Update to these two posts from half-a-year ago:
- Hurricane Laura: The Victory Lap August 25, 2020
- Wrath of Hurricane Eta and Iota, Portent for America November 16, 2020
What’s in a name?
On March 17th, 2021, it was announced that four Hurricane names have expired from use.
Geneva, 17 March 2021 – The World Meteorological Organization’s Hurricane Committee has retired Dorian (2019) and Laura, Eta and Iota (2020) from the rotating lists of Atlantic tropical cyclone names because of the death and destruction they caused.
It also decided that the Greek alphabet will not be used in future. World Meterorological Org
Half-a-year ago I wrote an article about Hurricanes Eta and Ita. A little before that, I wrote about Hurricanes Dorian and Laura. In these posts, “Eta & Iota”, and “Dorian & Laura” are paired together.
Hurricanes Dorian and Laura

The Lord, who knows the future, moved me to start a very long series of posts about running the race to win the (Olympic) prize. This series began in 2019 with Hurricane Dorian and ended with Laura in 2020. (“Dorian” means “gift” and “Laura” means, “Laural wreath/crown”.)
Of course, God knew beforehand that this would be a year that called for much endurance — as in an Olympic race. Covid has tested the endurance of us all. That’s why the long series of posts about endurance that began Sept. 1st, 2019 — a few months before news of a virus out of China emerged.
The post about Hurricane Laura begins by saying this:
Victor’s Crown
I am coming soon! Hold on to what you have so that no one takes your victor’s crown. (Rev. 3:10-11)
A year ago I began recording the signs on earth regarding “The victor’s crown”. The first sign and post began with cat. 5, Hurricane Dorian. The name Dorian means, “a gift”.
Shortly after that came cat. 5, Hurricane Lorenzo, which means, “The one who wears a laurel wreath“. (Lorenzo has the same basic meaning as Laura.)
You can go back and read those posts for yourself. However, one thing I pointed out in the Laura Post is that one year passed between these two hurricanes, both at the autumn New Year, etc. “One year”, I said, is like a “lap” of time around the Olympic arena.
Now it happens that the day when it was announced that Dorian and Laura are expired was March 17th, 2021. This was the New Year on the Enoch Calendar as discussed in the previous post.
It is also remarkable that I said in the subsequent post to Hurricane Laura that the actual Olympic games were also delayed a year to symbolize the Lord’s victory lap of one year.
It happens that due to Covid, (which means, “Crown”), the expiring of the name Dorian was also delayed a year. That’s why the unusual step of dropping Dorian and Laura at the same time, although one year apart.
The Hurricane Committee agreed on the retirement of names from 2020, along with 2019, because this was not on the agenda of last year’s Hurricane Committee due to the unfolding COVID-19 crisis. World Meterorological Org
The following quote from the World Meteorological Organization leads us to our next brief discussion about Eta and Iota.
The 2020 season got off to an early and rapid start with a record nine named storms from May through July. It ended late, with two major hurricanes in November for the first time on record and at a time when the season is normally winding down. The season was so active that WMO’s 21-name rotating list was exhausted and the Greek alphabet was used for only the second time (the first time was in 2005). World Meterorological Org
Hurricanes Eta and Iota and ‘The End of the World’
For, verily I say to you, till that the heaven and the earth may pass away, one iota or one tittle may not pass away from the law, till that all may come to pass. Matt 5:18 (YLT)
- Wrath of Hurricane Eta and Iota, Portent for America November 16, 2020
Over time, in Greek, the letter “Eta” now makes the same sound as “Iota”. They are essentially the same letter. Thus, “Iota” has “passed away” from use and is symbolic of ‘heaven and earth passing away’ as Jesus said. This is the basic meaning of the Hurricane Iota post.
Consequently, the timing of the passing away of Iota is important.
As said, the announcement that Iota has passed away was made on the Enoch New Year, March 17, 2021. This is exactly to the day half-seven-years to the 70th jubilee. (A jubilee is 7 x 7 years). In other words, March 17th, 2020, could have literally been the end of the world if God had chosen this particular prophetic timetable. Instead, God gave a token sign of what might have been.
The Hurricane Iota post mainly had to do with an island under siege. Therefore, ponder this verse about “heaven and earth” passing away.
The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. (Rev. 6:14

And speaking of “rolling up like a scroll”, it is interesting that the two equivalent letters, Eta and Iota in Hebrew spell “Woe”! And it is spelled like this just once in the Bible.
And when I looked, behold, a hand was stretched out to me, and behold, a scroll of a book was in it. And he spread it before me. And it had writing on the front and on the back, and there were written on it words of lamentation and mourning and woe הי.
What about Alpha and Omega?
The most amazing sign to do with hurricanes was not Iota but was “Alpha”. (Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. They are used as a title of God in the Book of Revelation. The basic meaning is that God is the living word: He is the First and Last and every letter in between.) This was explained in the below post about the sign of “Storm Alpha”.
Storm “ALPHA” forms at “BEGINNING” of Jewish New Year (& Supreme Court Judge dies) September 18, 2020
The following is a quote from the above post.
They ran out of names for storms today and had to resort to the Greek letters of the alphabet. This happened only once before, 15 years ago, which I meticulously documented back then.
Extremely rare storm “ALPHA” formed at the exact “BEGINNING” of the Jewish New Year. Jesus said: “I am the ALPHA and the Omega, the BEGINNING and the end.” (Rev. 22:13) (Sept. 18th, 4:30 PM GMT — the eve of the New Year)
The whole Alpha-Beta!
Incredibly, tropical storm”Beta” formed next shortly after Alpha at 4 PM CDT, (Sept. 18th). This is just before evening and thus just before the Jewish New Year according to this timezone (in the Gulf, near Texas). (The New Year begins at sunset, Sept. 18th.)
“Alpha“, “Beta“!
Jesus is the complete alphabeta if you would, from beginning to end! He is the entire alphabet from Alpha to Omega!
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (Rev. 22:13)
So then, to complete the sign that the whole Greek alphabet is symbolic of Himself — the Word of God, and that all else will pass away– what does God do?
The Meteorological Organization does the unthinkable — It does away with the entire Greek alphabet!
What a forceful way of declaring that “Heaven and Earth”, Iota and every other letter, could have passed away on March 17th, 2021 if God wanted to follow the prophetic pattern of cutting short the 490th Shmita (since Israel entered the Promised Land), (Cf., Dan. 9, Rev. 10).
Impacts from Eta and Iota were severe enough that those names have formally retired by the Hurricane Committee. There was no formal plan for retiring Greek names, and the future use of these names would be inappropriate. World Meterorological Org
Or put in simple English, Eta and Iota “formally” passed away, however, the entire Greek Alphabet used as a list of names when the regular names are exhausted will also no longer.
March 2021 could have been The End.
Were you ready if it had?
Were you still running the race?
Or has Covid cooled your heart and slowed your pace?
2Peter 3:9-13
9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare.
11Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.
So glad GOD has given men insight into HIS word! Looking for JESUS any day now! Satan has lost and knows it and is angry and trying to get all that will not repent before he is doomed! First time ever replying and have not seen this sight before!?!?
So glad GOD has given men insight into HIS word! Looking for JESUS any day now! Satan has lost and knows it and is angry and trying to get all that will not repent before he is doomed!
Great revelation and insight as always. 3 days after 17 March, a volcano erupted in Iceland. One that has been dormant for 6000 years (6 days). Another sign? On this same day, 20 March 2021, a huge magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, in the same area as the one from 10 years ago that triggered the tsunami.
Another birthpang?