This post is basically what is written at the Home Page. It has been reposted here so that regular readers do not miss it. It is the next stage in the development of this prophetic image of Mystery Babylon.
(See the later section in this post concerning the expanding Universe for this added layer in the prophetic image of Mystery Babylon.)

The Hebrew of Isa 45:21-23 and Dan 5:25 runs through the image. The path of Sirius’s shadow, the morning star, rises from the pit! See “Sign 13B” for more about how this globe of Babylon was deciphered.

Mystery Babylon was revealed 42 months after the blueprint for the “Temple of Time: Blood-Moon Tetrad“.
Every line in the above image has been drawn according to its position relative to a lunar eclipse, two stars (Virginis Chi and Sirius) and the planet Venus. The eclipse was on Jan 20, 2019, and the others were blotted out 30 days later. Moreover, a “falling star” (asteroid) struck the moon at the very minute of totality.
Ishtar, Osiris, and the black hole

Venus (as viewed from Mercury in Virgo/Libra) disappeared behind the sun at the very same time that Sirius blinked on earth.
χ Virginis, Sirius, and Venus, all three symbolize the goddess Ishtar during this once-in-a-billion-year heavenly sign! Her rise and her fall.
The star along the rod of Virgo is where this black hole is located (“M87”, superimposed over the map).
Behold the reward of the wicked

It’s the first black hole ever seen by human eyes. (I.e., revealed on April 10, 2019, which was 50+1240 = 1290 days from Tetrad.)
The abyss of the black hole, therefore, corresponds to the abyss נונ of the Pacific-Ocean.
Mystery of the Universe’s Expansion Rate Widens With New Hubble Data (NASA)
“Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope say they have crossed an important threshold in revealing a discrepancy between the two key techniques for measuring the universe’s expansion rate. The recent study strengthens the case that new theories may be needed to explain the forces that have shaped the cosmos.” (NASA statement released to public April 25, 2019)
The same day that NASA released this statement, the Lord revealed that the wall in the prophetic pyramid image of mystery Babylon had been omitted. This meant that the stars/constellations had to be expanded by one more letter/square to the right to align properly with the vertical crosses at the center. (See green double lines.)
God timed NASA’s discovery with this expanding stars of the image to draw attention to another heavenly sign.
The heavenly and earthly overlap of the “Mountain Table” is the next step up
The location of the “70 stars” that the Hubble telescope measured was within the Large Magellanic Cloud, located at the bottom of the Mensa (“Mountain-Table”) constellation. This constellation was named after the Mensa mountain in South Africa. And the pyramid in the prophetic image is also a mountain.
Therefore, it was logical to overlay the heavenly Mensa/mountain with the earthly one that it was named after. The earthly Mensa-mountain is located in South Africa. The effect is to overlap the original heavenly/constellation scene with this new one.
And all this, as said, is superimposed over the earth as explained elsewhere. The above image is the result — Perfect positioning in every way. For example note Reticulum constellation. (Reticulum is Latin for the crosshairs at the focus of a telescope eyepiece used to measure star positions! Sound familiar!)
The result in a deepened prophetic pictorial message that foretells what is soon to take place on earth. (To be explained later.)

Earth observed from the second heavens with stars in combat
Click here for an interactive global map with partial constellation background.

This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Part One. Mene Tekel: gods are judged! Dec. 6, 2018
- Sea-Dragon comet under foot and ‘Meteor in Russia like 10 atomic bombs’
- Dec. 16 & 18, 2018
- Eruption of Anak Krakatoa triggers tsunami due to full-moon
- Dec. 22, 2018
- “OSIRUS-REX” reaches Bennu on Hanukkah as Bush laid in state. And 30 days later: China on dark side of moon
- Dec 3, 2018, and Jan 2, 2019
- Locust invade Mecca as a partial solar eclipse occurs
- Jan. 5th local time, (eclipse EST)
- Meteor strikes “Super Wolf Blood Moon“, and New York Tower of Babel lit up baby-blood pink
- Jan 20 and 22, 2019
- River of blood: Dam bursts in Brazil killing 360
- Jan 25, 2019, noon
- Polar Vortex, F4 Tornado strikes North America and Havanna, Cuba
- Jan 27, 2019
- Meteor strikes Cuba at foot of mountain-mural of dragons and giants; (And Part A, “Dragon Aurora in Draco”)
- Feb 1st and 6th, 2019
- Magnetic Pole speeds across the Arctic
- Feb 4, 2019
- Mount Kea (Hawaii) Enlil, god of wind and mountain — judged!
- Feb 10-11, 2019
- “Mene, Tekel, Persia“, Turkey, 50 Russian bears, the Pope, and Kushner’s Peace Treaty
- Feb 1st, 4th, 9th, 11th, and 14th
- Resurrection! Mountain clothed with butterflies
- Dec 22, 2018, and Feb 14, 2019
- (Pt. B/C) Star of Isis and Virgo darkened (full moon), creating triangle both in heaven and earth. (Pt. A. “Serpent ascends”)
- Feb 19, Mar 6, 2019. (Pt. D. Venus gored by her own horns, Jan 30)
- Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid 30 days later
- Israel and Bible: 7x around the Moon/Jericho
- Feb 21 and April 11, 2019 (And “Dragon’s Palace“, April 5)
- “Prince of the power of the air” exposed
- Feb 1 & 15, 2019
- Tornado (F4) topples tower three-hours after posting its image. And, “The Mark of Trump”
- March 3rd and 8th, 2019
- US recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights, and thus Mt Hermon where angels fell
- March 21 (& Feb 16th), 2019. (Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid)
- Drill for water in Antartica
- Dec 18, 23, 26th, 28
- Book of Enoch and the underworld: Three scientific reports
- Jan 10th, Feb 14, 15; March 1, 3, 2019
- Enoch’s solar cal.: The great switch from lunar to solar commences
- March 21, 23 (Enoch New Year – March 20 & 27)
- Secret code predicted deaths of Saddam, Bush, Yitzchak Kaduri and Sharon
- Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
- Drought in USA, Israel, and Babylon ends
- Notre Dame Fire
- Easter Sri Lanka bombing
- Three Unusual Typhoons
- Mystery Mountain rises from the sea
- Final prophetic images coincide with record stretch of tornadoes
- Day of Atonement Comet
The astronomer Hubble discovered the “Hubble Red Shift”…..All the galaxies are accelerating away from earth….The farther a galaxy is from earth–the faster the acceleration rate……Which is quite mysterious! What could cause it?…..Mr. Hubble insisted that we must not say that earth is in a special place in the universe (that earth is in the center of an expanding universe), so we must deny all the evidence+proof that he had discovered. If the earth was in a special place, it might lend credibility to the Bible, which Hubble hated.