This post was added to little by little over the past few weeks. Because of its importance and the fact that it has changed several times since it was posted, it is here reposted.
This post demonstrates that God revealed ahead of time when the Caliphate of Isis would end and when the Caliph (false Christ) of Isis would die — even before Isis existed. Plus hundreds of lesser events.
Today is 1260 + 1260 days on the Mayan calendar from 2012 when many thought that the world would end. Therefore, it’s a good day to remind all God’s enemies that Jesus is Lord. It pleases the Father to do so.
The Mayan connection becomes clearer as you read the article.
There shall be signs in the heavens… Luke 21:25-26
“The heavens proclaim the glory of God”, (Psalm 19).
Stars are tools in God’s hand used to warn man.
God communicates this way far more often then people realize. The stars are not about our personal lives as astrology teaches. They are part of God’s clock that sounds warnings at specific preordained times.
Because they frequently occur, no one sign should be taken out of context or made too much of. But to ignore them is to miss the warning or encouragement intended.
Remembrance Day, “11th month, 11th day, 11th hour”
A unique sign is set to chime on God’s celestial clock this Remembrance Day. The clock will toll eleven times. It cries out “Armageddon!” However, on the actual day of Armageddon, the clock will toll twelve times, at midday as the birds from “midheaven” gorge themselves, (Rev 19:17).
Of course, we already know that this great end-time battle will happen one dreadful day. But when God reminds us of something, there must be a reason.
Angel standing on the sun
Many Biblical scholars believe that the book of Revelation constantly alludes to actual celestial phenomena, such as the eclipse of the sun or moon, comets in certain constellations such as Leo (Lion) or Virgo (the Virgin). So what about the transits of planets?
In ancient times planets were viewed as wandering stars, (Jude 1:13). To the ancients, planets represented specific gods, (Rev 9:1). This is also true in the Bible and extra-biblical literature such as the Book of Enoch. Of course, there is no other God but God Himself, but there are lesser beings that claim the lesser status of ‘a god’, such as Lucifer, whom the Bible calls “the morning star”.
How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! (Isa 14:12)
Moreover, stars in the Bible frequently represent an angel of God, including Jesus Himself, who is God in the flesh, (Rev 22:16).
Planet Mercury is known as “The Messenger”
The word for “angel in the Bible simply means “a messenger”.
Mercury is the smallest and innermost planet in the Solar System. Its orbit around the Sun takes only 87.97 days, the shortest of all the planets in the Solar System. It is named after the Roman deity Mercury, the messenger of the gods. (Wiki)

This Remembrance Day, Mercury, the Messenger Planet “transits” (crosses in front of) the sun. It will not happen again for 13 years.
It will almost be a bows-eye, centered on the Sun. It will take about 5.5 hours to cross.
It will occur in North and South America during the very hour of Remembrance Day at 11 am, as people remember the slain of World War One and Two — when the slain was many, and the birds and rats literally ate the flesh of millions, both of men and horses.
In Europe, it will transit in the afternoon.
And as the sun sets in Megido (Armageddon), Mercury will stand at the center of the Sun and call out to the birds of the air to come and feast on the dead carcasses of the slain.

And I saw one messenger (Mecury?) standing in the sun, and he cried, a great voice, saying to all the birds that are flying in mid-heaven, ‘Come and be gathered together to the supper of the great God, that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiefs of thousands, and flesh of strong men, and flesh of horses, and of those sitting on them, and the flesh of all — freemen and servants — both small and great.’ (Rev 19:17-18, Youngs Literal Translation)
Moreover, another sign occurred just a couple of weeks ago that has to do with the next verses of this text. A foreshadow of “the beast and the false prophet” was slain. I refer to the recent deaths of the two leaders of Isis. (See Foreshadow of deaths of Antichrist and False Prophet, October 28, 2019.)
Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. (Rev 19:19-21 NIV)
Earlier sign of comet/sword slaying multitudes
Update: On 11/11, 11 am, the Lord reminded me of an earlier post from half-a-year ago. It was about a comet that depicted in the heavens a sign of multitudes on the Day of Atonement slain.
The Day of Atonement was just a month ago.
“The angel swung his sickle on the earth, gathered its grapes and threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath.” Rev 14:19
Notice the sword/comet in the hand of Virgo and the loop of Mercury in Libra where a hand would hold the balance thereby emphasizing “weighed in the balance”. (The looping effect is called a retrograde.) “Weighed in the balance and found wanting” is also the meaning of the name of that bright star that Mercury loops beside.
Notice the cup of wrath and bird eating the flesh at the lower right corner.
It’s the story of armageddon told in the heavens.
It’s what could have been, and soon will be.

Below is a better image of the sword-swinging action in the hands of the angel (Virgo with wings) on the Day of Atonement, 2019. (See “Day-of-Atonement Comet is a sickle, sword, and scepter in the hand of Virgo“, posted half-a-year ago on May 12, 2019.)
Prophetic Map
Also, recall the below “Prophetic Map”.
It happens that “Typhoon Descending Dragon” peaked in power over the “sea” (ocean) located along the rod just above the right hand of Virgo, where the comet-sword swings brightest.
In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. (Isa 27:1)

At the start of this year, I said to expect signs to occur in the future in keeping with this prophetic map.
The path of Mercury follows the green line (ecliptic) down. Mercury made a loop at the top of the green line three months ago (when Pi-of-Time was discovered). And now again it loops at the bottom of the earth at the Balances/Lybra.
It symbolizes this: ‘the devil is cast down from heaven and soon into the bottomless pit’.
These are signs of things still to come. They could take place now, but God is delaying for the sake of souls.
Below is one of the many signs this year that repeat the same message.

In the hands of an angry God
Planet Mercury will ‘stand’, as it were, on the sun this Remembrance Day as it loops around the constellation of Libra. (Lybra means “the scales”.)
The balances are in the Lord’s hand. ‘He weighs the nations in His balance and they are found wanting’.
In ancient times, the terrible anniversary of the judgment of the nations was not Remembrance Day, but instead when the Flood occurred, “on the 2nd month, the 17th day”, (Genesis 6:9–9:17).
On the anniversary of the Flood as well

It happens that on the 360-calendar of the prophets, Remembrance Day this year lands on the anniversary of the Flood, (with autumn New Year). (And on the Enoch calendar the Flood-anniversary ends Monday morning with transit already occurring in the west of North America.)
Moreover, Nov 15, 2019, is not only the anniversary of the Flood on the Jewish calendar, but it is also 1260+1260 days from the 13th cycle on the Mayan calendar. (Recall all the “end-of-the-world” hype in 2012?)
In other words, 2012 could indeed have been the end of the world, plus the seven-years of Tribulation. But God postponed it. After all, the fall of Babylon in 539 BC unto 2012 and 2019 equals “1260 + 1290” and “365.25 x 7” years, a most adequate tie-in in keeping with the theme of “The end of the world”. Also, from the events of Daniel 10-12 in 537t/536n BC, plus 364 and 365 times seven of Enochian years also equals 2012 and 2019. (See post from seven years ago: bible-codes.org/letters-2012-trueandfalse-prophecy.htm.)

Here is a chart from a post from 10-14 years ago. (See WaybackMachine for verification.)
Actually, that article from ten years ago contained two charts. It emphasized seven years from 2010 to 2017 but included the above 2012 to 2019 chart.
But as said in a post two years ago, the 2010-to-2017-chart was fulfilled with the collapse of Isis, whose reign lasted half-seven years. It happens that the death of these two leaders of Isis was delayed exactly two years from the official collapse of Isis — exact to the day — from Tishri 27th, 2017, unto Tishri 27th, 2019, (which is 5 x 5 months).
Below is the other chart from that ten-year-old article, as quoted in the post on Isis from two years ago.
Consequently, Isis was predicted ahead of time. But as said, they are but foreshadows of coming greater evil. But this serves to show the unexpected twist that a prophecy may take.
“In three days I will rise again” (Nov 14)
Back to the sign about Mercury:
Three days after the transit of Mercury the sun will set in Israel with Mercury sitting right next to the brightest star in Lybra, called “Zuben al Genubi”, which means “the purchase”, or “price which is deficient”. Bullinger in his book “The Witness of the Stars” interprets this star to mean “weighed in the balance and found wanting”, pg 45-46, see Daniel 5:27).
It happens that this day, too, is also the anniversary of the Flood, except this time on the regular Jewish calendar!
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. (Rev 20:4-6)

Repeat sign of Mercury
This sign about Mercury is simply a continuation of the sign of the eclipse of Mercury 265 days earlier as discussed at length in three posts. That event provided the instructions that designed the “prophetic map”. Nov 11th is simply a continuation.

Paws of Lion of 2017 eclipse on Washinton DC and NY on Prophetic Map
And to all this, you can add the sign of the total solar eclipse over the United States two years ago. (How fast we forget!)

And then there is the 250 x 250 (5 x 50) x (5 x 50) years from Enoch/En-men-dur-ana unto AD 2015 of the Passover/Tabernacle Tetrads that I will not take time to explain. But this is why God is using the 5 x 5 format of the Writing on the Wall matrix in days and years to time these events by.
What it all means
What a marvelous feat of timing!
The message cannot be clearer:
God will judge this world as He did at the Flood.
World War Three is coming.
And after the resurrection, the saints will judge the world.
When is Armageddon?
I do not know.
Neither do you!
If you do not know the Lord, Jesus has “purchased” your soul by His blood on the cross. He was weighed in the balances for you.
Trust and follow Him and you will be saved.
Call upon Jesus now.
Below is a partial list of events this year that occurred in keeping with the Prophetic Map. See drop-down headings at top of Home Page for events prior.

This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Part One. Mene Tekel: gods are judged! Dec. 6, 2018
- Sea-Dragon comet under foot and ‘Meteor in Russia like 10 atomic bombs’
- Dec. 16 & 18, 2018
- Eruption of Anak Krakatoa triggers tsunami due to full-moon
- Dec. 22, 2018
- “OSIRUS-REX” reaches Bennu on Hanukkah as Bush laid in state. And 30 days later: China on dark side of moon
- Dec 3, 2018, and Jan 2, 2019
- Locust invade Mecca as a partial solar eclipse occurs
- Jan. 5th local time, (eclipse EST)
- Meteor strikes “Super Wolf Blood Moon“, and New York Tower of Babel lit up baby-blood pink
- Jan 20 and 22, 2019
- River of blood: Dam bursts in Brazil killing 360
- Jan 25, 2019, noon
- Polar Vortex, F4 Tornado strikes North America and Havanna, Cuba
- Jan 27, 2019
- Meteor strikes Cuba at foot of mountain-mural of dragons and giants; (And Part A, “Dragon Aurora in Draco”)
- Feb 1st and 6th, 2019
- Magnetic Pole speeds across the Arctic
- Feb 4, 2019
- Mount Kea (Hawaii) Enlil, god of wind and mountain — judged!
- Feb 10-11, 2019
- “Mene, Tekel, Persia“, Turkey, 50 Russian bears, the Pope, and Kushner’s Peace Treaty
- Feb 1st, 4th, 9th, 11th, and 14th
- Resurrection! Mountain clothed with butterflies
- Dec 22, 2018, and Feb 14, 2019
- (Pt. B/C) Star of Isis and Virgo darkened (full moon), creating triangle both in heaven and earth. (Pt. A. “Serpent ascends”)
- Feb 19, Mar 6, 2019. (Pt. D. Venus gored by her own horns, Jan 30)
- Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid 30 days later
- Israel and Bible: 7x around the Moon/Jericho
- Feb 21 and April 11, 2019 (And “Dragon’s Palace“, April 5)
- “Prince of the power of the air” exposed
- Feb 1 & 15, 2019
- Tornado (F4) topples tower three-hours after posting its image. And, “The Mark of Trump”
- March 3rd and 8th, 2019
- US recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights, and thus Mt Hermon where angels fell
- March 21 (& Feb 16th), 2019. (Also, Dirt Devil at Chichen pyramid)
- Drill for water in Antartica
- Dec 18, 23, 26th, 28
- Book of Enoch and the underworld: Three scientific reports
- Jan 10th, Feb 14, 15; March 1, 3, 2019
- Enoch’s solar cal.: The great switch from lunar to solar commences
- March 21, 23 (Enoch New Year – March 20 & 27)
- Secret code predicted deaths of Saddam, Bush, Yitzchak Kaduri and Sharon
- Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
- Drought in USA, Israel, and Babylon ends
- Notre Dame Fire
- Easter Sri Lanka bombing
- Three Unusual Typhoons
- Mystery Mountain rises from the sea
- Final prophetic images coincide with record stretch of tornadoes
- Day of Atonement Comet
- Why the Star Trek logo was found on Mars
- Why 2019 Total Solar Eclipse forms dome over Antarctica
- The Christobrot Fractal: Lamb on the Throne and California Quakes
- Wolf Comet and Scepter of Jacob
- Turkey invades on Day of Atonement
- Foreshadow of deaths of Antichrist and False Prophet
- Angry dragon descends from a dome-shaped heavens
- Sign of comet/sword slaying multitudes