An unusual storm roared in Egypt on the day when the Stock Market became a bear market. The Prophetic Picture speaks to the events on that day, both internationally, and in Egypt.
Why Egypt?
Because in the Bible, Egypt and Babylon are symbolic of the whole world under the dragon, the devil.
Fierce ‘dragon‘ storm hits Egypt with flooding rain and damagng winds. Israel braces for impact. (Washinton Post)
Widespread flooding caused by heavy rain across large swathes of Egypt on Thursday and Friday has killed at least 20 people, the cabinet said, describing the weather as “exceptional and unprecedented.” (Ahram Online)
AIRO (Reuters) – Nearly 20 people have been killed in some of the worst storms to hit Egypt in decades, the country’s prime minister said in a statement on Friday.
The North African country has been battered by heavy rain and strong winds that began in the earlier hours of Thursday and continued on Friday. (Weather Network)
The ‘whirlwind’ and ‘430 days’ of Ezekiel 1-4
At 2:30 PM (EST), Friday 13th, 2020, the Lord impressed upon me to listen to Ezekiel 1-4, which I did. Unwittingly, this was when the storm entered Israel from Egypt. (I was unaware of the storm altogether until Saturday.)
The importance of “430 days” is explained later in this post.
Satellite images of a swirling cyclone over Egypt and the Middle East earlier today.
Can you see the dragon? A negative of the below image except with just the aurora. It wears the crown of “The Seven Stars (sisters) of the Pleiades”!
And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.
The image of ‘the dragon pursuing the woman into the wilderness’ has been at the top of the homepage for one year now, so hopefully, most have seen it.
Prophetic image of the Lion of Judah prevailing to open the seven seals. The greenish aurora-produced dragon in the background oversees the pyramid as the Lion of Judah leaps through the Stargate at top — soaring and roaring. The pyramid symbolizes mystery Babylon. The woman within the red circle is given the wings of a great eagle to escape the dragon. She flees Egypt “into the wilderness for 1260 days”. This scene from the Book of Revelation is patterned after when Israel fled Egypt into the wilderness for 40 years. (Biblical scholars agree that the Exodus from Egypt is alluded to in Rev. 12).
As predicted by the Prophetic Picture, the 11-year Bull Market came to an end on Shebat 24th (Feb 19)
This Prophetic image, “Among the myrtle trees of Zechariah 1”, has to do with the “Times of the Gentiles”, (Dan. 2). For more about “Shebat 24th, see “4. The Vision: God is angry at the nations who are at ease”. (Feb. 28, 2020). This post will, in turn, lead you to the earlier posts about Shebat 24th
Update: According to the Financial Times, the Bull Marketended Feb. 19th, 2020, which is Shebat 24th on the Jewish calendar, (Zech. 1:7). This is the exact day predicted by the Prophetic Picture.
“Shebat 24th” was discussed at length in posts just before that day. It was the fastest decline ever into a bear market 21 days — twice as fast as 1929.
The below posts are all interrelated. The interpretation of “The Vision of the Lamb” marks the main turning point.
Storm coincides with the Stock Market crash: “Black Thursday” and a “Black horse.”
He noted that the S&P 500 recorded its quickest bear market ever, falling 20% from its peak in just 15 trading days. That’s twice as fast as the next quickest meltdown. That was in 1929, and it took 30 trading days. (CNN)
Enlargement of the said horsemen with the balance — The “black horse” of Rev. 6:5-6
There are also four horsemen in the above prophetic image, each carrying a balance in their hand. Also, there is a hand with a balance located in the small triangle where the woman stands. (The balance represents a bear-market and famine, Rev. 6:5-6.)
As we shall see, the storm broke out on Thursday morning– and continued all day into Friday. (Keep in mind the time zones).
On this very same day, now labeled “Black Thursday 2020“), the largest single-day points-drop in the Dow ever occurred — the very same day as the storm in Egypt. It fell 9.99% in one day (symbolizing 666).
Enlargement of the said “hand with a balance.” (The balance happens to sit over Egypt and the woman over the Horn-of-Africa when overlayed on the prophetic Map)
Stock Markets around the world plunged into a bear market. Here in Canada, it dropped 12.3%. Egypt’s Stockmarket was not open due to the storm.
The dragon-pyramid image in its raw form was posted a year ago in the context of it being a sign in regards to the Mene Tekel Bible Picture Code.
“400 years” in Egypt, (and 430)
In all 40 posts about the Mene Tekel Code, each contains a list of the signs that transpired. Every post also has the below image.
Vertically running through the middle of the image is a calendar of signs that occurred. Locate the sign of when the dragon-aurora happened, which is the basis for the dragon- image. This sign of the dragon-aurora occurred on “Feb. 6, 2019”.
Keep in mind that the Bible tells us that Israel was in Egypt (“a foreign land”) “400 years”. As repeated again and again in the articles, in the Bible, “A day is as a year and a year is as a day.” Therefore, “400 years” is as “400 days in Egypt”.
Locate Feb. 6, 2019, in the below image and note what sign occurred on that day.
Now count forward from Feb. 6, 2019 (when the sign of the aurora-dragon occurred).
What date do you arrive at?
Click to enlarge. Locate Feb. 6, 2019
What is the date 400 days after the dragon sign?
It happens that 400 days after the sign of the aurora dragon is March 12, 2020.
What happened on March 12, 2020?
Newspapers around the world report a powerful storm striking Egypt called, “The Dragon.”
And in the background stands the pyramid of Egypt!
Below is copied from a Google-News search.
Copied from the “Google News” search concerning the storm that hit Egypt. The top image reminds me of Pharoh and his chariot — drowned in the sea. (See recent ‘Pharoh Mubarak’ post.) Especially notice the pyramid in the background in the Washington Post article! That photo from “Haran, Cairo” is “March 12, 2020”.
One has to be deaf and dumb, not to see what God is saying! But few do.
What about the 430 years spent in Egypt?
Those that know there Bible know that the 400 years foretold to Abraham turned out to be a round number for the exact period of 430 years.
Then the LORD told Abram, “You can be certain about this: Your descendants will be foreigners in a land that isn’t theirs. They will be slaves there and will be oppressed for 400 years.(Genesis 15:13)
Now the duration of the Israelites’ stay in Egypt was 430 years.(Exodus 12:20)
Furthermore, evangelical scholars generally believe that in the Book of Revelation, “Mystery Babylon,” refers to Rome or Islam (Mecca), or both.
Therefore count back from the storm 430 days instead of 400 and what event happened then. This brings you to Jan. 7, 2019.
Click to enlarge. Locate Jan. 7, 2019, on the prophetic image
On that day was the sign of the ungodly union of Islam and Roman Catholicism.
Below is cut and paste from this earlier post about this ungodly union.
Below, the crescent logo of the moon swallowing up the cross within the sun was released by the Vatican Jan 7, 2019, during the locust invasion of Mecca (4th sign).
Dec 26, 2019, Annular Solar eclipse begins in Saudia Arabia and the United Arab Emirates where the Pope signed the agreement with 700 religious leaders of all faiths watching. It was signed 30 days (# of Sin-moon-god) after the locust invasion of Mecca that hit the headlines the same day as the Vatican released this logo about the upcoming Muslim-Catholic pacts.
Ezekiel’s quarantine of 390 and 430 days
Furthermore, as discussed at length in the same above post “Sign 11“, it happens that “40 days” after the sign of the crescent/cross logo was Iran’s “40th-year” anniversary. Thus there are both 430 and 390 days to the storm/Stock Market crash — in agreement with Ezekiel 4 (as mentioned at the start of this post).
For future reference: Shiloh began/ended His seige, Feb 21st, 2020, (Ezek. 4:1, 10).
It’s all about money, and when that fails there’s always 666
The words on the wall formed an acrostic: “The One who put him to death is (also) the one who hid the secret messages”
Moreover, as per “, The Writing on the Wall,” — the gematria of the Hebrewwords “Shekel” and “Pharsim” (i.e., “Half-shekel”) equals “430″ and “390″, (as discussed on 02/02/2020, just before the crash began).
Incredibly, “Pharsim” itself can also mean, “Persia”, and Persia is simply the ancient name for Iran! And Iran is one of the hardest-hit countries.
Moreover, the acrostic seen at left can also read: “The One who put him/Him to death (now) shuts them up (in their cities)”. The context requires “cities” or “city”, that is “Mystery Babylon”. For more, see the post from the year 2000, “The Writing on the Wall“. (Dan.5; 12:4; Ezek. 3:24, Ezek. 4; 28:3.)
These floods over the area of the Pyramid in the Prophetic Image likely to produce mighty locust swarm
Below is the image added to the post about the Stock Market plunge. I added it to the post and then immediately afterward found out in the news about the storm over Egypt. Notice that the area of the storm is the same as the small pyramid at the Armpit of Orion (constellation).
This is an enlargement of the area referred to in the below image
Simply locate Egypt to Israel to Iran — where the storm moved. They are the locations of the exile from Egypt to the Promised Land, 1876-1446 BC, and then the second captivity from Israel to Babylon and Persia, 586 BC. (Math note: 1876/1846 BC to 586 BC = 1290/1260 years, Rev 12:6.)
They form the northeast corner of the large yellow pyramid, as seen below. And this corner is itself the small pyramid. (See enlarged left image.)
Prophetic Map shows the locations where Mars and Jupiter were visibly eclipsed behind the moon — a day before Stock Market’s descent into a Bear Market. It formed the outline of a hand that weighed North America in a balance. For details, see Dow and TSX enter Bear Market as predicted by Prophetic Picture. Posted March 11, 2020
These floods will likely lead to the next major wave of the locust plague
The coronavirus and locust already plagued Egypt.
Now the new growth of vegetation will likely supply food to the next generation of locust — far more severe. And the winds may have driven them east into new areas.
Recall the “ten plagues on Egypt” as recorded in the Bible.
However, the whole world ultimately is “Egypt,” enslaved to sin. (This is the meaning of the large pyramid over all the earth as seen in the previous images.)
Click to enlarge
This Prophetic Picture Code was revealed as the full moon of Nov. 23, 2018, the anniversary of “The abomination that causes desolation.” These signs occurred seven times 365.25 years from the Fall of Babylon in 539 BC. (Left chart is a calendar of events.)
Feb. 1 and March 1, 2019. (Deaths: Saddam on Dec 29, 2006 {10 pm, EST}; Jan 28, 2006 {Kaduri’s code-Jan 18/’28‘, 2007}; Jan 11, 2014; Nov 30, Dec 3, 6, 2018
the locusts ate the crops and caused famine……just like……the coronavirus emptied store shelves, destroyed the markets and commerce………Jesus is speaking thru His SIGNS
Thanks for telling me about the mistake. I corrected it to read: “As predicted by the Prophetic Picture, the 11-year Bull Market came to an end on Shebat 24th (Feb 19).”
Please add me to your emailing list.
Sorry, but I do not have an email list, but I do have a Youtube email list. See the recent video.
the locusts ate the crops and caused famine……just like……the coronavirus emptied store shelves, destroyed the markets and commerce………Jesus is speaking thru His SIGNS
11 year bull market ended. Not bear.
Thanks for telling me about the mistake. I corrected it to read: “As predicted by the Prophetic Picture, the 11-year Bull Market came to an end on Shebat 24th (Feb 19).”