This event happened Tuesday, March 24th, 2020 — on the last day of the year on the Enoch calendar, but which was the New Year on the 360-calendar. (There are three major calendars: The Jewish calendar, the 360-calendar, and the Enoch calendar that is related to the 360-calendar. It happens that this year each fall one day after the other.)
This event hits close to home, and so I find it interesting.
It’s ironic that “400 liters” of ink spilled into the river — the number of years that Israel was in Egypt! Gen. 15:13.
The Toronto Star says that the spill was first reported “around 3 pm”, which is the hour Christ died. The river runs close to Toronto Pearson International Airport.
Strange days: Southern Ontario creek turns blood red
We’re living in strange times, and signs of that are everywhere even, apparently, in some creeks.
Southern Ontario’s Etobicoke Creek turned bright red Tuesday after 400 litres of ink spilled into the water.
The Ministry of the Environment and Conservation and Parks were deployed to the scene for a clean-up.
Video of the creek was posted on Twitter, which prompted several religious references, given the sighting occurred two weeks ahead of Passover, a Jewish holiday that references the ten plagues.
“It looks like blood,” one Twitter user said.
“If it starts raining frogs, then I’m out,” joked another.
— Ken Woroner (@KWoroner) March 25, 2020
@CP24 @CTVToronto Hi the Etobicoke Creek is all red???
— the meatagain of my neighborhood (@adamcarson0205) March 24, 2020
Picture Bible Code about to be fulfilled?
And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. (Woe unto you Toronto! Luke 19:35)

The newspapers at the time reported how that tens of thousands from around the world were landing at the airport to see the revival — and now a river of wine and only Canadians are allowed to fly in, and that under strict rules of quarantine with penalties of three years jail for refusal to comply. If you can’t see the divine irony — go back to sleep!
In December, 1994, Toronto Life Magazine declared TAV as Toronto’s most notable tourist attraction for the year.[10]

Below is cut and pasted from a picture code revealed several years after the Vineyard Revival.
“Mourning! Tribulation! Out of Midian (comes) the sign! The fighting of the people of the vineyard — the denomination of His wine!“
Below is more from the Burning-Bush Picture Bible Code. Keep in mind that because I lived in Toronto at the time, and this code came while the revival was still ongoing, it was only natural in my mind to apply this to the Airport Toronto Vineyard — as it was called at that time.
Also, notice the date assigned to the staff in the hand of Moses in the image. You can locate its date in the smaller image by enlarging it and reading the notes. (Both these images, with notes, have been on the internet for many years.) Notice the reference to the “Balance Bible Code” and “AD 429/430”, and that each row represents 120 years. Therefore, the rod equals AD 669/670 and AD 674/675 — the same dates assigned to the sighting of the comet! etc.
The Moses/Burning-bush image is embedded in Exodus 3, and the Hebrew word for “staff”, here, is the same spelling as encoded in the Lion Bible Code that forms the staff/comet in that image. Thus, both images connect together at 1260 + 1290 symbolic letter-years and thus both predicted when this comet would appear. There is so much more, but I must go on!
Side note: The man in the image at right reads: “Like I AM, that I AM!”, (i.e., referring to Jesus, and is a play on the Name that the Lord revealed to Moses at the burning bush, in this same chapter, namely, “I AM that I AM!” The rod reads, “(the wonders that) “I have put in your hand”, (Ex. 3:21). Along this rod and beyond, at every five letters, it reads: “Mourning! Tribulation! Out of Midian (comes) the sign! The fighting of the people of the vineyard — the denomination of His wine!”
I have never mentioned what the rod reads at every five letters because it is choppy grammatically, but because of these recent events (its dates as symbolic AD 639/8 to 784/3) happen to correspond with the sorrow of the most deadly storm of this year (capping off a deadly year of catastrophes), and since this comet also appeared at this same time and is perhaps “the sign” spoken of in the code, therefore perhaps Israel, “the people of the vineyard” may soon find themselves “fighting” in some major way before we reach the symbolic letter/year of “AD 784”? (AD 639 to AD 784 corresponds Nov/Dec 15th, 2011, unto April/May 9th, 2012).
The reference to “Midian” is most striking. It means “the land of judgment”, and it happens that just two verses before where these words are encoded, the actual surface text reads: “Now the Lord had said to Moses in Midian, “Go return to Egypt; for all the men who sought your life are dead,” (Ex. 3:19). And then Moses returned to Egypt and caused the sorrows upon Egypt, and the signs, and led His people of the vineyard out of Egypt to fight for the Promised Land.
Although this is just an ink spill — still, God is speaking. It reminds me of a real tragedy last year.
River of Blood: Dam bursts in Brazil killing 360 (Jan 25, 2019, noon.)
Altas was a Titan, the false god who suposedly held up the heavens, represented as a celestial sphere.
Conspicuously, the comet passes through all the constellations mentioned in the book of Job.
[NIV] Job 9:8 “He alone stretches out the heavens and treads on the waves of the sea.”
[NIV] Job 9:9 “He is the Maker of the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the south.”
Holman Christian Standard Bible Amos 5:8
“The One who made the Pleiades and Orion, who turns darkness into dawn and darkens day into night, who summons the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the earth– Yahweh is His name.”
[NIV] Isaiah 40:25 “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.
Curiously, notice that the comet entered the Bear constellations around when the virus was taking hold, which in turn sparked the eventual Bear Market, first in China, then in the world.
Atlas was chief of the Titans (Nephilim). He is called Sêmîazâz in the Book of Enoch.
This is one of the gods that the Lord interpreted the Writing on the Wall (Mene Mene Tekel Parsin) as a code against. That was exactly 390 days before Dec 28, 2019, when the comet/scepter “Atlas” was first spotted. It took exactly 50 days for the message to be unraveled about the false gods, which is therefore 340 days from then to Dec. 28, 2019. (340 is the reverse of 430).
As explained 20 years ago,
Peres in gematria adds up to 340 and Peresim adds up to 390, and “50” is the number by which Enlil — —went by.
“Shekel” is 430 in gematria — etc.
This chief of the Titans is what Enoch prophesied about…
The this Ontario river turned blood red 3.5 years after the Russian River turned blood red. 1274 +21 days after it was first reported the first report was September 7th of that year. 1290 +4 (3.5 days?) ago.
Thanks, David — it’s been very busy — working overtime as my work is in the field of healthcare.
More than any, you can appreciate the timing of all these things as you created the Enoch charts. Interesting that the 364 + 7 of last year, added to the 21 makes 364 + 28 (which is 8 x 49). It’s like taking into account the leap week and the leap Priestly month of 28 days, too.
I plan on doing an article today about the Olympic curse. From the Balance Bible Code which first addressed the Olympics as an afront in that Greece honored its ancient gods (as Hollywood has also ever since — in a big way) — anyway, 1150 x 5 days from then to the canceling of the Olympics, Japan time. (1 am, Tokoyo, Wed., Dec. 25, 2020 — which is also when India went into lockdown. See, “A pale horse — Death was given authority over a quarter of the earth”
March 26, 2020 — )
Hi Dean,
I think you should know about a comet that was newly discovered on your birthday, the same day as the Perigee of 2I/Borisov .
Comet ATLAS C/2019 Y4 had been brightening massively over the last month & might become a naked eye comet. I found out about it exactly 8400 days (23 regular years & 25 Priestly years) after the perigee of Comet Hale-Bopp on Sunday March 23, 1997 (Adar II 13, AM 5757).
Perihelion is in Taurus on May 31st, 2020, the 9th day of the 4th Month (360, Jeremiah 52:6)
A couple days before that the comet is at Pleiades (Seven Sisters) on Pentecost (Enoch’s Calendar).
I just found out about it at 10:30 PM and thought to check this out against the Prophetic Map, and there was your comment. Thanks for the information — I was about to look all that up!
MY preliminary investigation puts the location of the comet at the time of the Mene
Tekel Upharisn code (Nov 23, 2018) exactly between to the top of the Crab and Leo, and thus exactly over the first word of the code, “Mene” on the Prophetic Map — at the very top that also represents the same day in that each letter also counts down. I also happened to be pondering Tammuz (“4th month”), the 9th just earlier today, because that was the lunar date of the Baal Balance Bible code of 2004 — and that day to the Olympics canceled in Tokoyo is 1150 x 5 days (adjusting for time zone). (That code marked the start of the contest with the so-called gods — like an Olympic event — because the Greek Olympics honored these false gods — “Atlas”, the strong man, is just another — and was the leader of the Nephilim, identified by name in the book of Enoch.