The secret of One ‘head-over-heels’ in love

This post has been written in rough form. I hope to smooth it out later. On Nov. 23, 2018, the second part of the ‘Writing on the Wall’ cipher was revealed. (It was published/unsealed 13 days later). This code ended up producing about 60 posts. Three days ago on April 21st, 2020, I thought to … Read more

02/02/2020: Rare ‘worldwide palindrome day’ (& 7.7% financial quake)

Mathematicians and geeks everywhere celebrated a rare occurrence Sunday, 02/02/2020, a kind of 8-digit palindrome that hasn’t happened for more than 900 years. A palindrome is any sequence, phrase or word that reads the same backward as forward. And 02/02/2020 is considered a “universal palindrome” because it reads the same whether written as “Month/Day/Year” as the United … Read more