies, each lasting a few years. Both have generations/”handbreadths” of 70 and 120 years.)
This opens up the way next to explain the Enochian generations (Enoch 91-93) by using the fractals as illustrations.
Good news! We will rarely refer to the 120-generational chart in the future in order to reduce complexity. However, for the sake of completion or future reference, it is included here. Fortunately, the position of Enoch 91-93 on the fractal is unaffected by whether one has a 70 or 120-year generation.
Below is this new 120-year-generational chart and after that, the original PRIMARY 70-year chart posted 11 days ago.

Why a generation is both 70 and 100 years in the Book of Enoch
I will not go over this material again. It was already explained in the 2014/2015 document about the Menorah of the Tabernacle/Passover Tetrads that occur over tens of thousands of years. See
Below is a quote from that document.
The whole concept of converting a generation of time into a measure of space (“a handbreadth”) will become of great importance later when we measure the fractals in light of Enoch 91-93.
Ezekiel’s Temple, and the Cubit of Years
God hides His keys in plain sight!
The key that opens the door to understand God’s temple in relation to time is found by reading the “seventy weeks” of Daniel 9, in conjunction with Psalm 39 and 90.
King David was the mastermind behind the plans for the temple; however, his son Solomon built it. The temple was built as a stationary representation of the portable tabernacle built by
Moses, and was about twice the size.
David wrote Psalm 39. It is very similar to Psalm 90, written by Moses.
Psalm 39:4-5 holds the key to temple-time:
“Show me, LORD, my life’s end
and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting my life is.
You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure.”
Here we are told that the span of David’s life is like a handbreadth. A handbreadth was a small unit of measurement. (The distance of your four fingers across). Handbreadths, and especially “cubits”, are the standard measurements used in temple building. There are six handbreadths in one cubit.
David lived to be 70 years of age. Therefore, because this Psalm of David declares that a handbreadth is like the length of a man’s life – specifically, King David’s life; hence, a handbreadth equals 70 years. And there are six handbreadths to a cubit, thus a cubit equals 420 years. (70 x 6 = 420.)
However, our timeline charts use the dimensions given for Ezekiel’s temple. Ezekiel specifically states that the cubit used for that future temple was the Royal cubit, (Ezk 40). The Royal cubit had seven handbreadths to one cubit instead of six. Thus, seven handbreadths of 70 years mean that each cubit, in this case, represents 490 years, (70 x 7). Now it happens that both 6 times 70 and 7 times 70 years are the same timeframes revealed in Dan. 9, and Dan. 9 also concerns the temple.
As said, the Psalm of David is much like the Psalm of Moses. For the sake of space, I quote only part of Psalm 90 (even though all applies):
“Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations …
before you brought forth the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God…
A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by…
All our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. Our days
may come to seventy years, or eighty if our strength endures. Teach us to number
our days…”
It appears that Moses wrote this song when he was 80 years of age — his age at the Exodus, (see Ex. 15). However, God granted Moses an extension of 40 years, and so Moses died at 120, in 1406 BC. He died immediately before the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land (and the Jubilees began).
And so, a handbreadth can equal 120 years as well as 70. Thus, six handbreadths to a cubit equal 720 years per cubit, and a Royal cubit equals 840 years, (120 x 7).
Thus, a cubit equals both 490 years (David’s Royal cubit) and 720 years (Moses’ regular cubit).viii {Or, secondarily, 420 (regular) and 840 (royal). Notice that 420 is half 840.}
Endnote: Today happens to be seven years (1260 + 1260 days; 21 x 120) from the Annular Solar Eclipse that followed the first of the Tetrad eclipses (Passover) 14 days before that. The above lengthy quote is all about how that the Tetrad Blood Moon eclipses over the vast ages divide time prophetically.
Coming soon, Lord willing
Below is one of the many fractals that will be used to explain Enoch 91-93

- New post: Throne-Room fractal, Measuring rod, & Bk. of Enoch March 31, 2021
Great work! Your website is beautiful. Is it okay to post some of your Bible-Code pictures to my Instagram account making sure that you get your credit?
Yours Truly,
Permission is already stated on the home page for anyone to do this.
I hold a mirror image of your works
The ship needs towed same direction as your pic stuck a cargo ship full of arks aka storage containers…
In stone god set your likeness dean
I have link but can not post it here
Dana hoecker Facebook
I have pic to pic our combined works…
God Proof times two
In a sense, the earth had a heart attack the same day I posted this, which was Nisan 10th, 2021, and is 3.5 years before the 70th jubilee. The main artery of the world, the Suez Canal was blocked and still is days later. This is what you are referring to.