Below is a two-minute video by NASA for background information into this post.

The above image is part of a series of prophetic maps that the Lord revealed recently, based upon heavenly signs at the start of this year. In the image, constellations are overlaid with a pyramid — “Mystery Babylon”.
The path of the Wolf Comet at discovery (Aug 30, 2019) was located just above the top claw of the constellation of the Crab (Cancer), and from Sept 22-28th it passed between Leo and the Crab as shown by the green arrow. (See previous post: “Hurricane Lorenzo, Christ’s crown & Pi“, for why the month of September was so important, especially the 22nd to 28th). At perihelion, the comet will end up at the constellation of the Cup (Crater) as shown. The above green arrow traces its path and is symbolic of the fall of the Wolf, Satan.
Signs on earth and in the heavens
The Lord constantly gives signs on earth and in the heavens. It is impossible to keep up with them all. For this reason, I will keep this short.
Astronomers are currently excited about a new comet discovered on August 30, 2019. It is only the second comet ever observed that originated outside our solar system. They named it “21/Borisov”. Borisov means “Wolf” in Russian. (Thank you, David, for bringing this comet to my attention.)
Borisov made a wild discovery on August 30: an object moving too fast to be captured by the Sun’s gravity — and which probably came from outside our solar system.
And now, thanks to the Gemini Observatory, we’ve gotten a closer look at the object — the first interstellar comet ever to be observed, according to the Observatory. (Futerism)
Last week, the International Astronomical Union’s (IAU) Minor Planet Center (MPC) was able to calculate a preliminary orbit, which verified that the comet had a hyperbolic orbit — meaning that it is orbiting in a way that prevents it from being captured by the sun’s gravity.
The comet was officially named 2I/Borisov by the MPC on Sept. 24. Comets are usually named after their discoverer. The 2I in the name designates it as the second interstellar object detected. (CBC)
“Borisov” means “Wolf”
This unique “interstellar” comet was discovered by a man who happened to be Russian and has a name that means wolf.
Many great and terrible signs happened in the first half of this year in regard to this prophetic image.
Below is a list of the signs and wonders that happened.

Babylon has fallen!
The theme of all these signs is this: the gods of this world have fallen. They lay disgraced before the Lord of Glory and will soon experience God’s outpoured wrath.
As portrayed in the prophetic image, the devil and his angels have fallen from heaven to earth like a fallen star. The fallen star streaks downward between Leo and the Crab and plummets to the bottom of the Pyramid — the Tower of Babel. Wrath will soon be poured out upon all these false gods as symbolized by the constellation of the Cup, as it is called, — -God’s cup of terrifying wrath.
The timing, direction, location, and name of the comet is astronomically unlikely to match image if merely random

What are the odds that in this vast sky of 48 constellations that this wolf comet would happen to swing by with perfect timing and direction and location so that it followed the path seen in the prophetic map?
Again, look at the prophetic map. The only thing I have added to it is the green line showing the path of the Wolf Comet. (Click “Online Planetarium” to verify the comet’s path for yourself.)

Meteor strikes “Super Wolf Blood Moon”.
If you read some of those posts, you might recall this wolf-moon image. Briefly speaking, a meteor struck what the media nicknamed “The Wolf-Blood-Moon”. Astonishingly, it struck the moon the very first minute of the total lunar eclipse. An hour or so earlier I had just posted an image of a meteor striking the mountain top. (The sun and moon are located at the top of the pyramid in the image in eclipse, and thus the meteor is striking the moon).

To better understand what I am saying, browse the post about “the Fifth Sign”. Also, the 13th sign.

Two Witnesses (Multiples of “Ten”)
The “I” in “2I/Borisov” designates it as the 2nd Interstellar visitor – a second witness. The name of the first comet means, “The first (interstellar) scout“.
It happens that from the discovery of “2I/Borisov” on August 30, 2019, until perihelion is exactly 100 days. And from the discovery of the first comet to its perihelion was minus-40 days.
Between the two comets, therefore, elapsed 360 + 360 and/or 390 + 390 days.
Notice the comment (at left) about “multiples of five”. The first comet is 400 days before and the second is 190 + 190 days after the starting point as stated in the chart, (i.e., “Sealed” – Nov 23, 2018.) However, Nov 23rd to the closest approach to earth on Dec 28, 2019, is + 400 days, and is 805 days to the closest approach to earth for the first comet!
I will not take time to explain the significance of each number, but at the very least, observe that all are multiples of five and consequently consistent with all the other signs — about one chance in 6250 (5^6/2.5) for the two comets to be random in regards to Nov 23, 2019.
“2I” resembles “21” in 2I/Borisov (Wolf Comet)?
“2I” designates this comet as the “2nd” Interstellar visitor ever observed. However, the “I” in 2I looks like “21“. This number was important in regard to the prophetic image, so perhaps it is not a coincidence?
The “21” is self-explanatory in the below images from the Blood-Wolf-Moon eclipse post (i.e, “The Fifth Sign”) and the captions are direct quotations from that post.

The Benjamine Election in Israel

At risk of overcomplicating things: In the Book of Revelation, Benjamin (“Son of my right hand”) is the 12th tribe named (last born). Benjamin is depicted as a wolf in Jacob’s prophecy, uttered just before he died at 147 years of age.
In the above two images, the “21/Wolf Comet” first passes through the 12th star en route to the cup of wrath. The “12” replaces and reverses “21”.
David Rooke noticed that when the comet reaches perihelion (closest approach to the sun) Dec 8, 2019, 147 x 10,000 days elapses from Jacob’s birth (Passover, 2006 BC). Recall that Jacob lived 147 when he uttered his prophecy, (i.e., three jubilees, 3x7x7). God signifies that Jacob’s prophecy is nearly completed.
The resurrection from the dead comes next.
27“Benjamin is a ravenous wolf;
In the morning he shall devour the prey,
And at night he shall divide the spoil.”
28All these are the twelve tribes of Israel, and this is what their father spoke to them. And he blessed them; he blessed each one according to his own blessing. (Gen 49)
So, one last question remains.
Did anything significant happen on Sept 17th, 2019, when the comet overlapped the 12th letter in the prophetic image?
Yes indeed.
“Benjamin” Netanyahu (Trump’s counterpart) fell from power in the Israeli election that same day. But like a “ravenous wolf” he claws back.

Origin of interstellar comet near scepter/crown in constellation “King”

This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Part One. Mene Tekel: gods are judged! Dec. 6, 2018
- Sea-Dragon comet underfoot and ‘Meteor in Russia like 10 atomic bombs’
- Dec. 16 & 18, 2018
- Eruption of Anak Krakatoa triggers tsunami due to full-moon
- Dec. 22, 2018
- “OSIRUS-REX” reaches Bennu on Hanukkah as Bush laid in state. And 30 days later: China on dark side of moon
- Dec 3, 2018, and Jan 2, 2019
- Locust invade Mecca as a partial solar eclipse occurs
- Jan. 5th local time, (eclipse EST)
- Meteor strikes “Super Wolf Blood Moon“, and New York Tower of Babel lit up baby-blood pink
- Jan 20 and 22, 2019
- River of blood: Dam bursts in Brazil killing 360
- Jan 25, 2019, noon
- Polar Vortex, F4 Tornado strikes North America and Havanna, Cuba
- Jan 27, 2019
- Meteor strikes Cuba at foot of mountain-mural of dragons and giants; (And Part A, “Dragon Aurora in Draco”)
- Feb 1st and 6th, 2019
- Magnetic Pole speeds across the Arctic
- Feb 4, 2019
- Mount Kea (Hawaii) Enlil, god of wind and mountain — judged!
- Feb 10-11, 2019
- “Mene, Tekel, Persia“, Turkey, 50 Russian bears, the Pope, and Kushner’s Peace Treaty
- Feb 1st, 4th, 9th, 11th, and 14th
- Resurrection! Mountain clothed with butterflies
- Dec 22, 2018, and Feb 14, 2019
- (Pt. B/C) Star of Isis and Virgo darkened (full moon), creating triangle both in heaven and earth. (Pt. A. “Serpent ascends”)
- Feb 19, Mar 6, 2019. (Pt. D. Venus gored by her own horns, Jan 30)
- Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid 30 days later
- Israel and Bible: 7x around the Moon/Jericho
- Feb 21 and April 11, 2019 (And “Dragon’s Palace“, April 5)
- “Prince of the power of the air” exposed
- Feb 1 & 15, 2019
- Tornado (F4) topples tower three-hours after posting its image. And, “The Mark of Trump”
- March 3rd and 8th, 2019
- US recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights, and thus Mt Hermon where angels fell
- March 21 (& Feb 16th), 2019. (Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid)
- Drill for water in Antartica
- Dec 18, 23, 26th, 28
- Book of Enoch and the underworld: Three scientific reports
- Jan 10th, Feb 14, 15; March 1, 3, 2019
- Enoch’s solar cal.: The great switch from lunar to solar commences
- March 21, 23 (Enoch New Year – March 20 & 27)
- Secret code predicted deaths of Saddam, Bush, Yitzchak Kaduri and Sharon
- Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
- Drought in USA, Israel, and Babylon ends
- Notre Dame Fire
- Easter Sri Lanka bombing
- Three Unusual Typhoons
- Mystery Mountain rises from the sea
- Final prophetic images coincide with record stretch of tornadoes
- Day of Atonement Comet
Below is the full prophetic map concerning things to come as explained in some of the above articles.

You a very welcome, Dean.