People want to know what God is saying right now.
Do you really want to know?
Then read the verses below carefully. (By grace, God extended the 70 years unto 72 years from 1948 — a time frame that has much the same meaning in the Bible. But, no more delay.)
The Vision of the Horses among the myrtle trees
On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, the month of Shebat, in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to the prophet Zechariah son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo.
I looked out into the night and saw a man riding on a red horse that stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow. Behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses
“What are these, my lord?” I asked.
And the angel who was speaking with me replied, “I will show you what they are.”

Then the man standing among the myrtle trees explained, “They are the ones the LORD has sent to patrol the earth.”
And the riders answered the Angel of the LORD who stood among the myrtle trees, “We have patrolled the earth, and behold, all the earth is at rest and tranquil.”
Then the Angel of the LORD said, “How long, O LORD of Hosts, will You withhold mercy from Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, with which You have been angry these seventy years?”
So the LORD spoke kind and comforting words to the angel who was speaking with me.
Then the angel who was speaking with me said, “Proclaim this word: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘I am very jealous for Jerusalem and Zion, but I am fiercely angry with the nations that are at ease. For I was a little angry, but they have increased the calamity.’
Therefore, this is what the LORD says: ‘I will return to Jerusalem with mercy, and there My house will be rebuilt, declares the LORD of Hosts, and a measuring line will be stretched out over Jerusalem.’
Proclaim further: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘My cities will again overflow with prosperity; the LORD will again comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem.’” (Zech 1:7-17)
Post after post
Over the past few weeks, post after post was in the context of the night vision of Zechariah in combination with the vision of king Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2. This is especially true of the new series called, “The Vision of the Lamb”, which may take 30 years to explain and thousands of posts.
To summarize, the month of “Shebat 24” combined with “1290 + 1335 years” from “Shebat 24th” in 606 BC brings us to now, (Daniel 2, 12). (“606 BC” is when the “times of the Gentiles” began — but after a two-year delay, 608 BC), (Luke 21:24).
Recent articles:
- Coronavirus, Pharaoh Mubarak, and the Stock Market February 27, 2020
- 3. Updated: locust of Mecca & the Horn of Africa February 21, 2020
- Rise and fall of the Dung god February 18, 2020
- 2b. Vision of the Lamb: “Take the beam out of your own eye” February 15, 2020
- 2a. The Vision of the Lamb February 5, 2020
- 1. The Vision of Jesus Christ (& Sign of Trump) February 5, 2020
- 02/02/2020: Rare ‘worldwide palindrome day’ (& 7.7% financial quake) February 2, 2020
- Riddle of the Damned, 7.7 Cuba-earthquake, Peace Treaty January 27, 2020
- The Crown and the death of the Prince/Queen January 25, 2020
- Corona-virus & Doomsday Clock set to 100 seconds to MD January 23, 2020
- SARS-like Virus January 22, 2020
- Horned red crescent of Islam rises (Ring Eclipse) January 17, 2020
Stirring the nations at ease
The coronavirus, the locust invasion spreading across the earth, and now the Stock Market — is God expressing His anger against the nations at ease in their prosperity, while antisemitism spreads.
The recent Stock Market plunge is precisely timed to Shebat 24th — and on every calendar.
For example, Shebat 24th on the lunar calendar was the last bullish day before the plunge.
And on the Enoch calendar, this Monday morning, Feb 24th (or Feb 17th), ends the 24th of Shebat. Monday morning marked the start of the worst week for the Stock Market since the 2008 crash, etc. (See the above links for more, written before the drop except for the first one.)
The Vision of the Lamb
I will not repeat the introduction to this vision, or the math that creates the following fractal images, or the method of explaining the vision. Instead, we will jump right in.
The Man among the Myrtle trees

Keep in mind that the Lord is surrounded by the “burning bush” that symbolizes the wild, untamed, unfathomable characteristic of God. “The Angel of the Lord” that appeared to Zechariah in his vision on Shebat 24th also appeared to Moses in the burning bush.
I looked out into the night and saw a man riding on a red horse that stood among the myrtle trees in the hollow. Behind him were red, sorrel, and white horses. (Zech 1:7)
So they answered the angel of the LORD who was standing among the myrtle trees and said, “We have patrolled the earth, and behold, all the earth is peaceful and quiet.” (Zech 1:11)
We looked at the horses in previous posts, now I want to zero in on the “myrtle trees”.
As said in past posts, the Lamb on the throne in the fractal image is crowned with the Tree of Life. Prominent is the myrtle trees. The below image enlarges on the top of his head as seen in the previous image.

Myrtle trees “in the shade/hallow” symbolize beauty, prosperity, leisure, and ease.
The Interpretation of the Vision
Lord, you asked, “What do I see?”
I see you standing among the myrtle trees and crowned with myrtles trees and all the trees of the earth, and the Tree of Life.
The trees and the leaves on the trees represent peoples and nations on the four corners of the earth, and from every age. They are your crown, and you will give life to the nations by the Son of Israel, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, “the branch”.
And you will punish the nations and every man that resists your life, but chooses death and to live in the shadows.
But for those who submit, you will grant life and access to the Tree of Life, and ‘to talk with the Lord in the cool of the evening’ in Paradise.
There will be no more curse.
In the next post, we see this tree again in the book of Ephesians — and the love of God
The Bible Project: “Tree of Life”
“Coincidently, The Bible Project people put out a video about the Tree of Life around the same time that the Lord had me put out the fractal images of the Tree of Life. The imagery is strikingly similar in many ways. For example, it joins the symbolism of the Tree of Life with the Burning Bush and with the temple and with the cross. The comparison even includes what I said earlier in this post:
The 24 elders surround the throne in the background. Their crowns and thrones are connected to the Tree like a vine that forms olive branches around each of the 24 thrones.

In the fractal — all believers ultimately become joined to the Tree of Life, as seen in the image at left.
(This is not the first time that the posting on Youtube of Bible Project videos coincided with when the Lord had me post its equivalent prophetically, and that they were also strikingly similar.)
I wonder what the codes say about me since a large portion of the Bible is about me?
Assuming that you are not just being facetious, all things encoded by God are about His Son Jesus Christ, all things, whether they are encoded in nature, the Bible, all things. If ever they appear to be about any one of us mortals it is because we resemble Him in some way at that moment — never the other way around. A code may resemble us only because we resemble Him. The only way to understand the things that God says is if we do not see ourselves but rather Him.
To the degree we see Him we understand.
To the degree we see ourselves we are blinded.
And it is so hard to see Him when our eyes are on ourselves.