About the above image: in the balance, the light-weight Trump coin goes up and the Bull-Market sinks down.
Today is Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average made its official entrance into a bear market on Wednesday after the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus a global pandemic and aggravated investor anxiety that the disease would undermine economic growth. (CNBC)
Other posts have been written about the Stock Market already, but today, as WHO declared the coronavirus a pandemic, the Dow and Toronto Stock Exchange officially entered a Bear Market. Today ends the longest Bull Market in history. (Note: I was born in Toronto and now live north of there.)
The prophetic image displayed in about 40 posts the past year predicted that this would happen.
The very first post that presented the prophetic image was on Dec 6th, 2018, and reposted again and again after that.
“Tekel! You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting!” Dan. 5. Behold the hand of a deer! Because with His hand, “The Doe of the Morning” weighs “the strong bulls of Bashan” (פר פר) in the Balances. The strong is defeated in weakness. “Let him that glories, glory in the cross.” Ps. 22:1,12.
“Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin” matrix (written its two ways horizontally, 20 times each)
Side view of the Tower of Babel. Mene Tekel Parsin Matrix. Altar at “The Place of The Skull”. This will be explained slowly as we proceed.
The Millennial Worldwide Party and 19 years later
The Lord began to open my mind to understand the writing on the wall back in early 2000 (Feb. 4) around the start of the collapse of the Stock Market that culminated in the fall of the World Trade Towers. (See bible-codes.org/bible-prophecy-encoded-mene-babylon-Saddam.htm )
Mene, Tekel, Parsin were three ancient coins, as discussed at length 19 years ago.
The encoded message predicted (among other things) the events that led to the Gulf war and the exact day of the death of the ‘king’ of Babylon (Iraq), that is, Saddam Hussein and sons, which was 3.5 and 7 years from the day that it was reinterpreted.
But now, this time, once again, 19 years later, these four simple words “Mene, Mene, Tekel Uparsin” are further opened up to reveal the message that the gods of Sumer/Babylon would have detected, and the details of the spread of the mystery of iniquity from Babel to now.
“Abomination that causes desolation”
This second reinterpretation began Nov. 23, 2018. This day was also Kislev 15th, the anniversary of the “Abomination that causes desolation” on Kislev 15th, which was 6*364 years ago to the very day, in 167 BC.
“Now the fifteenth day of the month Kislev, in the hundred forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Judah on every side.” (1 Maccabees 1:54)
End of Quote
Mystery Babylon, 666, and money
As explained many times, this image (and the other like it), depict “Mystery Babylon”. The Hebrew letters in the background of the image repeat the words written on the palace wall of Babylon in 539 BC — over and over again, “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin”.
As said so many times, these four words are in fact four coins, and the secret message within those four cryptic words contains numerous play on words to do with money. “Mystery Babylon”, “buying and selling,” and “666”.
Take a look at the first image. It became the background image within most of the subsequent prophetic images that the Lord revealed.
Notice the hand appearing, writing on the wall that weighs the sun, moon, and Babylon on its scales.
Note the enormous scales towards the bottom, with the half-shekel with Trump’s image — weighed against the Bull Market. (This Bull is the statue on Wall Street.)
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin Matrix (written vertically and horizontally 20 times each). The cross overcomes the serpent, and the sun prevails over the moon — darkness over light
As also explained many times, these Hebrew letters repeat the name, “China.” As said, they also refer to ‘the Bull Market of China.’ (The Hebrew word for China is, “Sin,” which is found encoded within the word, “Uphar-sin“. The code has much to say about China and its atheism, but in this context, about its economy.)
Thus, the Stock Market sinks in the scales, and the Bull becomes a Bear Market because of the contagion that spread from China. Trump is helpless against its weight — as predicted by the prophetic image. Trump Himself, and His presidency, is also being weighed in the balance.
Indeed, the whole world is being weighed in the balance and found wanting!
The below images are from March 31st, 2019.
The earth is weighed in the balances and found wanting: Viewed from “the 2nd heaven”. The spot where the Bull Market symbol sat in the balance is here replaced by the spinning earth. Thus, the whole world enters Bear MarketThe constellations that surround Babylon represent the heavenly battle for the souls of men all around usThe same as the globe but here spread out on the traditional square map. Note the location of Washington DC and Ottawa. The Trump coin and the Bull are still easily seen — weighed in the balance. The armpit of Orion (star-Bettleguise) marks literal Babylon and Iran
Timing is everything
In the earlier quote from the post from Dec 6th, 2018, I said that “Kislev 15th” was the day that God began to reveal these things a second time. (The first was in 2000.)
“Abomination that causes desolation”
This second reinterpretation began Nov. 23, 2018. This day was also Kislev 15th, the anniversary of the “Abomination that causes desolation” on Kislev 15th, which was 6*364 years ago to the very day, in 167 BC.
“Now the fifteenth day of the month Kislev, in the hundred forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Judah on every side.” (1 Maccabees 1:54)
Another day that has a similar meaning to that of Kislev 15th is Purim. The Purim was cast on Kislev 13th, as said in yesterday’s post. The feast of Purim lasts two days, Kislev 14th and 15th. Today is Kislev 15th.
And as said many times when explaining the code, the moon-god named “Sin” is especially judged.
It happens that both Kislev 15th and Adar 15th occur on full moons and are exactly 4 x 4 months apart. (In the Mene Tekel code, the square of 16 is important in regards to the four corners of Mystery Babylon. “16” moons, therefore, represents all Babylon — the entire world.)
Below is a list of the signs that occurred after the Lord revealed these things a year ago. This list, with the images, is repeated in every post. Note the importance of China in these posts, including what it says in the caption within the lower-left image.
“21 days” from Shebat 24th to Bear Market
As discussed in earlier posts — a few days before the drop began — Shebat 24th is the date on the Jewish calendar that represents the “Times of the Gentiles”. (Feb 19/20th to March 11th/12th.)
And “21 days” (three weeks) is the number that symbolizes delay, (Daniel 10:13).
I discuss the delay number of “21” (and “210”) in combination with the date of “Shebat 24th” in the series of posts about the “Vision of the Lamb“. Below is a list of posts at that time. Note that most dates are just before Feb. 20th, when the free-fall of the Stock Market began.
The most important of these were the signs in the heavens that preceded the collapse by only one day, where I discuss at length the importance of Shebat 24th, and America and the world weighed in the balance. See, Rise and fall of the Dung god. February 18, 2020.
For details, see “Dung god“. Planet Mars disappears behind the moon on Feb 18, 2020, centered over the Prophetic Map and North America like a pair of balances in one’s hand. Jupiter is eclipsed the next day over the tip of South AmericaSame as above, but without the full outline of Mystery Babylon. As explained in the link “9.99% DOW drop“, the Hebrew letters in this image each correspond to consecutive dates on the calendar. The 21-day drop until the Bear Market, thus, corresponds to a drop straight down to the tip of South America — and just below it — where the King planet, “Jupiter” was seen eclipsed. I will not elaborate here, but rather see the above link. The point here is that the market dropped according to the pattern in the image, etc.Prophetic Map showing the location where Mars and Jupiter eclipse behind moon were visible that occurred one day apart — just before Stock Market collapsed — and was posted two days before the collapse. See “Rise and Fall of the Dung god (Jupiter)”Here is another image, included in about 40 posts the past year. Note the dates. In the full prophetic image, these are simply stacked upon each other, and so the timeline just continues. From top to bottom are 100 days, (5 x 20 lines = 100.). Therefore, simply add 400 days (four stacked = 4 x 100) to the dates you see on this map to calculate until the present. Click to enlarge and observe the arrow just to the right of the lower cross and add 400 days to those dates. Note the stone rolled away from the entrance. The symbol of the arrow means this: ‘The riseof Christ from the tomb anticipates the fallof this world.’ Thus, the bull sinks down in the scales.
Click to enlarge
This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation”. These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Feb 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
4 thoughts on “Dow and TSX enter Bear Market as predicted by Prophetic Picture”
The World Health Organization’s logo of a serpent winding around a staff in front of the United Nations logo made me think of this prophetic image this evening. I thought it was interesting that the WHO was also officially formed 4-7-1948, the month before Israel became a nation. The medical symbol of the serpent and staff is itself in recognition of a Greek God Asclepius. Now the Biden administration has discreetly presented a resolution for a vote to give WHO’s director (who is from Ethiopia/Cush) more authority in a health emergency on 5-22-22.
In relation to the article “Crown Him With Many Crowns”, part of the Pi/Crown series of articles dealing with the themes of the “Victor’s crown”, Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov’s was theorized by scientists to originate from the Constellation Cepheus “The King” (Of Ethiopia), around His Crown & Sceptre just a day before the 18th Century Ethiopian Crown turned up after it had been taken out of the country for 21 Years. This was just a few days before Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister (King) of Ethiopia, received the Nobel Peace Prize, giving Him the nickname of the “Prince of Peace”, as he represented a Type of Jesus Christ.
I was to let Dean Coombs know when the Crown was returned & 25 days after, the day when the Dow Jones Industrial Average experienced its biggest Single day drop in history (a loss of 2997 points or 12.9℅) , I discovered that the Ethiopian Crown was returned to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in a ceremony including Abiy Ahmed. on the very day of the Beginning of the 2020 Stock Market Crash (February 20, 2020). This date is marked on the Prophetic Map Image in the Center of the bottum Cross marked by the Hebrew Aleph (looks like an X). It is in the middle of the “Giant Scales” weighing the Bull market & Trump Coin.
CNN Report Excerpt:
“Kaag said the government was pleased to have expedited the “rightful return” of the artifact to Ethiopia.
“We’re honoured and delighted to have been able to facilitate the rightful return. This is the crowning achievement of returning this heritage to its rightful place,” Kaag said in a statement.” https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/20/africa/ethiopia-crown-returned-intl/index.html
At the center of the Cross is the Aleph/Alpha ( the shape of an X or Cross)
““Tekel! You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting!” Dan. 5. Behold the hand of a deer! Because with His hand, “The Doe of the Morning” weighs “the strong bulls of Bashan” (פר פר) in the Balances. The strong is defeated in weakness. “Let him that glories, glory in the cross.””
The LORD God who is Jesus Christ holds the Scales that weigh the “gods” & the Nations.
Thanks, David, for that vital information.
That also means that the crown passed over on the same day that the Lion Bible Code was inserted as mentioned in this post: https://1260d.com/a-personal-sign-about-shiloh/
Recall that the Lion of Judah Picture Bible Code is about the scepter reverting to Judah from exile — in parallel with the crown returning to Judah — because one of the names for the king of Ethiopia is “The Lion of Judah.”
The World Health Organization’s logo of a serpent winding around a staff in front of the United Nations logo made me think of this prophetic image this evening. I thought it was interesting that the WHO was also officially formed 4-7-1948, the month before Israel became a nation. The medical symbol of the serpent and staff is itself in recognition of a Greek God Asclepius. Now the Biden administration has discreetly presented a resolution for a vote to give WHO’s director (who is from Ethiopia/Cush) more authority in a health emergency on 5-22-22.
In relation to the article “Crown Him With Many Crowns”, part of the Pi/Crown series of articles dealing with the themes of the “Victor’s crown”, Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov’s was theorized by scientists to originate from the Constellation Cepheus “The King” (Of Ethiopia), around His Crown & Sceptre just a day before the 18th Century Ethiopian Crown turned up after it had been taken out of the country for 21 Years. This was just a few days before Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister (King) of Ethiopia, received the Nobel Peace Prize, giving Him the nickname of the “Prince of Peace”, as he represented a Type of Jesus Christ.
I was to let Dean Coombs know when the Crown was returned & 25 days after, the day when the Dow Jones Industrial Average experienced its biggest Single day drop in history (a loss of 2997 points or 12.9℅) , I discovered that the Ethiopian Crown was returned to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in a ceremony including Abiy Ahmed. on the very day of the Beginning of the 2020 Stock Market Crash (February 20, 2020). This date is marked on the Prophetic Map Image in the Center of the bottum Cross marked by the Hebrew Aleph (looks like an X). It is in the middle of the “Giant Scales” weighing the Bull market & Trump Coin.
CNN Report Excerpt:
“Kaag said the government was pleased to have expedited the “rightful return” of the artifact to Ethiopia.
“We’re honoured and delighted to have been able to facilitate the rightful return. This is the crowning achievement of returning this heritage to its rightful place,” Kaag said in a statement.”
At the center of the Cross is the Aleph/Alpha ( the shape of an X or Cross)
““Tekel! You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting!” Dan. 5. Behold the hand of a deer! Because with His hand, “The Doe of the Morning” weighs “the strong bulls of Bashan” (פר פר) in the Balances. The strong is defeated in weakness. “Let him that glories, glory in the cross.””
The LORD God who is Jesus Christ holds the Scales that weigh the “gods” & the Nations.
Thanks, David, for that vital information.
That also means that the crown passed over on the same day that the Lion Bible Code was inserted as mentioned in this post: https://1260d.com/a-personal-sign-about-shiloh/
Recall that the Lion of Judah Picture Bible Code is about the scepter reverting to Judah from exile — in parallel with the crown returning to Judah — because one of the names for the king of Ethiopia is “The Lion of Judah.”
David, perhaps you can write a small article about this, and I can post it?