Hurricane Harvey and Irma form shape of serpent

This article highlights the symbolism behind Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. (Note: This post was originally part of the article about the Supernatural Bible Fractal of the Rod, Eagle and Dragon, and the following is written within that context.) Quick visual summary of the rod, eagle, dragon fractal images. What is a Bible Fractal? The Bible-fractals … Read more

Bible Fractal Rod and Eagle: (Hurricane Irma, a Serpent!)

This article was written early in my study of Biblical fractals. The matured work is at this link: Throne-Room fractal, Measuring rod, & Book of Enoch, March 31, 2021. Today, we start to explain the Bible fractal, “line upon line”, as first revealed at my father’s funeral back on Jan 3, 2017. What is a Bible Fractal? … Read more