Enoch and the Calendar of Enoch
This post was made public on July 16, 2019. (This post does not deny the lunar calendar established by Moses at the Exodus. The 364 calendar ascribed to Enoch predates it and runs concurrently with the lunar. Rivalry sometimes is due to the ignorance of men who failed to grasp the larger purpose of different calendars over vast ages and epochs.)
- Enoch: Tribulation Witness
- Is the Book of Enoch Inspired?
- Enoch’s Prophecy of 7 cycles of 490
- 363-day Palendromic Calendar of Angels
- Part One: How the 364-day calendar works
- The Key of 23 — Serpent into a rod
- Enoch calendar is also Pi to 22nd decimal
- Throne-Room fractal, Measuring rod, & Book of Enoch
There are Two Fundamental Methods of Calendar Intercalation:
Different people groups, including Jews, throughout ages, add leap months to their lunar calendars when it lags behind the Spring Equinox by more than a month (or some other similar methodology). This is the ‘non-mechanized’ method. It works best for non-dispersed, united people.
The year is scrutinized every spring (‘non-mechanized) and the other. Adjustments are worked out many years ahead (‘mechanized).’
However, other people groups, such as the Babylonians and post-exilic Jews, utilize a mechanized approach, valid no matter where one lives on earth. Both mechanized and non-mechanized methods usually have the same outcome.
In the same way as the lunar calendar, the Enochian Calendar is adjusted to the true solar year using either method.
Therefore, there are two ways of calculating leap weeks for the Enochian Calendar:
The year is scrutinized every spring (non-mechanized)
A leap week is added when the 364-day year lags behind the Spring Equinox by more than a week. This is a valid method and works well for non-dispersed, united people.
The other is the mechanized approach, which is what we explore here.
The two methods usually overlap.
Our goal is not to create some new calendar to live by. Please no! The purpose is to analyze patterns produced by the 364 Calendar and know how they influenced the symbolic meaning of numbers in the Bible. Both methodologies have the same patterns over time, but the mechanized approach is most apparent and valuable for studying biblical patterns.
Footnote: The Essenes (of the Dead Sea Scrolls) likely used one of these two methods, but we cannot be sure. However, in this study, we care little about what the Essenes practiced but rather what the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees say or imply. After all, the Book of Enoch inspired the Essenes, who hid the Dead Sea Scrolls and not vice versa.
An esoteric approach to the Book of Enoch
By comparing the book of Enoch with the book of Revelation, it appears that in the beginning, there were 21 archangels, but one-third fell (Rev. 12:4), and 14 remained faithful. Each was captain of an army under them.
According to the book of Enoch, the seven archangels that fell caused disorder in God’s creation. The sun, moon, and stars now err from their course. A solar year was no longer an “exact” 364 days. It lengthened to 365.2422. Due to this difference in the length of a solar year, the seasons “go astray” and “transgress” by 1.2422 days, from an exact 364 days.
How to keep time on a slow watch
Thus, “the days were shortened,” as the book of Enoch calls it. It was shortened because the 364-day year now finished increasingly early each year (Enoch 80, cf., 70). This accumulates over time if no leap day, leap week, or leap month is added to correct the slow clock.
“And in the days of the sinners, the years shall be shortened, And their seed shall be tardy on their lands and fields, And all things on the earth shall alter, And shall not appear in their time.” (Enoch 80:2).
Jesus said something very similar.
“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
“Immediately after the distress of those days
“ ‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ (Matt 24:22,29)
Originally a solar year was 364 days
Some Bible students think a solar year was originally 360 days long but altered at the Great Flood. But if so, why then did Enoch live 365 years before the flood, implying a 365-day year? Or what about Kenan, 4th from Adam? He lived for 2.5*364 years (910). Even Noah was born when his father was half-364 years of age!
So, what about the 360 days clearly affirmed elsewhere in the Bible?
According to the book of Enoch, the 364-day year is understood as if it were 360 days because these four extra days are considered epagomenal (intercalary) days and, therefore, “are not to be reckoned in the count” (Enoch 74:12; 75:1-2; 82:4,6,11). This fact significantly impacts Bible numbers, patterns, and prophecy.
Adjusting the 360-day year
Therefore, according to the book of Enoch, a year unadjusted by leap days (or leap weeks or leap months, depending on the method of intercalation used) at its core is 360 days. There are four ways to reconcile a 360-year with the true solar year.
Three of the 360-day methods were explained 20 years ago in detail. (See www.360calendar.com) All four are given briefly at the end of this article.
Adjusting the 364-day year
The Enochian calendar first reconciles the 360-day year with 364 days before going on to reconcile the 364-day year with the true solar year of 365.2422 days. The 360-day year is reconciled with the 364-day-year by adding an extra day at the end of each of the four seasons. These extra days are said to “lead the way” for the subsequent season. Each month, therefore, has 30 days. And each season has 91 days (30 + 30 + 30 + 1 = 91 days = one full season). And each year is 364 days long (91*4). But remember, this “364 days” is reckoned as if it was just “360 days”. The eight methods to reconcile the 364-day year to the actual solar year of 365.2422 are given at the end of this article.
1274 is 1260 days, just as 364 is 360 days
“I will give my two witnesses who wear sackcloth the authority to prophesy for 1,260 days.” (Rev. 11:3)
Because 364 days can be viewed as 360 days, the 3.5 years of Rev. 11:3 is literally 1274 days (on the Enoch calendar), but figuratively 1260 days. (360*3.5 = 1260 and 364*3.5 = 1274.) The extra two weeks are ignored when the number is given in the Bible. At least, this is the perspective of the book of Enoch and perhaps other extra-biblical literature, such as the book of Jubilees. Traces of it are also found in the Bible, as mentioned earlier.
Recall the 2.5*364 of Kenan and the 2/364 of Noah's father and a host of less obvious places. Example, there are 1274 + 1274 years from the Flood to the death of Christ (i.e., with Terah's well-known extra 60-years, Acts 7). The Book of Jubilees produces a similar date for the Flood. The following treasure is for you to unpack: Exodus is 1446 BC. Abraham's birth is 2166 BC, plus Terah's 60 + remaining 290 (or 292) to the Flood = 2516/2518 BC for the Flood. The Flood plus 1274 + 1274 years = 31 or 33 AD. This two-year anomaly of Genesis 6 perfectly fits with the alternate expression of a seven-year period (of years). 2518 BC + 1260 + 1290 = AD 33 (Includes the leap-month of Dan. 12) 2516 BC + 1274 + 1274 = AD 33 (If Enoch's leap-week was included, it would land on Lamech's death at 777.) This seven years of years symbolizes the seven days that mankind had to enter the ark before God shut the door. God delayed a leap-month (on the 360 calendar) and a leap week (on the 364 calendar) before the Flood came, but not so for the Lamb of God -- from the 10th to the 17th of the "first month" (Nisan); slain "in the middle of that week", (Dan. 9).
“And the sun and the stars bring in all the years exactly so that they do not advance or delay their position by a single day unto eternity, but complete the years with perfect justice in 364 DAYS… …the four intercalary days, being inseparable from their office, according to the reckoning of the year, and these render service on the four days which are NOT IN THE RECKONING OF THE YEAR.
Their four leaders who divide the four parts of the year enter first; and after them the twelve leaders of the orders who divide the months; and for the 360 DAYS there are heads of thousands who divide the days; and for the four intercalary days there are the leaders which sunder the four parts of the year.” (Enoch 74:12; 75:1b; 82:11.)
To recap: (30+30+30+1 days) times four seasons equals 364 days in a year but is 360 days, figuratively speaking.

When Men and Angels Error
The book of Enoch lays the charge of wrongly keeping track of the year to mankind who “do not reckon the four intercalary (epagomenal) days correctly.” Enoch also blames the four angels left in charge of the year’s four seasons — the invisible powers responsible for the motions of the sun, moon, and stars.
The Grand Rule: All is divisible by seven
364 is divisible by seven. The book of Enoch tells us that there are “exactly 364 days in one year”, “1092 in three years”, “1820 days in 5 years”, and “2912 days in 8 years” (74:13-14) — all of which are divisible by 364. If this was not explicit enough, six lunar months of 177 days are compared to the Enochian calendar, and 177 is counted according to the weeks and days remaining in Enoch 79:2-4, the same method found in the book of Jubilees. (I.e., “25 weeks and two days” equals 177 days.)
“A year is EXACTLY 364 days”, (Enoch 72:32).
Moreover, the book repeatedly insists that there are 91 days per season, i.e., 13×7 (ch. 82). Therefore, a year must always be divisible by seven days, and the tally of days, even over many years, must always be divisible by seven. In this way, the Sabbath and the symmetry of the Sabbath are not broken. For example, this means that the number of days from the week of Passover to the week of Tabernacles will always be divisible by seven, no matter how many years elapse between them. And they will always begin Wednesday morning, as does the Spring New Year.
Any system that ignores this principle is not Enochian. It might be Essene — but not Enochian. Both seven and especially seven-times-seven are fundamental to the Enochian calendar, and a break in this order in any way is literally “a transgression.” (Those in Christ are not under such laws. This includes the lunar calendar given to Israel by Moses. Neither sun nor the moon rules us. Both were nailed to the cross with its commandments when all went dark at noon.)
Firstfruits and Pentecost
“Firstfruits” of the Barley and Wheat harvest are always on a Sunday (49 days apart, 7*7). The Day of Atonement is always on a Friday, every year, and forever.
Breaking the harmony of the Sabbath
Some say that the 364 calendar always begins at the Spring Equinox, no matter what. One or two days are added at the end of the 364 days to adjust to a true solar year of 365.25 so that 8 or 9 days transpire within the last week of the year! But this, as said, contradicts many verses in the book of Enoch and destroys the cosmic order that began in the very first week of Creation (Genesis 1). The book of Enoch goes out of its way to calculate eight full years (instead of six) as if to deny any system that even allows for a leap week every seven years. More about that later.
The Seven Archangels that did NOT transgress

Seven faithful archangels are named in the book of Enoch. They did not transgress God’s cosmic order (Enoch 20). We will name these shortly.
Likely, these angels are the same as the seven who sound the “trumpets” in the book of Revelation (Rev. 8:6). If so, the last seven of the 21 angels mentioned in the book of Revelation would then be the seven who pour out the “bowls of wrath,” (Rev. 15:1). Therefore, perhaps “the seven angels to the seven churches” replace the seven who fell? If so, “the seven stars in His right hand” restore God’s cosmic order and balance (Rev. 1:20). Keep in mind that each of these archangels commands tens of thousands under them (Enoch 71).

Enoch Chapter 20
“And these are the names of the holy angels who watch:
- Uriel, one of the holy angels, who is over the world and Tartarus.
- Raphael, one of the holy angels, who is over the spirits of men.
- Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries.
- Michael, one of the holy angels, to wit, he that is set over the best part of mankind and over
- Saraqâêl, one of the holy angels, who is set over the spirits, who sin in the spirit.
- Gabriel, one of the holy angels, is over Paradise, the serpents, and the Cherubim.
- Remiel, one of the holy angels, whom God set over those who rise.”
- *Phanuel (To this list, we add Phanuel. He is frequently mentioned in the Book of Enoch as the last in a quartet. The first three are already part of the above “seven angels,” namely, “Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel.” (Enoch 71:7-9, etc.) Notice that every-other angel is one of the four. Also, the four face in one of four directions (Enoch 40:2a). Thus, it is logical to deduce that the other four represent the in-between compass directions.
“And on the four sides of the Lord of Spirits I saw four presences…This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering: and the second, who is set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men is Raphael: and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel: and the fourth, who is set over the repentance unto hope of those who inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel”. (Enoch 40:2a,9)
How the 364-day year is adjusted to the true solar year of 365.2422
(The year length was around 365.24231 when Christ was born and 365.2425 at Creation as 4114 BC, MT.)
The following deductions result from 30 years of intensive study of Biblical numbers and calendars and are in keeping with the style and spirit of the book of Enoch. The only sure thing I am saying here is that there are at least eight ways of intercalating the 364-year to adjust to a true solar year of 365.24219, which produces the same patterns found throughout the Bible.
Even putting the supernatural aside, these intercalation methods of the 364 Calendar would be attractive in the centuries before Christ and Moses. The fact that the Biblical chronology (and even extra-biblical, such as the Sumerian Tablets) are arranged along the rhythms and cycles produced by a 364-day calendar is strong evidence of this. Cycles involving 7, 12, 13, 19 {Metonic Cycle}, 23, 40, 49 & 50, 60, 49, 215 and their derivatives occur regularly in the Bible and Sumerian chronology. (See Moses’ Rod Swallows up the Sumerian King List.)
Here are a few of the many examples from the chronology of Noah to demonstrate what I mean by “derivatives”. Noah’s father was half-of 364 years when Noah was born. Noah was 12*40 when God announced the “120 years to the Flood”. The Flood occurred 1656 years from creation (72*23) when Noah was “600 years old” (12*50). Noah’s children were born when he was “500” (10*50). He lived another 350 years after the Flood (7*50). Altogether, Noah lived 950 years, (19*50).
Two intersecting 400-year periods on the Enoch calendar
For the full discussion about the 400-year cycles, click here. https://1260d.com/2020/09/24/part-one-how-all-calendars-harmonize-in-cycles-of-40-years/
Details about the Enoch calendar
There are two intersecting 364-day calendars: The first began at Creation and seven cycles 400 years later when Israel entered the Promised Land in the spring of 1406 BC. Creation from this perspective was 4206 BC (very close to the Samaritan Pentateuch Creation date of 4200 BC). The second intersecting cycle began when the angel Gabriel came to announce the birth of John the Baptist and Christ (about) the spring of 6 BC (Luke 1).

Enoch’s 364 calendar begins at the Julian day of #1719320. (I.e., 6 BC, Wednesday 6 AM {Julian March 31st, Greg. March 29th}, which was Nisan 11th on the lunar calendar that year. Its next 400-year cycle is in 400 years. (Note: the Cal. Converter incorrectly reads Nisan 12th for this day due to the accumulative error this far back in time with the Metonic cycle.)
However, from the perspective of 1406 BC (Julian #1207977, i.e., March 25th Gregorian), exactly 511336 days later, the New Year fell one week earlier on Julian #1719313. (#1719313 is 6 BC, Wednesday 6 AM {Julian March 24th, Greg. March 22nd}, which was Nisan 4th –that is, the anniversary of the 4th day of creation when the sun and moon were created as per the lunar calendar, Gen. 1:14-19). Its next 400-year cycle is in 200 years. (The cal. Converter incorrectly reads Nisan 5th for this day due to the accumulative error this far back in time with the Metonic cycle.)
- To know each New Year on the 364 Calendar from 1915 – 2075 AD (commencing from 6 BC and 1406 BC), click this link: “Simplified PDF.” (As a spreadsheet.)
- For a detailed Excel spreadsheet by David Rooke, including notes, click here:(1900-2100 AD).
(Note: the length of the mean tropical year was 365.242212 when Christ was born and 365.242227 at Creation as 4114 BC, MT. Currently, it is 365.24219.)
12 methodologies (4+8) for adjusting the 360 and 364 calendars to an actual solar year
Note: All spreadsheets are accurate but begin from the fall New Year of 6 BC. It would have been wiser on my part to have commenced at the spring New Year just as the Book of Enoch (and the 360-calendar) and as we did in the 400-year cycles just discussed! I reasoned that there was a shift forward half a year at the coming of Messiah. I still speculate this is the case, but I should have left it in the spring of 6 BC to avoid undue complexity. Please keep this in mind for the below spreadsheets.
Click on “Spreadsheet” beside each name for an Excel sheet as to when the New Year for each calendar occurs (created by David Rooke). Here is the spreadsheet for all calendars for 2021 by David Rooke, with important dates in the year highlighted.
- Uriel: 23*49*23sq. (Spreadsheet)
- Raphael: 21*14*23 (Spreadsheet)
360-cal {6 & 40}*96
- Raguel: 24*14*10.5 (Spreadsheet)
- Michael: 6 & 92 (& 12696, a multiple of 6 & 23sq.) (Spreadsheet)
360 cal (6*20*32)
- Saraqâêl: 6 & 91 (& 5460, a multiple of 6 & 91 & 364) (Spreadsheet)
- GABRIEL: 7*7 (*3 &*7)*21. See imp. footnote below! ≈365.242177
360 cal {6 & 40}*98
- Remiel: 6*14*10.5 (Spreadsheet)
- Phanuel 6*15*35 (mean tropical yr 364*4 yrs after 6 BC, 365.242222…)
- 360 cal {6 & 40}*100 (Spreadsheet)
All eight together for 2019 and 2020 in one spreadsheet.
Also, see the 363-day Palendromic Calendar of Angels.
Footnote: The Gabriel Method. (Also called the Shmita/Jubilee Method)
A Shmita is seven years of rest commanded upon the land in the Bible. The Jubilee is seven Shmitas, for a total of 49 years. Thus, in 490 years, there are ten jubilees.
Add a leap week every seven years (2548 + 7 days).
For every jubilee, add three weeks — except for 3 out of every ten jubilees (490), where just two weeks are added. Thus, 490 years have 178969 days (an average year of 365.2428571 days).
490 Gregorian years is also 178969 days. Thus, seven of Daniel’s “70 weeks” have 2569 days, and 2569 is also seven lunar years. 2569 is also ‘1260 + 1260 + 49′ and links the 49 days to Pentecost, John 20:22. Moreover, “1260” (Rev. 12:6) in conjunction with 1274 (with optional 1 to 3 leap weeks) is immensely compatible with the week of Passover and Tabernacles. Each lasts seven days and begins seven days after the seven days of Creation (1st & 7th month, 15th to 21st day incl.). Dan. 10:1-4 divides the week’, Dan. 9:27.
Moreover, 490 x 360 (176400) plus “2569” equals “178969 days,” and “176400” is 525 priestly cycles (336 x 525). This demonstrates the harmony between the 336, 360, 363, 364, 365, and 365.2425-day year and a lunar and 361-day year.
Compare all the above to Dan. 9:24-10:4.
The 364-Cal. Jubilee New Year begins 1406 BC, Wed., Julian day #1207977.75 unto #2460760.75 in AD 2025. “3”, “7” & “10” are all numbers that symbolize completion.
The final 210th (3 x 7 x 10) Jubilee year (10290 years) has just 378 days (mean ≈365.242177). See 1406 BC & 10290 x 3 to Pillar. Compare with Enoch Chart.
Notes on the above 12 methodologies
The first three archangels have a leap month of 28 days; the remaining five only add a week. “The four angels of His presence” in red have the added task of maintaining the 360 calendars, which have a leap month of 30 days. The numbers in green are the cycle that a leap month/week is dropped. The middle two (Michael and Saraqael) have two independent cycles each (6 & 92 and 6 & 91). The rest have just one line of cycles and then multiples of themselves.
- The 360 calendar starts/ends from Julian #1719282 at the birth of Christ (6 BC).
There is also a short-term start from the Exodus, Julian #1193352 (1446 BC).
- The 364 calendars all start/end from Julian #1719502 (6 BC).
(Note: All spreadsheets are accurate but begin from the fall New Year of 6 BC. It would have been wiser on my part to have commenced at the spring New Year as does the Book of Enoch (and the 360-calendar). I reasoned that there was a shift forward half a year at the coming of Messiah. I still speculate this is the case, but I should have left it in the spring of 6 BC to avoid undue complexity. I plan on making this correction sometime in the future.
- The simpler starting point, therefore, is 189 days earlier, that is, Julian #1719313. (I.e., 6 BC, Wednesday 6 AM {Julian March 24, Greg. March 22}, which was Nisan 4th –that is, the anniversary of the 4th day of creation when the sun and moon were created as per the lunar calendar).
“Angel Uriel”
Note concerning the lead archangel “Uriel” (Enoch 2:2). Every 23*49 years, both that year and the year prior have a leap month and thereby mark the jubilee year (392 + 392 days). The only exception was 6 BC, at the end of a green cycle. 23*49*23sq. It is also 23 years of Precession (plus 23 regular years). It corresponds to the 1656 years from Creation to the Flood being 1/360th that amount. Thus, Uriel rules the “seven stars” of Precession, symbolized by the other seven angels (Rev. 1:20). Together; they total 12 calendars. These seven follow Uriel’s lead and are therefore tuned to Uriel’s average solar year, which is 365.2421890594.
The 360 and 364 calendars begin at or near the year of Christ’s birth
The 360 calendar begins from Christ’s birth and is part of the 364 calendars (as is the 336 Priestly year). The four calendars usually land on the same day unless viewed over thousands of years. Even then, they differ little. The four are essentially the same, although Michael follows the Moses pattern of 120 years and maintains synchronicity forever with Gabriel.
The 364 calendar also overlaps with each other, although the first three stray further from the spring and autumnal equinox more than the leap-week method because they are adjusted by 28 days rather than just seven. The (Remiel or Saraqâêl?) method strays the least from the equinox and perhaps should be regarded as the principal system for men.
The lunar calendar given to Moses belongs to national Israel. Gabriel’s calendar belongs to the Gentiles. The rest belongs to the angels.
Priestly ‘year’ of 336 days weaves with the 364-day year
12*28 equals the priestly year of 336. Enoch’s 364 has a leap month of 28 days added annually to the Priestly 336. The priestly calendar can be left adjusted or unadjusted by intercalation, depending on the Priestly understanding of the day. It is not a right or wrong answer. It can be both.
Thus, Enoch’s calendar can be viewed as having 12 or 13 months, although the 12-month method (3*30+1, times four) is expressly detailed in the book of Enoch itself. One can rightly compare it to the 12 and 13 tribes of Israel (with the priestly tribe of Levi being the 13th).
Click here for Priestly Calendar unadjusted to the Enoch calendar.
Footnote: Yaohdah Ban Dor has written an excellent article in which he proposes another method for regulating the 364-day year. Basically, he uses a combination of two of mine, ("Raphael" and "Gabriel"). Yaohdah's conclusion is based upon ancient texts whereas I searched for the simplest methods to adjust the 364-year to a true solar year without settling upon just one. Ancient writings were just a general guide. Yaohdah's conclusion has merit but appears to me to be convoluted and needlessly complex. It would quickly lose its way over time in the real world. However, his attention to shmitas, jubilees, and the 294-year cycle indicates that his conclusion catches the spirit of the Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, and the Qumran texts correctly. A great read!
No intercalation is a way of “shortening the days”
All systems can be left to run without intercalation — a method of “cutting short the days” for the sake of wrath or grace, as said in Enoch 80:2 and alluded to by Jesus (Matt. 24:22). “And in the days of sinners, the years shall be shortened.” (Enoch 80:2) (The context refers to the 364-day year beginning too soon due to the difference between a 364 and an actual solar year.)
“And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” (Matt. 24:22; cf. 29-31).
Therefore, any calendar system that is shorter than an actual solar year can be used to “shorten the days.”
Enoch and the Calendar of Enoch

Click here for the 364-calendar of the 400-year cycles.
I read in the Greek Septuagint where in Genesis 11 600 years are missing. Someone apparently removed this to disprove that Melchizedek is God the Father. I don’t know what this will do to the perfect mathematical formulas but I would be curious. Please search the scriptures and let me know. In the meantime I will be carefully studying your website. Also I thought Rabbi Johnathan Cahn said that creation was started at Tishri 1. He also mentioned and I believe you allude to this as well if memory serves me right that Jesus was born on Nisan 1 which can be as early as March 20th. Your information is very insightful and I am realizing that after 26 years as a Christian I know nothing. Thank you for your response.
Thank you for your detailed message. I was there the day Jonathan Cahn first revealed his thoughts on Nisan 1, some years ago, at the Messiah Conference in Pennsylvania. I spoke to him that day about it and that I held similar thoughts, although derived from a totally different direction. I have fine-tuned my thoughts regarding that since then, as I suppose he has also. Regarding Creation, Tishri 1st is the traditional Rabbinic view—and is possible.
Regarding the 600 years from the LXX, here are my raw conclusions: “We concluded that the main point of the chart ‘Creation to Noah compared in MT, LXX, SP’ is that the 1656-year period is consistently retained across all three textual traditions—Masoretic Text (MT), Septuagint (LXX), and Samaritan Pentateuch (SP)—despite the differences in their respective chronologies. This consistency underscores the importance of the number 1656, which is a multiple of 23 (specifically 23 x 72). The agreement on this period across the different manuscripts suggests a deliberate structuring rather than random chance, indicating that these chronologers viewed 1656 years as a foundational chronological element within the biblical narrative.
Additionally, we noted that the 1656 years do not uniformly terminate at the Flood across the different manuscripts. Instead, they align with different significant endpoints (e.g., Creation to Noah’s birth, Noah’s Flood, or Noah’s death), illustrating the nuanced theological messages conveyed by each tradition. This structured use of the 1656-year period highlights its symbolic significance, reflecting divine judgment and the cycles of creation, cleansing, and renewal within the biblical timeline.”
Thus, I hold to the view that these other MSS are complementary, no matter what the orginal human intentions were. God is greater than that.
There are many possibilities — very many.
Sorry, if this has been covered already somewhere but, can you explain the 21 archangels? That is not something I’ve ever heard of before. Thank you
The book of Revelation refers to at least 21 distinct angels.
“The seven angels to the seven churches.” (Ch. 1-2)
“Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them” Rev. 8
“I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed.” (I.e., “with seven bowls”) Ch. 15-16
Hi . What day is the 1st day of the year according to Enoch, the day after the spring vernal equinox?
Greetings, I answer this in your previous comment.
God bless!
Hi . is the 1st day of the year according to Enoch, the day after the spring vernal equinox or on the spring vernal equinox?
It may be that the Essenes (around the time of Christ) reset the year according to the vernal equinox each year, but we simply don’t know. That would be one way of doing it, as long as the year can always be divided by seven. If it cannot then it runs against the spirit of the Bible, the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, and other factors.
The 364-day year may have a leap week added at times so that every once and while there are 364+7 days in it (53 x 7), or even a leap week of 28 days is not out of the question. And this leap week may have been added when the new year drifts behind the spring equinox by more than a week. That is a valid organic way of keeping up to a true solar year of 365.2422 days, but is a problem if people live in different parts of the world, unaware of what the other has decided. For one, they may say, “It’s time to add the leap week!”. Another group 1000 miles away may decide to wait another year. W
When one studies the complex patterns that arise by a mechanized non-organic method of adding the leap week that produces patterns already found in the bible, such as 294 years (six jubilees), it is apparent to me that just as the Jewish lunar calendar can be regulated by the appearance of the first crescent moon according to the Spring Equinox OR by the Metonic mechanism (19-year cycles) used by Jews for the past 1800 years, either way, is valid. It’s a matter of purpose. Both have pros and cons that favor different circumstances. Both are right (even though to this day Jews divide over it!). Whatever system uses they will more often than not land on the same day. I personally believe that each serves their purpose and God uses each system according to His own purpose and meaning. But one thing remains. Wednesday is always a Wednesday, both on secular calendars and on the Enoch Calendar, and festivals always land on the same set day of the week. If it lands on a Wednesday one year, then it will always be on a Wednesday, even a million years from now. Anyone who has carefully read the Book of Enoch knows that consistency and order are the foundation of the 364-day calendar.
Shortly, a friend of mine will complete a calendar converter that converts the simplest and most agreeable of methodologies for inserting the leap-week (epagomenal). It will not be the only way one can add it, but I believe it is the simplest mechanized method. And when it comes to any type of calendar, the simpler the better!
“Lean not unto your own understandings.”
First, we MUST discard the names of our weekdays. When I asked Him to show me His correct calendar, He said, “Creation week did not have sunday – saturday…it was day 1 – day 7.” Then He redirected me back to Nick Vanderlaan’s Official Enoch Calendar. This is where everyone is thrown off, the spring equinox (march 20; and march 19 every 4 years because of the extra day in a leap year) divides the 364 day years. March 21 is the first day of the first month (Also, Messiah’s birthdate; Exodus 40:2) and whatever gregorian day of the week March 21 falls on…THAT day becomes the 4th day of the week. The Appointed Times will always fall, not on the same weekday, but on the same dates. Shalom
Thank you for your comment. Indeed, “Lean not unto your own understanding!” (Proverbs 3:5). While there are various ways to align the 364-day year with the solar 365.24219 days, I must respectfully disagree with this approach. It disrupts the continuity of the weekly cycle in its purest form, leading to confusion. I mean no offense by this, and I appreciate your perspective even if I heartly disagree.
Is there a scriptural reference that supports your statement “However, Christ is our Sabbath so keeping it literally is optional.”? Thank you.
This is a lengthy subject, outside of my area of concern. However, please ponder these verses, especially verse 10. What the Sabbath symbolized was God’s purpose from the beginning until fulfilled in Messiah, and in us who are counted in Him. We are no longer under the letter of the law because we keep it by our inclusion in Him. Jesus keeps it seven days a week and so do we and so are we. It is no longer obligatory. Only being found in Him is, who is our rest. These were shadows of what was to come and the substance is in Christ and we who are in Him. Everyone who believes in Jesus as Lord and Savior are in Him.
So then, if the law of the spirit of life (operating under the law of love) leads you to keep it for some odd reason, then do so. If not, don’t. The Lord has come to restore us to Paradise as it was before there was law, only love. Love keeps the intent of the law without effort or self-vocus. Self-preservation or self-gratification no long exists where love abounds. Therefore, our only command is to love one another, which is really no command at all in that it is as natural as breathing to those in Christ.
But in this world and while in this body a battle rages. And so for now the law of love feels like law indeed and a hard one at that. But we are in transition. We will soon cross over where Christ is, and all will be new. The goal now is to grow in love and in appreciation for what Christ has done for us. This present struggle teaches us appreciation and our praise of Him is very precious in God’s sight; true incense and true sacrifice and true Sabbath-keeping.
Hebrews 4
English Standard Version
4 Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it. 2 For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened.[a] 3 For we who have believed enter that rest, as he has said,
“As I swore in my wrath,
‘They shall not enter my rest,’”
although his works were finished from the foundation of the world. 4 For he has somewhere spoken of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works.” 5 And again in this passage he said,
“They shall not enter my rest.”
6 Since therefore it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly received the good news failed to enter because of disobedience, 7 again he appoints a certain day, “Today,” saying through David so long afterward, in the words already quoted,
“Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts.”
8 For if Joshua had given them rest, God[b] would not have spoken of another day later on. 9 So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, 10 for whoever has entered God’s rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
11 Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience. 12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Hey so sabbath is Saturday every year ? It never changes ?
It falls every seven days forever. However, Christ is our Sabbath so keeping it literally is optional.
So the zadoks in Dead Sea scrolls kept the start of the year every Wednesday?
It’s a distinct possibility, however, we need more evidence to be certain.
No , it’s “The Day Four” or “The Fourth Day” in Hebrew calendar .
The 1st of Nisan (Rosh Hashanah – New Year) in DSS calendar always fall on that day.
It is not Wednesday.
It called יוֹם רְבִיעִי (yom revi’i) in The Hebrew Bible.
Thank you for your comment. You raise an interesting point about the semantics involved. In the Bible, we find instances where months are given specific names—some of which are of pagan origin—and other times where they are simply assigned numbers. This is similar to the days of the week in the Hebrew calendar. While it is important to acknowledge the original terms, using the more familiar pagan names of the days of the week can serve as a helpful tool for clarity and understanding. This approach allows for easier communication and comprehension, especially for those less familiar with the Hebrew terminology.
How do you trace Saturday as the sabbath and that it is the right day ? And that it never changes ? And never has changed ? There has been many different calendars in history .
I’m trying to find the true sabbath .
Have you ever closely examined a deck of playing cards? Before the middle ages the Jack was 11, the queen was 12, and the king was 13. There are four suites and two jokers. The numbers in a suite add up to 91, the number of days in a quarter. 91 divided by 13 is 7, the number of days in a week. The common deck of cards appears to be tarot referencing a 364 day civil calendar. The two jokers are the one or two extra days. This represents the simplest and most filling civil calendar possible. A calendar can be indexed any way that is practical. No one talks about this but our first day of January appears to be defined as first day that Sirius is past the midnight transit of the prime meridian at the royal observatory at Greenwich England. An index can be a star the moon, anything else. The signs of a zodiac are simply assignations of stars but men for visualizing the places in the night sky.
hey .when is the sabbath day than ? on saturday ? or the seventh day on the 364 day calender ? which changes once a year .
Sabbath is Saturday. However, Christ is our Sabbath. We are not under the law.
Under the law means you are breaking the law, which put you under of curses of the law. When you keep the law then you are grace ( god’s protection). Christ is master of the Shabbat ( It means he created the 6 days of created according to will of GOD ( our father). It important to keep the Shabbat for its a sign that will on the children of god. You really need to Christianity and it’s churches. You won’t keep the Shabbat but you keep Constantine’s sun day law ( Sunday worship). Please go ahead research Constantine’sunday law and then read “Danial 7:25” Sin is breaking the law – 1 John 3:4
Astonishing how one can take the Apostles words and turn them inside out against itself. Repent.
The “Law” that was paid for by Jesus is the Law of Sin and Death. We can sin and not die now as long as we repent, we will not be beaten with many stripes. But the 10 Commandments are still there, and that includes the 4th Commandment. Mathew 5 explains that the Law is forever until the earth and the heavens burn up. A man called a “pope” has no power to change God’s Laws or the Feast Days.
Easter and Christmas are pagan days instituted by the RCC to show their antisemitism and attract local pagans into the RCC. The Law is still the Law, but if you break one, you don’t have to die. Keeping the Sabbath is still the 4th Commandment. Do we really think we can commit adultery or murder and get away with it from God? Why should Christians only have 9 Commandments?
The real question is why wouldn’t we WANT to do what God likes? Do we want to be under the Law of sin and death, or should we desire to make our Maker happy? A saved person supposedly has the Law written on his heart and doesn’t need them written on stone tablets.
Mat 5:17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
Mat 5:18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
Mat 5:19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 5:20 For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
Notice that the ones that break the Commandments and teach other to do so will be least in Heaven, but they will still be in Heaven because Jesus paid their sin price.
Luk 12:47 And that servant who knew his master’s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
Luk 12:48 But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
If you know what you should do and don’t do it, there is punishment waiting for you. How important is it to deny the Sabbath and make another day The Lord’s Day from a man. The Antichrist will sit on the Throne and call himself god, but it won’t make it true no matter how long he says it. Read Maccabees and pay attention to Antiochus Epiphanies. Another one would be Jeroboam. He made non Levite priests and declared Feast days different from God’s Feast Days in Leviticus 23. Wanting to call “Easter” a day for Christ doesn’t change the fact that Easter celebrates Ishtar, a false pagan god. Easter never coincides with Passover or First Fruits and those are the days God set aside for His Feast Days forever.
If you are under the law that means you are in sin. if you are not under the law that means you are not sinning. But we still obey the law. if you have questions email me and we can open our bibles. The bible says Sin is transgression of the Law. 1 John 3:4 That means if you violate this you are in sin. if you have questions email me and we will set up a phone call and open the bible.
I agree in part.
But there are two ways to come under the law.
Firstly, is as you said, by breaking God’s commandments.
But Secondly, by coming under its ordinances.
We are not to go on sinning nor come under the laws of Moses. Both are what it means to be “under the law”.
We are under the law of Christ, which is to love one another. And to come under the old is to negate the new.
I regret not being gracious in my first reply.
So sabbath is always Saturday every year ?
any way 7th day for rest is made before men fell into sin.
Yes, but those in Christ are of the eight-day — the New Creation.
This statement is false. Christ never told us not to keep the Sabbath nor was the Sabbath optional-that’s christianity. God tells the Israelites that they must keep the Sabbath in ALL of their generations. All New Testament figures kept the Sabbath even after Christ died. That is false teaching that should be repented of.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. I understand how you feel. But over time, my personal views have changed. To me, the New Covenant expands to find a way to include and save as many as possible, and this is reflected in God’s power to conform all things to His will in order to draw all men unto Him, including their own calendar system within each culture.
All of these comments and theories,
Omit the fact that a Solar year is 365.25 days,
4 years is and will always be 1,461 days.
Therefore all calendars must be aligned to 1,461 days
per 4 year period.
The calendar of Enoch falls 1.25 days short per year.
The Hebrew calendar has to many variations / manipulations.
God never once authorized these manipulations.
He did give specific dates but not specific weekdays.
A Holy convocation and a Sabbath are not the same,
they can both happen on the same day, yet are not the same.
To me, Christ is the fulfillment of all calendar keeping. To the Jew was entrusted the lunar calendar and its motions and festivals, fulfilled in Christ — and take precedence over all others. The Enoch solar-calendar appears to predate the Exodus. But ‘precedence’ does not mean the elimination of the rest. The Lord said to Moses, “This is for you the beginning of months.” He did not deny that there were alternative ways of viewing time among the Gentiles that are valid in so far that they represent His creation accurately.
“To me, Christ is the fulfillment of all calendar keeping.” This is a false statement. Nowhere in the bible, New or Old Testament does it say that we are to stop keeping time according to the Bible. How do we know what season we are in? the pagan Gregorian calendar? or being told that January 1 (dead of winter) is the beginning of months? No. God said that the spring time is the New Year or, “beginning of months.” The Bible speaks about being dislodged in time if it is counted incorrectly.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. I understand how you feel. But over time, my personal views have changed. To me, the New Covenant expands to find a way to include and save as many as possible, and this is reflected in God’s power to conform all things to His will in order to draw all men unto Him, including their own calendar system within each culture.
This is my 2nd attempt to make my point about this calendar.
Please allow me to state my case.
According to N.A.S.A. and your article, a Solar year consists of 365.25 days.
That makes a 4 year period { a leap cycle if you will } 1,461 days.
The calendar of God has 48 months of 30 days, and an intercalary month of 21 days.
1 God year = 360 days x 4 = 1,440 days plus an intercalary 21 days = 1,461 days.
The calendar of Enoch has 364 day years, 364 x 4 = 1,456 days,
Requiring an intercalary 5 days at the end of the 4 years to align with the Solar 1,461 days.
The 21 days added to Gods calendar may very well have to do with 21 arch angels.
Gods holy days are subject to the calendar of God, makes the best sense to me.
Now if every month in Gods calendar are 30 days the Holy days can only happen on
4 possible days each depending on which year of the leap cycle. { year in year out }
The Gregorian calendar has only 1 unique day, { February 29th }.
February is the same day as the 1,261st day where the intercalary month is added.
Coincidentally the added month becomes the 49th month in a 4 year period.
Leviticus 25:8,
And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years.
1. Solar = 365.25
2. Enoch = 364
3. God = 360
4. Lunar = 354 days per year.
This makes each calendar have the Holy days at different dates.
The correct date for each Holy day has to be from the God calendar
since they are God commanded Holy days. Only make sense.
I have created 4 calendars with the correct specifications side by side.
Rosh Hashana is always in October, the 4 possible dates are,
October 17 year 1, 12 year 2, 7 year 3 and October 2nd the 4th.
And as I stated earlier the 1,261 day will be February 29th,
the same day as the Hebrew or God Adar I day 1.
This or these calendars start on October 6th 3761 B.C.E.
Making the 1st Rosh Hashana 1 Tishri 3760 B.C.E
You may wish to verify this or to discount it.
But I have spent 21 years learning this and stand by its validity.
Thank you
91 + 91 + 1.24219 + 91 91 = 365.24219. just like you said about Enoch and 14 days just not mentioned
I think this center day is the same, { not mentioned }
this whole thing starts with the , and 13 x 28 & 1/13 = 365 also 1/13 = .076923077.
Interesting idea.
However, that would cause a break in the seven-day cycles. That contradicts the very thrust of the Book of Enoch, the book of Jubilees and Daniel 9.
Por favor, em 2020 quando comemorar Pessah com base no calendário 360d?
When or if you celebrate Passover in 2020 is not that important. In the Bible and still today, Passover is celebrated on Nisan 14th on the Jewish calendar. The 360 calendar is just for prophecy purposes ONLY. It is not meant for any other purpose.
Be at peace. Jesus is your Passover each and every day!
Obrigado. Shabbat Shalom.
Enoch never said every year will have 364 days, he said a COMPLETE year will have 364 days. The years were lunar not solar. A lunar year was 354 days long. A 13th month is sometimes added, which has 384 days. In a 3 year period, there is a 354 day, 354 day and 384 day year. Add these amounts up and you get 1,092 total days over 3 years, divide this by 3 and you get exactly 364 days. The completetion of a 13th month realigns the lunar year with the fictional 364 day solar year, making the seasons aligned. This makes the COMPLETE year always 364 lunar days.
While the lunar does align as you said, the 364-day year is a fact, both of history and the Book of Enoch. The book of Enoch goes to great lengths to be explicit to this effect.
Moreover, the Dead Sea Scrolls also confirms the use of a 364-day year.
A search on Wiki about the 364-day calendar, for example, does not as much as mention the possibility that somehow the 364-day year is disputed in the book of Enoch, or the Dead Sea scrolls. It is taken for granted as fact. The only question is whether it was somehow adjusted to a true solar year or not, and if so, how.
I think maybe you should explain the reason why the Calendar starts on a particular date (ei. Equinox & Christ’s Birth Year) as per the 360 Calendar. I suppose it is a division of Light & Darkness, where grace meets in the middle.
[KJV] Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.”
[KJV] Isaiah 60:2 “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”
[KJV] Isaiah 60:3 “And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.”
[KJV] Isaiah 60:19 “The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.”
[KJV] John 8:12 “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
The Son (Sun) of God Vs. the Sun god! Yeshua Messiah Always Wins!
Look at the constellations.
Aries = Ram = Lamb
Taurus = Bull = Enoch starts and ends with bulls in Ch 85-90
Libra = Scales = Judgement = Famine
Serpens & Scorpio
Luke 10:19
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
What I don’t understand is why he wouldn’t have started a month after the Spring Equinox. If the Lamb is the first month, the serpent is in the 7th. The Lamb puts himself last, and new creation starts with the bull; putting the serpent in the 6th month.
”I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”
– Revelation 22:13
”AV” (AB) denotes The house of ’Ram’ in the stars as in ’Avraham’ is ’Father’ and/or ’Elect, Leader.’ (The ’H’ {Hey, Hei} is silent; breathe of life) = Ra’Am.
From ’Ha’Adam and Havah’ in the garden of YHVH, the ’Ha’ (masculine) and the ’Ah’ (feminine) are present to denote from this particular bloodline and a lasting covenant made with it for ’Avram’ and ’Sarai’ to ’Avraham’ and ’Sarah.’ This also preserved by the ’transcreation’ method of the proper vowels pronounced in our Fathers’ Sacred Name, locked in the acrostic of Esther, YHVH, or ’YaHaVaH.’ It also speaks of God and his Creation or God and his Bride, as:
Yah = God
Havah = Creation or bride
The ’Vav’ denoted by ’V’ means amoung other things, ’Conjoined.’
This was preserved in the Greek Septuagint by using both methods of translation and transliteration, thus giving us, ”IEVE.” (Yes, where we get ’Eve’)
Likewise, this is how/why our Saviour, Emmanuel, (God with us) is given the name title, ”Yashua,” (God’s Saviour)
With Messiah as our Groom to receive his spiritually faithful bride upon his return at the 7th trump and not deceived by false rapture and ancient alien teachings at the 6th trump.
These things have been purposefully hidden as mysteries by the Kenites, the Tares, (Zwan).
Check out Paleo Hebrew alpha beit and their meanings aling with the numerical and gematria assignments.
Also, check into the ’biblical’ migrations of peoples from Abraham. Start with author E. Raymond Capt and work by Dr. Bullinger.
I hope that answer helps you.
Also, one post note:
The ’e’ in ’Yeshua’ means man, so while referring to him in the flesh while on earth would be correct and proper in ancient Hebrew script to say, ”Yeshua.”
While after the crucifixion and arising to the everlasting, to take his rightful place at the right side of the throne of Yah, it would be traditionally, correct by the ancient paleo Hebrew to refer to Him as, ”Yashua.” when using the name of ’God’s Saviour’ in both instances of time and place and space.
”I and the Father are One…”
…and once more, the ’v’ was in use originally before the ’u.’
So, to be absolute in spelling and pronunciation, would be:
”Yeshva” and ”Yashva’l