And how the catastrophic Texas blackout is timed exquisitely between the two Solar Eclipses that crisscross darkened America
We have been talking about the 70th jubilee for 30 years. In the autumn of 2024, the 70th jubilee occurs and then all that next year is the “year of jubilee’.
Quick recap about the seventy jubilees (Dan. 9)
God commanded that every 49 years “the year of jubilee” must be proclaimed. The jubilees began when Israel entered the Promised Land in 1406 BC. “1406 BC” is the date agreed upon by the majority of Bible-believing scholars and archeologists over the past 50 years and is the date that I have used consistently the past 30 years in literally hundreds of articles.
1407t/6n BC to 2024t/5n = 70 x 49 years (i.e., 70 jubilees).
(This is the same as “490 seven-year periods”.)
For details, see
or, Enoch’s Prophecy of Seven 490-year Periods
“Half of seven years”
As I have often said these 30 years, the seven years before and after the 70th jubilee is very important prophetically. I said to “expect many signs and wonders” when this time comes (and now is). Moreover, I also said that these seven years are divided in half, which is 3.5 plus 3.5 years = 7 years.
“3.5 years” equals “1260 days” on the 360-calendar, but which is 1269 or 1299 days on the Jewish lunar calendar. See Rev. 12. And on the Enoch calendar, 3.5 years equals 1274 days. (I.e., 3.5 x 364 days.) God combines all three systems of measuring time as regarding Bible prophecy, as it is written, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses let everything be established,” Matt. 18:16; Gen. 1:14-19.
Over the past 30 years, I often refer the reader to the 360-calendar. It’s the prophetic hub of all calendar systems. Yesterday, February 17th, 2021, was an important day. Yesterday was “1260 days” before that Great Day of the Great Year of Jubilee. Yes, yesterday was 3.5 years exactly before the said “70th jubilee”. (And it was also “129o days” as well. See Daniel 12:11.)
3.5-years on 360-calendar
The first chart shows yesterday’s date, that is, “February 17th, 2021, which was “the 1st month, the 1st day” on the 360-calendar. All systems of measuring time are related to the 360-calendar in some way, as explained again and again these 30 years.

The next two charts are 1260 and 1290 days later, (Dan. 12, Rev. 12).

Lunar 3.5 years
Not only was yesterday “1260 days” (and “1290 days”, Dan. 12) unto the 70th jubilee, but it was also BOTH 1269 and 1299 days (i.e., 3.5-year periods on the Jewish lunar calendar) to the Day of Atonement (“7th-month, tenth day”) in 2024 AD. This is the official day when the year of jubilee is announced, Lev. 25:8–13.

Enochian 3.5 years (of”364 days”)
Not only that, 3.5 years on the Enoch calendar is 1274 days. (The Enoch calendar always celebrates its holidays, including the New Year, on a Wednesday.)
It happens that yesterday, February 17, 2021, was also a Wednesday. This means that 126o days later, AND 1274 days later are also Wednesdays. As said, “1274 days” is an Enochian 3.5-years.)
Yesterday was not the Enoch New Year, but it was still aligned with the very important “Wednesday”. Moreover, “1274 days” later is the first day of Tabernacles on the 360-calendar! (“the 7th month, 15th day”)
Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the Lord. Lev. 23:24

Jubilees are made up of seven Sabbath-Years, that is, seven “seven-year” periods. Therefore, the seven days of Tabernacles are especially important!
Then Moses commanded them: “At the end of every seven years, in the year for canceling debts, during the Festival of Tabernacles,when all Israel comes to appear before the Lord your God at the place he will choose, you shall read this law before them in their hearing. Deut. 31:10-11.
Symbolic day-years
This is something that I have referred to for the past 25 years or so, “symbolic day years”. Just Google that phrase, “symbolic day years” in quotes and you will find numerous articles that I have written. Anyway, February 17th, 2021, is the “symbolic day-year” of 1470 BC (or 1500 BC). And “1470” is 30 jubilees, (30 x 49 years). Technically, the day begins at sunset the previous day, thus as 1471t/1470n BC.
This is more important than you may think, but more information is not always better. Perhaps others, like David Rooke, can discuss this in the comments section at the end of this post?
“In the mouth of two or three witnesses”
As you can see, from February 17th, 2021, all calendars converge in 3.5 years on the 70th jubilee in every way imaginable. This is truly amazing to anyone who has studied the “three-and-a-half” year period of Bible prophecy.
Did anything happen on February 17th, 2021?
Yes, there have been a series of storms, culminating with “February 17th, 2021”. Ironically, it hammered the US on the US’ President’s Day weekend, a warning to Biden and even Trump (the favorite of Texas).
AccuWeather estimates economic impact of winter storms to approach $50 billion (“Feb. 17th, 2021”)
The United States economy, already unstable from the coronavirus pandemic and restrictions, is now taking another hit from an unprecedented coast-to-coast winter storm. Since last week, at least 38 people have died and the winter storms have and left behind immense damage.
The total damage and economic loss caused by the historic storm could be between $45 and $50 billion, AccuWeather Founder and CEO Dr. Joel N. Myers estimates.
To put the economic toll of the storm into context, AccuWeather’s estimate for the entire 2020 hurricane season, the most active hurricane season on record, was $60-65 billion.
Also, see Wikipedia article: “February 13–17, 2021 North American winter storm”.
Footnote: The Weather Channel named the storm "Uri", which is ironic because of the prominence of that name in the Book of Enoch, as Uriel.
In combination with these unusual storms is the stark transition to Biden from Trump, as well as the coronavirus. It’s a sign of things to come. (Note: “the snowstorm exited the U.S. late on February 16”, Wiki, which is the New Year on the 360-calendar to the very hour.)
Also see my last post, posted on the evening of February 16th, 2021.
Plague of the ‘Donald Trump Delusion’ February 16, 2021
This “plague” upon God’s people, more than the coronavirus or the unusual storms, are a sign of what was discussed several months ago in this post:
“The saints will be handed over for a time” (Rev. 13:7)
The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months… It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. (Rev. 13:4-7)
Note: “42 months” is the same as “1260 days”.
“Uri”, costliest storm for Texas since record-breaking Hurricane Harvey
Most damages occurred in Texas due to its blackout and frozen pipes. For Texas damages rival the previous record set exactly 3.5 years ago (on both the Jewish and Enoch calendars).
Winter storm damage may rival Hurricane Harvey’s price tag, experts say
Insurance industry executives say they anticipate the price tag for recovery could approach that of Hurricane Harvey in 2017 — which resulted in $19 billion in insured losses in Texas, primarily along the Gulf Coast, and is considered the costliest storm in the state’s history. Austin American-Statesmen
Also, note the stress on the importance of “3.5 years” in the article posted 3.5 years ago about Hurricane Harvey!
The Sun and Moon are “two witnesses”
The massive blackout of Texas happened exactly 3.5 years after the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 that darkened parts of America.
An eclipse occurs when the moon passes in front of the sun. Exactly 3.5 years after the eclipse on the Jewish lunar calendar was Feb. 11, 2021. And 3.5 years after the eclipse on Enoch’s solar calendar (1274 days) was Feb. 15th, 2021. Compare these two dates with this quote from Wikipedia concerning the “power crisis” in Texas.
The (blackout) crisis was the result of two severe winter storms sweeping across the United States on February 10–11[4] and 13–17.[5] Wiki
Seven years after the eclipse another will crisscross America, this time darkening Texas. It will cross Texas exactly “1150 days” from the Feb. 13, 2021, Texas blackout! (“1150” is the same as “2300 evenings and mornings”, Daniel 8:13-14.)

Oil darkens the sea and shore of Israel
Also on Feb. 11th, 2021, (3.5 years on the Jewish calendar after the eclipse), a storm in the Mediterranean Sea caused the worst ecological disaster in Israeli history. An oil spill darkened a strip of the sea and came ashore ten days later.
The Environmental Protection Ministry secured satellite images, dated February 11, of a suspicious black patch on the sea surface some 50 kilometers (31 miles) off the coast… The Times of Israel

The symbolic day-year for “Feb. 11, 2021” (as discussed earlier in this post) symbolizes the year “1476 BC”. This happens to be the Exodus date according to the Jewish Seder Olam Rabbah when adjusted to the true date of the fall 0f Jerusalem in 586 BC as explained a few months ago. (See Key of 23.)
Recall the first of the ten plagues on Egypt in the year of the Exodus, Ex. 7:14-24.
Hidden footnote:
הערב נפלט לוויתן מצוי בדרום שמורת ניצנים. פקח רטג דוד חלפון הגיע לחוף וראה כי מדובר לוויתן מצוי (גור) בגודל 10 מטרים. מנכל רטג: ״אירוע זיהום הזפת מסתבר כאירוע גדול וחמור מאוד עם נזק סביבתי גדול מאוד שייקח לנו זמן רב לטפל בו. קוראים למשרד להגנס לחקור את האירוע ולמצוא את האשמים
— ilana curiel (@ilanacuriel) February 18, 2021
70-jubilees is the apex of the ages
2025 AD is the fulcrum and apex of the ages. But as I have repeatedly said for the past 30 years, expect signs and wonders in keeping with Bible prophecy when this time comes (and now it’s here!)
However, and this is important, this does not mean the end has come!
The culmination of the ages is upon us, with 2025 at the bullseye. But like the eye of a hurricane, do not focus just on the eye of the storm. The end times reach beyond the “eye” of the storm. In the same way, the 2025-bullseye does not mean that events around this time are unimportant. Over vast ages, plus or minus 77 years of 2025 also falls within the perimeter of the “2025-bullseye”. And even this does not guarantee the end of the age. One can never put God in a box.
We are now in a birth pang. These pangs began WW1 and WW2.
But look up!
Eventually, those pangs will yield to the birth of a new age when Jesus Christ returns to rule the nations with a rod of iron.
Hi again Dean!
As a sort of comment to my former activities – I read Job 2, and I must say that is it quite striking comparing to the covid situation.
I have faith, I trust, I belive.
God speed
Hi Dean!
I have to share this too:
Hi Dean!
Christ felled Babylon—–usa defeated Saddam Hussein—-the good nation defeated the bad nation———Pres.Bush defeated Saddam (antichrist)——–ancient OT Babylon was in Iraq………Saddam claimed to be NEBUCHADNEZZAR 2, because Neb destroyed Israel (and Solomon’s Temple)…………ALL ANTICHRISTS HAVE ONE GREAT DESIRE-TO DESTROY ISRAEL………..
DEAN COOMBS had a bible code , which predicted the death date (and method of death) of Saddam, 3 months before it happened——I am eye witness,,,,,,FULFILLED PROPHECY—-I SAW IT……….
…………The IRAQ WAR had the bible symbolism of—-CHRIST FELLED BABYLON…………PRAISE CHRIST!……….Rev 18
“Coincidentally”, February 17th was the 17th day of the 2nd month on the Gregorian calendar.
On the statement that WWI was part of the beginning of “birth pangs”, I have something to add.
One of the top 10 battles of WWI & it was one of the Final major battles in that war, was the Battle of Megiddo (Sep. 19-25, 1918), a foreshadow of the battle of Final Battle of Armageddon (same as Megiddo).
Revelation 16:16 “And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, [h]Armageddon.”
h: Revelation 16:16 Lit. Mount Megiddo; M Megiddo
The excerpt below is a quote from the above website.
“The Battle of Megiddo (19-25 September 1918) marked the beginning of the final British-led offensive in the Sinai and Palestine Campaign. It successfully combined cavalry, infantry, artillery, armoured vehicles and aircraft to achieve a decisive victory over the Ottoman Turks and their German allies. It was the start of a series of important Allied victories that ultimately led to the collapse of Ottoman Turkish forces and their eventual withdrawal from the war.”
This Seven day battle began Either 1AM (1st bombing) or 4:30AM (Albaney’s Main Attack) in the final hours Feast of Trumpets on Enoch’s 364-Day Calendar & ended on the Day of Atonement (Sept. 25th, 1918) on the 360-Day Calendar of Bible Prophecy. An Enochian Calendar day begins at 6AM & ends the next day at 6AM See Wiki:
Enoch’s Calendar:
And for the 360 Day Calendar, see:
Jesus took away Trump……….Rush Limbaugh died…….Qanon was wrong…….the false prophets were wrong……The Repubs+conservatives have no leader now…..and the Repubs are silenced+censored……the Repubs+Church are in exile now, in Babylon……..just as Dean Coombs predicted…….Fulfilled Prophecy….Isaiah 46;9-10……Praise Christ!