Ten days ago, I posted an article about the extreme heatwave that shattered the previous records. That article states that this occurred exactly “seven years” from when the first fractal was revealed. The first fractal was “The Burning Bush.”
In the caption below the fractal, I state in the post the following:
Panoramic view from afar of the throne room that forms that shape of the Greek letter OmegaΩ
Christ with dazzling royal robes that “fill the temple” and forms the shape of Omega. (Click here for best quality.) The heatwave began on the 7th anniversary from when the first fractal image was discovered — the “Burning Bush” fractal on June 26, 2014, (“The four living creatures blowing trumpets” on June 28th and the “Four Horsemen of Apocalypse” on June 30th).
I will now elaborate just a little, mostly for my own sake. I do not want to forget what the Lord has done.
The AIRS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite collected temperature readings in the atmosphere and at the surface during an unprecedented heatwave in the Pacific Northwest and western Canada that started around June 26. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Expect to be rejected
What I am about to say will be rejected by most Christians, either because they believe that God is not in control of nature (because this implies that God is responsible for when some bad things happen), or they believe that these increasingly extreme natural calamities are greatly exaggerated by the media. They assert that the global elite is controlling the media’s narrative to take over the world or some such conspiracy.
How sad!
I am overwhelmed with a heavy heart. I sigh continually.
Deep grief fills my heart at the blindness of God’s people because of the false prophets that fill the internet and churches. Both charismatic and non believe the same lie: “All things continue as they have since the beginning of the world.”
They say:
“God is not angry!” — God is love!
“The earth is not besieged by storm and fire! — That’s merely liberal media propaganda!”
But most of the Bible, New and Old Testament, speaks of God’s ever-present anger towards evil and the coming day of God’s righteous wrath. At times this approaching wrath is expressed before the Day of Wrath to warn people.
God is not unjust to bring judgment without warning mankind first, both in word and deed.
Exactly 3.5 plus 3.5 from the Burning Bush fractal to the burning bush fires
On my calendar for June 26th, 2014, I state that the very first fractal image (the burning bush) was discovered at “noon,” exactly “12:02 PM”. I record the precise minute because one thing the past twenty years had taught me was that calamities in keeping with a prophetic image always occur, counting down from the day they are revealed.
Usually, the most astonishing events will occur 3.5 years after a significant pictorial revelation and then again 3.5 years after that for a total of seven years. “Seven” and half-seven (i.e., “3.5-years”) are frequently mentioned in the Bible and usually have to do with divine judgment, especially in the Book of Revelation.
The fractals are a significant revelation. Therefore, three-and-a-half years after the Burning Bush fractal — the first prophetic fractal discovered — was the record-breaking Thomas Fire in California. I wrote about it back then extensively. I said:
As said before, the fractal images as seen in the video: of the burning bush, the cherubim, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse were the first things the Lord showed me — the very first fractals were discovered back in 2014, on June 26, 28 and 30th respectively. (But I did not show them publically until this year.)…
When seals open, revelation comes; calamities follow!
The reading of a sealed book in the Bible is always bitter-sweet, (Rev. 10:10).
“I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.”
The Balance Bible Code and the Bible Fractal were released to the public in 2004 and 2017, respectively. (Recall the years 2004 and 2017 on the below chart.) These pictorial revelations have to do with the opened “seals” of Daniel and Revelation, and so when they were made public there was a certain expectation of cosmic signs and wonders, (Rev. 6).
Numerous exact predictions were soon made once the pattern of calamity became evident. Many articles were written especially from 2004-2011. Now here we go again in 2017. But from now on I plan on talking LESS about the signs that will follow and happily MORE about the Bible Fractal itself…
Update: The “out-of-season” fires of December 2017 in California around Los Angelas, especially the “Thomas Fire”, became the 17th billion-dollar disaster. Thus, 2017 has had the most billion-dollar disasters of any year.
Moreover, the Thomas Fire became the largest fire in California’s history. It is larger than the previous record-fire, that is, the San-Diego area fire (“Cedar Fire”) of 7+7 years ago. God gave several signs of upcoming nuclear warfare exactly fourteen years ago that I wrote about back then.
The Thomas Fire also formed the shape of a fiery dragon by the sea about to swipe a third of “The Angels” with its tail, (Rev 12-13). “Los Angelas” literally means, “The Angels”…
(Click to enlarge.) The larger dragon-silhouette is simply an enlargement of the actual fire above Ventura. (A shadow and an eye added to the larger image.) Thomas Fire began the very hour (on the 360 calendar, Dec 4, about 6 pm) at the very earliest point back to the death of Moses in 1406 BC. (490*7, fewer 7 yrs.) Thus, the pattern continues, except now it switches from Aaron to Moses. Also, note 1260 days from the first Fractal discovery of “The Burning Bush” image, etc. Note the timing of Trump’s embassy-move to Jerusalem on Dec 6, inclusive.
A fire from South to North
The Thomas Fire was the largest in California up until that time. (Now, it is only the seventh-worst because of the increasing severity of forest fires since that time.)
Three-and-a-half years after the Thomas Fire of December 2017 is June 26-30th, 2021 — the exact four daysof the record-shattering heat that culminated with the burning down of the town that set the most astonishing record perhaps ever in the history of the world (to do with heat).
Remember, it wasn’t just the 50C heat that this northern town reached– and the summer had just begun, or the fact that the town next burned down in just 15 minutes, but also the astonishing number of lightning flashes across B.C. — over 700,000 in just 18 hours!
Compare the record-breaking dates that culminated with the town burned down (June 26-30, 2021) with the following quote from 3.5 years ago:
The fractal images as seen in the video: of the burning bush, the cherubim, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse were the first things the Lord showed me — the very first fractals were discovered back in 2014, on June 26, 28 and 30th respectively.
The following links on independent “Archive.org” verified when the above quotes were made.
By reading that post from 3.5 years ago, it was only natural to expect another fire-related catastrophe to occur 3.5 years from then, especially in British Columbia.
Why British Columbia?
Because at that time, I stressed the recurring message that the Lord was giving me (according to various signs mentioned back then), specifically and especially referring to this verse from the Bible.
Say to the southern forest: ‘Hear the word of the LORD. This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am about to set fire to you, and it will consume all your trees, both green and dry. The blazing flame will not be quenched, and every face from south to north will be scorched by it.
Everyone will see that I the Lord have kindled it; it will not be quenched.’ ”
Then I said, “Sovereign Lord, they are saying of me, ‘Isn’t he just telling parables (picture-stories)?’ ” Ezekiel 20:45-49
If you look on a map, the Thomas Fire of California is located south along the west coast. In contrast, British Columbia is north along the west coast — the correct order specified in the prophecy. “…and every face from south to north will be scorched by it.”
(In various posts, I also discuss the similarities of the topography of California with Israel and so forth.)
Why I no longer specify ahead of time when things will happen
For nearly twenty years, I specified when a calmity would occur and publish the prophecy beforehand. But over the years, I realized that very few believed because it was not what they wanted to hear. Therefore, time was better spent just explaining the mystery.
For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 1Peter 4:7
Note: In the past, usually the seven years lasted 1260 + 1260 or 1260 + 1290 days. This time it was exactly seven solar years, precisely to the very hour, that is, at the heat of "noon". The reason is that the solar year is here emphasized, that is, the sun and its blazing heat, which is also why the sudden spat of intense solar flares. (It also has to do with the Enochian calendar.) (David Rooke will explain the flares soon in an upcoming post.)
But more importantly, seven solar years equals 2557 days, and "a day is as a year". It happens that 2557 years ago was when the temple began to be rebuilt (Ezra 3) and Daniel received the revelation concerning the "70-sevens" of both days and years, Daniel 9-12, (537/536 BC). Hence, the past seven years have symbolized the past seven years of years back to Daniel's key revelation about seven years and days!
Keep in mind that the fractal revelation is about God's temple in heaven and is based upon units of 70 x 7 years. Thus it fittingly links back to 537/536 BC.
Perhaps just a coincidence?
The minute I posted this article about the relationship of the Thomas Fire 3.5 years ago in the south with the B.C. fires in the north, a fire broke out in B.C that quickly became huge and the subject of headlines the next day. The new fire is called by a very similar name, “Thomas Creek Fire.”
Thomas Creek wildfire grows to 500 hectares, local state of emergency for Okanagan Falls
The blaze erupted just after 2 p.m. Sunday, creating a large plume of smoke that could be seen throughout Penticton.
This local state of emergency is being issued Sunday night and will remain in force for seven daysuntil date July 17, 2021 Aldergrove Star
The Thomas Creek Wildfire near Okanagan Falls continues to burn out of control today after exploding to 500 hectares in size on Sunday.
The blaze sparked shortly after 2 p.m. Sunday and grew quickly east of Skaha Lake. Castanet
Evacuations continue in B.C.’s Okanagan as fires burn across province
Heat warnings have also returned for B.C.’s Interior (CBC)
“Shortly after 2 p.m.” corresponds to shortly after 5 pm (1700 hours) EST (my local time). Note the time stamp for this post at the upper right corner, “Published on Jul 11, 2021, at 17:09.”
All this occurred at the end of June 2021:
The next month was even more unusual, especially in Canada — including Barrie, Ontario
Canada takes centre stage in a dramatic month of global weather disasters
July in Canada started on the heels of a historic heat wave and ended with the country blanketed in wildfire smoke. The calamities didn’t end there. This was a rough month for weather disasters far and wide. The Weather Network
Also, see the post, Why the floods in Germany? (and the Barrie tornado). July 19, 2021. The Barrie tornado occurred just four days after this document about the ‘seven years from the fractal’ was posted.
Numeric of fractal unto tornado outbreak and Germany floods
Therefore, from the first fractal discovery unto the tornadoes are 2576 days = 23 x 112. (June 26, 2014, to July 15, 2021.)
This, therefore, converts to 25 x 112 = 2800, the same as 70 x 40 = 40 generations or 70 years, or 70 gen. of 40 years, or 28 gen. of 100 years.
Are you okay Dean?
I saw that a tornado touched down in Barrie today.
45 churches engulfed or attacked in ongoing anti-Christian terror campaign