I consider this document perhaps the most important that I have written over the past 25 years. It is been greatly expanded since it was first posted seven days ago.
After some minor editing, I plan on publishing it in Academia. Please pray for me in this matter.
Full document: Key of 23 and Reconciliation.

Covenants from Adam to Sinai thread together with multiples of 23 (Masoretic Text)
In the below chart calculate the number of internal combinations of multiples of 23-squared (excluding the LXX). (“23 x 23” and “23 x 23 x 2” both occurs twice, and “23 x 23 x 3” occur once.)
Also, observe how many times multiples of 13, 15, 17, and 19 occur internally. (We discuss the importance of these combinations later.) This underscores the fact that the appearance of multiples of 23 is not what’s important, but rather the specific multiples of 23, and where.
Naturally, multiples of 23 will appear randomly. However, obtaining the probability is difficult because it’s the specific multiple that’s important. For example, 1656 to the Flood converts to 1800, thus 2300 to Shem’s death. It’s the weaving of specific 23’s with other cycles such as generations of 40, 70, and 100, or with jubilees, etc., that’s ingenious.

See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumerian_King_List

The 23 of Seder Olam Rabbah (“SOR” Jewish Chronology)
The actual Exodus was 1446 BC, not 1313/1311. However, 1476/4 BC is the SOR Exodus if the correct date for the fall of Jerusalem (586/7 BC) is applied and SOR chronology maintained. Therefore, the SOR Creation is really 3924/2 BC when this irrefutable correction is made. Thus there are “850 years”, i.e., “17 x 50”, SOR) from the Conquest by Joshua as 1436/4 BC (corrected SOR) unto the actual fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC (or 587 inclusive).
Both SOR charts will be presented: The traditional and the corrected versions, along with the regular A.M. count from Creation.

The below chart is the same as the above except expressed in BC and AD.

Engrafting the Jewish chronology (SOR) back into its family tree
The below chart is adjusted to the correct date for the fall of Jerusalem (586/7 BC rather than 423/421). The chart remains true to the SOR at every point other than the obviously false notion that from the first fall of Jerusalem unto the second fulfills the “490 years” of Dan. 9. Historicists are in complete agreement that the fall of Jerusalem was 587/6 BC and not 423/1.
To keep in harmony with Seder Olam requires an earlier Exodus date. The SOR Exodus date is 1476 BC instead of the actual 1446 BC. Thus SOR is 30 years longer from the Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem, 890 instead of the actual 860 years.
The extra 30 years is expected of SOR chronologists. The modern new norm of 1446 BC for the Exodus is based upon astronomical evidence not known the past 1900 years when the SOR was finetuned and standardized. “890 years” from the Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem is about right for chronologists of their period in the attempt to unravel the actual length of the kings of Judah, with its complex overlaps. Bishop Usher, for example, placed the Exodus at 1491 BC. Still, it is not wrong to begin the SOR from 1446 BC instead of 1476, that is, if one is interested only in the SOR from Creation to the first temple but ignores the rest.
In the below chart, the alternative 2-years less is included. (Creation as 3922 instead of 3924 BC.) Keep in mind that 3922 BC is not consistent with points of the SOR, but it does allow the 2450 years from Creation to the Exodus so commonly expressed in Jewish chronology, as if from 3761 to 1311 BC instead of the exact 3761 to 1313. Therefore, consider 3924 BC as actual and 3922 figurative.
Long Chronology SOR
Therefore, the SOR long chronology is 1436 BC for the Conquest, plus 12600 years of the long chronology to Adam equals 14036 BC for Creation (or 14039 BC if through the line of Aaron instead of Moses: they were born three or three-and-a-half years apart). There is also the ‘plus two years’ possible at the Flood (and minus two of SOR). This leaves us with Spring 14041 to Spring 14034 BC.
The original long chronological date for Creation from the actual Conquest in 1406 BC is consequently 14011 to 14004 BC. It happens that 14036 & 14006 BC to Christ at “30 years of age” is 23 x 610 to 6 BC & AD 25, or 23 x 630 if the 460 years of Kenan is included, Luke 3:23,36,37.
23 x 630 is the same as 69 x 210, which converts to 14700 years, that is, 300 jubilees to 6 BC and AD 25. And similarly, from the “short” Exodus dates 1476/1446 BC, there are 1470 years to 6 BC and AD 30. Therefore there are “300” and yet again, “30” jubilees to Christ at “30 years of age”, Luke 3:23. Marvelous symmetry. Also, note that 23 x 630 when converted to 25 x 630 adds exactly 1260 years. Cf., Rev. 11-12.
Note: If for argument sake we stick with just the "23 x 610", this yields 25 x 610, that is, as 15256 BC, which is 10000 years to 5256 BC, the Creation date of Luke with its 75 generations from Adam to the birth of Christ! Compare 15266 BC with the actual birth of Moses in 1526 BC. Of course, 15256 BC as from the actual Conquest of 1406 BC is 30 years less, that is, 15226 BC. It happens that 15226 BC to the Creation according to the Book of Enoch is 12000 years. 15226 to 3226 BC. (1406 BC plus the 26 generations of 70 years each to Adam of the Book of Enoch equals "3226 BC".) At any rate, 14006 to 3226 BC are 220 jubilees (230 to Enoch), but which is 230 x 49 if you add the 460 of Kenan to the SOR's "14496 BC"! Also observe 15256/15226 BC as in the mirror, i.e., 15256/15226 AD, and 340 jubilees to 1406/1436 BC, etc. The 75 generations of Luke to Adam holds the key to what is happening here. 75 generations of 70 years make 5256 BC. 5256 BC to 1406 AD is 6660 years, but which to 14066 AD is 19320 years (69 x 280 = 400 jubilees), thus redeeming 6660. According to Luke, the 76th generation is symbolically God himself, and thus 5326 BC to 13995 AD is also 69 x 280. Altogether then, 5326-5256 BC unto AD 14066-13996 are 69 x 280, which converts to 400 jubilees. The Short and Long chronologies are derivatives of this simple pattern. Ponder this great mystery: And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev. 13:8) What is the "Book of Life" if not what incorporates "the root and offspring" and all that is between? In this sense, the Book of Life is the geological record of Christ, and all who branch out from Him, including those engrafted in. Christ was slain ("cut off") before the foundation of the world. Mathematically this means that Christ lived out only half-a-generation, that is, 35 + 35 years, (Daniel 9:24-27; Isaiah 53:8). This means that symbolically Christ was slain 35 years before the foundation of the earth. According to Luke and Revelation, therefore Christ was slain in 5291 BC and AD 30. (5291 BC is the same as -5290). His death mirrors the Great Resurrection and New Creation described at the end of the Book of Revelation. Thus, 5291 BC to AD 5290 is (23 x 230) plus (23 x 230), which converts to 11500 of Daniel 8. Christ is the beginning, middle, and end of the cleansing of all Creation. He was cut off from the tree of life but engrafted in again in resurrection power, taking in his train all that are alive in Him.
Footnote: As said before, The Long Chronology is ten-times larger than the Short. The MT Long Chronology for the Flood/Arphaxad is 4831 BC (or 5291 BC with the extra 460 of Kenan). 4830 converts to 4900 (70 x 70), and as already shown, 5290 x 2 converts to 11500. (Observe that 4831 BC to the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 are exactly 4900 years, with the dividing of the last 70 years at AD 30 as per Daniel 9 and Enoch 91-92). If we add the 3 years when calculated through Aaron instead of Moses, along with the "plus two years" at the Flood, then we have 4836 and 5296 BC. 4836 BC is exactly 3430 to the conquest of 1406 BC (or SOR 4866 to 1436), which is 70 jubilees -- an extremely important amount of time. Moreover, the full spectrum for the Flood date is 4836-4829 BC, which exactly 70 jubilees to the seven years of Conquest! 4836 BC is also 70 times 23 to Enoch's Creation in 3226 BC, which in turn is 70 x 2 x 23 to 6 BC. Also note that the actual "Short" MT Flood date is 2458/6 BC, that is, 50 jubilees to 6 BC, and is the same as the Flood date of the Book of Enoch! Both overlap at 2456 BC at the Flood/Arphaxad and are obviously coordinated. 35 years later (half 70) Selah is born to Arphaxad, but which is 11.5 generations of 70 years from Enoch's Creation (23 x 35). Selah (meaning "sent") is a type of Christ, "the One Sent" into the world. And 23 generations from Adam is Levi. And 350 years after the Flood, Noah died. It's hard to believe that these are mere random overlaps. Enoch's simple generations of 70 years are the original template of both Short and Long Chronologies and their variations in the LXX/SP/NT/SOR and Sumerian Tablets. They all can be traced back to it, including optional Kenan. (When Kenan is included in the genealogy of the Book of Enoch like Luke, the two are exactly 40 jubilees apart, 1960 years: 5226 to 3296 BC. Like all the rest, Luke built his off of the Book of Enoch. This means that Luke knew that 1406 BC was the actual date of the Conquest. Matthew's divisions of three sets of "14 generations" also suggest that he had 1406 BC in mind. Matthew begins at Abraham and ends at Christ -- 40 generations in all, that is, 2806 BC, (40 x 70). This is half-way to 1406 BC! (1400 years are 20 generations of 70 years, but which is also 14 gen. of 100 years each. "1400" is the lowest common multiple of the three biblical lengths of a generation, 40, 70, and 100. Plus the 40 years in the wilderness make 360 x 4. Therefore, 1406 BC is the only logical outcome of the biblical numeric and the Book of Enoch. It also happens to be actual! As for "23", in their genealogies, Luke counts in one direction and Matthew the other. Laid out on a line, that's 75 + 40 = 115 generations -- 23 x 5. In generations of 100 years, that's 11500 years. Someone may say, "But you are switching the length of a generation!" Observe, 75.5 generations of 100 years to when Christ was "slain before the foundation of the world" makes 7556 BC, less 2300 years (Dan. 8) is 5256 BC when Adam was created and fell into a deep sleep to make Eve. ("5256 BC" is the Creation with generations of 70 years). The same can be shown with 4600 years, or as from all eternity, 5326 to 3026 BC -- 2300 years. And 2300 converts to 2500. "2500" plus the other half of a generation of 40 years is 1260 + 1260 to the "seven-day" Creation. Etc. Each of these will work with the 1406 BC date because 1400 years is the lowest common multiple of 40, 70, and 100. (I..e, 75 gen. of 40-years makes 3006 BC, which is '40 x 40' to 1406 BC.)
SOR Chronological Charts

The use of 23 is also apparent in SOR
There are numerous examples of significant (and likely intentional) multiples of 23 within Seder Olam.
The SOR appears to be written in opposition to the SP (and Book of Jubilees). Therefore it is significant that there are 276 years (23 x 12) between the two at Creation, (SP 4200 to SOR corrected 3924 BC).
Furthermore, from MT (with the short 215 yrs in Egypt) to the SOR are 23 x 8, (3899 to 3761 BC).
And from LXX to SOR are 23 x 66, (5279 to 3761).
Luke has 75 generations from Adam to Christ’s birth. Its structure appears tied to the Book of Enoch with its generations of 70 years. Luke has 69 (23 x 3) & 70 generations from Enoch to Christ, (Luke 3:23-38, Enoch 92). 75 x 70 from 6 BC is 5256 BC, which is 23 x 65 to 3761.
Now calculate using the mirror the interactions between ALL of the above, keeping in mind both 3924 & 3922 as well as 3761 & 3759, and the 460 to Jarod.
Significant multiples of 23 within SOR
- Creation to Flood, 23 x 72
- Creation to Jarod, 23 x 20
- Creation to Lamech, 23 x 38
- Abraham’s birth to when Moses fled to Midian, 23 x 20
- “Coincidentally”, 23 x 80 and 23 x 60 to death of Christ, AD 30
- Sarah to Fall of Jerusalem, 23 x 60
- Exodus to fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, 23 x 60
- Israel and sons enter Egypt to the return from Babylonian captivity, 1150 yrs (23 x 50)
"Coincidentally?" Israel and sons enter Egypt in LXX/SP/NT in 1661 BC, and thus 1290 years to the SOR return from Babylonian captivity in 371 BC. 1150 and 1290 are the two figures in the Bible associated with "the abomination that causes desolation", (Dan. 8:12;12:11). Also, SOR is 1290 from Isaac to SOR fall of Jerusalem.
- Conquest of Promised Land to Zerubbabel’s temple, 23 x 40
- Call of Abraham to birth of Moses, 23 x 15
- Ishmael to Exodus, 23 x 18. (Residual ultimately produces both 490 and 500 to the Conquest)
- Isaac’s birth to death of Joshua 460 years
- Levi & Judah, (priestly and kingly lines), from birth and death, 23 x 5 and 23 x 11 to Mt.Sinai. (Plus residual)
- Terah to Jacob, 230
- Wedding of Jacob and the 7 years that sons were born to him unto the 7 years of Solomon’s temple are 23 x 32. Curiously, Solomon’s temple began on the 32nd day of the religious year and ended on the 23rd of the civil year, which is (23 x 116) plus 23 days apart (360-calendar)
- Conquest of Promised Land to completion of Solomon’s palace, 23 x 20
- Death of Adam to Job’s sufferings, 23 x 60. And 23 x 25 more to David anointed as king by Samuel. (These three are specifically correlated by the chronicle within Seder Olam itself.)
- If with the ‘plus 60’ of Terah, numerous other 23’s occur, most notably, from Creation to when Israel entered Egypt is 2300 years, plus the 250 years to the Conquest equals 2550 (or 2448) years, that is, ‘1260 + 1290’ or ‘364 x 7’ years, with the seven years of Conquest that followed, makes ‘365 x 7’.
- Thus, ‘1150 x 2’ to the Entry into Egypt and ‘1150 x 3′ to Zerubabbel’s temple
Hi Dean,
God Bless you and your family. Just saw on weather channel, hurricane Zeta is brewing in the gulf and the projected cone has it ending up at Washington DC. They said it was unusual because one model had it going west. Its 8 days until the Lord decides who is elected as our next US president for the 11-3-2020 election.
Thanks for your guidance and prayers and for staying bible based always.
I figure I would put this email I sent you here as it seems like a logical fit.
Sent Oct 24, 2020, 10:04 PM (17 hours ago)”I looked over your Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Tetrads Temple of Time PDF, and realized that the unmovable date of 29395AD (for the inside skin of the Tabernacle) was 391*75 years to the Destruction of the Second Temple (70AD). https://www.bible-codes.org/Seven_Lunar_Eclipse_Tetrad_Cycles_Equal_Menorah2.pdf
“2025AD is 391*70 (23*17*70) Years to 29395AD! Wow! 2025AD really is special!”
“The Mirror (4830AD) of the Denotative M.T. Flood (4831-4830BC) date is 4913*5 (17 cubed by 5 years or 17*17*17*5) years to 29395AD.”
Very interesting. Every calendar and chronology points to 2025.
I don’t know anything about the game of chess, but i just heard that five times 23 is checkmate.
Well, because 23 regular years is 25 priestly years, therefore, 5 x 23 is the same as 5 x 5 x 5.
Every time I come back to these articles I learn something new that furthers my study into 17!
Interesting that SOR 3924BC Creation meets 3761BC in the BC/AD Mirror at 17*452 years, which means it lines up with t4305BC & LXX -60 Terah & Exodus 12:40 years 430 (not 215+215) Creation date of t5495/n5494BC.
Sorry, I got the timing wrong there. It was not 68 days from the Beirut explosion. However I think it is in line with the START treaty theme of Nuclear Weapons, etc..
Also of note is that North Korea broadcast a showing of their new “Massive ICBM” on Satarday (Oct. 10, 2020) in the evening, after a military parade in the early morning hours of the same day. This parade was celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the North Korean Workers Party (one party rule). Through most of yesterday it had been exactly 68 days (17*2 days) since the Beirut Explosion (Just under 75 years since the Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima on the Gregorian Calendar.)
I looked at the Chart above & I see 1699BC mentioned along with Joseph. This makes sense, in that Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE’ Perihelion was on this “Symbolic” day/year, using the Feb. 26, 2025 New Datum, created by the 3430 (490*7) years from 1406BC Conquest of Canaan. Real life events informing insight into Bible chronology & vice versa. Both dates 1700-1699BC were covered however, due to other major events having to do with Iran (Persia) at that time (July 2, 2020).
I see.
The New START Treaty of April 8, 2010 (Modified Julian Day# 55294) was also on the 23rd Day of the 1st Month on the 40-year Enochian Calendar, because the New Year that year was on Mar. 17, 2010 (Modified Julian Day# 55272). That equals the 23rd day of the 1st Month on both the 360 & Enoch’s Calendars. (A note to those still learning: You must add a day to the calculation of a date after subtracting a date in a year, most easily done through the use of a “Julian Day number”, from the Spring New year that occurred earlier in that year. Julian day numbers can be obtained from this Calendar Converter : https://360calendar.com/360-days-Calendar-Converter.html)
The PDF of ‘Spring New Years’ is available here. It shows the corresponding Gregorian Calendar dates along with the Modified Julian Day Number.
( https://1260d.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Enochian_Calendar_40_Year_Color_Coded_Edit-short2.pdf )
And check out the full article, part of a series, here: https://1260d.com/2020/09/24/part-one-how-all-calendars-harmonize-in-cycles-of-40-years/
As Dean has said before, 23 has to do with covenants in the Bible. Also check out the end date (Nov. 9, 2009) of the drafting phase of the Treaty, on the 360-Calendar.
The New START (Nuclear Arms) Treaty (Covenant), was signed on April 8th, 2010, which was the 23rd day of the 1st/2nd Month on the 360-Day Calendar of the Prophets ( See: https://360calendar.com/360-days-Calendar-Converter.html ). The ‘Announcement’ of the Abraham Accord (August 13, 2020) was 3780 days (1260 days x 3 : See Revelation 12 or 10.5 years exactly).
When I first though to look at the START II Treaty, it was Oct. 10, 2020 (11:41PM MT), there were 119 days (7*17) until the expiration of that treaty, February 5, 2021, if it is not extended. February 5, 2021 just happens to be 3956 (23*172) days from the START II Treaty. When converted from 23 to 25 years or days, using the Regular years to Priestly Years, that is 4300 Days/Years!
That I found this out now I think is important. Does this signal a worsening of relations with Russia? It is at least a warning that nuclear war isn’t that far off, as we count it. 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (Also read 2nd Peter 3:3-10)
Does the fact that humans have 23 paire of chromosomes have any significance ? Each type of living creature has a different number . Humans have 46 (23 pairs ) , chimpanzees have 48 , hermit crabs 254 , potatoes 48 , etc
Yes, I believe it is another mark of the Creator. Ultimately, what we have is a holy temple throughout the ages — a living temple — the Body of Christ expressed mathematically. It’s the equivalent of the curtains and posts of the tabernacle.
One thing you brought out that I forgot is that it is 23 pairs of chromosomes, not just 23. That’s very interesting.
In the below list of 23-conversion numbers — notice how often one number is separated from the other by 46 years.
23 (23 x 1) years of the 336 Priestly-year
69 (23 x 3) of the 360 Prophetic-year
299 (23 x 13) of the 364 Enochian-year
345 (23 x 15) of Eclipse-year. Converts to almost 364. See endnote
391 (23 x 17) of the Lunar-year of 354.367066
437 (23 x 19) cycle of Metonic lunar cal. Doesn’t convert other than Priestly year, but the cycle occurs in the Bible. See endnote
25920/1 (23² x 7²) years of precession converts to “The Great Year”