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About the author:
The writer of this paper put himself in the mindset of the esoteric believer of the second temple period who saw cosmology and timekeeping as an expression of divine order.
The author is indebted to the hard work of scholars who ascertained the Exodus to be 1446 BC and those who worked out the LXX chronology with its variant texts.
The author views the “inspiration of Scripture” as God working through men of varying opinions to synergize a masterpiece by cornering them into the truth.
The effects of different lengths of a year on Biblical Theology
Most numbers in the Bible have symbolic meanings.
The number “twenty-three” in the Bible symbolizes reconciliation but it is much more than that. “23” is a cosmic tool God uses to slow or hasten “the appointed time,” Hab. 2:3. By “23,” God stretches or contracts the timeline, so His decrees remain true but with mercy. It’s God’s tool to “cut short” the days of evil or, if needed, to lengthen days of mercy.
If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, Matt: 24:22a; (Enoch 80:2)
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some count slackness; but is longsuffering to you-ward, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance… as you look forward to the day of God and speed it’s coming. 2Pet. 3:9,12a
“23” is the priestly tool that converts to “25” — “grace multiplied (5 x 5)”. It’s written into the cosmos.
Multiples of “23” unify the sun, moon, and stars (including Venus, “the Morningstar”).
Cosmic multiples of 23
- 23 lengthens to 25 “Priestly Years”
- 23 x 3 lengthens to 70 “Prophetic Years” of 360 days
- An excess of 7 days (one week) accumulates every 276 solar years (23 x 12), (280 x 360, plus 7 days = 276 solar years). For very long periods of time, the extra week is dropped every 12420 years (276 x 45) for a precise solar year of 365.24219 (4536308 days). 12420 years is 12600 Prophetic years of 360 days with 44 weeks remaining.
- 23 x 13 to 300 “Enochian Years” of 364 days
- 23 x 17 to 403 “Lunar Years” of 12 moons
- 23 x 1495 to 1496 “Egyptian Years” of 365 days
- (23 x 7) x (23 x 7) “One Year of Precession of the Equinox
- Venus (“The Morning Star”) is in rhythm with all of the above because Venus lags behind by almost exactly one week every 24 years (i.e., 15 cycles of Venus and 39 orbits). Thus, in 168 years, Venus lags behind 7 weeks, or in 360 years, 15 weeks. In 276 x 2 years, Venus lags 23 weeks, thus in 1656 years (23 x 72, the span from Creation to the Flood), Venus lags “69 weeks”, as per Daniel 9:24-27.
Thus, in the above, the solar year converts to a Priestly year of 336 days, to a Prophetic year of 360, to the Enochian year of 364 days, to a lunar year of 12 moons, and to the Egyptian year of exactly 365 days. What they all have in common is the multiplier of 23. Doubtless, the ancients detected this commonality. For them, ’23’ resolved the mystery of time and unified the sun, moon, and stars.
For information about the 336, 360, 364, and a lunar year, see:
- Part One: How the Solar 360 and 364-day calendar works
- Part Two: How the lunar calendars work in harmony with the solar
Also, see The “Shmita” is at hand! Jew and Gentile “One New Man” Aug. 6, 2021
23 binds all covenants together
Twenty-three also binds the many covenants in the Bible, including demonic covenants, such as “in the days of Jarod” (Enoch 6). (See the chart: “Covenantal thread of multiples of 23 to the Exodus in 1446 BC“.)
“23” stretches time like fabric and, like bricks, reshapes the biblical chronology into interlocking blocks. “23” tames irrational numbers. It rounds them like rugged rocks from a quarry.
In the righteous hand of the scribe, the twisted serpentine 23 transforms into a straight rod of rounded numbers such as 25, 70, 300, 490, 500, and 1800. It makes sense of it all; it brings order out of chaos.
Hidden in plain sight
Because 23 was associated with an elite priesthood, it was not meant for everyone to know. It was meant for priests and scribes, initiates into the Enochian tradition. As instructed, ‘the key of 23’ was hidden and sealed.
And thou, Daniel, close the words, and seal the book to the time of the end; until many are taught, and knowledge is increased. Dan. 12:4 Brenton Septuagint Translation
But how was it to be hidden and sealed?
Apparently, priests and scribes took this command quite literally. They sealed it within the Bible itself. They veiled it within the many numeric lists and customized chronologies. It was so well hidden that after the dispersion of 70 AD, it was soon forgotten altogether.
The author has concluded that those of old, both Babylonian and Hebrew, worked out the end of their era to be 6 and 1 BC. The internal evidence itself leads to this conclusion. However, most of what is said here remains true no matter what date is set for the Exodus or Christ.
Outline of Chapter One:
- Chapter One: What the prophets say about “23”
- Multiples of 23 are frequently found with the arithmetic of prophetic utterances
- New Testament examples
- 23000 living and dead
- The Joining of the three ‘Joinings’, לָּוֶה ,דָּבַק ,צָמַד
- Key of 23: Known, yet unknown
- New Age, New Datum
- Mathematical Language predates Babel and the Flood
Chapter One: What the prophets say about “23”
Multiples of 23 are frequently found with the arithmetic of prophetic utterances. Some may be coincidental, but indeed not all.
This was first discussed in a video about the "Abraham Accord" in August 2020.
There is only a small number of numeric prophecies in the Bible. Here is a list of numeric utterances with multiples of 23.
- 2300 (23 x 100) of Daniel 8 (expressed as “evenings and mornings”)
- 483 (23 x 21) of Daniel 9 (expressed as “69 weeks”)
- Prophecy of Dan. 9 is predicated upon the previous 69 years from 605 to 536 BC but is called “70 years”. ’69 = 70′; this is explained shortly
- “…the 1335th day” of Dan.12. The text does not say, “1335 days” but “touches upon the 1335th day”. In typical Book-of-Jubilees style, this means ‘1334 full days, plus part of the next. (1334 is 23 x 58)
- 1260 is already converted from 1242 (69 x 18) (Rev. 11:3; 12:6)
- Examples: from the Flood to 27/29 AD are 1242 x 2 yrs, which converts to either 2520 or 2700 yrs (= 7 and 7.5 x 360 — links the 40 days of Flood with 40 days of Christ in the wilderness? From Creation to 27 AD are 23 x 180 & 60 x 69. And, from decree/return from exile in 538/7 BC to decree/return from exile in 1947/8 is also 1242 + 1242 yrs, or expanded to 574/3 BC of Ezek. 40.)
More obscure examples:
- ‘Seven’ with 430, (437 = 23 x 19). (I.e., ‘7 + 390 + 40’ of Ezek. 3:16;4:4,6. See endnote.)
- Ezekiel began his symbolic siege of Judah on the 391st day. 391 (23 x 17) is often chronologically paired with 390. Example: It took one year for the earth’s destruction by water, but in one day, fire destroyed Sodom, which occurred 391 and 390 years later
Note: Terah's extra 60 years. The alternative extra 60 of Terah is ignored in this article in order to see the basic To create these patterns while maintaining multiples of prime-number 23 demonstrates a mastery of math. Here is an example that illustrates both the +60 of Terah and the '7 + 390 + 40' of Ezekiel. Arphaxad was born two years after the Flood and seven after the death of Lamech (at 777). Isaac is born 390 after Arphaxad and marries at 40. Thus, 7 + 390 + 40. With the alternative extra 60 years of Terah (Acts 7:2), 430 becomes 490 years and is thus 1274 from Lamech's birth. (364 x 3.5 = 1274 with Lamech's son Noah born at 182, that is, half-364.) Without this 60 there are instead 1274 years from Lamech to the marriage of Esau, son of Isaac! 3240 to 1966 BC. See chart for 3240 and 1966 (MT) = 1751 (LXX/SP/NT) BC to 1446 and 1406 BC.
- LXX reading of Ezek. 4 instead has 150/190 and 230 days! Does he mean 150 + 190 + 40, or just 190 + 40? Either way, 230 appears. (Ezekiel is repeatedly called “son of Adam בֶּן־אָדָם,” and according to the LXX, the original “son of Adam” was born 230 years after creation, whereas the MT has 130, that is, 1/3rd of MT’s “390”. The LXX, therefore, may be an attempt to maintain the בֶּן־אָדָם theme. Curiously, from the Seth of LXX to the Adam of MT are 1150 of Dan.8.)
(On his “left” side) And thou shalt lie upon thy left side, and lay the iniquities of the house of Israel upon it, according to the number of the hundred and fifty days during which thou shalt lie upon it: and thou shalt bear their iniquities. For I have appointed thee their iniquities for a number of days, for a hundred and ninety days: so thou shalt bear the iniquities of the house of Israel.
(On his “right” side) And thou shalt accomplish this, and then shalt lie on thy right side, and shalt bear the iniquities of the house of Juda forty days: I have appointed thee a day for a year. Brenton LXX Translation
New Testament examples
- “276” (23 x 12) of Acts 27:37. It appears that Paul includes this information and incidentals such as “Castor and Pollux” because he sensed that the shipwreck and deliverance was a real-life parable of the future of the world and God’s people. This is why the strange prophecy in Acts 27:31. Counting, measuring, and time often overlap in symbolism (Rev. 11:1-3)
- The “46 years” of temple construction
- There are exactly 100 priestly cycles in 46 years, which equals 50 priestly years
They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” (John 2:20; also see John 8:57)
John wrote the Book of Revelation and is no stranger to numeric symbolism; for example, the “153 fish” of John 21:11.
“46 years”: The evidence for an intentional connection to 23 years is strong. There are 46 years (23 x 2) from the Exodus/tabernacle to when Israel rested from war (see chart). And from this 46 years to the 46 years of John happen to span 46 x 31 years. (‘1446/5 BC to 1400/1399 BC‘ unto ’20/19 BC to 27/28 AD’.)
There are 1380 years from when the land rested from war unto Herod’s temple (1400/1399 to 20/19 BC). This is an important observation when the Seder Olam Rabbah is discussed later.
Behold the Lamb of God!
Thus, the Exodus to Christ converts from 1472 to 1600 years, that’s ’40 x 40′ to when Christ went into the desert 40 days, just as Israel did, “a day for each year of their sin,” Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4. (Also, see 3680 years from Jarod; converts to 4000.)
Christ died three years after His announcement that He would raise a ruined temple in three days (John 2:20). Therefore, Christ died 49 years from when the temple began to be built, a jubilee that culminates in the 50th year. (46 converts to 50. John 8:57.)
23000 living and dead
The number “23000” in Numbers 3:39 and 1 Corinthians 10:8 stands out. As we will explore, “23” represents a priestly number that corrects wrongs and straightens what is crooked. It’s the mathematical equivalent of an animal sacrifice, which is crucial when people are far from the temple. According to the censuses taken in 1445 BC and 1407 BC (precisely ‘half-77’ years apart), the number of Levites decreased from 22000 to 23000 (Numbers 3:39; 26:62).
Just before the second census, a plague killed “24000” people. However, Paul refers to this number as “23000” in 1 Corinthians 10:8. This plague was the final one on that doomed “generation” (Deuteronomy 2:14; Numbers 26:62-65). Phinehas, a Levite, halted the plague. Subsequently, God established a “covenant of peace” with Phinehas, granting him “a lasting priesthood” (Numbers 25).
The Joining of the three ‘Joinings’, לָּוֶה ,דָּבַק ,צָמַד
Let us calculate the dead and the living.
“22000 dead” Levites (Num. 26:62-65) joined with the “24000 dead” at Peor, plus the “23000 living” Levites equals 69000. (46000 + 23000 = 23000 x 3).
With that numeric in mind, ponder the “joining צָמַד” of the two adulters by the spear of Phinehas, Num. 25:5-9. Remember that most who died that day were from the tribe of Simeon, Levi’s closest brother. Levi joined Simeon under a curse that involved the rape of their sister for 460 years (MT) before the Exodus. But here, the curse is reversed. The Simeonites die joined in sexual sin in contradistinction to Levi, who is released from the curse by an act of righteousness.
Moreover, the name Levi means “joined לָּוֶה”! According to the LXX/SP/NT, the joining/conception of Simeon and Levi occurred 299 (23 x 13) years before the joining with the Midianites women and the conquest of Canaan (1706,5 BC to 1407,6 BC).
And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons: therefore was his name called Levi. Gen. 29:34
Is the average of these numbers (22000 and 24000) and 23000 why Paul said: “23000 died” rather than 24000?
Was it an acknowledged midrash מִדְרָשׁ at the time?
As said, “460 years” is linked to sexual perversion in the biblical chronology, such as the sins of the watchers in the days of Jarod, and here again with the Midianite women (Enoch 6; Num. 25). There are 460 years from this incident unto Solomon’s palace. It was constructed both for himself and the foreign women whom he “joined דָּבַק himself to in love” (1Kings 7:8; 9:10; 11:1-25). (Enoch 10:10 appears to mean that the life span of the 200 watchers will be cut short from “500 years” to presumably 460.)
This is now the third Hebrew word that means “to join,” דָּבַק ,צָמַד ,לָּוֶה, and all three join by multiples of 23, that is, “23 x 13” and “23 x 20” just like Solomon’s construction period of ‘7 + 13 = 20 years’. Moreover, both censuses and Solomon’s construction begin and end ‘in the 2nd and 8th month’, (1Kings 6:37-7:1). (The Levities were numbered “30-days and older”, thus tying the two censuses to the 2nd and 8th month, Num. 1:18; 3:39).
Double brackets around a doomed generation
Paul’s “23000” likely involved two incidents of idolatry merged as one, which is outside this study’s scope. But briefly, the 3000 killed by the Levites in Exodus 32 and the 22000 Levites of the Census commence the generation under God’s wrath and conclude it with the 24000 of Peor and 23000 of the second census of Levites. Phinehas reverses the damage his grandfather Aaron did when the 3000 died. The priesthood and highpriesthood are justified to continue as a lasting priesthood. The resulting numeric is telling.
- 3000 + 22000 = 25000, (the expansion of 23000. 25 is 5 x 5)
- This total (25000) plus the 24000 at Peor equals 49000 (an important sacred number. 49 ix 7 x 7)
- 49000 + 23000 = 72000. (Another sacred number; half-144000. 72000 is also 200 x 360 and may hint at the sexual sin of the 200 watchers-angels that fell according to Enoch 6; Gen. 6. Note the ‘144000 redeemed undefiled virgins’ of Rev. 7:4.)
- Or counted in reverse are 69000 + 3000 = 72000
- Paul’s helper, Luke, records 3000 saved at Pentecost (Acts 2:41), and the “Royal Priesthood” began. This is an obvious parallel to Ex. 32. 72000 + 3000 = 75000. (Recall that 69000 can convert to 70000 or 75000). Acts 4:4 makes 77000
- Luke’s genealogy also has 75 generations to Christ and 77 including Christ and “God” (Luke 3:23-27)
The “4600 Levites” of Davids census at Hebron (1Chron. 12:26)
The “4600 Levites” were counted about 400 years after 1407 BC when the Levites were numbered at “23000”.
- “23000” is 4600 x 5
One might even say that the “4600 Levites” here can be added to the previous “23000 Levites” to total the very symbolic number of 27600, (’10 x 2300′ + ‘2 x 2300′ = ’12 x 2300′, like the ’10 + 2’ tribes of Israel and Judah, 1Kings 13:30,31).
Next, after listing the Levites at 4600 is 3700 of the family of Aaron, the grand total in the Census thus far is 22200. Next comes the “22” of the faithful high priest Zadok, which now totals 22222. This signals that “22” is the priestly variable in the list.
And added up to Benjamine are 25200 (70 x 360), and to Ephraim is 46000.
“Men of Issachar,” initiates into the Enochian tradition
Then there is Issachar, “men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” They numbered “200” (1Chron. 12:32).
Traditionally, they were timekeepers. They understood the motions of the sun, moon, and stars. They saw themselves as replacements for the “200” that rebelled in the days of Jarod (Enoch 6). Furthermore, they memorialized this fact in the previous list. There, Isshacar happens to number ‘145600’, which is 364 x 400 — thus connecting themselves to the 364-day year of the Enoch scribal tradition (1Chron. 6-7).
We do not have time to go through the lists in the Bible, but clearly, they were rounded in favor of mathematical patterns. It was a puzzle for the initiated. They told a story, not merely dry facts.
From these lists and other clues, David’s infamous census occurred 25 years into his reign ‘when Satan rose up against Israel”, 1Chron. 21. This was 986 BC, 460 years after the Exodus, literally or idealistically. The most obvious clue to this is 1Chron. 23:24. It implies that they began to build the temple “20 years” later (986 to 966 BC).
From Satan, in the garden of Eden (LXX 5494 BC Creation) to 986 BC is 4508 years, which converts to 4900. This is the same length that the rest of the ‘Satans’ (Accusers) would be bound, Enoch 10:12. And another 490 + 490 to the birth of Christ and his census (Luke 2) for 120 jubilees.
Note: The Book of 1Chronicles usually rounds digits into even numbers. 22200+22 is an example.
Key of 23: Known, yet unknown
It appears likely that the key of 23 was well known within the elite inner circle of scholars from at least Daniel until the Apostle Paul. The Babylonians were also aware of it.
Both groups considered the key of 23 as recovered knowledge that existed before the Flood from the days of Enoch. (Enoch went by another name in Babylon.)
New Age, New Datum
Moreover, both Jews and Babylonian scholars evidently had the same terminus post quem for the end of their age. Both groups determined the end of that age long ago to be 6 BC and 1 BC (although at times expressed as -5 and 0). No wonder the Magi knew the importance of so small a sign as a star appearing at that time.
Mathematical Language predates Babel and the Flood
The various chronologies of Biblical and Babylonian scholars follow the same rules and, because of this, are compatible. They interweave with one another.
The key of 23 is the cryptic framework upon which every verse in the Bible hangs, as flesh does on bone.
Outline of Chapter Two:
- Chapter Two: How the priestly, lunar, 360, and 364-day years convert with 23
- Covenants from Adam to Sinai thread together with multiples of 23 (Masoretic Text)
- Creating order out of chaos
- The logical outcomes of “23 = 25”
- 360-Calendar and “23 x 3
- 364-Calendar and “23 x 13″(299)
- 391 solar years equals “23 x 31” lunar years
- The Great Year of Precession is “49 x 23 x 23”
- The miracle of the 4th day of Creation
- “Residual 23”
- From 1406 BC to Christ
Chapter Two: How the priestly, lunar, 360, and 364-day years convert with 23
Note: It cannot be stressed enough that it is the specific multiples of 23 that are important. For example, a burial place is purchased for Sarah for "400 shekels" (Gen. 23:15) -- indicative of the prophesied "400 years in Egypt". 1814 to 1446 BC is 368 and converts to 400 years -- as explained next.
About the above chart: To maintain the primal chronology, this article ignores the alternative extra 60 of Terah of Acts 7:2. At any rate, the date of Creation less the LXX/SP/NT of 215, plus the 60 of Terah as opted by some chronologers such as Bishop Usher, instead put the Conquest 2553 years after Creation. 2553 is 23 x 111 (69 x 37). And from Jarod, 23 x 91. From Lamech 23 x 73, and the Flood 23 x 39 (299 x 3).
Thus, the 2303/1-BC-Flood can convert to 2306 BC according to the rules explained shortly. That’s 2300 to 6 and 1 BC. Moreover, this does not alter the 1380-year difference from LXX Creation that moves in tandem with MT, which in this case would be 5339 BC instead of 5494, and is (69 x 57) to Conquest with the birth of Seth 23 x 23 x 7.
Covenants from Adam to Sinai thread together with multiples of 23 (Masoretic Text)
In the below chart, calculate the number of internal combinations of multiples of 23-squared (excluding the LXX). (“23 x 23” and “23 x 23 x 2” both occurs twice, and “23 x 23 x 3” occur once.)
Also, observe how often multiples of 13, 15, 17, and 19 occur internally. (We discuss the importance of these combinations later.) This underscores the fact that the appearance of multiples of 23 is not what’s important, but rather the specific multiples of 23 and where.
Naturally, multiples of 23 can appear randomly. But the frequency and combinations of 23 exhibit intention. For example, 1656 to the Flood converts to 1800, thus 2300 to Shem’s death. It’s the weaving of specific 23’s with other cycles, such as generations of 40, 70, and 100, or with jubilees, etc., that’s ingenious.
Note: Residual 23 that is discussed later. 460 to Jarod equals 500, and 69 x 6 to Lamech equals 420. However, '500 + 420' in combination is 920, which in turn equals 1000 years -- an important timespan in that it stems from Creation! From Lamech to when Israel rested from war is 80 x 23, which converts to 2000. Thus, 1000 + 2000 years from when God rested on the 7th day to when Israel rested from war! "A day is as a thousand years", 2Pet. 3:8. 1446 BC is a pillar date -- a new datum. 1446 BC less 46 years (46 = 50) becomes as 1396 BC, and thus 2990 (23 x 130) to 1406 BC, which converts again to 3000. (299 = 300). Residual 23's take on a life of their own.
Creating order out of chaos
What if unruly numbers such as “276” (Acts 27:37) could transform into something identifiable such as ‘seven generations of 40 years, ‘four generations of 70’, or ‘three generations of 100 years’? In turn, numbers like 280 and 300 might form still larger blocks of time with acknowledged symbolic value — a code — a language.
The ancients knew the language. Their lists and chronologies are the ancient equivalents of computer code.
- 23 regular solar years equal 8400 days with 23/40th of a day remaining (or rounded to 7/12th of a day). And there are 8400 days in 25 priestly years
- Therefore 23 solar years can convert to 25 priestly years
- The small remainder of 23/40th (or 7/12th) of a day is accounted for within the conversion — as we shall demonstrate
- Example: “276” becomes 7 x 40 with exactly seven days remaining
- Example: 460 yrs from Creation to Jarod (when the angels transgressed) equals 1000 priestly cycles of 168 days, which is 500 Priestly years (Enoch 6:6)
- Therefore 23 solar years can convert to 25 priestly years
Their solar year was the same as our modern Gregorian of 365.2425 (See Part One: How the solar 360 and 364-day calendar works)
Logical outcomes of “23 = 25”
360-Calendar and “23 x 3
Because three times “8400” equals 25200 days, this means that ‘3 x 23’ (69 years) is the same as 70 years on the 360 calendar (without leap months).
25200/360 = 70
- Therefore 69 solar years can convert to 70 prophetic years on the 360-day calendar without its leap months (as well as the said 25 x 3 priestly years)
- The remainder, therefore, is 23/40th (or 7/12th) of a day times three
- Daniel 9:24-27 demonstrates this best and explains Ezra’s 12-day delay (Ezra 7:8;8:31)
- 23/40 x 21 (cycles of 23) = 12.075 days
The Enoch year of 364 days also converts a multiple of 23 into a symbolic number.
364-Calendar and “23 x 13″(299)
The Enoch calendar has a year of 364 days, with four seasons s of 13 weeks. Seven and thirteen have come to symbolize perfection and imperfection/curse, respectively. Found in combination, it depicts reconciliation. The 23, in combination with the 13, maintains the symbolism.
Unlike “23” and “60”, 299 is not the closest approach to an exact integer. Instead, 294 years is.
294 is six jubilees, and every 294 solar years, there is a surprisingly near-perfect integer of 293 (292.9999). This is likely why the Book of Jubilees (4:21) has Enoch in heaven for 294 years rather than just one as per the Book of Enoch (Enoch 81:6). Both books knew the rules but approached them differently.
Example in MT: from Creation to the Exodus is 2668 years (4114 to 1446 BC). 2668/23 = 116. Because 23 converts to 25 Priestly years, thus 116 x 25 = 2900. “2900” plus the 40 years to the Conquest in 1406 BC equals 2940 years, which is 60 jubilees.
- 23 x 13 solar years (299) converts to 300 prophetic years on the 364-day calendar (without its leap weeks)
- The remainder is 23/40th (or 7/12th) of a day times 13. This equals the 7.5 days of Creation. (The switch from evening to morning in the calendar of Enoch creates the extra half-day)
- This explains why Enoch lived 365 instead of 364 years. 365 years of 364 days are 364 solar years. Thus, Enoch lived 300 (299) years after the birth of his son; 65 + 299 (300) = 364 (365), Gen. 5:21-23. The Book of Enoch also implies this, Enoch 81:6
- It explains the two-year chronological oddity at the Flood with the 600 of both Noah and Shem: It allows the code also to read 299 x 2
- And the 299 x 6 from Lamech to the Exodus becomes 5 x 360 years (with “437“ x 2 more to Creation, and “391“ x 2 to the Flood. We look at 391 and 437 next.
So far, the uneven numbers 23, 69, and 299 can be converted to the even and rounded numbers 25, 70, and 300. (The “300” appears often, a flexible number within the Babylonian base 60 system.)
So far, we have looked at the solar calendars.
But what about the purely lunar year?
The lunar year, unadjusted by leap months, is still used throughout the Arab world today.
391 solar years equals “23 x 31” lunar years
It happens that 23 x 17 (391 solar years) equals almost precisely 403 (13 x 31) lunar years (without leap months). This astonishing fact did not escape the notice of the ancients. This will be explained in future documents (Gen. 11:13, 15.)
But for now, note that “17” is a sacred compound number. It is 7 + 10. (Moreover, 17 years has exactly 230 x 3³ days, less 7²/20² of a day.) And “13 x 31” of the lunar calendar is a cursed number. As said before, whenever 13 and 7 come together, it signifies redemption, a perfecting of the imperfect. And “23” is the priestly power that transforms chaos into order, the serpent into a rod –an essential function in Exile away from temple sacrifices.
- 23 x 17 solar years (391) can convert to 403 lunar years (or vice versa). (As explained, ’23 x 17′ also converts to the Priestly year.)
- 403 strictly lunar years = 142,809.93 days, which is almost exactly 391 solar years
- 365.2425 x 391 = 142,809.8175 days
- Actual difference between the two was nearly nil at around 4206 BC
- 365.2425 x 391 = 142,809.8175 days
- 142,800 days is also 17 x 8400 days, with ten days remaining — which, as we shall see, is linked to the Day of Atonement on the 10th day, Lev. 16:29
- Therefore, because 17 x 8400 converts to 17 x 25 priestly years (i.e., 425 priestly years), the accursed lunar number of 403 (13 x 31) is tamed into 425
- Example: From the Flood to the destruction of Sodom, 391 years
- For “403 years”, see Gen. 11:13, 15
- 391 is usually paired with 390 of Ezek. 4 (13 x 30), and for 437 (‘7 + 390 + 40’ of Ezek. 3:16;4:4,6), see endnote.
- 403 strictly lunar years = 142,809.93 days, which is almost exactly 391 solar years
The Great Year of Precession is “49 x 23 x 23”
The ancients, including the Bible, recognized that ‘a day was as a year and a year as a day’ (Ezek. 4). In a similar vein of thinking, every 72 years equaled a day of Precession. Thus, the Precession of the Equinox was rounded to 72 x 360 years, which is 25920 years. The entire span of 25920 years was considered a “Golden Year” or a “Great Year.”
A jubilee in the Bible is 49 years (7 x 7). Like the jubilees of the Israelites, the Year of Jubilee is also the first year of the next cycle. It happens that 25921 years is 49 x 23 x 23, or 161-squared — a most powerful number! And without the “7/12th-of-a-day” remainder, 8400 x 49 x 23 days equals the 25920th year anyway (9466800/365.2425=25919.22 years.) The Great Year is most clearly seen in the Sumerian Tablets of Babylon and intersects with the Biblical chronology at numerous junctures.
The miracle of the 4th day of Creation
The fact that one number — number twenty-three — marvelously converts all wild numbers into rounded tame, straightened numbers, like a serpent into a rod, is surprising.
- 23 (23 x 1) years of the 336 Priestly-year
- 69 (23 x 3) of the 360 Prophetic-year
- 299 (23 x 13) of the 364 Enochian-year
- 345 (23 x 15) of Eclipse-year. Converts to 364 eclipse years. See endnote
- 391 (23 x 17) of the Lunar year of 354.367066
- 437 (23 x 19) cycle of Metonic lunar cal. See endnote
- 1495 (23 x 65) of the 365 Egyptian-year
- 25920/1 (23² x 7²) years of Precession converts to “The Great Year”
Observations: These cycles show up independently in the Biblical chronology from Creation to the Exodus at least twice each. (This includes 25920/1 years from the Babylonian Flood date of 27366 BC to the Exodus/tabernacle in 1446/5 BC, and thus 70 x 360 to Abraham in 2166 BC.)
Interestingly, all seven multiples of 23 are odd numbers, and most are 46 years apart.
All this is the product of the constraints of the sun, moon, and stars at Creation.
And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.
God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. Gen. 1:14-19
“Residual 23”
The favored position is when the conversion of 23 recreates another 23 — at times taking on a life of its own. This may seem absurd by today’s standards until one realizes that Biblical Chronology is a code compacting large amounts of information.
- Example: From the covenant reiterated to Jacob when he fled from his brother unto the Exodus are 483 years (1929 BC to 1446 BC)
- 69 x 7 (483) becomes 490
- Because this added seven years, there are now 483 to Jacob’s wedding (1922 BC), which then becomes 490 with the Key of 23
- And with another seven years for his second wife (1915 BC) results in yet another 483, etc. (Hence why called “Risidual 23”.)
From 1406 BC to Christ
The use of 23 also dominates after the Conquest of 1406 BC.
For example, after the division between North and South, the Kingdom of Judah lasted 345 (23 x 15) years, 931 BC to 586 BC. Moreover, 586 BC was a 115-year extension (23 x 5) from 701 BC when God delivered King Hezekiah from the Assyrian army. At that time, God also extended the life of Hezekiah “15 years” so that he died 100 years before 586 BC. Notice the multiples of five.
A literal calculation of the Kings of Judah adds exactly 49.5 years and ten days (a jubilee) to the traditional 931 BC for Solomon’s death. But this, too, is accounted for. It’s simply a sub-chronology. 931 BC, then is instead 981 BC, and ‘966 BC’ (when temple construction began) is now 1016 BC, which is 430 years to the Exodus (1446 BC). This produces three sets of 430 years for a total of 1290 years, 1876 to 1446 to 1016 to 586 BC (Ezek. 4; Dan. 12).
The same is valid with the Book of Judges, such as Jephthah’s “300 years”, that is, 299 (23 x 13) from 1406 BC (Judges 11:26). This “300” also joins the Long Chronology of 12600 years to make 12900 years, (Dan. 12).
We have already mentioned the 483 years (69 x 7) of Daniel 9 to Christ.
Outline of Chapter Three:
- Chapter Three: A brief overview of the Long and Short Chronology and, How MT/LXX/SP (Bk. of Jubilees) unanimously utilize 23
- Understanding Competition Rules
- The Septuagint (LXX) Chronology
- Chronological Variations and Covenant Connections
- Biblical Chronology and Its Mirror-Like Structure
- Samaritan Pentateuch, Book of Jubilees, and Their Chronologies
- The Flood: Comparing SP, MT, and LXX
- Creation to Flood: Book of Jubilees and SP
- Adam’s Fall and the Flood
- The Flood Year and 1 BC/AD
Chapter Three: Overview of the Long and Short Chronology
And, How MT/LXX/SP (Bk. of Jubilees) unanimously utilize 23
The most apparent patterns to do with “23” are in the long chronology. The MT, LXX, and SP maintain two chronologies — long and short. The short, we know — the age of each patriarch at the birth of their son is counted consecutively. This is the intuitive way of counting years. This is the “short” chronology.
But the Biblical chronology can be viewed generationally. There are 26 patriarchs from Adam to Moses (27 with the Kenan of Luke 3:36,37). The age of each at death is added consecutively “generational.” This is the “long” chronology.
Example: “Adam lived 930 years and died”. His son, Seth, “lived 912 years and died”. This totals 1842 years. Therefore, according to the long chronology, Adam’s creation to his son’s death is 1842 years. As demonstrated in future articles, 1842 is simply 1840 plus the effect of the two years at the Flood. 1840 is 230 x 8. (The effect of the two years at the Flood is important. It will be explained in another article.)
The long chronology is less subtle, about twenty-three or 230. Everything in the long chronology is ten times larger, producing repetition and connectivity between the short and long.
The SP is blatant. Its Long Creation date is exactly 9200 to its short. (13400/13998 unto 4200 /3998 BC.) 9200 converts to 10,000 years. SP also has 1842 to Enosh, and thus Long-Enosh to Short-Adam is 7360, which converts to 8000 years, and thus to 9800 to death of Short-Noah (SP).
From Adam to the death of Moses and Aaron (MT), therefore, are 12600 years according to the long chronology, 14006 BC to 1406 BC. (This is “10-times” Rev. 12:6). Or, with the 460 of Kenan, Creation is 14466 BC.
Enosh, the son of Shem, is therefore born 12624 (or 13084) BC. (Like the Sumer tablets, Enosh אֱנוֹשׁ represents a second ‘man.’ Adam and Enosh both mean ‘man’, the tenth and eighth patriarchs before the Flood. This parallels the two principal Sumer chronological traditions with ten or eight names from their first Man to their Noah.) From Enosh 12624 and 13084 BC to Creation 4114 BC is 230 and x 37 and 39, etc.
Footnote: More importantly, there are 23 x 390 and 430 of Moses and Ezekiel 4, from Adam and Enosh to 4114 BC, but this is just a brief overview. The line can be traced through the brother of Moses as well. Aaron was 3.5 years older than his brother. These three years, plus the two-year anomaly at the Flood puts the date of the Flood when Arphaxad was born at 4836/1 BC. This equals 70 jubilees to the Conquest in 1406 BC and converts to 4900 (100 jubilees) to 6 and 1 BC (-5 and 0). (Or add to this the 460 of Kenan and is 230 x 23 to 6 and 1 BC, or 460 x 23 back around to itself in the "BC/AD Mirror", etc. Birth of Abraham, long chon. 2435 BC, is seven generations before Moses. Abraham is, therefore, 21 x 49 to 1406 BC and 49 x 49 to the 4836 BC Flood and 4600 in the Mirror back to his own birth in the short chon. of 2166 BC. And so forth.) 2435 BC is also 23 x 43 to 1446 BC, which creates 2.5 x 430 years, or 430 to the call of Abraham in Short Chronology!
Understanding Competition Rules
In any competition, ground rules are essential. Without them, determining the winner becomes a challenge.
The Septuagint (LXX) Chronology
The LXX, SP, and MT seem to have diverged from a common source, which explains their compatibility. For instance, according to the LXX, Creation occurred 1380 years earlier than the MT version. This 1380 years equates to 230 multiplied by 60. Furthermore, in the LXX, Seth’s birth happens 230 years post-Creation.
For a detailed understanding of the LXX chronology, refer to “THE CASE FOR THE SEPTUAGINT’S CHRONOLOGY IN GENESIS 5 AND 11” by Henry B. Smith Jr (Associates for Biblical Research), published in 2018. Smith’s work, which includes the recently rediscovered Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum, is highly commendable.
Smith accounts for the additional 60 years of Terah in his work, but this doesn’t alter the “1380 years” difference at Creation. The LXX’s dates for Creation (5554 or 5494 BC) and the MT’s (4174 or 4114 BC) remain 1380 years apart. This 60-year discrepancy and the 215-year difference in the duration of the stay in Egypt are merely variations within the chronology.
Chronological Variations and Covenant Connections
Consider the 460-year period that parallels Jarod’s 460 years: From the Abram covenant of the pieces, just before Ishmael’s birth (minus the 215-year variant), there are 460 years to the Phinehas covenant (1407 BC) and conquest (1406 BC), as per Genesis 15. However, the MT records 460 years from Jacob’s death and his prophecy about future inheritance to the allocation of the inheritance in the 7th year when the “land rested from war” (1400-1399 BC).
This period is 46 years from 1446/5 BC (Joshua 14). On the other hand, the LXX records 23 x 8 years to 1407/6 BC from his prophecy over his two sons. For more details, refer to the “Major Threads of Covenant-Related 23’s” chart. The Book of Jubilees also records 460 years from when Abraham was called out of Haran (and Ur).
Biblical Chronology and Its Mirror-Like Structure
Like Hebrew poetry, Biblical chronology follows a mirror-like structure, as also seen in the New Testament’s “Chiasm.” Even prose frequently mirrors one side to the other. The duration of events during the Flood year also follows this pattern. The Bible begins with Creation, places Christ in the center, and concludes with the New Creation, as documented in the Bible’s final two chapters. The chronology and “23” follows the same pattern.
Samaritan Pentateuch, Book of Jubilees, and Their Chronologies
The Samaritan Pentateuch (SP) places Creation in 4415 BC, with a 460-year period leading to Jarod. It also accounts for the 2-year Flood anomaly.
The Book of Jubilees sets Creation in 3856 BC, marking 50 Jubilees to 1406 BC. It extensively uses cycles of 23 and 49. For instance, from Abram’s call out of (Ur) and Haran to the Exodus, there are 460 years. This creates a residual effect as Moses’s life is divided into three sets of 40 years (Jub. 12). This might have been the author’s starting point, from which he
worked both forward and backward in time. The author contrasts Jarod’s 460 years, symbolizing disobedience, with Abraham’s 460 years, representing obedience to God.
The Book of Jubilees’ chronology from Abraham to the Exodus seems to extend the SP (and LXX) chronologies, given the 23-conversion.
Footnote: Deciphering the Book of Jubilees The Book of Jubilees might have used the 115-year period that covers Abraham's death to Jacob's wedding (69 years), and then to when Jacob and his family moved to Egypt (46 years), totaling 115 years (according to MT, LXX, SP). Chronological Strings and Anomalies This specific 23-year sequence likely started at Noah's death (2108-2106 BC, MT or 1891-1889 LXX), with 115 years to Abraham's death and another 115 years to the first two years of Famine when Jacob symbolically died (Gen. 42:38; 45:26, 1878-1876 BC, MT or 1663-1661 LXX). Interestingly, the 2-year anomaly at the Flood aligns perfectly with the unusual two-year delay when entering Egypt (Gen. 11:10; 45:6). Jacob's Birth and the Exodus Jacob's birth in the LXX/SP/NT occurred 345 years before the Exodus (23 x 15, which equals 115 x 3). This 345 converts to 375, adding 30 years to the 430 in 1876 BC. This creates the residual-460 of Jubilees, converting 1876 BC to 1906 BC, marking when Abraham was called out of Haran (and Ur), according to Jub. 12. The period from Isaac's birth to Jacob's death spans 69 x 3 years, with an additional 69 x 6 years to 1445 BC (MT). The author of Jubilees likely extended the timeline using the effects of the 345 and 115 in combination. Conversions and Justifications For instance, 115 converts to 125, justifying Isaac's birth when Abraham was both 100 and 111, as per Jubilees! Jubilees adds an extra year to make 111, which allows both 59 and 69 years to Jacob's birth. "69" equals 23 x 3. Jacob's Age and Significant Numbers Jacob was '69 years old' when he fled to Haran, which is a conspicuous '69 + 69' for a man whose life revolves around multiples of seven years. Remember that 69 converts to 70. Jacob returned to Canaan 276 years before the Exodus (1446/1445 BC) and later moved to Egypt with his family (1685 and 1681 BC, two dates!) approximately 276 years before the Phinehas Covenant and Conquest of 1407/6 BC. Therefore, in 1685 and 1681 BC, Jacob was simultaneously 126 and 130, possibly combining a perfect and imperfect number intentionally. Abraham's Birth and Egypt Entry From Abraham's birth to the first time Jacob's sons entered Egypt spans 299 years, and 300 years until they all moved to Egypt (299 can convert to 300). This might also be part of the author's thought process.
The Flood: Comparing SP, MT, and LXX
The difference at the Flood between the MT, LXX, and SP is 780 (13 x 60) and 650 (13 x 50), respectively, emphasizing the accursed number. The SP and the Book of Jubilees demonstrate remarkable mathematical ingenuity, deserving more recognition than they typically receive.
Creation to Flood: Book of Jubilees and SP
The period from Creation to the Flood in both the Book of Jubilees and the SP is the same, 1307 years. The Book of Jubilees provides a key to understanding this span. It suggests a day is like a year. From Creation to the 47th day of the year when the Floods came, there are 1260 + 47 years (Jub. 3:17; 5:23; Rev. 12:6; Enoch 75:1).
Adam’s Fall and the Flood
Moreover, the Book of Jubilees places Adam’s fall seven years after Creation. From that point, it’s 700 years to Noah and 1300 years to the Flood, to the exact day. This timeline combines perfect and imperfect numbers once again.
The Flood Year and 1 BC/AD
Interestingly, the Flood year (2549/8 BC) in the Book of Jubilees equates to ‘seven times 364 years’ leading up to 1 BC/AD.
Outline of Chapter Four:
- Chapter Four: The Great BC/AD Mirror and Residual Days
- Examples of Mirroring
- Creation and Conversion
- Genealogical Patterns
- Long Chronology and Conquest
- The Flood (and Priestly Cycle)
- Shem and the Conquest
- ’72 x 23′ Years from Creation to Noah in All Manuscripts
- Samaritan Pentateuch and 10,000-Years (And Residual 23)
- Book of Enoch as the Original Source-Chronology
- Babylonians, Egyptians, Hindus, Aztecs, and Jewish
- Seder Olam and the Excellence of Compression
- Pharisaic Seder Olam Rabbah (Traditional Jewish Chronology)
- Wrong Motivation, Strange Outcome
- The Road of Departure is the Road of Return
- Seder Olam and Book of Enoch
- The Land Rested from War
Chapter Four: The Great BC/AD Mirror and Residual Days
The dates before and after the Flood, as well as the Exodus, form a mirror. However, we’re focusing on the broader picture. As mentioned earlier, ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians, perceived the end of their age to be 6 and 1 BC. This period represents the Great Mirror, where past events repeat in reverse order.
Examples of Mirroring
We can provide numerous examples. We’ve already noted another type of mirror: the Long Chronology of 14006 and 14466 BC shadows the 1446 BC and 1406 BC of the Exodus and Conquest.
Moses was 120.5 years old at his death. This half-year could extend back to Creation. But was the Flood and Creation in the Spring or Autumn? Scholars rightly disagree, as the text intentionally leaves it ambiguous.
Creation and Conversion
For instance, consider Creation in 4114 BC Spring or 4115 BC Autumn. The period from 4114/5 BC to 1407/6 AD equals 5520 years. 5520 equals 23 x 24, which breaks down to 2760 + 2760, convertible to 6000 years. Hence, the LXX Creation of 5494/5 BC to 1406/5 BC spans 6900 years, convertible to 7000 years (or 7500). Given God’s creation in six days and rest on the 7th, and the concept that “A day is as a thousand years,” the meaning of the 6000 and 7000 years becomes clear (2 Peter 3:8).
Genealogical Patterns
This explains why there are 60 and 75 generations to Christ in Matthew and Luke’s genealogies, respectively. This pattern was well-known back then. Matthew starts at Abraham, and Luke ends at Adam, in two different linear directions, thereby imitating the mirror with 115 {23 x 5} generations between them. “-4000 to +7500” equals 11500, “115 generations”, and so on.
Long Chronology and Conquest
Consider the Long Chronology 14472t/1n – 14465t/4n BC (i.e., the seven or 7.5-year max spread, symbolic of the seven days of Creation, to be explained later). 23 x 690 years later equals 1399t/1400n – 1406t/7n AD, which mirrors the 7 & 7.5 years of Conquest with its first Sabbatical year of “rest.” “23 x 690” converts to 7 & 7.5 times 2300! (Therefore, from Enosh, 6 x 2300.)
Flood and Priestly Cycle
Another example: The Flood, 2458/9 BC to AD 1406/7, equals 23 x 168 — 168 is a Priestly cycle. 23 x 168 (69 x 56) converts to 4200 years or as 80 jubilees!
Shem and the Conquest
Note that Shem was born exactly 1150 years (23 x 50) before the Conquest of 1406 BC (Dan. 8). Many in biblical times believed Shem to be Melchizedek. We now have massive interconnecting blocks of time ready to intersect with the larger timespans of the Sumer tablets.
’72 x 23′ Years from Creation to Noah in All Manuscripts
The Samaritan Pentateuch (SP), Septuagint (LXX), and Masoretic Text (MT) all record 1656 years from Creation to Noah’s birth, death, and the Flood, respectively. However, the following example primarily focuses on the MT, which is the version most commonly found in contemporary Bibles.

In the MT, there are 23 x 72 years from Creation to the Flood
The Genesis chronology has precisely 1656 years from Creation to the Flood.
The chronology in Genesis precisely records 1656 years from Creation to the Flood. This period equates to 23 x 72 years. Interestingly, “1656” is also six times “276,” which is the number of people saved from Paul’s shipwreck during a storm, as mentioned in Acts 27:37.
- 23 converts to 25 priestly years, thus 1656 = 1680 years (and 1680 years, in turn, is 336 x 5 years of years)
- 69 also converts to 70 prophetic years (of 360 days), thus 1656 = 1800 years,
- (and 1800 years, in turn, is 360 x 5 years of years)
- And 1656 is 23 ‘days’ of Precession because each day equals 72 years (1656 = 23 x 72 years)
These large numbers form the fundamental building blocks of our chronology. Thus, chaotic numbers are tamed to interconnect with all other numeric blocks easily.
Samaritan Pentateuch and 10,000-Years (And Risidual 23)
Consider the Samaritan Pentateuch (SP). The span from its Long to Short Creations is 9200 years, which converts to 10,000 years (adds 800 years with the Key of 23). SP counts the zero at Christ as if a year. 13400 to 4200 BC causes 13400 to expand 800 years to read as 14200 BC, which is 27600 back to its self in the mirror to AD 13400! In turn, 27600 (23 x 1200) expands to 28000 or 30000 by adding 400 or 2400 more years. Consequently, 4200 BC can now be read as 4600 BC, and so on.
Book of Enoch as the Original Source-Chronology
All these calculations were an inevitable outgrowth to the ancients, like a seed at Creation that “produces after its own kind.” It became a competition to create the most lively and meaningful chronology. As discussed in Chapter Five, the Book of Enoch appears to be the rudimentary source of all other chronologies. Other chronologies branched out from it, intending to compress or expand the original.
Babylonians, Egyptians, Hindus, Aztecs, and Jewish
The Babylonians, Egyptians, Hindus, Aztecs, and others expanded the Enoch chronology, while the Jews both compressed and expanded it using their Short and Long chronologies, woven together like a string of DNA. The Masoretic Text (MT) particularly sought to compress — a more difficult task and thus of greater value, at least in their eyes.
Seder Olam and the Excellence of Compression
The Seder Olam (“traditional Jewish chronology”) especially viewed compression as excellence. In discussing Biblical chronology, the Seder Olam followed three principles:
- To assume that the intention of the Biblical author was, wherever possible, to give exact dates
- To assign to each of a series of events the shortest possible duration of time, where necessary, to secure an agreement with the Biblical text
- To adopt the lesser of two possible numbers. (SEDER ‘OLAM RABBAH: Jewish
Pharisaic Seder Olam Rabbah (Traditional Jewish Chronology)
The Seder Olam was produced around 160 AD — shortly after the Bar Kochba revolt in 135 AD, which is 2300 years after the birth of Abraham, and 1150 after David was anointed king (2166 BC to 1016 BC to AD 135).
Bar Kochba was a failed Messiah. The author likely wrote Seder Olam in dispersion to a disillusioned audience. Further, surrounded by the perceived Christian threat, the true date for the Conquest years (1406-1400 BC) with its apparent implications (1400 years to Messiah) demanded readjustment (cf., Matt. 1:17). But this had to be changed in good conscience, at least before peers. A ‘righteous’ justification for dropping the date of the conquest by 165 years was required (586 BC dropped to 421 BC).
Wrong Motivation, Strange Outcome
Wrongly motivated, Seder Olam demonstrates too much compression at the cost of coherence. Daniel 9, the prophecy of 490 years to the Messiah, became a threat. By changing dates, both the 1400 and the 490 were obliterated. Instead, now “490 years” merely heralded the destruction of Herod’s temple starting at the destruction of Solomon’s temple (423/421 BC to AD 68/70). This compressed the era of Greek rule into a tiny span contrary to actual history.
However, this had an unexpected outcome — perhaps intentional? Perhaps inspirational — inspired by the God of all grace.
The Road of Departure is the Road of Return
Seder Olam’s Creation to Exodus spans 3761 BC to 1313/1311 BC. Now 3761 BC is 138 years short of the actual Creation of 3899 BC. (LXX/SP/NT “215” in Egypt. MT Creation 4114 BC less 215 equals 3899 BC.)
The period from 3899 BC to the Seder Olam Creation of 3761 BC is 138 years (23 x 6). And from the Exodus as 1313/1311 BC to AD 68/70 is 1380 years (23 x 60)!
138 yrs from MT Creation to Seder Olam Rabbah (SOR) Creation
Because 138 is 69 x 2, it can add two years to convert to 140. This may account for the two-year anomaly carried forward within SOR chronology from its Creation to the fall of the second temple in AD 68/70. 3761 BC thus becomes 3759 BC with the desired effect that there are both 2450 (50 jubilees) and 2448 years unto the SOR Exodus in 1311 BC. Moreover, from 3899 BC to SOR, the dates for Jarod are 598 years, which can add two years to become 600. (299 converts to 300).
Seder Olam and Book of Enoch
The author of the Seder Olam Rabbah probably designed the work for calendrical purposes with the Book of Enoch in mind because by placing their Creation as commencing six days inclusive before the New Year (Elul 25th), it connects the lunar year of 354 (or 355) to the 360 days of the 360-calendar to land correctly upon the New Year, and likewise 364 to when the Enoch calendar starts, i.e., ‘on the 4th day of the New Year.
The perfect fit seems more than a coincidence. It demonstrates that the Seder Olam did not ignore other calendars but incorporated them where possible — perhaps including an awareness regarding 138 and 1380 years.
“1380 years to AD 68/70” is compressed from 1500 years
The Seder Olam Exodus as 1313/1311 BC was perhaps compressed from 1500 into 1380 years (-120 years) so that 423/421 BC is really 543/541 BC, and their Exodus is actually 1431/3 BC?
543/541 BC is about the time of the Exile’s return and Daniel’s prophecy of 490 years. (More likely, it was initially 539/537 BC using 23 x 58 years instead, and the Exodus precisely 1446 BC. See note.)
The Land Rested from War
Interestingly, the 1380 years from the Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem (890 + 490 = 1380) are mirrored in reverse. Sarah was born on the 40th jubilee. From Sarah’s birth to the Exodus spans 490 years, and thus 1380 years to 432/1 BC, when Jerusalem fell for the first time! Therefore, the sum of 490 + 890 + 490 years from Sarah’s birth produces two 1380-year periods by overlapping the 890 years in the middle. The 890 years can also condense to 888 years.
(See the important note on “Mirror Overlap.”) This connection links Sarah twice allegorically with Jerusalem. (Recall that Paul trained as a Pharisee (Phi 3:5-5), favors the “430” of Gal. 3:17 in Seder Olam, including Gal. 4:21-31. Also, remember the symbolic “276” of Paul’s shipwreck as a likely portent of “the end of days,” culminating in the horrific fall of Jerusalem, 276 x 5 = 1380.)
In 1400 BC, “the land rested from war” (1267/5 Seder Olam). Is it a coincidence that construction on Herod’s temple began 1380 years later? Furthermore, after another “46 years” (23 +23), Jesus prophesied its destruction (John 2:13-22; cf. Mark 14:58). As a result, there are 1380 years to both its construction and destruction (Seder Olam). Also, from Creation to the “46 years” of John 2:20, there are 1380 x 3 AND 1380 x 4 years! (4114 BC MT and 5494 LXX to AD 27.)
The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” But the temple he had spoken of was his body. (John 2:18-21; also see John 8:57)
Also, there are 1400 yrs from 1406 to 6 BC (1400 is 1380 expanded), thus numerically associating the birth of Herod’s temple with Christ’s birth. (See conjectural note.)
Note: It's hard to know for sure, but perhaps to a Pharisaic scribe, 890 can reverse to 980? Thus we have '490 + (490 + 490) + 490' to Sarah's birth that in turn is 490 x 4 from Creation.
Note: "Mirror Overlap" is another technique of compression found frequently in the Bible. Example: Abraham's life is composed of three main parts, 75 + 25 +75 years so that a generation of 100 years overlaps in the middle. The same for Noah and Shem's "600 years" at the Flood, 500 + 100 + 500; or the 390/290 from Shem/Flood to Abraham/Isaac, 100 + 290 + 100; or Isaac's wedding and death that overlap "four generations of 40 years" from Abraham to Jacob 120 + 40 + 120; or the 80-yr overlap at Moses that also produces 160 years, 40 + 40 + 40; and numerous others. The MT "430" versus LXX/SP/NT "215" of the stay in Egypt is just another Mirror Overlap, compressed instead of expanded and recognized as such by competing parties.
Recall that the LXX Creation is 1380 years before the MT.
Conjectural note: The original terminus a quo likely was 539/537 BC exactly. 1380 less the 46 years (when "the land rested" in 1267/1265 BC, Seder Olam, John 2:20), unto the "1335th" year (i.e., 1334 full years, Daniel 12) comes to the terminus ad quem of AD 68/70, and consequently instead expands to precisely 539/537 BC rather than 543/541. (The fall of Babylon, return from Exile, and the prophecy of Daniel 9 are all dated to 539/537 BC.) The Seder Olam is largely an attempt to place the Covenant of Pieces "430 years" before the Exodus. Therefore, observe that 1290 years before the terminus a quo 543/1 BC is the birth of Isaac, according to Seder Olam. (1290 equals 430 x 3.) Thus the "1290" and "1335" of Daniel 12 are both incorporated within the sacred timeline along with the "490" of Daniel 9, with a bonus of 430 x 4 from Jacob to AD 68/70 of Ezekiel 4. Moreover, Sarah was born 490 x 4 from Creation and thus 490 years before the Exodus and 1380 before 543/1 BC! Thus, it appears that the jubilee of the exile was simply omitted (compressed) by the Seder Olam (exile of 586 overlaps the return of 537 BC), with the remaining 1500 years compressed to 1380. The omission of the 49 years is justified because this is exactly how many years the kings of Judah have in excess of the actual span when literally calculated, (i.e., not allowing for overlaps in reigns), (cf. Dan. 9:25). The 49 years can thus be recovered by simply calculating time by adding the reigns of the kings of Judah consecutively (537 to 931 BC) and thereby reach the original 1446 BC for the Exodus via 1Kings 6:1. Moreover, the difference of 135 years between the Conquests in 1406 and 1271 BC might simply be the 116 (of 1334) and 19 of 605 to 586 BC. Thus, the 19 years that span the three exiles were compressed to one event to collectively become the terminus a quo of Daniel 9? I speculate that the 23 was akin to uttering "the Name" out loud and thus was left unspoken and only inferred. This would explain why the original use of 1380 & 1334 was forgotten -- it was only verbally transmitted.
“Let nothing be leftover” John 6:12,18
The 23 and 69 do not convert to 25 and 70 evenly. What about the extra days when 1656 is converted to 1680 or 1800 years?
We said earlier:
- 23 solar years can convert to 25 priestly years
- The small remainder of 23/40th (or 7/12th) of a day is accounted for within the conversion
This means that in 1656 years, there were exactly 42 days remaining (six weeks). (1656 / 72 = 23. That’s 8400 days times 72, with 7/12th remaining — that is, 7/12 x 72, which equals exactly 42 days (7 x 6).
Events in the Bible are dated from the first day of the month on the lunar and 360 calendars but from the 4th day of the week (when the sun and moon were created) on the Enoch Calendar. And these two calendars are separated by 3.5 days (not 3) because the lunar runs from evening to evening, but the solar from morning to morning.
Outline of Chapter Five:
- Chapter Five: The Waters of Creation and the Flood
- The Flood According to the 364-Calendar of Enoch
- The Flood According to the 360-Prophetic Calendar
- Metonic cycles and the Key of 23
- Leap months and weeks of the 360 and 364-day years
- Chronological Charts (Also see Chapter Six for charts)
Chapter Five: The Waters of Creation and the Flood
On the “2nd day” of Creation, God separated the waters from the waters.
God instructed Noah to enter the Ark 40 days after the New Year (Gen. 7:6-12). Seven days later, the Floods began, effectively undoing the separation of waters that occurred on the 2nd day of Creation.
As we will explore, from the 2nd day of Creation when God separated the waters from the waters, and also from the 5th day of Creation when God filled the separated sky and waters, to the day when Noah entered the Ark and the day when the rains fell — the duration is precisely 1656 years and 42 days. No more, no less.
The Flood According to the 364-Calendar of Enoch
From the perspective of the Enoch calendar, the Flood began on a Wednesday morning, counting from Creation. Therefore, from the 2nd day of Creation (Monday), when “God separated the waters from the waters,” to the day that Noah and his family entered the ark, the duration is exactly 1656 years and 42 days.
The “2nd day” of Creation plus 42 days equals the 44th day. However, on the Enoch calendar, this is the 40th day, Monday, because his calendar begins on the morning of the fourth day, Wednesday.
The Flood According to the 360-Prophetic Calendar
From the 360-Calendar (and lunar) perspective, the Flood began on a Saturday just after sunset, counting from Creation. From the 5th day of Creation (Thursday), when God filled the sky and the sea (paralleling the separation of the sky and sea on the 2nd day), exactly 1656 years and 42 days pass, landing precisely on the day the Flood began! (The 5th day plus 42 days equals the 47th day when the rains began, “the 17th day of the 2nd month”.)
Footnote: Moreover, from the 40th day of Creation to the 47th of the Flood are 1661.5 x 364 days. And because we do not know what New Year was used at the Flood (was it in spring or autumn?) This also aligns as if to condense the entire period from Creation to the Flood into seven symbolic days. The Book of Jubilees places signification to 40 days after Creation (plus seven years), reflecting the tradition of the creation/birth of a male and the 40 days of cleansing according to the law.
Consider the remarkable convergence of elements required to achieve such precision!
Quick addendum: The Flood was in 2458/6 BC (with 290/292 years to Abraham's birth in 2166 BC, plus 760 more to when Israel entered Egypt in 1406 BC. This puts the Creation at 4114/2 BC. But 1656 equals as 1680 on the 336-calendar, thus 2456 BC plus 1680 years equals as 4136 BC. From 4136 BC to 1406 BC are 2730 years, which is like 2730 days, which is like the '7.5 x 364 days' of the Enoch calendar, which, in turn, the full Creation of Enoch lasted 7.5 days. Recall that Solomon's temple took 7.5 years to build and the temple is a pattern of the Creation, etc.
Metonic cycles and the Key of 23
The importance of “23 years” is also detected in the Metonic cycles and in Eclipse years.
- To improve the Metonic cycle, add two days every 23 cycles (23 x 19 = 437 years)
The most accurate correction of the 19-year Metonic cycle is to add two days every 23 cycles. (Of note, after seven days, God commanded Ezekiel to lay on his side for 430 days, which is 437 days in total, “a day for each year” Ezek 1-4. The LXX instead has 190 days, which as years are ten Metonic cycles.)
Below is a quote from Wikipedia concerning the Hipparchic cycle. Hipparchus was a Greek astronomer best known for his (re)-discovery of the Precession of the Equinox.
In fact, an even better correction would be to correcting by two days every 437 years, rather than one day every 228 years. The length of 437=23*19 tropical years, about 159610.837 days, is shorter than that of 23*235 synodic months, about 159612.833 days, by almost exactly two days, up to only six minutes.
The 345-year eclipse cycle (23 x 15) equals 363.531 Eclipse years (i.e., the ‘364th’ year of Enoch)
Another name for an Eclipse year is a Draconian year. A solar eclipse expresses the harmony of the solar and lunar calendars. The sun and moon are God’s celestial “Two Witnesses,” Rev. 11.
The importance of 345 years is enormous. Indeed, it may be at the root of why 23 became so significant to Jewish scribes: For if 345 years is harmonious, multiples and quotients of 345 must likewise be, although to a lesser extent.
- 345 solar years is 350 years of 360 days and 375 years of 336 priestly years. Thus, the eclipse cycle of 126007 days fits exceptionally well with the seven days (one week) of Creation, Passover, Tabernacles, Hanukkah, and the Flood narrative.
- For example, from the last day of Passover, say, in 931 BC (the year the Southern and Northern kingdoms began) unto the first day of Passover in 586 BC (the year the Southern Kingdom terminated) are 345 solar years (126000 days, which is 350 prophetic years and 375 priestly years).
- Ezekiel 32:1-8 may allude to the 345-eclipse cycle unto 586/5 and further broken down into 230 + 115 (931 to 701 to 586 BC). In 701 BC, God delayed the fall of Jerusalem 115 years when the sun reversed direction, 2 Kings 20:8-11; Isa. 38:7-8.
- Creation to the ministry of Christ is 345 times twelve years (4114 BC to AD 27)
(Wikipedia) Hipparchus also studied the motion of the Moon and confirmed the accurate values for two periods of its motion that Chaldean astronomers are widely presumed[24] to have possessed before him, whatever their ultimate origin. The traditional value (from Babylonian System B) for the mean synodic month is 29 days; 31,50,8,20 (sexagesimal) = 29.5305941… days. Expressed as 29 days + 12 hours + 793/1080 hours this value has been used later in the Hebrew calendar. The Chaldeans also knew that 251 synodic months ≈ 269 anomalistic months. Hipparchus used the multiple of this period by a factor of 17, because that interval is also an eclipse period, and is also close to an integer number of years (4267 moons : 4573 anomalistic periods : 4630.53 nodal periods : 4611.98 lunar orbits : 344.996 years : 344.982 solar orbits : 126,007.003 days : 126,351.985 rotations).[note 1]
What was so exceptional and useful about the cycle was that all 345-year-interval eclipse pairs occur slightly over 126,007 days apart within a tight range of only about ±1⁄2 hour, guaranteeing (after division by 4267) an estimate of the synodic month correct to one part in order of magnitude 10 million. The 345-year periodicity is why[25] the ancients could conceive of a mean month and quantify it so accurately that it is even today correct to a fraction of a second of time.
…Modern scholars agree that Hipparchus rounded the eclipse period to the nearest hour, and used it to confirm the validity of the traditional values, rather than try to derive an improved value from his own observations. From modern ephemerides[27] and taking account of the change in the length of the day (see ΔT) we estimate that the error in the assumed length of the synodic month was less than 0.2 seconds in the 4th century bc and less than 0.1 seconds in Hipparchus’s time. (Wiki)
Leap months and weeks of the 360 and 364-day years
The 336-year cycles are never adjusted.
This is the simplest and most consistent way to intercalate the 360 and 364 to the true solar year of 365.2425. It follows the pattern of the six days of Creation and the seventh day when “God rested.” Cycles of 4, 40, 400, and 4000 are dominant.
This system aligns well with the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Remember, God created the sun and moon on the morning of the 4th day of Creation, marking the start of the 364-day weekly calendar.

Seven cycles of 400 years span from 4206 BC to 1406 BC. The 23-conversion can create the date of 4206 BC for Creation. Moreover, 4206 BC is itself 23 x 4 to the actual Creation date of 4114 BC and 2760 to 1446 BC!
For more information, see, How all calendars harmonize in Cycles of 40 Years. Also, see the proposed New Year for the Enoch calendar from 1915 to 2075.
The Lunar calendar operates in a similar way. It employs Metonic cycles, which also include seven leap months per cycle. However, these cycles span 19 years. As mentioned earlier, by adding two days every 437 years, the Metonic calendar maintains exceptional accuracy over extended periods.
We previously mentioned that the 2668 years from Creation to the Exodus can be converted to 2900 years, leading to 60 jubilees to 1406 BC. Therefore, it’s worth noting that according to the rules of the “residual 23”, every 2900 solar years on the lunar calendar equates to precisely 61 lunar jubilees (without any intercalations).
Outline of Chapter Six:
- “Chapter Six: The Significance of “23” in Seder Olam Rabbah (SOR) Jewish Chronology”
- Charts and Tables
- Long Chronology SOR
- “SOR Chronological Charts”
- “Engrafting the Jewish chronology (SOR) back into its family tree”
- “The use of 23 in SOR”
- “More Significant multiples of 23 within SOR”
Chapter Six and Chronological Charts
Charts and Tables:
See Enoch’s Prophecy of 7 cycles of 490
Also, see Trump, 23, and the Book of Jubilees
These two charts will be explained later. It is part of the “Key of 23“.
Also, see “The Pillars of Time.”
Chapter Six: The Significance of “23” in Seder Olam Rabbah (SOR) Jewish Chronology
The actual date of the Exodus was 1446 BC, not the 1313/1311 BC suggested by SOR. However, if we apply the correct date for the fall of Jerusalem (586/7 BC) while maintaining SOR chronology, the SOR date for the Exodus becomes 1476/4 BC. Consequently, the SOR date for Creation adjusts to 3924/2 BC. This adjustment results in “850 years” or “17 x 50” (SOR) from the Conquest by Joshua in 1436/4 BC (corrected SOR) to the actual fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC (or 587 BC if counted inclusively).
We will present both the traditional and corrected versions of the SOR charts and the standard Anno Mundi (AM) count from Creation.
Long Chronology SOR
In the SOR’s long chronology, the Conquest occurs in 1436 BC. Adding 12600 years of the long chronology to Adam gives us a Creation date of 14036 BC (or 14039 BC if we follow the line of Aaron instead of Moses because Aaron was born three or three-and-a-half years before Moses). The ‘plus two years’ is also possible at the Flood (and minus two of SOR). This leaves us with Spring 14041 to Spring 14034 BC.
The original Long Chronological date for Creation, starting from the actual date of the Conquest in 1406 BC, is therefore 30 years less, between 14011 BC and 14004 BC. Remarkably, 14036 BC to Christ’s birth and 14006 BC to Christ at “30 years of age” is 23 x 610 (to 6 BC & AD 25), or 23 x 630 if we include the 460 years of Kenan, as mentioned in Luke 3:23,36,37. (See Long Chronology Chart.)
The figure of 23 x 630 is the same as 69 x 210, which converts to 14700 years (300 x 49). This means there are 300 jubilees to 6 BC and AD 25. Similarly, from the Exodus dates of 1476/1446 BC, there are 1470 years to 6 BC and AD 30. Therefore, there are both “300” Jubilees to Christ’s birth and ministry and “30” jubilees as well, cf., Luke 3:23. Also, note that 23 x 630, when converted to 25 x 630, adds precisely 1260 years to the total, a figure referenced in Revelation 11-12.
Notes: If for argument sake we stick with just the "23 x 610", this yields 25 x 610, that is, as 15256 BC, which is 10000 years to 5256 BC, the Creation date of Luke with its 75 generations from Adam to the birth of Christ! Compare 15266 BC with the actual birth of Moses in 1526 BC. Of course, 15256 BC as from the actual Conquest of 1406 BC is 30 years less, that is, 15226 BC. It happens that 15226 BC to the Creation according to the Book of Enoch is 12000 years. 15226 to 3226 BC. (1406 BC plus the 26 generations of 70 years each to Adam of the Book of Enoch equals "3226 BC".) At any rate, 14006 to 3226 BC are 220 jubilees (230 to Enoch), but which is 230 x 49 if you add the 460 of Kenan to the SOR's "14496 BC"! Also observe 15256/15226 BC as in the mirror, i.e., 15256/15226 AD, and 340 jubilees to 1406/1436 BC, etc. The 75 generations of Luke to Adam holds the key to what is happening here. 75 generations of 70 years make 5256 BC. 5256 BC to 1406 AD is 6660 years, but which to 14066 AD is 19320 years (69 x 280 = 400 jubilees), thus redeeming 6660. According to Luke, the 76th generation is symbolically God himself, and thus 5326 BC to 13995 AD is also 69 x 280. Altogether then, 5326-5256 BC unto AD 14066-13996 are 69 x 280, which converts to 400 jubilees. The Short and Long chronologies are derivatives of this simple pattern. Ponder this great mystery: And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev. 13:8) What is the "Book of Life" if not what incorporates "the root and offspring" and all that is between? In this sense, the Book of Life is the geological record of Christ, and all who branch out from Him, including those engrafted in. Christ was slain ("cut off") before the foundation of the world. Mathematically this means that Christ lived out only half-a-generation, that is, 35 + 35 years, (Daniel 9:24-27; Isaiah 53:8). This means that symbolically Christ was slain 35 years before the foundation of the earth. According to Luke and Revelation, therefore Christ was slain in 5291 BC and AD 30. (5291 BC is the same as -5290). His death mirrors the Great Resurrection and New Creation described at the end of the Book of Revelation. Thus, 5291 BC to AD 5290 is (23 x 230) plus (23 x 230), which converts to 11500 of Daniel 8. Christ is the beginning, middle, and end of the cleansing of all Creation. He was cut off from the tree of life but engrafted in again in resurrection power, taking in his train all that are alive in Him.
As said before, The Long Chronology is ten-times larger than the Short. The MT Long Chronology for the Flood/Arphaxad is 4831 BC (or 5291 BC with the extra 460 of Kenan). 4830 converts to 4900 (70 x 70), and as already shown, 5290 x 2 converts to 11500. (Observe that 4831 BC to the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 are exactly 4900 years, with the dividing of the last 70 years at AD 30 as per Daniel 9 and Enoch 91-92). If we add the 3 years when calculated through Aaron instead of Moses, along with the "plus two years" at the Flood, then we have 4836 and 5296 BC. 4836 BC is exactly 3430 to the conquest of 1406 BC (or SOR 4866 to 1436), which is 70 jubilees -- an extremely important amount of time. Moreover, the full spectrum for the Flood date is 4836-4829 BC, which exactly 70 jubilees to the seven years of Conquest! 4836 BC is also 70 times 23 to Enoch's Creation in 3226 BC, which in turn is 70 x 2 x 23 to 6 BC. Also note that the actual "Short" MT Flood date is 2458/6 BC, that is, 50 jubilees to 6 BC, and is the same as the Flood date of the Book of Enoch! Both overlap at 2456 BC at the Flood/Arphaxad and are obviously coordinated. 35 years later (half 70) Selah is born to Arphaxad, but which is 11.5 generations of 70 years from Enoch's Creation (23 x 35). Selah (meaning "sent") is a type of Christ, "the One Sent" into the world. And 23 generations from Adam is Levi. And 350 years after the Flood, Noah died. It's hard to believe that these are mere random overlaps. Enoch's simple generations of 70 years are the original template of both Short and Long Chronologies and their variations in the LXX/SP/NT/SOR and Sumerian Tablets. They all can be traced back to it, including optional Kenan. (When Kenan is included in the genealogy of the Book of Enoch like Luke, the two are exactly 40 jubilees apart, 1960 years: 5226 to 3296 BC. Like all the rest, Luke built his off of the Book of Enoch. This means that Luke knew that 1406 BC was the actual date of the Conquest. Matthew's divisions of three sets of "14 generations" also suggest that he had 1406 BC in mind. Matthew begins at Abraham and ends at Christ -- 40 generations in all, that is, 2806 BC, (40 x 70). This is half-way to 1406 BC! (1400 years are 20 generations of 70 years, but which is also 14 gen. of 100 years each. "1400" is the lowest common multiple of the three biblical lengths of a generation, 40, 70, and 100. Plus the 40 years in the wilderness make 360 x 4. Therefore, 1406 BC is the only logical outcome of the biblical numeric and the Book of Enoch. It also happens to be actual! As for "23", in their genealogies, Luke counts in one direction and Matthew the other. Laid out on a line, that's 75 + 40 = 115 generations -- 23 x 5. In generations of 100 years, that's 11500 years. Someone may say, "But you are switching the length of a generation!" Observe, 75.5 generations of 100 years to when Christ was "slain before the foundation of the world" makes 7556 BC, less 2300 years (Dan. 8) is 5256 BC when Adam was created and fell into a deep sleep to make Eve. ("5256 BC" is the Creation with generations of 70 years). The same can be shown with 4600 years, or as from all eternity, 5326 to 3026 BC -- 2300 years. And 2300 converts to 2500. "2500" plus the other half of a generation of 40 years is 1260 + 1260 to the "seven-day" Creation. Etc. Each of these will work with the 1406 BC date because 1400 years is the lowest common multiple of 40, 70, and 100. (I..e, 75 gen. of 40-years makes 3006 BC, which is '40 x 40' to 1406 BC.)
SOR Chronological Charts
The chart below is the same except expressed in BC and AD.
Engrafting the Jewish chronology (SOR) back into its family tree
The chart below adjusts the SOR chronology to align with the historically accurate date for the fall of Jerusalem in 586/7 BC, rather than the SOR’s proposed 423/421 BC. This adjustment maintains fidelity to the SOR at every point, except for the clearly inaccurate claim that the period from the first fall of Jerusalem to the second fulfills the “490 years” of Daniel 9. Historians universally agree that the fall of Jerusalem occurred in 587/6 BC, not 423/1 BC.
An earlier date for the Exodus is required to align with the SOR. A realigned SOR to the actual date of the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC requires the Exodus to be 1476 BC rather than the actual date of 1446 BC. This means the SOR timeline is 30 years longer from the Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem, spanning 890 years instead of the actual 860 years.
This additional 30-year span is consistent with the expectations of SOR chronologists. The modern consensus of 1446 BC for the Exodus relies on astronomical evidence that was not available 1900 years ago when the SOR was fine-tuned and standardized. An “890-year” span from the Exodus to the fall of Jerusalem would have been a reasonable estimate for chronologists of that period, given the complex task of deciphering the actual lengths of the reigns of the kings of Judah. For instance, Bishop Usher placed the Exodus in 1491 BC.
The chart below includes an alternative two-year reduction (Creation in 3922 BC instead of 3924 BC). It’s important to note that 3922 BC is not consistent with the SOR, but it does allow for the 2450 years from Creation to the Exodus, a timeframe commonly expressed in Jewish chronology, as if from 3761 to 1311 BC instead of the exact 3761 to 1313 BC. Therefore, consider 3924 BC as the actual Creation date and 3922 BC as a figurative alternative.

Also, see The “Shmita” is at hand! Jew and Gentile “One new Man” Aug. 6, 2021
The use of 23 in SOR
Numerous examples of significant (and likely intentional) multiples of 23 within Seder Olam exist.
The SOR appears to be written in opposition to the SP (and the Book of Jubilees). Therefore it is significant that there are 276 years (23 x 12) between the two chronologies for the Creation (SP 4200 to SOR corrected 3924 BC).
Furthermore, from MT (with the short 215-year stay in Egypt) to the SOR are 23 x 8 (3899 to 3761 BC).
And from LXX to SOR are 23 x 66 (5279 to 3761).
Luke has 75 generations from Adam to Christ’s birth. Its structure appears tied to the Book of Enoch with its generations of 70 years. Luke has 69 (23 x 3) and 70 generations from Enoch to Christ (Luke 3:23-38, Enoch 92). “75 x 70” years before 6 BC is 5256 BC (and oddly, 23 x 65 to SOR’s 3761 Creation date).
If one calculates the interactions between ALL of the above using the mirror, considering both 3924 & 3922 and 3761 & 3759, and the 460 to Jarod, the effect of the Key of 23 becomes astonishing.
More Significant multiples of 23 within SOR
- Creation to Flood, 23 x 72
- Creation to Jarod, 23 x 20
- Creation to Lamech, 23 x 38
- Abraham’s birth to when Moses fled to Midian, 23 x 20
- “Coincidentally”, 23 x 80 and 23 x 60 to death of Christ, AD 30
- Sarah to Fall of Jerusalem, 23 x 60
- Exodus to fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, 23 x 60
- Israel and sons enter Egypt unto their return from Babylonian captivity, 1150 yrs (23 x 50)
"Coincidentally?" Israel and sons enter Egypt in LXX/SP/NT in 1661 BC, and thus 1290 years to the SOR return from Babylonian captivity in 371 BC. 1150 and 1290 are the two figures in the Bible associated with "the abomination that causes desolation", (Dan. 8:12;12:11). Also, SOR is 1290 from Isaac to SOR fall of Jerusalem.
- Conquest of Promised Land to Zerubbabel’s temple, 23 x 40
- Call of Abraham to the birth of Moses, 23 x 15
- Ishmael to Exodus, 23 x 18. (Residual ultimately produces both 490 and 500 to the Conquest)
- Isaac’s birth to death of Joshua 460 years
- Levi & Judah (priestly and kingly lines), from birth and death, 23 x 5 and 23 x 11 to Mt.Sinai. (Plus residual)
- Terah to Jacob, 230
- The wedding of Jacob and the seven years that sons were born to him unto the seven years of Solomon’s temple are 23 x 32. Curiously, Solomon’s temple began on the 32nd day of the religious year and ended on the 23rd of the civil year, which is (23 x 116) plus 23 days apart (360-calendar)
- Conquest of Promised Land to completion of Solomon’s palace, 23 x 20
- Death of Adam to Job’s sufferings, 23 x 60. And 23 x 25 more to David, anointed as king by Samuel. (The chronicle specifically correlates these three within Seder Olam itself.)
- If with the ‘plus 60’ of Terah, numerous other “23’s” occur, most notably, from Creation to when Israel entered Egypt is 2300 years, plus the 250 years to the Conquest equals 2550 (or 2448) years, that is, ‘1260 + 1290’ or ‘364 x 7’ years, with the seven years of Conquest that followed, makes ‘365 x 7’.
- Thus, ‘1150 x 2’ to the Entry into Egypt and ‘1150 x 3′ to Zerubabbel’s temple
Also, see The “Shmita” is at hand! Jew and Gentile “One new Man” Aug. 6, 2021

Other posts about Enoch and his Calendar
- Enoch: Tribulation Witness
- Is the Book of Enoch Inspired?
- Enoch’s Prophecy of 7 cycles of 490
- Part One: How the 364-day calendar works
- The Key of 23 — Serpent into a rod
- Enoch calendar is also Pi to 22nd decimal
See “The Pillars of Time.”
leviticos 23. tiempos señalados, convenios, convocaciones reuniones, tempradas, fechas solemnes-
leviticos 23. tiempos señalados, convenios, convocaciones reuniones, tempradas, fechas solemnes-
Leviticus 23: Appointed times, covenants, convocations, gatherings, seasons, solemn dates.
Please, I need to know why 13 × 31 equalling 403 is a cursed number? I’ve learned the theory of Yahusha being put to death on April 3rd, which also happens to be the birthday of my boyfriend, who I’m trying to figure out if he should be, or is he my enemy?
I really enjoy reading your work. You may have mentioned this somewhere and I missed it, but in Hebrew “aleph-tav” – or alpha-omega…the beginning and the end has a numerical value of aleph: 1, tav: 22 = 23.
Aleph-tav, or “eth” is found throughout the Bible but because it’s supposedly not translatable it is left out. For example it’s right in Genesis 1:1 before the word heavens. I always found the study of aleph-tav interesting, but even more so now after reading your study on the number 23.
Thanks for pointing that out!
This Reply was posted in the Update on Key of 23 at 6:02PM (ET) & I decided to put it here as well.
“I figure I would put this email I sent you here as it seems like a logical fit. Sent Oct 24, 2020, 10:04 PM (17 hours ago) “”I looked over your Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Tetrads Temple of Time PDF, and realized that the unmovable date of 29395AD (for the inside skin of the Tabernacle) was 391*75 years to the Destruction of the Second Temple (70AD). “2025AD is 391*70 (23*17*70) Years to 29395AD! Wow! 2025AD really is special!””
““The Mirror (4830AD) of the Denotative M.T. Flood (4831-4830BC) date is 4913*5 (17 cubed by 5 years or 17*17*17*5) years to 29395AD.””
i very strong in that command, but i not sure, have to wait Noah sent out the dove for 7 days, may be more returned again but this time with an olive leaf in its beak.
I just noticed today that it has been 4186 (182*23) years since the Birth of Abraham (2167BC/2166BC)! 182 days is a half year of the Book of Enoch. That is 4200 (700*6) unadjusted 364-day (Enochian) years! The conversion goes as follows. 23 regular solar years converts to 25 Priestly Calendar years (because 23 years Enochian & 360-day Calendar years add up to 8400 days and 25 Priestly Calendar years is 336 days * 25 =8400 days).
And so 4186 (182*25) years becomes 4550 Priestly years (336 days * 4550 years = 1,528,800 days). Divide that by 364 days in an unadjusted Enochian year & that becomes exactly 4200 years!
And note the “Abraham Accord” this year.
The tie-in to the Abraham Accord makes it very interesting.
Interestingly number 23 is the 9th prime number. The number 9 is a symbol of finality or completeness. Jesus died exactly at the 9th hour of the day when he was crucified on the cross. The death of Christ was a symbol of the finality of His purpose on earth. He died to pave way for salvation.
That fact that 23 is a prime number is important. However, I think that one is likely a prime number — just not according to our modern definition. If so, then 23 is the tenth prime, a perfect number. From a Biblical perspective, I also understand ‘nine’ in its raw sense to mean 3 + 3 + 3, a multiplier. Three is the creative number that completes things, and nine finds part of its meaning by its relationship to three. Context is always important. So I suppose one can say that nine is the complete fulfillment of a creative act, such as the cross?
Scientifica-America says: The confusion begins with this definition a person might give of “prime”: a prime number is a positive whole number that is only divisible by 1 and itself. The number 1 is divisible by 1, and it’s divisible by itself. But itself and 1 are not two distinct factors. … Excluding 1 from the primes smooths that out.
An enlightening read! Thank the LORD! I Emailed you earlier today. Although not on this level, it may be of some interest to you.
I was also looking into Eclipse Cycles. I see that is solved as well. God’s Clock is the Heavens! All tied to 23!
Also of interest is the 4244BC Creation date unto 1898BC (Joseph at 17 years old in Genesis 37 ) is 391 * 6 years (23*17 *6), which is 425 *6 or 425*336= 142800*6 2550 Priestly years, which is a Seven “Years-of-Years” Period , also broken down as 1260 years/days (of Revelation 12) & 1290 days ( Daniel 12 ).
Furthermore, 336 days * 2550 years may (possibly?) be reversed to 2550 days (seven years) * 336 Cycles or 48* 49 years (Jubilees). The key point here is that Joseph was a type of the Christ to come & by Him were the Heavens Created, This is one of many one of the reasons for the reference to the “Sun the Moon and the (11) Stars” in Genesis 37 .
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
Noticed the two with endnotes today.
AS said, 17 keeps popping up independent of your own study into the number 17.
all seven to convert from the solar year of 365.2425 days…
23 (23 x 1) years of the 336 Priestly-year
69 (23 x 3) of the 360 Prophetic-year
299 (23 x 13) of the 364 Enochian-year
345 (23 x 15) of the Eclipse-year. See endnote
391 (23 x 17) of the Lunar-year of 354.367066
437 (23 x 19) of the Metonic lunar cal. (used in Israel). See endnote
25921 (23² x 7²) years of precession, “The Great Year”
The key of 23 is the elephant in the room, and the ancients noticed.
Observations: All of these cycles show up independently in the Biblical chronology from Creation to the Exodus at least twice each. (This includes 25920/1 years from the Babylonian Flood date of 27366 BC to the Exodus/tabernacle in 1446/5 BC.)
Strikingly, all seven are odd numbers, (‘one-in-128’ if random chance). Moreover, most are 46 years apart. When the above 3 solar and 3 lunar periods of 23-years are consecutively added, 391 is conspicuous.