SARS-like Virus

The virus that has infected hundreds in China shows signs of being far worse than SARS, the pandemic that killed nearly 800 people 17 years ago, a prominent virologist has warned after travelling to Wuhan, where the new coronavirus first began to spread. (GlobeandMail) Update: “2019-nCoV is a bat virus and Sars is the closest … Read more

Horned red crescent of Islam rises (Ring Eclipse)

A couple of people emailed me about the recent post: New Jerusalem and the “Ring of Fire” eclipse. (This was an extremely important sign.) They reported that this ring-eclipse formed two fiery horns rising from the sea. The below image is now circulating social media. Eclipses run in cycles. One year before this another eclipse of … Read more

Put on the Armour of Light, (fires in Australia)

The original post about the fires of Australia was quite negative — about hell. Thankfully, the Lord shortly afterward brought something more uplifting to my attention regarding these fires. In case someone only read the short original (negative) version I have here put a link back to this updated post. The post also explains how … Read more

Why “Down Under” is on fire (Australia)

When Australia was first consolized, it was used as a penal colony. Most who died in the fires are from New South Wales. New South Wales, a state in southeast Australia, was founded by the British as a penal colony in 1788. Over the next 80 years, more than 160,000 convicts were transported to Australia … Read more