In the second part, the author continues his exploration of the “writing on the wall” prophecy. He delves deeper into the interpretation of the prophecy, using more complex numerics and pictograms. The author also discusses the significance of the prophecy in the context of modern events and the future.
“Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin” matrix.
Building upon Part One, after a brief look at Islam and Catholicism we will ponder the seven seals of the Lamb broke open and the Tower of Babel as a mountain with an altar atop. All of this is encoded in the Mene Tekel Uparsin wrighting on the wall.
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. “And when the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” (Book of Revelation 6:5.)
Islam is judged
We continue with the theme of ‘the pronouncement that the gods of each era are judged’.
“Sin” (moon-god) סינ spelled four times, forming the moon blotting out the cross. It can also be shaped into two crescent moons. (And can also read, “The banner/sign of Sin moon-god ניס סינ”). The word “star סתר” is to the upper right in yellow. The word Islam איסלאם runs through the matrix as we will shortly illustrate. More about this later.
As we shall see below, the words Islam אִיסְלַאם, Isis, Ishtar and Inanna all begin from the same letter, Aleph א, found at the lower left side of the moon.
Coptic cross fashioned after the Ankh of Egypt, the symbol of life.
Regarding the above image: The moon sits precisely above (or below) the cross of Christ. When above, the shape of the Egyptian “Ankh” is formed. Locate the letters “אנק סינ”, “The Ankh of Sin” (the moon god). Thus, Sumerian and Egyptian mythology are combined and then mixed with Islam. This is the “mystery of iniquity” that spreads from one epoch to another and one kingdom to another. (2Thess 2:7.)
The words “The mystery of iniquity סתר אָוֶן” are contained in the matrix of the wrighting on the wall.
The word "mystery סתר" is also a play on word for "star" as in "Ishtar איסתר", thus this is "An evil star". You can locate Ishstar איסתר for yourself in the above matrix.
Remember the horizontal cylinder effect when searching for סתר אָוֶן.) On the crossbeam, locate, “The faith of the Imam .” (אִמאם or אמנ אממ). “The Imam אִמאם” is the name of the Islamic clergy. In full, “איסתר אונ Ishtar of Heliopolis”, thereby identifying Isis איסיס with Ishtar איסתר and the morning/evening star Venus.
Strangely, just hours after posting this document, this happened:
The blast was the second largest of its kind in 30 years, and the biggest since the fireball over Chelyabinsk in Russia six years ago. (2018-12-18, 23:48:20 UT)
But it went largely unnoticed until now because it blew up over the Bering Sea, off Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.
The space rock exploded with 10 times the energy released by the Hiroshima atomic bomb. (BBC)
Lindley Johnson, planetary defense officer at Nasa, told BBC News a fireball this big is only expected about two or three times every 100 years.
The word, Isis איסיס and Inanna איננא (alternate name for Ishtar), both names, therefore, sit exactly within the circle representing the moon. Thus, the predicted Islamic terrorist group “Isis” is a play on words for the goddess by the same name.
The letters, “From the Koran מקורנ” forms a mountain and valley, and when repeated, forms the shape of a long serpent when rolled out using the cylinder-seal effect and is a play on words for Kur (the underworld). (“Kur” and “Koran”.)
Islam 7 mountains. “From the Koran” מקורנ can form seven mountains/valleys in the shape of a long serpent when rolled out using the cylinder seal effect and is a play on words for Kur (the underworld).
“Sīn /ˈsiːn/ or Suen or Nanna was the god of the moon in the Mesopotamian religions of…Babylon … His wife was Ningal (“Great Lady”), who bore him Utu /Shamash (“Sun“) and Inanna (איננה) /Ishtar (the goddess of the planet Venus). Wiki. (Also article about “Sin-god” in The Encyclopedia Britannia.)
Seven Hills of Islam
Islam’s אִיסְלַאם seven mountains, by repeating seven times, “From the Koran” מקורנ
But the same letters that read, “From the Koran”, also read אנ מקור or אנ מאקור, “Anu from the Kur (underworld!)” or “Anu from the mountain-house proclaims the Koran!”. (“Mountain house” refers to a ziggurat, that is, a tower like the tower of Babel.)
Notice the word, “From the Kur/underworld מקור” is appropriately located at the bottom of the mountain, and reads in a descending direction מקור.
Furthermore, the ‘hills’ when read backward and forward:
!מאנ אור קמ, אנאו. נאמ קוראנ מאקור, אנ מקור
“Anu refused the rising light. He declares the Koran from the Mountain-shrine, An(u) from the underworld!”
Piecing Islam together
The two images below are intended to be viewed as if one image. Thus, the circle represents the moon and is overtop the hills with the serpents on it.
The moon and star of Islam (as discussed), therefore, sits above the mountain-house. The moon sits either below or above the mountain (characterizing the rising and setting of the moon.)
Like the Ouroboros, the word, Islam אִיסְלַאם forms a snake rising up to swallow itself by the tail! אוסיריסThe Serpent Column, dedicated to Apollo at the defeat of Persia.
Its mouth reaches to the top of the Ziggurat (Mountain-Shrine). The serpent also is on the cross at the top level. ‘A serpent on the cross’ symbolizes the accursed serpent of the garden of Eden.
As seen below, the middle of the serpent reads “Seraph” (“a fiery serpent”) and will be discussed later in this article.
“Ouroboros” (Counterfeit of “The First and the Last”)
“Ouroboros” is where a serpent swallows its own tale.
“Islam אִיסְלַאם” and “Osiris and Ra אוסיריס ורא” intersect each other. Or “רא אוסיריס Ra-Osirus”
Osirius and Ra are the first known ‘Ouroboros‘. Amazingly, this is what we see here, and the letters can be traced in two ways. אוסיריס ורא (“Osirus and Ra”) or רא אוסיריס (“Ra-Osirus”).
Recall “Apophis” from Part ONe.
Moreover, the word “סרפ” (Seraph/Serpent) is located within the outline of the serpent “Ra-Osirus”. As is Apophis, the serpent/dragon. (We discussed Apophis already but will do so again shortly.)
Both serpents ascend the sides of the mountain. Both surround the cross. Both come forth from the moon/Sin and the underworld.
Tutanchamun_Ouroboros. “The first known appearance of the ouroboros motif is in the Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld, an ancient Egyptian funerary text in KV62, the tomb of Tutankhamun, in the 14th century BC.” Wiki
“The text concerns the actions of the godRa and his union with Osiris in the underworld. In an illustration from this text, two serpents, holding their tails in their mouths, coil around the head, neck, and feet of an enormous god, who may represent the unified Ra-Osiris.” רא אוסיריסWiki
“An important Sumerian text (“Enlil and Ninlil”) tells of the descent of Enlil and Ninlil, pregnant with Nanna/Sin (Moon-god), into the underworld. There, three “substitutions” are given to allow the ascent of Nanna/Sin (moon-god).” Wiki
Jesus slays the dragon, “Tiamat”
The stone is located in the land of Tema/Tayma, in Saudia Arabia. It’s reasonable to assume that the Mecca stone of today’s Islam (located to the south of Tema) has replaced this split stone of antiquity. Formerly, Tayma was called “Tiamat” (the serpent). Apophis is the Egyptian equivalent of Tiamat.
“Mene, Mene” on the way to Mecca
The Kaaba in 1907. Note minaret behind it, which is a type of tower of Babel.(From Wiki by Bilou~commonswiki). Seven stages in the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Notice the third and sith steps are in the “Plain of Mina”. “Mina” (a coin worth 60 shekels) is just another word for Mene. They pass it twice, hence, “Mene, Mene”! Repeated strategies causing the death of many hundreds of people have occurred at Mina, where they “stone the devil”.
Below is quoted from an article by the British Museum. Notice the prominence of “Mina” (i.e., “Mene”). (The camps at Mina are “divided” by country.)
“Day 1 (8th Dhu al-Hijja)
1. Miqat. Arrival and change into ihram
2. Mecca
Circling the Ka‘ba (tawaf). Passing between the hills of Safa and Marwa (Sa’i)
3. Mecca to Mina
Stay over night. The rituals of Hajj
Day 2 (9th Dhu al-Hijja)
4. Minato Plain of ‘Arafat. Day of vigil (wuquf)
5. ‘Arafat to Muzdalifa. Collecting stones and stay over night
Day 3 (10th Dhu al-Hijja)
6. Muzdalifa to Mina
Stoning largest pillar (Jamrat al-‘Aqaba). The day of ‘Eid
7. Minato Mecca
Circling the Ka‘ba. Passing between the hills of Safa and Marwa
8. Mecca to Mina. Stay for two or three nights
Days 4–6 (11th–12th/13th Dhu al-Hijja)
9. Mina. Stoning all three pillars
Note: Because the Islamic calendar has no leap months, over the space of about 30 years, the "stoning of the devil at Mina" will at some point occur on the Jewish Day of Atonement, the anniversary of when Israel entered the Promised Land (and when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey), as well as the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem and Temple, and the anniversary of when the seige began.
Roman Catholicism is judged
The gods of Rome
We will not go into depth about Roman Catholicism, but around the letter “Tav” the rising sun is formed much the same as the setting moon is shaped around the “Yod” as seen before. Another “ankh” symbol is formed except with the sun rather than the moon.
This time the message is about Roman Catholicism and incorporates the pantheon of Babylon, and Greece. It concerns “the mystery of the Eucharist/Mass”. (Note: I have not taken the time to outline this specific image as I did with Islam.)
The ankh forms a knot/rope tied around the snout of a dragon-figure named Apophis אפופיס of the Abyss (Apsu אפסו ), the Seraph/Fiery-Serpent סרפ.
However, it has the horns of the Greek god Pan פנ/Min (using horizontal cylinder) and overlaps the body of Aphis אפס the bull פר of Egypt and RA רא, and סינ and so forth — a monstrous hybrid.
The One putting it to death ממתו
Ptolemaic (4th/1st century BC) statue of Montu with bull’s head, a symbol of military valor.
A spear named, “The One putting it to death ממתו” pierces the dragon, which phrase is also an acrostic ממתו for Mene Mene Tekel Uparsin. But it can also read מנתו-רא “Montu-Ra“, (and even אמנ-מנתו-רא “Amun-Montu-Re”), the name of the Egyptian solar deity, “god of war”, that slew Apophis the dragon/serpent, but who was replaced by Amun, his “father”.
The Greeks considered Montu to be a form of אַרֵסAres, the god of war.
(The ankh looks like the cross, but it actually replaces the cross. Hence the Tav is just to the right of the true cross.)
Apophis the serpent-dragon being speared or poked away.Romulus and Remus were brothers. Their story is strikingly similar to Cain and Abel. Cain also built the first city, calling after his son, Enoch. Genesis 4:17
The walls/steps that outline the mountain-house (Ziggurat) image below, refer to Ninevah and much more. At the right side, it refers to Rome and Reme.
Romulus and Remus were brothers. The story of the founding of Rome appears to recall the story of Cain and Abel in the pictogram. In this sense, Abel is the one sacrificed atop the mountain — a foreshadowing of Jesus.
Rome was the city built upon “seven hills”. Mecca, Rome, Babylon, Ninevah, Thebes, Eridu, Enoch — throughout the ages a city has arisen that dominates the rest of the world. The mystery of iniquity strings them together. Each city is “the place of the skull”, a symbol of death. (The skull reads, “The Place of the Skull” in Aramaic.)
Tower of Babel. Mene Tekel Parsin Matrix. At the place of The Skull.
Back to Babylon
We will skip over Assyria. But the “Waters of Ninevah”, and “Nisroch/Nimrod”, and so forth form a mountain-Ziggurat. (See above image.)
Phrases from the book of Nahum are especially present within the walls. Recall that Jonah was swallowed by a large “fish” and redirected to Ninivah.
In Nahum 3:8, Nivevah is compared to the fall of “No-Amon” of Egypt. Are you better “than No-Amon מִנֹּא אָמֹון”. (“No-Amon” is just another name for Thebes.)
Because the word-puzzle is a cylinder seal when it is rolled and pressed, it can look like this too. Notice the domed-sky now becomes the mound-earth upon which the cross sits. Both the “mound” and the “dome” are frequent themes in the creation narratives of the Babylonians (Sumerians) and Egyptians. Thus, the cross bridges the gap between heaven and earth. –It is the ladder between heaven and earth. (Later we will talk about “Enki” who relates to this bridging.) Also, compare the Dome of the Rock.The air god Shu, assisted by other gods, holds up Nut, the sky, as Geb, the earth, lies beneath. The domed women that represent the sky is a common theme. The word-puzzle does the same thing.
Enlil (Nunamnir) of Nippur
Also, נונאמניר or נונמניר or נונאמאניר (Enlil). Nunamnir. Recall אנוננא “The Anunna” (Annunaki/Giants).
“Enlil (Nunamnir), is the god of wind, air, earth, and storms and the chief of all the gods. He is theologically conceived as the “transcendent” facet of Anu.” (Wiki)
Or, in other words, he is “Ruler of the Cosmos”; “Nunamnir, king of heaven and earth”, “He who decrees fates”, that is, an imposter of Jesus, the true Son of God.
Compare the above with what we said earlier, as shown again here below.
Green squares read אנוננא “The Anunna” (Annunaki/Giants). The arm that offers the forbidden fruit reads, נקלנ “We are cursed!”, and is a play on words for Apkallu and Shekel, and is what the Watchers say in the book of Enoch, (ch. 6). “Then they all swore together and bound one another with a curse.” (Also see Gen 8:21. )Cylinder Seal of Enlil/Nunamnir. Notice the star within the moon to the right of the seal, as in Islam today!Cylindrical seal dragons. Notice that these dragons are repeated, having been rolled out twice. Compare this to image below, left.“Nunamnir of Nippur”. Notice that נונאמאניר ניפור (or נפור) Nippur, (where he was chiefly worshiped) flows horizontally both ways from the first letter “נ” in Nunamnir, just as Nunamnir moves vertically. Thus, read as “Nunamnir of Nippur”.‘Cylinder seal’. “Nunamnir of Nippur” rolled 7x. Looks like a hissing serpent. Perhaps the ziggurat in Nippur. Quote from “Enlil in the E-kur , verse 100, “He (Nunamnir) alone is the prince of heaven, the dragon of the earth.”
Towards the end of Sumerian civilization, these temples developed into ziggurats—tall, pyramidal structures with sanctuaries at the tops.
The Sumerians believed that the universe had come into being through a series of cosmic births.
First, Nammu (Namma), the primeval waters, gave birth to An (Anu) (the sky) and Ki (the earth), who mated together and produced a son named Enlil. Enlil separated heaven from earth and claimed the earth as his domain…
At first, there is only Nammu, the primeval sea. Then, Nammu gives birth to An (the Sumerian name for Anu), the sky, and Ki, the earth.
Again from Wiki:
“A sacred symbol of Nut was the ladder used by Osiris to enter her heavenly skies.” (In our word puzzle, the cross is the bridge/ladder instead! Osiris is in the code
too, as are most all others.)
“In Egyptian belief, the disorder that predates the ordered world exists beyond the world as an infinite expanse of formless water, personified by the god Nun.” (Recall the word, “Nun”!)
Next, we look at the seven seals of the book of Revelation and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse as outlined and imaged in the Mene
Tekel Peres code. (Part Three)
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin Matrix. Weighed in the Balances. The stone is rolled away. Jesus has risen.A composite image that depicts the four-horsemen of the Apocalypse
Click to enlarge
This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
3 thoughts on “Part Two. Mene Tekel Upharsin: The gods are judged!”
For sometime now tje discrepancy of Jeshua dying on the Cross or on a tree on the mountain has me wondering if Jeshua did indeed die by stoning and then hung on a tree for our sins. Because the cross is a Pagan symbol and Idol and the Roman Catholic church, the beast of prophecy in the book of revelations, did indeed kill many Christians by the millions to hide the true gospel. Which we know they made changes too. I mention this because I believe in the messiah as a Christian but I’m seeing lies made by the church. The blasphemous church whose first estate, Rome, their symbol of death was indeed the cross. I believe the Cross A Fiction. Because it goes hand in hand with the false doctrine of our lord and Savior. If you feel differently I actually appreciate if you can elaborate on the matter.
The Bible is our authority. History helps us understand the Bible better. When it comes to the cross, we will never know if it were a pole or a traditional cross, or a Y shape. We know what God wants us to know. But there are clues. Such as the shape of the Hebrew letter Tav, which the Bible refers to often. It was X or t.
The main point is that the cross is an instrument of death and represents a tree, and harkens back to the garden of Eden. This is very important.
So no matter the shape, it was of wood, and rugged, most, if not all, limbs of the tree cut and its leaves. A tree cut down. This is the symbol. And it can look differently — all are possible — all are correct. We must not make explicit that which the Lord has not made explicit. We must not add to the word of God. We do not know for sure its shape, only the basic archetype of a tree trimmed of its branches, — a dying tree. The tree is often a symbol of a living person in the Bible.
A mountain or hill is inferred by the term Golgotha, and by the many types of the cross seen in the Old Testament, such as Isaac about to be offered upon Mt Moriah. Jesus died on a mound (small hill) known as a place of death.
The Bible makes no mention that He was stoned. So this is wrong, and borderline heresy.
For sometime now tje discrepancy of Jeshua dying on the Cross or on a tree on the mountain has me wondering if Jeshua did indeed die by stoning and then hung on a tree for our sins. Because the cross is a Pagan symbol and Idol and the Roman Catholic church, the beast of prophecy in the book of revelations, did indeed kill many Christians by the millions to hide the true gospel. Which we know they made changes too. I mention this because I believe in the messiah as a Christian but I’m seeing lies made by the church. The blasphemous church whose first estate, Rome, their symbol of death was indeed the cross. I believe the Cross A Fiction. Because it goes hand in hand with the false doctrine of our lord and Savior. If you feel differently I actually appreciate if you can elaborate on the matter.
The Bible is our authority. History helps us understand the Bible better. When it comes to the cross, we will never know if it were a pole or a traditional cross, or a Y shape. We know what God wants us to know. But there are clues. Such as the shape of the Hebrew letter Tav, which the Bible refers to often. It was X or t.
The main point is that the cross is an instrument of death and represents a tree, and harkens back to the garden of Eden. This is very important.
So no matter the shape, it was of wood, and rugged, most, if not all, limbs of the tree cut and its leaves. A tree cut down. This is the symbol. And it can look differently — all are possible — all are correct. We must not make explicit that which the Lord has not made explicit. We must not add to the word of God. We do not know for sure its shape, only the basic archetype of a tree trimmed of its branches, — a dying tree. The tree is often a symbol of a living person in the Bible.
A mountain or hill is inferred by the term Golgotha, and by the many types of the cross seen in the Old Testament, such as Isaac about to be offered upon Mt Moriah. Jesus died on a mound (small hill) known as a place of death.
The Bible makes no mention that He was stoned. So this is wrong, and borderline heresy.
Words like “asir” can also mean “forbidden, imprisoned, self restraint or even ‘locked away’.” I like your site. Nice work!