This article is not an attempt to predict when Christ will return. It's about the convergence of jubilees in 2025.
The two seemingly contradictory views of how and from when the jubilees (and shmitas) were run in the past converge in 2025. Moreover, Israel will be 77 years a nation in 2025.
This remarkable convergence suggests that 2025 is foreordained as the year of reconciliation and redemption, the granddaddy of all jubilees. How all this plays out is yet to be seen, but one can be sure that the next seven years will be remarkable, with 2025 the bullseye.
Expect mighty signs on earth and in heaven. Waves of ‘sevens’ are now sweeping over the earth and building towards a great crescendo. “Sevens” of days, weeks, months, years, tens of years, even thousands of years are piling upon one another now. God can delay, but either way, 2025 is the summit of this age.
For the importance of sevens in the Bible, please see the six-minute video from The Bible Project below.
(If you wish, skim over the subsequent images. They are not the main point of this post but are related.)

Especially compare this last frame in the Bible Projects video on the “Sabbath” with the below main Bible fractal. Both place the inner seven circles of the kingdom within the heart of God, with larger circles behind.

The Jewish shmita begins Sept. 6th, 2021
The Jewish shmita begins about a month from now, on the evening of September 6th, 2021. It lasts one full year. The shmita is the seventh year — the Sabbath year.
A few months ago, I posted an important article called:
“Reconciling time with the key of 23“.
Among other things, I demonstrate that Jewish and Gentile chronologies are reconcilable. They are like the two sides of one coin. This discussion focuses on the jubilees of Biblical and rabbinic jubilees.
God is a God of reconciliation
For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. Eph 2:14-16
He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. Col. 2:14
Col. 2:14 refers to “legal indebtedness.” Debts were canceled in the “shmita” year, especially in jubilee.
The “shmita” is the seventh year of sabbatical rest commanded in the Bible. The jubilee is an extension of this. The jubilee occurred in the 7th cycle of the shmita (49 years).
I have already written many posts about these things. Therefore I refrain from repeating myself. Moreover, all your questions, including dates, are found in these three Wikipedia articles. They will answer your questions and verify what I say from an independent source.
Reconciling actual and rabbinic jubilees
After reading the above two Wikipedia articles, one might think it impossible to reconcile these two conflicting views.
Is the jubilee 49 or 50 years?
Did Israel enter the Promised Land in 1406 or 1273 BC?
There is no doubt in my mind that the jubilee methodology held by most scholars is correct and that the rabbinic understanding is grossly wrong, both in dates and logic. It is the result of human tradition that refused to yield to the evidence.
Sadly, it also appears to have been an attempt to repoint Daniel’s prophecy of “490 years” away from Jesus Christ to, instead, the destruction of the second temple in “AD 68”. (Jerusalem actually fell in AD 70).
But what if God, because of His great love and unconditional promises made to their forefathers, has chosen to make straight that which is crooked by engrafting the Jewish chronology, even with its wrong dates, back into the genealogical “olive tree”? (Romans 11:11-24.)
Indeed, this is exactly what God has done.
As you will see, about a generation after Christ — shortly after the fall of Jerusalem — the rabbis ultimately devised a system to turn hearts away from Jesus Christ. However, providentially they chose figures and themes that reconnect to the true vine later in history, like a detour in the road that later rejoins the main path that leads home. The next seven years is that juncture.
Yes, Israel turned to crooked paths. But God has turned it around for good, “to save many souls.”
But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Gen. 50:19-20.
Jubilee’s of 49 and 50 years
This will be explained simplistically. I want everyone to understand, not just those mathematically inclined. Please see the three Wikipedia articles for details.
The Jewish shmita begins about a month from now, on the evening of September 6th, 2021. It lasts one full year, which is the seventh year of rest. Observant Jews will not work the land for one year. The rabbis began their count of seven-year cycles from the fall of Jerusalem (wrongly) thought to be in AD 68 or 69. (Jerusalem actually fell in AD 70.) Jubilees were not kept during this time.
They forged a plan to redirect Daniel’s prophecy of “490 years unto Messiah” away from the Messiah (lit., “the anointed”), but instead to the anointed temple. (As said, I am simplifying this.) And in a way, they were right about the temple. After all, Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple and compared its destruction to his own death!
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” But the temple he had spoken of was his body. John 2:19-20
Footnote: Jesus said this at the start of His ministry. He died three years later and rose three days later, which, therefore, equals 49 years from when Herod's temple began to be built. ("46" + 3 = 49.) It happens that "49 years" is a jubilee. Moreover, "46" is a 23-number. It converts to 50 priestly years (336 x 50 days), which is in this sense, the jubilee of the priests. See "Reconciling time with the key of 23". Jesus' prophecy is a numeric riddle that is today explained in this post.
A crooked chronology made straight by the cross of Christ
The Rabbis adjusted dates to conform to their interpretation of Daniel 9. They said that the fall of Jerusalem (and destruction of the temple) by the Babylonians (when Jeremiah went into captivity) unto the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans is “490 years”. Because they believed the fall of Jerusalem was in AD 68, therefore 490 years before this is the summer of 423 BC. (Note: the actual dates for the fall of Jerusalem are 587/6 BC and AD 70.)
Strangely, their entire scheme was based upon a prophecy of “490 years,”, which according to the very text is divided into “49” + (49 x 9) = “490 years”, that is, ten jubilees (Dan. 9:24-27; also, see Book of Enoch and Book of Jubilees). Thus, to decree that ten jubilees are actually 500 years and not 490 is inconsistent with their own numeric foundation!
Yet, because of God’s great love, a numeric miracle happened!
By rearranging “times and laws” (Dan. 7:5) to produce the desired outcome, the rabbis faced the daunting task of reconciling their figures to true dates and earlier traditions, such as the “17 jubilees unto Ezekiel’s temple-vision” (Ezek. 40).
Their human effort to reconcile the irreconcilable had a fascinating effect, as discussed next.
The rabbinic shmita of 2021 begins the 4th and 5th cycle of “490 years” from the two times the temple was destroyed

The rabbis were by no means unanimous about the length of a jubilee. However, many believed that it repeats itself in cycles of 49 years (the correct understanding).
But according to the prevailing view, 423 BC to AD 68 are the “490 years” of Daniel 9. However, Daniel 9 assumes cycles of 490 because the entire prophecy is based upon the fulfillment of “70 years of exile”, which, therefore, must belong to a previous 490-year cycle. (The land rested “70 years” to reclaim the missed sabbath years the preceding 490 years inclusive.) Moreover, Daniel 9:24-27 tells us that the last seven years (“shmita”) of a 490-year cycle (“70 x 7”) is especially significant.
Sept. of 423 BC, plus 5 x 490 = Sept. of 2028, less one shmita (7 years) is Sept. of 2021.
Sept. of 68 AD, plus 4 x 490 = Sept. of 2028, less one shmita (7 years) is Sept. of 2021.
Moreover, “5 x 490” from the destruction of the first temple (according to the date of the rabbis) is 2450 years. As seen in the Book of Jubilees, this is a significant time frame. It means that if a jubilee is held to be 49 years, then 2450 years marks the 50th jubilee (49 x 50).
However, if a jubilee is (incorrectly) held to be “50 years”, then “2450” amounts to 49 jubilees (50 x 49). Either way, Sept. 2028 (Tishri 10th) is the 49th or 50th jubilee from the decree of Daniel 9 (in 423 BC as per the rabbis). Tishri 1oth, 2028, happens to be half-seven years from the 70th jubilee in 2025, counting from the actual year when Israel entered the Promised Land in 1406 BC, Nisan 10th.
Thus, the last “3.5 years plus 3.5 years” of the “70 x 7” years of Daniel 9:24-27 intersect in the middle of this last seven years, counting from 1406 BC and 423 BC.
This partly reconciles the jubilees of Daniel 9 when using actual dates with rabbinic dates. Moreover, the contrary length of a jubilee is also reconciled, as discussed next.
Footnote: All this is also true of 1273 BC as well, the date used by the rabbis for when Israel entered the Promised Land. As we shall see, oddly they say that the jubilees count was delayed 14 years from 1273, that is, the jubilee count began 1259 BC, not 1273. Curiously, 1259 BC is three jubilees (3 x 49) from 1406 BC! Thus there are 67 x 49 to Nisan 10th, 2025! This is explained later. Note: "1273 BC" is the traditional Jewish date. However, some adjust it ahead a year to ultimately conform to what we now know to be the actual date for the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70. The three Wikipedia articles, thus, inconsistently refer to both 1273/1259 and 1272/1258 BC.
The actual date of the Conquest versus rabbinic tradition, 1406 and 1273 BC
The Exodus and Conquest of Canaan date is the spring of 1446 and 1406 BC. (See the said Wikipedia articles and the above charts.) This means that the seven-year cycles (shmitas) and jubilees began in September, Tishri 1st, 1407 BC. The next shmita year, therefore, ran from Sept. 1400 to Sept. 1399 BC. (It took six years to conquer the land. In the seventh year, “the land rested from war.”)
It happens that 490 shmitas from 1406 BC is AD 2025, which is also 70 jubilees. As we shall see, this also intersects in every way with the rabbinic dates and jubilee methodology by dividing the final seven years (shmita) in half per Daniel’s prophecy. This includes the further breakdown into “a time, times, and half-a-time” (Dan. 7:25; 9:24-27).
This forms a prophetic lock and key.
49 leap months in 133 years
According to rabbinic tradition, the Exodus and Conquest occurred not in 1446 and 1406 BC but 133 years later in 1313 and 1273 BC. Thus, the shmitas and jubilees commence their count from half a year before, that is, in Sept. 1274 BC. (Some move the date forward a year to 1272 BC to adjust to AD 70, the actual year that Jerusalem fell. But the majority set the dates as 1313 and 1273 BC.)
This means a 133-year difference between 1406 BC (the actual date) and 1273 BC (the rabbinic date). This is interesting because 133 is 7 x 19. This means that the shmitas from 1406 BC run into the 1273 BC date for the conquest of the rabbis. It happens that 19 years is an important time frame in Jewish calendar keeping (and Babylonian). There are seven leap months every 19 years. Thus, in 7 x 19 years, 49 leap months are added (7 x 7) — harmonious dates considering that a jubilee is also 49 years.
To harmonize their flawed chronology, the rabbis had to add another 14 years from when Israel entered the Promised Land, and the jubilees began.
March of 1273 BC less 14 years equals 1259 BC. (Thus, also Sept. 1274 to Sept. 1260 BC.)
This is fascinating for two reasons.
133 + 14 = 147, i.e., three jubilees
Firstly, 133 + 14 years to when the jubilees really began (according to rabbinic tradition) equals exactly 147 years, which is three jubilees of 49 years!
Thus, both the shmitas and the jubilees remain in harmony no matter what date one uses, either the actual of 1406 BC or the rabbinic tradition of 1259 BC!
And like seven, “three” is a perfect number. Thus, 3 x 7 x 7 = 147 years, which was also the length of the life of Jacob/Israel, whose two names loosely mean: “The crooked one — made straight by God.”
It is hard to believe that this is a mere chance. It is far more likely that this difference of “147 years” results from the rabbis attempting to reconcile actual dates and times with their own peculiar view of Daniel 9. Moreover, 490 less 147 equals 7 x 7 x 7, and as said, there are 7 x 490 years from 1406 BC to AD 2025.
If this confluence of timeframes halted here, this would be striking enough. But it does not.
Footnote: Jacob lived "147 years" (literally from 2006-1859 BC). He worked for his two wives 7 + 7 years, beginning 490 (less 7 years) to the Exodus. 1470 years (3 x 490) after Jacob was born is 536 BC, the actual year that the angel gave Daniel the prophecy concerning the "490". It is also, therefore, 3x3x3 x 7x7 from Jacob's death when he prophesied concerning their future.
1274 and 1260 years to Messiah
Secondly, Sept. 1274 (when they entered the Promised Land) and Sept. 1260 BC (when the jubilees are counted) are both important for another reason.
In the Bible and the Book of Enoch, half of a seven-year period contains 1260 days (3.5 x 360). And in the Book of Enoch, this is said to be the same as 1274 days (3.5 x 364). The 360 and 364-day years are explained in detail elsewhere on
This means that according to the traditional Jewish dates of 1274 and 1260 BC, Jesus Christ was born (according to tradition) in the 1274th and 1260th years from when they entered the land — two witnesses that Jesus is the Christ. (Jesus was circumcised and named on Jan. 1st, AD 1 — according to the tradition upon which our modern Gregorian calendar is based.)
Moreover, 1274 years is also 26 jubilees of 49 years. In gematria, to the rabbis, 26 is a very sacred number. The sacred covenantal name of God is YHWH יהוה, which adds up to 26 in gematria and “7 x 7” symbolizes total perfection.
However, the Jews began to view the jubilee as 50 years in succession and not 49.
It happens that “26 x 50” (1300) from 1274 Tishri 10th (Sept.) is AD 27, thereby making AD 26, Tishri 10th the 26th jubilee according to Jewish reckoning and according to their own date. Jesus began his ministry on this very day, Tishri 10th, 26 AD (according to many scholars) by quoting Isaiah the prophet from a passage that announced that He was the fulfillment of the Jubilee. (See The Bible Project video, “Sabbath.” Coincidentally, this article was posted 40 days before the eve of the Day of Atonement, the likely anniversary of Jesus being baptized in the Jordan as per Luke 4.)
Jesus is the great יהוה “I AM,” come to pay our debt of sin and restore all things.
Jesus began His ministry after coming out of the wilderness where the devil tempted him for 40 days. 40 jubilees later (that is, 2000 years) brings us to the year 2026, Tishri 10th. This is examined next.
What happens when we calculate according to the 50-year jubilee of the rabbis?
The rabbis were not all in agreement that the counting of the jubilees should be delayed 14 years from when Israel entered the Promised Land, nor how the jubilees should be counted — as 49 or 50. Perhaps the added “14 years” was a ploy to avoid AD 26 as that eminent “26th jubilee”?
However, as per most of the rabbis, let us pretend that a jubilee is 50 years in succession. (See Wikipedia article.)
According to the rabbis, let us start from when they entered the Promised Land in the autumn of 1274 and spring of 1273 BC.
According to their method of reckoning, if the jubilees continued until this day (surely God keeps track!), then Sept. of 2025 would begin the 7th shmita cycle using the 50-year jubilee. Thus, Sept. 2026 would be the 66th jubilee (2000 years after Christ), which begins the “50th year” ending Sept. 2027.
Thus, from when they entered the Promised Land (according to the rabbinic date), there elapsed 3300 years from when they entered the Promised land in spring of 1273 BC (Nisan 1oth) until the spring of 2029, Nisan 10th, (66 x 50 = 3300 years).
Recall that there are 70 jubilees of 49 years from 1406 BC unto 2025 (and thus, 67 jubilees of 49 years from 1273 BC).
- “66” is the number of man; man was created on the sixth day.
- “70” is the number of completion; God rested on the seventh day.
Thus, Mankind is finished! This has both good and bad connotations.
This means that the next seven years are divided in half and then further subdivided into “A time, times, and a half a time,” as stated three times in the Bible, Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Rev. 12:14.
“A time, times, and a half a time” (One year, two years, and half-a-year)
“A time” (a year)
Sept. 2024 (Tishri 10th, Day of Atonement) begins the 70th (& 67th) jubilee of the correct 49-year cycles.
Sept. 2025 ends the year of jubilee, which is the 70th from 1406 (& 67th).
“…Times” (two years)
However, the 50-year methodology of the Jews means that the land lays fallow two full years, plus half a year more until sowing season begins early the next spring.
Sept. 2025 (Tishri 10th, Day of Atonement) begins the shmita cycle (if jubilees were kept from when they entered the Promised Land in Sept. 1274 BC).
Sept. 2026 begins the jubilee year so that the land lays fallow until Sept 2027.
Thus, the two fallow years of the 50-year jubilee system span from Sept. 2025 unto Sept. 2027.
“…and half a time” (and half a year)
In the spring of 2028, the time of sowing resumes, which on Nisan 10th is exactly 3300 (66 x 50) years from Nisan 10th when they crossed the Jordan and entered the Promised Land in 1273 BC.
Thus, from Tishri 10th, 2024 unto Nisan 10th, 2029 are exactly 3.5 years (half-seven years) and is divided precisely into “A time, times, and half-a-time” in agreement with the prophecy of Daniel 9.
And so what men meant for harm, God turned around for good.
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Dan. 7:25
Also in synchronization is the modern shmita, which dates back to AD 68
Of course, these figures assume that God is tracking the actual jubilees using the two methodologies from the two dates for when they entered the Promised Land.
However, amazingly, even using the actual shmita year that is based upon the AD 68 date as explained earlier, even it intersects with all this, as said, from Sept. of 2021 unto Sept. of 2028, which is 490 x 4 and 490 x 5 from the two times the temple was destroyed, as per the interpretation of the rabbis concerning Dan. 9.
We are witnessing a coming together of all jubilee systems to point to a specific seven-year period that is broken down into all the biblical components. And this seven-years happens to the starting in just one month from now, Sept. 6, 2021.
The date overlapped in the middle of all this is the year 2025, which is 77 years from when Israel became a nation. Both “77” and “70 x 7” are numbers that symbolize reconciliation and redemption.
The time has come to be reconciled with God!
Repent and believe the good news!
Jesus Christ is Lord!

For the advanced student: Observe that the Day of Atonement this year on the Jewish calendar, 2021, can symbolize the day-year 1259 BC. 14 day-years before this, therefore, is as 1273 BC, which corresponds to Elul 25th, 2021 (Neh. 6:14; Neh. 8) the anniversary of when Nehemiah completed the walls of Jerusalem in fulfillment of the decree prophesied in Dan. 9.
In another post you stated that the eclipse of Nisan 1st 2023 will be the start of hard times for the body of Christ. In this post you point out that 2025 is the start of 70th Jubilee (good things). Does this mean that we (the body of Christ) are to face hard times from Oct 2023 till the 70th Jubilee?
The eclipse you are referring to is in 2024, not 2023. Did I make a typo error?
As I’ve said for years, 2025 is the epicenter as it is 70 jubilees from 1406 BC, plus a host of other reasons. Remember that this means plus and minus an entire generation within the big picture. I believe that 2025/2026 will be a turning point in humanity — and it looks like this will mark the rise of Artificial Intelligence and the start of the end of what it means to be human. It will comminate in the battle of Armageddon likely within the next 70 years.
Hi Dean and Kathy,
I see you have not posted in a while.
Are you all ok? I am holding you up in prayer.
God bless you in this wonderful time.
Old test ends with God saying Elijah will come before the day of the lord to reconcile the father’s with the sons lest he strike the world with a curse
The day of the lord is on everyone lifted up to be brought low.
Amen! Hallalujah!
Thanks for putting things simply for people. This was something that was lacking in my article. It is heavily based off of your work, so I thank you & the LORD for giving me the tools to put it all together.
Praise Yeshua Messiah!
P.S The note about 1273SBC & Nehemiah is very cool!
There was even more to the SBC. This year, the Day of Atonement on the 360 calendar happens to be the 7th-month 2nd day, which is also in Nehemiah 7. Notice the connection back to Joshua!
13 On the second day of the month, the heads of all the families, along with the priests and the Levites, gathered around Ezra the teacher to give attention to the words of the Law. 14 They found written in the Law, which the Lord had commanded through Moses, that the Israelites were to live in temporary shelters during the festival of the seventh month 15 and that they should proclaim this word and spread it throughout their towns and in Jerusalem: “Go out into the hill country and bring back branches from olive and wild olive trees, and from myrtles, palms and shade trees, to make temporary shelters”—as it is written.[b]
16 So the people went out and brought back branches and built themselves temporary shelters on their own roofs, in their courtyards, in the courts of the house of God and in the square by the Water Gate and the one by the Gate of Ephraim. 17 The whole company that had returned from exile built temporary shelters and lived in them. From the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day, the Israelites had not celebrated it like this. And their joy was very great.