This post will make little sense without reading about the Jefferson tornado outbreak first.
Half-a-year later (7 matrices/ 175 days)
The calendar of events contains six matrices repeated — less one row. I will add the seventh later to include the 13 days of tornadoes. Now that the prophetic images are essentially complete (with fractal), I feel less compelled to record events in the world associated with them. I find recording them wearisome.
Moreover, with the new image (see above), the complexity is now many folds increased, and therefore less obvious when an event occurs due to saturation of possibilities.
Consider the past 40 posts about the remarkable signs in the earth the past six months as validation that the completed fractal images (including the above one) are heaven sent and not of my own design.
The pattern of ‘Capstone-on-the-Pyramid’ continues over North America
Below is an enlargement of the above to highlight the section of interest — particularly the missing final segment (pink line) to the capstone of the pyramid that covers the whole earth. It was omitted on purpose as symbolic of the fact that Mystery Babylon is almost complete, and her cup of iniquity almost full.
Joplin and Jefferson tornado outbreak on May 22, 2019, is located at the lower green star on map (where the pink line begins). The second green star is the Dayton/Celina outbreak five days later. Note the continuation of the theme of the last segment of the pyramid is almost complete.
The distance between Joplin and Celina covers about half the distance to the top of the pyramid. This second major outbreak five days later is another way of reiterating that “the cup is almost full”, (i.e., Babylon is almost finished and ready to be judged).
Recall what was said in the previous post about the Jefferson tornado outbreak:
Fox News coverage of the tornado outbreak late on May 22, 2019. Compare the location of this line with the below map. “Floodwaters rise” and the cup is about full.
Therefore, both Joplin and Jefferson city are important. Together they create the beginning of the diagonal line that is lacking in the prophetic image. This section at the upper left corner of the pyramid is the only spot on the pyramid incomplete. This short missing line (from Missouri to central Ontario) symbolizes that the time of the end is all most up, and the cup of iniquity almost full.
The Timing of these Tornadoes
- Therefore, there elapsed 180 days to the Joplin/Jefferson tornadoes, (half-a-360 year)
- 182 days to the earthquake, (half of an Enochian 364-day year — and was Pentecost. This earthquake in Peru is discussed towards the end of this post.)
- 185 days to the Dayton outbreak when the final New Jerusalem fractal posted and publically revealed for the first time.
- (I.e., another unit of “five days” as discussed in previous posts, with another five days before that to when this record outbreak began, May 17-27th, and counting. At right, ponder the outline of signs over the past half-a-year. Note how the prophetic calendar is divided into units of five days per row, yet generally avoiding the outer rows.)
- The day before this record-long tornado outbreak began, “Sign 13” was completed. It systematically explains how the entire prophetic pyramidal-map was deciphered as based upon several profound signs in the heavens:
- In other words, the last four pictorial releases that bring together and completes the Bible-fractal/constellation/pyramid-code (30 years of labor) as overlaid upon the earth (released on May 16th, 21st, 24th/25th, and 27th, 2019) coincides with this record-long outbreak.
- Because each “Mene Tekel” matrix spans 25 letters/days, thus from the “sealing” and “unsealing” lapsed seven repeats of the matrix (7*{5*5} = 175 letters/days) to the 13 days of the record storms and tornadoes as discussed below. (Esp. note Nov 23, Dec 18, Jan 12 on cal. of events, each 25 days apart.)
- “The gods are judged!” See the sign of, “Jupiter, the eye of Thoth grows dim!” Compare with the location of the total eclipse in “The Twins” on July 2, 2019. I leave the reader to ponder. Hint: also read “The Great Twins of Babylon” and “The Eye of Horus”
Compare with below prophetic image concerning where the serpent is emerging with the above map of Mount Vinson, Antarctica.
Ben-Nun goes on to discuss the Book of Enoch and its reference to imprisoned Fallen Angels that were removed from Mt Hermon to Antarctica (Mt Vinson/Sentinel Range):
Enoch 18.14 And like a spirit questioning me, the Angel said: “This is the place of the end of Heaven and Earth; this is the prison for the Stars of Heaven and the Host of Heaven.
18.15 And the stars which roll over the fire, these are the ones which transgressed the command of the Lord, from the beginning of their rising, because they did not come out at their proper times.
18.16 And He was angry with them, and bound them until the time of the consummation of their sin, in the Year of Mystery.”
Ben-Nun’s reference to the Fallen Angels still being alive in their Antarctica prison raises an intriguing possibility. The Book of Enoch describes a future “Year of Mystery” when they are liberated. Is this an event we will shortly witness? (Exopolitics)
8.0 Earthquake in Peru
Powerful 8.0 magnitude earthquake kills 1, causes damage in north-central Peru
At least one person is dead after a powerful 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Amazon rainforest in north-central Peru on Sunday morning (May 24, 2019). (Accuweather)
This important image was posted on the home page the same day:
The above is the updated version posted the day after the initial one on the day of the quake. The quake is located at the center of the image on the map, but is at the very center of the initial image seen below, posted the same day as the quake.
Tornado outbreak in Dayton, Ohio, same day as New Jerusalem image posted
These important images were posted earlier the same day on the home page before the tornado outbreak. The above and below images mark the completion of several years of labor, but 30 years of labor if including all aspects of the images. I will refer to these images at times in upcoming posts, for there is much to explain.
Thank you for your continuing work and for sharing it. I’m encouraged when I read your articles, that everything is just as God intends it to be, I only need to abide in Christ today, today is all I have ?, HE will take care of my tomorrow! God bless you! May His grace cover you and His Spirit fill you!
What happens when the cup is full?
The benefit of things happening so fast that you don’t have time to think things through is to take things one day at a time.
In other words, I don’t know — neither the time nor what exactly. But I simply interpret as He tells me. Sometimes I do know exactly on both accounts. It is up to Him. My joy is knowing that the Lord has everything under control and not blind random chance.
Also, everything that happens to us and in the world is guided with a definite loving purpose for the sake of the Elect One and the elect ones in Him.