On Nov. 21st, 2020, I had a heart attack, partly worrying about my mother and other things; partly genetic; partly lifestyle — but all on God’s calendar.
Three days later I was out of the hospital with a stent. The artery had been 97% blocked, and another 70 percent. My right forearm is severely bruised from my elbow to fingers and that is why I have not posted much lately.
The heart attack got me thinking about what the Bible has to say about the heart. I thought about Jacob, whose ‘heart stood still’ when he heard that his son Joseph was alive in Egypt, (Gen. 45:26). The date when this happened, 1876 BC, is perhaps the most pivotal in the Bible. Jacob went into Egypt in 1876 BC according to your Bible. However, the Greek LXX version has 1843 BC instead, and the Samaritan Pentateuch has 1661 BC. Thus, there are three witnesses to Christ, 1876, 1843, and 1661 BC. Over the last week, God gave insight into the LXX 1843 BC. (A chart is soon forthcoming.)
The past two months have been about reconciliation, to be precise, about the number 23 and reconciliation. Jacob reconciled with his brother Esau. Joseph reconciled with his 11 brothers in Egypt, and so forth. To me, numbers equal text — an assurance that you have connected the dots of the narrative correctly.
Anyway, yesterday morning God gave insight about the years 2020 and 2021. The math will be placed at the end of the post if you are interested. Take note of the theme, because it leads to the sign of the meteor over New York state as seen Wednesday at noon.
A son, born of a woman, born in pain
The theme of woman and son is much on my mind for personal reasons.
So when yesterday the Lord joined this theme together that culminates in late 2020 and 2021, it, of course, made me think of my own mother.
The Lord linked the theme of ‘the women and son’ numerical in unites of “7 x 17”. (“17” is the specialty of my friend, David. But in this case, ’17’ has to do with the number of days therein, 6210 days, i.e., 23 x 270, as explained later.)
“7 x 17” links these sad events that have to do with mother and son mingled with sorrow:
- Eve and her son (Seth)
- Sarah and her son (Isaac)
- Rebekkah and her son (Jacob)
- The “mother” of King Jehoiachin (last in the lineage of the kings of Judah)
- Mary the mother of the King of kings (“to whom the scepter belongs”, whose heart was pierced)
- Revelation 12 about the “Woman who gives birth to a son”. She is then pursued by the “ancient serpent, the dragon” “cast down to the earth”
Quick Review of the Prophetic Image of the Dragon

The image below is the top of the above tower. These images and the below caption are unaltered from two years ago. My point is that the CN Tower is a type of the “Tower of Babel”. It is also a communications tower, the largest in the world when built. Therefore, to have the camera that (mistakenly) observed the flash over Lake Ontario at the top of this tower agrees with the image exactly.

The full image is that of a dragon hurled to the earth as a meteor strikes the top of the tower. (The above skull is a literal meteor, called the “Halloween Meteor“). Those squiggles in the below image are ancient Hebrew letters that repeat “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin” over and over again.
The moon is partially covered as it was for real just two days earlier, which is 25 moons from the start of the below prophecy. (“25” and multiples of 5 accompanied the signs that followed this prophetic image.) “25 moons” is exactly two years on the Jewish calendar, the anniversary of “The Abomination that causes Desolation” in 168 BC.
When something is revealed for the first time, things happen!
“Expect signs to follow”. You heard me say that many times before.
Yesterday morning, Dec. 2, 2020, the “woman-and-son” pattern that began at Creation (and Seth) culminates late in 2020 and into 2021. (The sign repeats in 33 and 215 years.)
I thought about posting this yesterday, but my forearm hurt and so I figured that it’s not necessary to always post even if it is important. Since I could apply it to my own situation with my own mother, I thought I would keep it to myself.
But when I became aware this morning of yesterday’s sign of the meteor seen from Toronto, I decided to speak.
God is very personal
People think that when God reveals anything to a prophet, it never involves their personal life. But God cares about all his children. Small details matter.
Burdened about the dragon who now pursues the mother, I took this revelation about “mother and son” as an opportunity to personalize it.
“Lord, as you have done over and over again through the ages as seen in these numerically linked patterns, let it be done for me too!”
It’s always a good idea to seize the moment and claim a promise!
But I know that the big picture has to do with His Church, the people of God. They are caught in the flood from the serpent’s mouth, as Eve was in the garden.
The revelation came in the morning, so, with hands lifted up, I prayed earnestly about noon, Dec. 2, 2020. I felt the power of God. (Note to self: I had a similar revelation about Joseph and subsequent petition for the “Armor of Light Church“ Dec. 1st.)
God, who times everything, who knew what would happen, timed this revelation and my subsequent actions with the meteor that fell over New York that occurred also at noon the same day.
Did I make it happen?
God works all things together for His own purposes.
And why not make it personal?
God is a personal God — the God of big and little things, the mountain, and the valley.
The Angry Dragon
The Bible says that the dragon is cast down to the earth having wrath, (Rev. 12). As I said at length in the post to do with the above image two years ago, I said then that a fallen meteor represented ‘the dragon cast down’. Here is another image from that same post from two years ago. My point is that I already established the connection of a meteor to this verse about the dragon in Rev. 12 two years ago, and did so at length, and with similar signs.
The below caption was also written two years ago as-is:

The Meteor over New York
We now get to the point. It was necessary to first lay the groundwork. Fortunately, the next step is largely done for me, courtesy of the National Post (Canada’s national newspaper).
I will quote excerpts from the article in the National Post, but you should read it yourself. It’s only a “1-minute read”.
Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. (Rev. 12:6-9)
The National Post headline:
Huge flash seen in CN Tower footage didn’t come from falling meteor, experts say
Social media were quick to share the footage and claim that it was the flare of the ‘fireball’, but many scientists were beginning to doubt what they were seeing
Even NBC and other major outlets reported that from the CN Tower a “brilliant flash was seen over Lake Ontario”.
When you see this video “flash” for yourself, the first thing you think is, “Wow! That looks like an atomic bomb going off.”
I was born in Toronto and live not far from there now. I was there in person and saw when they put the final top to the Tower of Babel (CN Tower) from which the cam sits.
Skip to the middle of this short Twitter video to see this flash (that was mistaken for the meteor four minutes later). The actual meteor was also seen from Toronto.
A massive #fireball lit up the sky over parts of the United States and Canada earlier today. Check out this footage that was caught from our #EarthCam‘s in Toronto. Could it be a meteor?? 👀☄️ @TourCNTower pic.twitter.com/Qxdz168p0I
— EarthCam (@EarthCam) December 2, 2020
The meteor caused a sonic boom between Rochester and Syracuse New York. Many called it in as an Emergency.
Just past noon on Nov. 3, a video from a live-feed broadcasting from the top of the CN Tower in Toronto showed a huge flash of light shining over the city for a split-second. Minutes later, a meteor clocking speeds exceeding 90,000 kilometres-per-hour was reported over New York state. (National Post)
More accurate video footage of the meteor passing over cities such as Toronto and Syracuse, New York, show a small ball of light quickly streaking over the sky — a far cry from the nuclear blast-esque light show that many thought happened over the Canadian city. (National Post)
The Post says that the apparent flash from the CN Tower cam came 4 minutes before the meteor. The flash was just a camera glitch.
But I don’t believe in coincidences. God is saying something, especially when it is “a very weird coincidence”!
“It’d be very cool if the EarthCam footage actually was real, but, sadly, I have to accept that it was just a very weird coincidence,” Sutherland said. (National Post)
So what is God saying?
Nothing new, really.
The state of New York as seen over the “sea” of Lake Ontario is symbolic of New York City.
New York is going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb unless she repents.
And the nations from the Sea shall witness her burning, (Rev. 18).
New York City is an aspect of Mystery Babylon as seen on the Prophetic Map that I keep referring to the past two years.

“Every sea captain, and all who travel by ship, the sailors, and all who earn their living from the sea, will stand far off. When they see the smoke of her burning, they will exclaim, ‘Was there ever a city like this great city?’ They will throw dust on their heads, and with weeping and mourning cry out:
“ ‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,
where all who had ships on the sea
became rich through her wealth!
In one hour she has been brought to ruin!’ (Rev. 18:18-20)
When will New York go up in flames?
The false flare that looked like an atomic bomb over New York occurred just four minutes before the actual meteor that boomed over New York. The sound itself took another few minutes to hear as it roared toward them from 22 miles up.
The time is short. It will happen soon — but what is “soon”?
I don’t know. And nothing is in stone.
Ninevah was spared. “Mystery Babylon” takes different forms after all. New York City is present ‘Commercial Babylon”, although “Silicon Valley” is in hot pursuit of that title.
This is just another warning; one of many rebukes that will ultimately lead to her destruction if unheeded.
And “Toronto the good” is nothing but a harlot, witnessing the loss of her lover.
Comet at same time confirms same message

It’s proving to be a special year for comets, with the astronomical gods looking down favourably on us in these strange times. With the memory still strong of the spectacular Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), which totally dominated last summer’s observing scene, Comet C/2020 M3 (ATLAS) is now in the late-evening sky among the bright stars of Orion…
Another comet discovery by the (same) program, Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS), briefly offered the exciting prospect of a naked-eye comet last spring before it was destroyed by the Sun’s massive and unyielding gravitational forces. (Astronomy Now)

There are a series of videos and posts about the earlier Atlas comet already. By reading them you will know what this second Atlas comet means. The message has not changed: Orion (i.e., Nimrod/Atlas) is doomed to bow at the feet of Christ.
Locate the above image on the below Prophetic Map. Especially note the location of Comet Atlas at the time of our meteor (Dec. 2) at the very tip of the horn of the Bull (Torus).
Comet Atlas is next to the star “Elnath”, which means, “the butting one”, which in turn is also at the heel of the Charioteer constellation, which in the Prophetic Map is the Lord on the throne. (‘The serpent bruised His heel but the Lord crushed his head’, Gen. 3:16.)

The location of the full moon on Dec. 1st, 2020, was also striking. Recall that this was exactly “25 moons” from when the Mene Tekel Code was revealed, which spawned about 40 posts the past two years.
The day before

Coincidentally, the massive telescope used to search for alien planets also came crashing down the same day. It appeared in the movie “Contact” and in real life sent a message to ‘aliens’ in outer space.
The telescope has been used to track asteroids on a path to Earth, conduct research that led to a Nobel Prize and determine if a planet is potentially habitable.
Atlas is the chief of demons, a titan.
What is a demon? — Our modern-day masquerading aliens!
Numeric of the “Woman and Son” (sorrow to joy)
The following is unedited and in rough! It requires a basic understanding of the “key of 23“.
“17 years” has exactly 6210 days on the 360-day calendar. Because a day can symbolize a year in the Bible, “6210 days” can also represent 6210 years, which is 69 x 90 and converts to 6300.
This strange use of 23 is not mentioned in the document about the Key of 23. However, it’s one of the main reasons for the prominence of 17 in the Bible, especially in the many census lists of the Bible. It matters not what we think of “17” today in the ‘modern age’. It only matters how the ancients understood it as a symbol and mathematical tool. Basically, 17 in this unusual way converts to 17.5 due to the day-year effect. (I.e., 6210 = 6300, which is 17.5 x 360).
“7 x 17” links the following events that have to do with mother and son mingled with sorrow. The “mother” herself (“the woman”) is the dated theme
- Eve and her son (Seth) unto Sarah and her son (Isaac)
- This is a little different than the pattern that follows: From (MT) creation 4114 BC to Sarah’s death in SP 1814 BC is 2300 years. All dates from here are only in the MT, which is your Bible)
- From Seth’s birth (3984 BC) to Sarah’s death (2029 BC) are 1955 years (17 x 23 x 5)
- This is a little different than the pattern that follows: From (MT) creation 4114 BC to Sarah’s death in SP 1814 BC is 2300 years. All dates from here are only in the MT, which is your Bible)
- Sarah and her son (Isaac) unto the death of Rebekkah’s nurse when Jacob was 99
- 119 years (see below chart) (119 is 17 x 7. However, 69 = 70, thus 1260 days (Rev. 12) are added and overlaps the three years that span the death of Sarah and the marriage of Isaac to Rebeccah (with the nurse Deborah), that is, 2029 to 2026 BC, (and note “BC/AD mirror”)
- (6210 = 6300, thus the difference of “90” x 7 cycles of 17 years = 1260)
- 119 years (see below chart) (119 is 17 x 7. However, 69 = 70, thus 1260 days (Rev. 12) are added and overlaps the three years that span the death of Sarah and the marriage of Isaac to Rebeccah (with the nurse Deborah), that is, 2029 to 2026 BC, (and note “BC/AD mirror”)
- Rebekkah and her nurse Deborah (who also would have nursed Jacob like a stepmother — we do not know when Rebekkah died, only her nurse) …unto the mere 70-day reign and exile of the “mother” of King Jehoiachin and Jeohioachin
- It is important to note the prominence in prophecy concerning the mother of this last legitimate king of Judah, (Jer. 22:24-27; II Kings 24:12)
- 12 and 11 times 119 years (17 x 7) from 2026 and 1907 BC to late 598 BC when Jehochin and mother began their 70-day reign
- The “mother” of King Jehoiachin, (he is last in the lineage of the kings of Judah) unto Mary the mother of Jesus, who is called “woman” at the cross — when “a sword also pierced her heart” (John 19:26; Luke 2:35) unto 3 BC, which is around the time of the star of Bethlehem and Mary and Son
- Mary the mother of the King of kings (“to whom the scepter belongs” Gen. 49:10) unto Revelation 12 about the “Woman who gives birth to a son”. She is then pursued by the “ancient serpent, the dragon” “cast down to the earth”
- 3 BC unto 2021 AD are 17 x 119 (that is, 17 x 17 x 7).
- Thus, from Isaac’s marriage to Rebeccah (with Deborah as a nurse) three years after the death of his mother (2029 to 2026 BC) unto 2021 AD are 34 x 119 (17 x 17 x 14), and as said, as days, 17 years = 6210 days and converts to 6300 days, thus in the space of 34 x 119 years, exactly 119 (7 x 17) more years can be added due to the effect of the 23.
- It’s as if the year 2021 is as 2140, which, in turn, is 23 x 119 back to 598 BC!
- All this has many interesting effects that I will not delineate. Keep in mind that the LXX is 33 years earlier than the MT. This means that if one switches from the MT to the LXX, then the death rather than the birth of Christ is in focus (3 BC + 33 = AD 31). This also means that the present pattern for 2021 will again repeat in 2054

Hi Dean.
I posted a short video on Youtube showing the 289 years Cycles. There is no audio, but it shows the 17 Squared Mean Tropical Years & whole days Cycles, with Lunar synchronization. I left a description under the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yekXa1Hp_YE
“Massive NYC fire destroys 19th-century church”
“Fire had extended into the church on 2nd Avenue and also into another building on 7th Street.”
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/massive-nyc-fire-destroys-19th-century-church-n1250113 Dec. 5, 2020, 11:12 AM MST / Updated Dec. 5, 2020, 12:09 PM MST
Recall the 391 (17×23) years of the Providencia, Iota Hurricane . Note that the fire started around 5 AM was the 17th Day of the 9th/10th Month (360-Day Calendar of Bible Prophecy)
I take this as a confirmation of the sign of “Wrath of Iota Portent for America”, as the Church was Built 1891AD & in the BC/AD Mirror 1891BC + 2020AD -1 year (Because no year Zero) is 3910 years (17x23x10).
The (Collegiate) Reformed Protestant
Dutch Church Of the City of New York
“The new Middle Church (at Second Avenue and Seventh Street) and the West End Church (at West End Avenue and Seventy-seventh Street) were built in 1891 and 1892 respectively.”
God bless you Dean and your family.
Rest! Get well!
we’re outnumbered, a thousand to 1—zillions of unbelievers cause torment to the righteous souls of the saints, from day to day. But we have a real Hope of Deliverance, because God has given us many fore-shadows of the Fall of Babylon. God predicted the Fall of the OT World Kingdom Babylon, when it was a mere town. And God has predicted the Fall of NT World Kingdom Babylon, before Babylon became the World’s Super-Power.
The Deliverers were named before they were born—Cyrus and Christ.
We trust that NT Babylon will fall, because OT Babylon fell. Praise Christ!
I just realized that the Traditional Hebrew year of the Exodus (Unajusted Seder Olam Rabbah (1313BC-1312BC) unto 2020AD-2021AD is 17*4 Jubilees (49 years) or 119*7*4. Also, 17*77 years unto 4 to 3BC (119*11 years).
And we will not forget (SOR) Creation t3761BC (17x17x20 years to 2020AD).
Thank you for the exposition in the mathematical details written at the bottom of the article & if you didn’t even read the emails sent to you in the last few days, then they could be counted as a confirmation of what you posted (Not that it is needed). Even 119 (17×7) of the May 29, 2020 Solar Flare an M1.19 (119×0.01) on 1734SBC, 187 days (11*17: See Methuselah’ s age when Lammech was born was 187 years) from Dec.2, 2020.
Many blessings to you, Dean!
I never read them until yesterday. As usual, the Lord is speaking similar things at once.
Where in the LXX Chronology does the 33 years difference occur?
Exodus 12:40 has 3 different readings that create 3 different dates for when Israel entered Egypt: The MT (your Bible!) reads, (= 1876 BC) “Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelled in Egypt, was 430 years.” The Samaritan Pentateuch reads, (= 1661 BC) “Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, AND OF THEIR FATHERS IN THE LAND OF CANAAN AND in the land of Egypt, was 430 years.” The LXX reads, (= 1843 BC) “And the sojourning of the children of Israel, while they sojourned in the land of Egypt AND THE LAND OF CANAAN was 430 years.”
(Jacob was 97 when he fled Haran and returned to Canaan with his children.) However, the LXX includes the 33 years that the sons of Israel lived in Canaan between (MT) 1909 to 1876 BC. But because the LXX says that the 430 years includes this 33 years in Canaan, therefore we must subtract 33 years to arrive at the LXX date for when Israel and sons entered Egypt.
Therefore, in 1876 BC according to the LXX is when Israel and children entered Canaan for 33 years, which means that 1843 BC becomes the new date for the Entry into Egypt (according to the LXX).
Also, 119 (17*7) days from the Beirut Blast Aug. 4, 2020 (18:05Hrs Lebanon Time) to the New York Meteor Blast Dec. 2, 2020 (About 2PM?).
Wow! I will study the numeric posted. I see that 17 is in fact becoming rather important. I sent you an Email last night about what is said below. It is a little more complicated than is written here.
Also, on Dec. 2, 2020 that Israel Dissolved (Knesset) Parliament 340 days from Comet “Wolf Comet” 2IBorisov’s Perigee. And a year on the 360 Calendar from Perihelion. Dec. 2, 2020 was also in line with Josephs SP Birth 1700SBC, etc, etc.