This link takes you to the video put out four days later. It is better to watch that one first before the “Atlas Comet” video. Both go together.
Video: “Morning Star” grazes rebel-star “Atlas” & Comet Atlas in sky & Typhoon on earth April 8, 2020.
Also, see Comet SWAN ascends gracefully as Titan ATLAS falls. May 5, 2020
Atomic blast mistakenly seen from CN Tower as meteor soars over New York (& Comet Atlas II) December 3, 2020

Update: Comet Atlas broke up into four pieces on Nisan 10th. Both videos emphasize the exact same date of Nisan 10th, (which fell sequentially this year on all four calendars, April 2-5).
This is when Venus grazed the star Atlas (April 4) after passing through the rest of the Pleiades on April 3rd. Venus’ apparent very-close proximity to the star Atlas is rare, and that while a comet by the same name, ATLAS, began a catastrophic break-up.
As explained in the video, all this was symbolic of the chief of the Fallen-ones (Titans). Symbolically (or literally?), their request for early release from their ‘10,000-year prison sentence’ is denied, (Book of Enoch 21). This means a no-show for the comet as it swings by May 31st, 2020, only to return in another 5200 years!

Here is the first video, (ten-minutes)
Dean Coombs and Dean Koontz
All God’s people are for “signs and wonders”. It’s just that some take note, (Isa. 8:18; Heb. 2:13)
My name is Dean Coombs.
People keep coming to this website searching for “Dean Coombs Author”. Oddly, right after posting this video, I noticed that people are also searching for “Dean Coombs Eyes of Darkness”.
What? “Eyes of Darkness”!
So I searched Google.
It turns out that people are really searching for the author “Dean Koontz”!
It happens that in a 1981 book of fiction, on page 333 Dean Koontz writes about a deadly virus that he names, ‘Wuhan-400’.
In 1981 Dean Koontz wrote a book “The Eyes of Darkness”. In chapter 39 he mentions a Chinese military lab outside of the city of Wuhan, where a deadly virus is invented as part of the country’s biological weapons warfare program. The virus is named ‘Wuhan-400’.#f2b— Jimmy Church (@JChurchRadio) February 19, 2020
Well here is the strange thing.
In the video that I just put out, I point out that the “Day of Atonement Comet” points to “Wuhan China”. (Found in the video at 1:40-2:25 minutes.)
Next, I point out that Comet Atlas is “400 days” from the Mene Tekel Code to when the comet was discovered on December 28, 2019, which was when the corona-virus began to spread in Wuhan China. (Found in the video at 5:36-6:20 minutes.)
Triple digits

I also point out in the video that there are “555 days” to perihelion, May 31st, 2020. (I literally renamed the comet on my software to “Atlas 555” as seen in the video. (Found in the video at 5:36-6:20 minutes.) Also, see “Sign 10: How these signs occur according to the name and number that Babylon assigned to each god in multiples of five. Feb. 11, 2019.)
Moreover, by God’s grace, the Lord showed me that this virus was coming, and when it would come, 17 years ahead of time. I state in the original 17-year old post that it might be “man-made”.
So, when in this book about a man-made virus out of Wuhan China called “Wuhan 400”, on page “333”, by an author confused with my name “Dean Coombs”.
Well, that’s strange!
Strange things
Embarrassing coincidences happen too, like the two key dates concerning Comet Atlas, Dec. 28th and May 31st.
For example, the two key dates to do with me personally are also Dec 28th and May 31st. I was born on Dec. 28th, 1962, and was married on the anniversary of when my parents were married, 1958 and 1986, May 31st. (I‘d list the date that I was saved, but I don’t know it exactly.)
Of course, it’s just a coincidence. But God can communicate by coincidences if He so chooses.
But be warned…
Too much attention to them, then you’re crazy.
Too little attention, then life has no meaning.
“The second sign Jesus performed”
The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.”
“Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.”
The man took Jesus at his word and departed. While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, “Yesterday, at one in the afternoon, the fever left him.”
Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, “Your son will live.” So he and his whole household believed.
This was the second sign Jesus performed after coming from Judea to Galilee. John 4:49-54.
Why mention all this?
All God’s people are for “signs and wonders”. It’s just that some take note, (Isa. 8:18; Heb. 2:13).
I have recorded these so-called coincidences so that you too might believe, and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ:
In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, (Eph. 1:11).
What if God used fiction writer Dean Koontz to drive men to the truth at
Who are you to tell God what He can or cannot do!
Below is some extra information that you might find helpful.
The Sign of Comet Atlas: Chief of the Titans (fallen angels). Could be the brightest comet in decades
How it coincided with the coronavirus and the fall of the stock market.

It was discovered Dec. 28, 2019, when it has just entered the Bear (Market) constellation and will reach perihelion (closest approach to the sun) May 31st, 2020, in the constellation of the Bull (Market), forming a balance perfectly situated overtop the “Mystery Babylon” prophetic Map.

It might also help if you review the Prophetic Calendar of Signs (see below) and Prophetic Maps.
Here are four past posts to glance over to prepare you for the video, “The Sign of Atlas”.
Rise and fall of the Dung god. February 18, 2020
Day-of-Atonement Comet is a sickle, sword, and scepter in the hand of Virgo. May 12, 2019
1st sign: Wandering star beneath the feet of “Seven Sisters”. January 7, 2019
Part One. Mene Tekel Peresin: The gods are judged! December 6, 2018
Calendar of Signs and Prophetic Maps
All the below images are from a year ago — long before the discovery of Comet Atlas.

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades (the seven fallen stars led by Atlas)?
Can you loosen Orion’s belt? (So that the sword of Nimrod falls.)
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons
or lead out the Bear with its cubs?
Do you know the laws of the heavens?
Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth? Job 38:31-33

The Second Journey of Enoch
XXI-XXXVI. The Second Journey of Enoch.
XXI. Preliminary and final place of punishment of the fallen angels (stars).
CHAPTER XXI. 1. And I proceeded to where things were chaotic. 2. And I saw there something horrible: I saw neither a heaven above nor a firmly founded earth, but a place chaotic and horrible. 3. And there I saw seven stars of the heaven bound together in it, like great mountains and burning with fire. 4. Then I said: ‘For what sin are they bound, and on what account have they been cast in hither?’ 5. Then said Uriel, one of the holy angels, who was with me, and was chief over them, and said: ‘Enoch, why dost thou ask, and why art thou eager for the truth?
6. These are of the number of the stars ⌈of heaven⌉, which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and are bound here till ten thousand years, the time entailed by their sins, are consummated.’ 7. And from thence I went to another place, which was still more horrible than the former, and I saw a horrible thing: a great fire there which burnt and blazed, and the place was cleft as far as the abyss, being full of great descending columns of fire: neither its extent or magnitude could I see, nor could I conjecture.
In the Bible, a comet is simply a “wandering star”.
May 31st, 2020, completes the first “journey” of Comet Atlas that began “4800 years” ago (Wiki) — about the time that Atlas and the other six “stars” were locked up in the underworld, (at the Flood).
The comet will return again in “5200 years” (Wiki) to complete the full “10000 years” specified in the book of Enoch. (4800 + 5200 = 10,000 years.)
And the angelswho did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling–these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chainsfor judgment on the great Day. Jude 1:6
They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.
Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. Jude 1:13-16
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 2Peter 2:4-6 “Hell” in the Greek: “ — Greek cast them into Tartarus; see the First Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 13:1-11 and 1 Enoch 20:1-4).”
Important: Please see the comet that replaced ATLAS!
Comet SWAN ascends gracefully as Titan ATLAS falls. May 5, 2020
I just happened on to this website and would be interested to know what you believe about
the “Book of Truth online” warning of the 2nd coming as it relates to two comets colliding in the sky at which time there will be an illumination of conscience – each person’s soul revealed to them through God’s eyes., the utter devastation this will cause to those who souls are blackened and far from God yet an opportunity for repentance.
Messages also cover “fallen ones” etc.
I am not aware of the site. The site is vast. I cannot recommend it without study and at this time I do not have the time. But one must be super cautious.
However, “The Book of Truth” (a term from the book of Daniel) refers to the concept of a book (or books) in heaven containing the history of the world from beginning to end (thus predictive).
The concept might just be symbolic of that which is known only to God. Of course, no one person has sole access to the mind of God.
So we got to wait another 5200 years for next major part of this prophecy
I understand the 5200 years to be a purely symbolic number, with little relation to actual time as we understand time.
5200 is 13 x 400 — the number of curse and trial.
As an aside, I am convinced that Bible prophecy, (and in a way, time itself), exists as a fractal.
Interesting that this guy makes it page 555
At first, I thought it was page 555 too, simply because the image of the page from the book that went viral was cut off at the top so that it appears as page 555, but upon closes inspection, it was really 333.
There is no doubt in my mind that this was no mere coincidence, but another example of God’s sovereign power of what men do down to the exact pixel in an image!
Moreover, 555 in the context of the Writing on the Wall Code has a similar meaning to 666. And 333 is the dividing of 555 — “Mene Mene Tekel Peresin,” ‘Peres: Babylon (666) is DIVIDED and given to the Medes and the Persians’, Daniel 5, Rev. 13-18.
And when you think about, even the number 333 on the page is divided in half, which ironically is what creates the illusion of 555.
It’s hard to have put this together better!
If that were not enough, the next post that I said I was about to write in the series: “Vision of the Lamb”, was the image that represents “The Eyes of Enlightenment” — the very opposite of “The Eyes of Darkness”.
Spiritual warfare is very real.
Hi Dean, I mentioned in my last email a paradigm change was coming, little did I know the Coronavirus was the beginning. My book “Unprepared” is due out around July or August. In it, as you know I have declared the date of April 5, 2026, as the beginning of the Tribulation. Does any of your research validate that date? Because the date is tied to the peace treaty (“covenant of death” as God calls it in Isaiah 28) also known as the 70th week of Daniel, I am surmising that you can confirm it. You posted my chart along with my email comments on your website. Please note my website is up and running again. You can download the event flow chart and the timeline chart from there if you desire. God bless.
Good to hear from you again!
As I said before, that date is very important.
But never pin God down for a date for the final END.
He has a way of wiggling out from it.
So Fallen angels are comets?
Maybe I missed it, but the “C/2019” comet sure sounds like “Covid-19”-and discovered about the same time?
Glad you noticed that!
I was going to say that — but sometimes putting weaker (yet true) points in with the stronger points only serves to diminish the overall thrust of a post. That’s why I am glad you pointed it out!
In another “coincidence” the Perigee (Closest to Earth) of interstellar comet 2I/Borisov, was also on December 28, 2019. The same day as Altas C/2019 Y4.
555 days has happened before, like the 555 days from the September 11, 2019 Attacks to the Invasion of Iraq March 20, 2003. Then 222 days later (555+222=777) was the Direct Hit of a Powerful X17.2 Solar Flare (Symbolic Date 2302 SBC: End Year of the Flood). 7 days later was the Most Powerful Solar Flare Ever Recorded x28+ on the 17th Day of the 8th (2nd Month: 360 Calendar).
I meant to say that comet Atlas C/2019 Y4’s discovery was the same day as 2I/Borisov’s perigee (Dec.28, 2019). Dean already knew this, but I am just a witness that way too many “coincidences” happen all the time, for universal events to be completely random. This is especially true when using the 360-Day Calendar of the Prophets, Enoch’s 364-Day Calendar, & the Hebrew Calendar. The Feasts of the LORD in particular, along with dates of events listed in the Bible.
Also, I meant to say Sept.11, 2001 Attacks.
Glad you added this important point. You have tracked comet Borisov for a long time, and so the overlap with Atlas is best appreciated by yourself.
Comet Borisov was also an amazing sign in and of itself!
Two past posts about Comet Borisov (that you helped in) are…