Today is the day they call “Good Friday,” (2020) — the day they “smote” Jesus by lifting up the Light of the World and hanging Him upon a tree.
But His “torch” revived three days later.
He has overcome and is Victor over all things!
He has defeated all enemies.
They lost.
He won!
God canceled the Olympics as a sign
…or three days of the swordof the LORD–days of plague in the land, with the angel of the LORD ravaging every part of Israel.’ (Spoken to David for numbering the people, 1Chron 21:12)
Tokyo 2020: 48 hours that rocked the Olympics (CNN)
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and IOC president Thomas Bach finally agreed to a postponement Tuesday, the first time the Olympics have ever been delayed in their 124-year modern history. (“Tuesday, EST”, but which is Wednesday in Tokyo.)
Writing on Twitter, Olympic marathon champion Eliud Kipchoge praised the “wise decision” to postpone the Games until 2021, adding that he looked forward to defending his title in Japan and “witness a wonderful event.” (CNN) (See my post, “the sign of Eliud Kichoge“)
“Sword of the Lord” and the “Olympic Torch Code” revealed at the start of the 2004 Greece Olympics games
God canceled the Olympics this year, and perhaps two years. He controls the “sword” of the plague, ( 1 Chron.21:12). He canceled the Olympics. Indeed, the whole earth must enjoy its rest from man.
Because “It is finished!” (John 19:30)
Jesus has demonstrated that He is God. All other pretenders cannot do what He has done. Jesus is the victor. He has won the Olympic contest. All the gods are put to shame!
Does this sound raving mad?
About 60 articles over the past 16 years were written about or contained references to, ‘Jesus winning the Olympic wreath and crown.’
The fall of 2019 really ramped up with one or two signs per week. The ‘victor’s wreath’ became the new focus. In my 46 years as Christian, I have not witnessed such repetition from God! The ‘victor’s wreath” became the dominant message, as if to say, “The contest is now over. Time for rewards and a crown!”
The cancellation of the Olympics was, therefore, the logical climax to a very long buildup of signs detailed in numerous posts since the Greece Olympics in 2004.
That’s when the Lord revealed the Olympic Torch within a symbolic image encoded in the Bible (Isaiah 46:1-5), (and Isaiah 45-46).
After stating a few basic facts, I will simply quote from past articles that prove my point.
These posts (especially those from 2004-2011) can also be found on if anyone thinks that I am lying.
These posts testify that Jesus is Lord, winner of the Olympic games!
Lord willing, I intend on posting David Rooke’s article tomorrow about “The sign of the return of the crown to The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” However, this hastily-written post will serve as an introduction to David’s post about the crown.
“Multiples of Five”
2020 Tokyo Olympics. Note the “five circles” and the “6 + 6” inner structure of the stylized wreath. The 12 gods of Mt. Olympus and Babylon are denounced! If the games are next year, that makes it 125 years since they began — 5 x 5 x 5 years. God makes the impossible possible — “125 years” instead of 124 years from the first games, Athens, 1896
By now, most who have been following along know that since Nov 23, 2018, (Kislev 15th), the Lord has systematically judged (denounced) all so-called gods by name and number, after their Babylonian designation: “5, 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60.”
(The gods of Babylon went by both a name and a number, six female and six male. See “Sign 10: The gods are Judged!“)
And 2300 days (1150 + 1150) before they extinguished the torch was Hanukkah. (On 360-calendar — the 9th month, 25th day, “Chanukkah” 2013, unto the 1st month, 15th day, “Passover” 2020, are 2300 days to when the torch was extinguished, Dan. 8). (Note: God works with all calendars, including the Jewish calendar.)
First, below are two easily digested quotes from 2007 and 2011 that sets the stage for subsequent quotations. This alone proves that the timing of the cancellation lines up perfectly with what was said years ago
The Balance Bible Code predicted a “coming fire”. It reads: “I am the Lamp and my fire will surely come!” It also formed a torch like an 8th flame on the menorah (lamp) that represented the Olympic torch, as said three years ago.
1. Baal (Bel) was the storm God of Babylon, but is really just Zeus of the ancient Greeks. At the Olympic games beginning on August 13, 2004, God challenged Baal to a contest to see who is really God and who is just a demonic impersonator. God did this because these gods were honored at the games before the whole world. (See “Axe to Root” for all the details and links to other sites that document what I am saying.)
2. According to the ancient Greek myths, the Olympic games were a contest that echoed the games between the (so-called) gods. In accordance with their own myths, and as a way of mocking these false gods, the one True God challenged Zeus (Baal) to an Olympic contest as it was in the days of Elijah. However, this is really not a challenge at all. God simply took the opportunity to prove Himself to an unbelieving world. For who can contest with God!
3. God won (of course), and predicted Hurricane after Hurricane beginning with Hurricane Charlie that struck the same day as the opening ceremonies where they were praising the gods of wood and stone at the Olympics. God had said the day before this, that, “The Axe is laid to the root of the tree”, as I saw encoded an axe laid to the root.
Sword of the Lord and the Olympic torch code from the 2004 Greece Olympics
The torch in the right image forms the eighth light on the menorah/lamp, which reminds us of the Jewish festival of Chanukah, when the lamp burned for 8 days in fulfillment of the prophecy from Daniel.
(The 7 “lights” in the image are the 7 yellow dots going up diagonally. Especially note the above image to see them. The image is a composite of several images in one.)
Daniel predicted that for 1150 days the temple would lay polluted because of the Greeks (168-165 BC), — because of the offering of swine made on the Lord’s altar to Zeus, (Dan. 8). This was the abomination that caused desolation that will again be repeated by the antichrist to come.
11. I said that the Balance Bible Code was first discovered June 27, 2004, and this was Tammuz 12 on the 360 calendar. (See top of this page for significance of Tammuz 12.) 1155 days later was the day that the fires burned into the Olympic site where the temple of Zeus once stood, and where the torch is lit. Therefore, from Tammuz 17th (Tam. 12 + 5 days = 17th) to August 26, 2007 when the fires reached the Olympic grounds are exactly 1150 days.
The prophecy in Daniel 8 about the 2300 “evenings and mornings”, i.e., 1150 days, refers to the Greeks desecrating the temple of the Lord. It happens that Tammuz 17 is the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, and again in AD 70 by the Romans when the sacrifice ceased for the temple and thereby defiled it! Thus, the 1150 days begins from a date that fits well with the theme of the desecration of the temple as per the 1150 days of Daniel 8.
Moreover, the article repeatedly refers to the Greek Olympic games in August of 2004 as the start of this contest. It happens that these games began 2300 days before the Mount Carmel fire! Thus, there are 2300 days to the Carmel Hanukkah fire similar to the prophecy of Daniel 8 about the 2300 days until the first Hanukkah in 165 BC!
Dan 8:14 “The other answered, “It will be 2300 evenings and mornings before the temple is dedicated and in use again.” (In the bible, “Hanukah” is also called, “The Feast of Dedication“. It is in remembrance of the cleansing of the altar, polluted by Antiochus in 165 BC, in fulfillment of this prophecy by Daniel.)
What are the chances of this happening by random chance? We have here both the correct number of days (2300) on the correct day of the year (Hanukah)!
Moreover, the bible divides the 2300 in half as 1150 days too, which lands on Tabernacles in 2007 (on the 360 calendar).
Moreover, the 2300 days back to the Olympic games is also when the torch aspect of the Balance Bible Code was discovered. It reads: “With vigor He will die with his people on high”, (found Aug. 18, 2004, see left image).
As a matter of fact, the 3.5 days of the Mt. Carmel fire is exactly — to the day (360-calendar) — 2300 days back to the anniversary of the events described in Ezekiel 8-10, when the altar and temple were desecrated and purged with fire by the angel. Indeed, this is the scene depicted below in the Balance-Seraph Bible Code.
Quotations from the past about the “Olympic Contest” and multiples of “1150 days”
The scales of light on the night Babylon fell to the Persians (539 BC) are here portrayed as weighing the gods of Babylon in the balance. The picture-bible-code is found in Isaiah 46:1-6, with the surface text also referring to this very same moment of time. “Bel bows down. Nebo stoops low…they themselves go off into captivity,” (Isaiah 46:1-2). Here, Nebo bows low on the scales—being found wanting (too light)!
The connection between Daniel 5 (of the writing on the wall) and Isaiah 46 is further made evident in that the silver and gold used to make these gods (Bel and Nebu) is said to be “weighed in the balances.” As a matter of fact, the full picture (including the river) ends on the very word of the surface text, “weighed in the balances,” which is “shekel” (tekel) in Hebrew. The mene-tekel bible code and hand bible code (also of Daniel 5) interact with this picture code (of Isaiah 46:1-6).
Nebuchadnezzar was the father of Belshazzar. The writing on the wall was addressed to Belshazzar that fateful night when he was slain and Babylon fell. And with the falling of a king goes the fall of his gods. “…They themselves go off into captivity,” (Isaiah 46:2).
Nebuchadnezzar was named after Nebu (Nebo) and Belshazzar was named after the god Bel (also called Marduk). Ironically, though king Nebuchadnezzar was the father of Belshazzar, the god Bel was considered the father of Nebu. When Belshazzar was weighed in the balances that night, so was his god Bel—and likewise his son Nebu.
Thus, Bel and Nebu are the demonic mimic of the Father and Son (Jesus). Bel was chief god and Nebu (his son) was the god of wisdom and literature. Contrast this with Jesus who is called, “The Word of God” and, “The Son of God.”
Nebu was said to impart the ‘light’ of wisdom; similarly, Jesus is called “the light,” and “the lamp.” Thus, fittingly, we here have a contest on these very scales of light. The contest is this: Who is really like the Father—the only true God? Is Nebu, (or his father Bel?) Or is it Jesus Christ of Nazareth? This, of course, is the very thing the actual surface text of Isaiah 46 is itself portraying. Thus, the picture-code agrees completely with the surface text. Both are portraying a contest between the gods of Babylon and the One True God.
The contest begins; Nebu is found wanting, whereas Jesus is found to have the exact radiance (light) of God the Father! (Heb. 1.)
Now we read the bible code:
The lower diagonal branch reads: “I am Jesus.” (This agrees with the surface text that declares repeatedly, “I am God;” “I am the Lord;” “I will carry you…” “I will lift you up…” As a matter of fact, the word “I” in “I am Jesus” begins from the surface text word, “I am He.” (See the burning-bush revelation to Moses, “I am that I am,” and the lamp-picture-code found there.) Interweaved within “I am Jesus” [at ELS of 6 and 12] reads, “From everlasting My name is the Lord!” [This also agrees with the theme of eternality in Isaiah 46:1-6—that is, ‘which god/God is really eternal?’)
However, the words, “And Son,” backward read, “Nebu.” Hence, it reads, “The father,” “Nebu,” thus calling attention to the fact that the god Bel and the son of Bel (Nebu) are equally found wanting on the scales…
They miss the mark!
They sin and fall short of the glory of God, and they and their puppet king go off into exile and death.
However, what is the contest?
Certainly the gods of Babylon fall short of God’s glory morally. But here we have a competition more striking.
The issue is this: “Who is the true Son of God? Who is the real Word of God? Is it Nebu (the god of writing and science—the god still ignorantly worshipped in our colleges and universities today), or is it Jesus?”
Before it was Jehovah against Bel, as in the days of Elijah, but now it is the Son of God against the the son of Bel! And Jesus wins! The fire falls, “A fire will certainly come,” reads the trunk of the scale, “Yes, I am the Lamp!”
But how does Jesus win the contest?
This is how He wins, and this is the contest:
Let Nebu (the god of literature and science) encode a complex image like this within any of his own writings by the magic of his science…if he can! But let it be perfect numerically, pictorially, and textually, so as to interpret the surface text, interact with other picture codes, and foretell the future accurately by it, all the while proclaiming the glories of Bel by means of countless wordplays!
Several books could be written on the numeric of this bible code alone—even the days when the picture codes were discovered were on the anniversaries of when the Law (of justice) was given to Moses, and when the Law was broken at the golden-calf incident. And there is yet coming the fire of famine—a time of great inflation upon Babylon.
“And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, Come. And I saw, and behold, a black horse; and he that sat thereon had a balance in his hand. And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A measure of wheat for a shilling, and three measures of barley for a shilling; and the oil and the wine hurt thou not,” (Revelation 6:5-6).
“Baffling Hurricane Charley” (Please note: The hurricane is more a warning of what’s to come
then it is a fulfillment of this code.
An economic depression is what is mainly being forewarned by this code.
God is merciful and will use this for good in the lives of those devastated.)
The same night that I put out this document, (Pub. Aug. 3, 2004, 10 pm) unknown to me, the Olympic flame reached a pivotal point in its journey in Greece. Here is an excerpt from the official Olympic website as to this special day of the passing of The Flame.
Note the glory that they heaped upon their ancient pagan gods. The true God is a Jealous God! God calls for a contest of His own—as said earlier.
The actual Olympic contests began 10 days later on Friday the 13th—the same day when the hurricane struck America twice—the worst in 12 years—the same day that the Lord showed me the axe laid to the root of the tree along with the rod over the river—this day was also 365 days after the great blackout that fell over a large portion of the USA and Canada. I do not believe these things to be coincidental—but neither is this the main judgment implied by the code.
The hurricane(s) is just preliminary—just as the fall of the Twin Towers was preliminary to the Iraq war, which was the explicit fulfillment of the mene-tekel code. This new bible code again builds upon the previous picture-codes before it. This new code strongly suggests a coming economic depression.
The hurricane put the lights (‘lamps’) out for days for over a million people (like the Great Blackout one-year earlier), and felled many ‘trees’. When I discovered in the picture-code this axe-to-the-root, I sensed the Spirit of God saying: “The axe is laid to the root. Judgment begins!” (This was about 4 pm, Aug 12, 2004, and again repeated on the 13th).
Thus, the contest with Bel (Baal) began! (See Isaiah 46:1, which is where this code is found).
Baal was the storm god, and his son, Nebu, was the god of science. God challenges Baal and son to repeat this picture-code that went out on the Net the very same day the gods of Greece were praised in anticipation of the Olympics games, (Aug. 3).
And then, 10 days later on the first day of the Olympic games this great storm (hurricane) struck. The scientists were baffled by it in that it suddenly intensified, missing its mark by about 90 miles, catching them by surprise.
O’ Athens—city of the Olympic games!
Athens supposedly had its beginning when the (supposed) goddess Athena created an olive tree in a contest with the sea-god. Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and a spring appeared. However, Athena won!
Well then! The Only True God likewise requests a contest with Baal and Nebu! Let the Olympic games begin! Here is HisOlive Tree O’ Athena! (And olive oil for the lamp as well!) And here is His spring from the rock O’ Poseidon! (This is that rock that Moses struck, [Ex. 17:6], “and that rock was Christ,” [ICor. 10:4]. Yet, Jesus was struck with a spear/javelin in His side as He hung there upon the tree—“and blood and water flowed out,” [Jn. 19:34])!
Is not the notion of a contest the very theme of Isaiah 46 (and surrounding chapters), wherein the picture-code is embedded? If one objects, complaining that this is uncharacteristic of God, that one should read their bible!
It is interesting that Greece (on Friday the 13th) honored their gods by lighting the altar (a phallic symbol) with the Olympic Flame. Note the parallel to the code: The middle flame of the Lamp in the picture-code is lit by the phrase, “My fire will surely come.” Given the timing of the code, I believe that this phrase is alluding to the world Olympic games, this time held in Athens, Greece—the land of its origin. But God, too, has an altar to light, and indeed did light it 2000 years ago (720,000 days) at the cross.
Even on the Google search engine, every day there is a different god portrayed as shooting at a target. Today it is an image of the goddess Athena shooting an arrow and getting the bows eye. The god (Satan) of this world is boasting! Moreover, it is interesting that the first half of the seven flames in our picture-bible-code read: “Did (Jesus) miss the mark…?” (ending on the same middle flame that read, “My fire will surely come!”).
The torch has come! The altar is lit!
As a matter of fact, do I see a Fiery Spear/Javelin in the hands of the menorah-tree of Justice—that is, in the hands (handles) of the balance of “The appointed King”?
But the javelin is, after all, in the correct position for a throw—balanced precisely dead-center on the balance! Or perhaps it is both?
“Let him who can, let him receive it,” says the Lord! And indeed He did receive it—even in His side! “And yes, a sword will pierce your heart too!” (Luke 2:35).
Here is a quotation about the proceedings concerning “The Olympic Flame” on Aug. 3.
(The picture to the right is the actual scene dramatized at the opening ceremony on the 13th).
Olympic website: “The Flame will stopover in the stadium at Delphi to poetry and music as celebrations continue all night. The relay reached the temple of Athena Pronaia at 8.30 p.m. to the stirring sound of the antique pipe. A choir was in wait at the Castalian fount to take up the ancient rite. As the Flame approached the house of Sikelianos music gave way to poetry, with lines from this poet being recited. The Flame entered the temple of Apollo to the notes of an Orphic hymn. There it encountered the choreographer Maria Hors, intimately bound up with the birth of the Olympic light at Ancient Olympia. Mrs Hors kindled the altar. Among the Torchbearers was priestess Anna Skoulikidou. Delphi’s mayor Panagiotis Kaltsis greeted the Flame with the words: “From the Navel of the Earth and the cradle of the universal heritage of civilisation we send a message of hope. We send the rose of Greece to the peoples of the world. The Olympic Games are a festival of the citizens of civilisation”…And there was more to come, the night long.”
“According to historic records, the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia, famous for its magnificent temples of the gods Zeus and Hera. They initially had a religious character and combined a number of ancient sporting events, many of which were based onancient Greek myths.”
(Update: The Pythian games at Delphi , one of the precursors to the modern Olympics, began four days after the fall of the temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC. This is very significant because the events of this code are being dated from this important event 1260 + 1335 years ago! There are many interesting parallels between these two events, that is, between the fall of Jerusalem and its temple, and the dedication to Apollo and his temple four days later with the start of the games. Both places were considered by each party to be the “navel of the earth”. Hence, the contest — with the Greek gods seemingly triumphing at the beginning — “until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled”.)
“A number of Greek myths are directly connected to the ancient Olympic Games and add a symbolic dimension to them. According to the ancient Greeks, Greek heroes and gods were the ones who held the very first Games. Many depictions of these mythical figures and races can be found at the 5th century pediment and metopes of the Zeus temple in Olympia.”
The official grand opening ceremony on Fri. Aug, 13th (the day of darkness), likewise glorified the gods of Greece, (who are really just the gods of Babylon with other names—the gods of the “New Age”).
I believe that America was singled out for the hurricane because America dominates the Olympics just as she does the world.
You can read the rest of that 2004 post for yourself, but we must move on. There are other posts subsequent to this one far more revealing, especially as it pertains to the “1150 days”, Passover and Chunakkah.
Keep in mind that each post from which we quote have many links embedded within that further speak about this grand Olympic contest between Christ and the so-called gods.
Even the below quote is long. Feel free to skim read. The post after this especially puts emphasis on “1150 days” in relation to this “Olympic contest”.
as Predicted in the Balance Bible Code
and the English Bible Code
I will not take the time to explain the fires of Greece in detail. I find that details have a way of distracting the reader from the main point, that is that the code predicted the fires three years in advance.
The burning Lamp/Tree of the Balance Bible Code at right in part reads, “I AM Jesus! And I AM the Lamp, and my fire will certainly come!”
The torch in the right image forms the eighth light on the menorah/lamp, which reminds us of the Jewish festival of Chanukah, when the lamp burned for 8 days in fulfillment of the prophecy from Daniel. (The 7 “lights” in the image are the 7 yellow dots going up diagonally. Especially note the above image to see them. The image is a composite of several images in one.)
Daniel predicted that for 1150 days the temple would lay polluted because of the Greeks (168-165 BC), — because of the offering of swine made on the Lord’s altar to Zeus, (Dan. 8). This was the abomination that caused desolation that will again be repeated by the antichrist to come.
When the house/temple was cleansed, God did a miracle in that the oil for Lord’s lamp instead of lasting for just one day instead burned for eight. These fires in Greece occurred 1150 days from the Balance Bible Code (seen at right), plus this extra 7 or 8 days. (And much more numerically speaking, etc., to be explained at the end of this article.)
And now we have the fires in Greece that reached as far as the ancient Olympic Stadium and temple, burning down surrounding trees where the temple to Zeus once stood! This is fitting since three years ago when the Olympics were held in Greece the gods of Olympia were honored to the dishonor of the only True God. And that was mainly what the Balance Bible Code was all about. An Olympic contest to see who has power over the storm and fire by seeing who can really predict the future, Zeus (Baal) or God, especially by predicting storms and fires well in advance. (See “Axe to Root“, for more about that contest, as explained three years ago. Also see Summary of Hurricanes.) It was the Elijah-verses-Baal contest all over again.
Zeus, supposed master of lightning, is again being judged! (See “Axe to Root“.)
“Zeus was the rain god, and the cloud gatherer, who wielded the terrible thunderbolt. His breastplate was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree the oak. He is represented as the god of justice and mercy, the protector of the weak, and the punisher of the wicked.”
In other words, Zeus is the counterfeit of God, and of His son Jesus Christ!
God is judging the gods of Greece — again — as
God is judging the gods of Greece — again — as says the Balance Bible Code put out three years ago.
He has judged Zeus the storm maker, (see Hurricane Dean and all the other hurricanes), and (now again) Zeus as the fire maker — by judging the place where the Olympic torch is first lit before the Olympic games! (See “Axe to Root“.)
11. I said that the Balance Bible Code was first discovered June 27, 2004, and this was Tammuz 12 on the 360 calendar. (See top of this page for significance of Tammuz 12.) 1155 days later was the day that the fires burned into the Olympic site where the temple of Zeus once stood, and where the torch is lit. Therefore, from Tammuz 17th (Tam. 12 + 5 days = 17th) to August 26, 2007 when the fires reached the Olympic grounds are exactly 1150 days. The prophecy in Daniel 8 about the 2300 “evenings and mornings”, i.e., 1150 days, refers to the Greeks desecrating the temple of the Lord. It happens that Tammuz 17 is the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, and again in AD 70 by the Romans when the sacrifice ceased for the temple and thereby defiled it! Thus, the 1150 days begins from a date that fits well with the theme of the desecration of the temple as per the 1150 days of Daniel 8.
12. As most commentaries will tell you, the 1150 days of Dan. 8 is further broken down as 40 + 1110 days (or 70 + 1080 days). (The swine was offered to Zeus exactly three years before the temple was cleansed, 168 to 165 BC.) 1080 days is three years. (360 x 3). 1110 days is the same as 360 x 3 except it has a leap month added, as was the case between the years 2004 and 2007. And this is essentially the same breakdown of the 1150 days as we have here with the Olympics and the fires. About 40 days from Tam. 17 on the 360 cal. was when God said “The Axe is laid to the Root”, and then the games began, and then about 1110 days later (3 years) were the fires in Greece.
The Fires in Greece Explained
as it relates to the Balance Bible Code and the English Bible Code
The Balance Bible Code predicted a “coming fire”. It reads: “I am the Lamp and my fire will surely come!” It also formed a torch like an 8th flame on the menorah (lamp) that represented the Olympic torch, as said three years ago.
1. Baal (Bel) was the storm God of Babylon, but is really just Zeus of the ancient Greeks. At the Olympic games beginning on August 13, 2004, God challenged Baal to a contest to see who is really God and who is just a demonic impersonator. God did this because these gods were honored at the games before the whole world. (See “Axe to Root” for all the details and links to other sites that document what I am saying.)
2. According to the ancient Greek myths, the Olympic games were a contest that echoed the games between the (so-called) gods. In accordance with their own myths, and as a way of mocking these false gods, the one True God challenged Zeus (Baal) to an Olympic contest as it was in the days of Elijah. However, this is really not a challenge at all. God simply took the opportunity to prove Himself to an unbelieving world. For who can contest with God!
3. God won (of course), and predicted Hurricane after Hurricane beginning with Hurricane Charlie that struck the same day as the opening ceremonies where they were praising the gods of wood and stone at the Olympics. God had said the day before this, that, “The Axe is laid to the root of the tree”, as I saw encoded an axe laid to the root.
4. The following is a quote from the “Axe to the Root” article written three years ago. Note that the Balance Bible Code predicted a “coming fire”. It reads: “I am the Lamp and my fire will surely come!” It also formed a torch like an 8th flame on the menorah (lamp) that represented the Olympic torch, as said three years ago. Note the reference to this fire in the following quote from the “Axe to the Root” article, as said, written three years ago.
“It is interesting that Greece (on Friday the 13th) honored their gods by lighting the altar (a phallic symbol) with the Olympic Flame. Note the parallel to the code: The middle flame of the Lamp in the picture-code is lit by the phrase, “My fire will surely come.” Given the timing of the code, I believe that this phrase is alluding to the world Olympic games, this time held in Athens, Greece—the land of its origin. But God, too, has an altar to light, and indeed did light it 2000 years ago (720,000 days) at the cross.
Even on the Google search engine, every day there is a different god portrayed as shooting at a target. Today it is an image of the goddess Athena shooting an arrow and getting the bows eye. The god (Satan) of this world is boasting! Moreover, it is interesting that the first half of the seven flames in our picture-bible-code read: “Did (Jesus) miss the mark…?” (ending on the same middle flame that read, “My fire will surely come!”).
The torch has come! The altar is lit!
As a matter of fact, do I see a Fiery Spear/Javelin in the hands of the menorah-tree of Justice—that is, in the hands (handles) of the balance of “The appointed King”?
But the javelin is, after all, in the correct position for a throw—balanced precisely dead-center on the balance! Or perhaps it is both?
“Let him who can, let him receive it,” says the Lord! And indeed He did receive it—even in His side! “And yes, a sword will pierce your heart too!” (Luke 2:35).
Here is a quotation about the proceedings concerning “The Olympic Flame” on Aug. 3.
(The picture to the right is the actual scene dramatized at the opening ceremony on the 13th).
Olympic website: “The Flame will stopover in the stadium at Delphi to poetry and music as celebrations continue all night. The relay reached the temple of Athena Pronaia at 8.30 p.m to the stirring sound of the antique pipe. A choir was in wait at the Castalian fount to take up the ancient rite. As the Flame approached the house of Sikelianos music gave way to poetry, with lines from this poet being recited. The Flame entered the temple of Apollo to the notes of an Orphic hymn. There it encountered the choreographer Maria Hors, intimately bound up with the birth of the Olympic light at Ancient Olympia. Mrs Hors kindled the altar. Among the Torchbearers was priestess Anna Skoulikidou. Delphi’s mayor Panagiotis Kaltsis greeted the Flame with the words: “From the Navel of the Earth and the cradle of the universal heritage of civilisation we send a message of hope. We send the rose of Greece to the peoples of the world. The Olympic Games are a festival of the citizens of civilisation”…And there was more to come, the night long.”
“According to historic records, the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia, famous for its magnificent temples of the gods Zeus and Hera. They initially had a religious character and combined a number of ancient sporting events, many of which were based on ancient Greek myths.”
“A number of Greek myths are directly connected to the ancient Olympic Games and add a symbolic dimension to them. According to the ancient Greeks, Greek heroes and gods were the ones who held the very first Games. Many depictions of these mythical figures and races can be found at the 5th century pediment and metopes of the Zeus temple in Olympia.”
The official grand opening ceremony on Fri. Aug, 13th (the day of darkness), likewise glorified the gods of Greece, (who are really just the gods of Babylon with other names—the gods of the “New Age”).
I believe that America was singled out for the hurricane (Charlie) because America dominates the Olympics just as she does the world.”
The next major post about 1150 days and the “Olympic Contest”
To say that the picture bible code predicted the August fires in Greece is a bold statement. However, I will explain why this is so. But first I must explain what God has called me to do.
God called me to serve him in spring of 1987. On Oct., 22, 1991 God began to reveal how the bible numbers work. (Several websites are now devoted to that subject.) Then, 430 days later on my 30th birthday, God again called me to prophetic ministry. That day was exactly 1290 + 1290 years after the literal siege of Jerusalem began. The understanding of the bible codes as images (pictographs) began in 1996.
This prophetic calling is similar to that of the prophet Ezekiel. God would tell Ezekiel to do something or act out something that symbolized a future event — as a prophecy. For example, on his 30th birthday, Ezekiel was told to lay on his side 430 days (390 + 40) to symbolically Israel and Judah as a prophecy of the actual literal siege of Jerusalem that was to occur 1290 + 1290 days later, (Ezek. 4). (1290 + 1260, or 1290 x 2 days equals seven years on the 360 calendar of the prophets, (Dan. 12; Rev. 11:2-3). (Click on chart to enlarge.)
Ezekiel was commanded to draw a replica of Jerusalem and make small model siege weapons and set them against the wall of his drawing. He was acting out and drawing out what was to come. What he drew (or made), or did, would later happen! It was a method God used to prophesy though Ezekiel. (Some think it arrogant to claim a calling similar to Ezekiel. However, Jesus said that he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than Ezekiel, or any Old Testament prophet! {Matt. 11:11.} Thus, I am claiming to be less than the least.)
(Ezekiel 4:1-3) “Ezekiel, son of man, find a brick and sketch a picture of Jerusalem on it. Then prepare to attack the brick as if it were a real city. Build a dirt mound and a ramp up to the top and surround the brick with enemy camps. On every side put large wooden poles as though you were going to break down the gate to the city. Set up an iron pan like a wall between you and the brick. All this will be a warning for the people of Israel.”
(Ezekiel 4:4-6) “After that, lie down on your left side and stay there for three hundred ninety days as a sign of Israel’s punishment –one day for each year of its suffering. Then turn over and lie on your right side forty more days. That will be a sign of Judah’s punishment–one day for each year of its suffering.” (CEV)
Ezekiel also said, “I am a warning sign–everything I have done, you will also do. And then you will know the LORD God has made these things happen,” (Ezekiel 24:24, CEV).
The (previous) article discussed the contest between the gods of Greece and the one true God similar to the biblical narrative of the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel.
Likewise, the Mount Carmel forest fire began, of course, on Mount Carmel!
The article makes repeated reference to 1260 days (3.5 years) and to the 2300 days to do with the “Jewish festival of Hanukah.”
The Mount Carmel fire began on Hanukah, and lasted 3.5 days! They were finally all but extinguished by the evening of Dec. 5, which happens to be the start of Hanukah on the 360-calendar of the prophets! {See 360-calendar website. Jews reckon a new day to begin at evening.}
Also, the Carmel fire began 3.5 years on Jewish calendar after the above KJV code was discovered, {and thus also about 3.5 years after when the Greece fires began}. To be exact, 3.5 years less a day from the initial discovery of that code. It happens that the fire that Elijah called down from heaven that fell upon the altar on Mount Carmel, likewise occurred “3.5 years” into the drought predicted by Elijah! (Luke 4:25; James 5:17; 1Kings 18:1.) Notice the emphasis on the altar-rededication on Hanukah and in the Elijah incident, 1Kings 18:30.
The articles reference to “2300 days”:
Moreover, the article repeatedly refers to the Greek Olympic games in August of 2004 as the start of this contest. It happens that these games began 2300 days before the Mount Carmel fire! Thus, there are 2300 days to the Carmel Hanukkah fire similar to the prophecy of Daniel 8 about the 2300 days until the first Hanukkah in 165 BC!
Dan 8:14 “The other answered, “It will be 2300 evenings and mornings before the temple is dedicated and in use again.” (In the bible, “Hanukah” is also called, “The Feast of Dedication“. It is in remembrance of the cleansing of the altar, polluted by Antiochus in 165 BC, in fulfillment of this prophecy by Daniel.)
What are the chances of this happening by random chance? We have here both the correct number of days (2300) on the correct day of the year (Hanukah)!
Moreover, the bible divides the 2300 in half as 1150 days too, which lands on Tabernacles in 2007 (on the 360 calendar).
Moreover, the 2300 days back to the Olympic games is also when the torch aspect of the Balance Bible Code was discovered. It reads: “With vigor He will die with his people on high”, (found Aug. 18, 2004, see left image). As a matter of fact, the 3.5 days of the Carmel fire is exactly — to the day (360-calendar) — 2300 days back to the anniversary of the events described in Ezekiel 8-10, when the altar and temple were desecrated and purged with fire by the angel. Indeed, this is the scene depicted below in the Balance-Seraph Bible Code.
Moreover, the event described in Ezekiel 8-10 is dated by Ezekiel as “the 6th month, the 5th day”, in 592 BC, which is 1260 plus 1335 years to the day to the Greek Olympics and the discovery of the below code. Moreover, I have been aware of this 2300-day pattern ending Hanukah 2010 for more than 15 years, and discussed it under the subject of “The arrival of the first refugee”, (and see related forum post about eclipse on Dec. 21, 2010). (The 10-day difference is just a minor variation of the refugee article written verifiably, Nov. 2005. But I was very aware of the said exact 2300-days from Elul 5 of 2004, unto Hanukah of 2010, way back in the 1990’s.) And etc., etc. I could go on, but enough said!
The next post: Hurricanes predicted as part of the contest as to “Who can predict the future?”
The actual contest:This and its related posts list about 50 hurricanes predicted along a strict numeric grid and is about 70,000 words long — so I won’t quote it here!
Note: Below is quoted from the above article from Oct. 12, 2019. There were also a number of posts after this as well to do with the Olympic wreath. These can be found alongside this website.
If I were to quote from all the posts to do with this heavenly Olympic contest, as you can imagine, this current article would be very long indeed!
But these are quoted from in order to show that the cancellation and postponement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was simply the natural progression and conclusion to the past 16 years of posts. And this includes the exact date when it was cancelled “1150 x 5 days after the Balance Bible Code”.
Moreover, add to this when the Olympic torch was extinguished — which was “2300 days” from Chanukkah (2013) to Passover (2020) on the 360-calendar.
Typhoon “Speed” slams Tokoyo as Marathon Man sets marathon speed record
(After reading this, see an update about “Marathon Women“ who shatters the marathon record the very next day as the Typhoon exited Japan — both are from Kenya. And “Four Horsemen: a shield & a crown”, Oct. 23, 2019)
(This is the second article about Typhoon Hagibis, “Speed”, and is part of the larger series about “The Crown of Pi“. Sadly this Typhoon killed about 80 people in East Japan and caused billions in damage.)
Another update to the same theme, namely, that the wreath/crown of victory belongs to Jesus.
This is God’s very own theme at this time in history, not mine. They are His signs.
Anyone following the previous posts must surely know this by now. No one can predict the future nor string together so many signs, both on earth and in the heavens — that repeatedly punch out the same message.
Jesus said, “Let him who has ears, hear.”
The repeated theme of the wreath of victory
The previous posts should at least be scanned for context to appreciate the obvious symbolism of this new sign. Especially this first one listed.
Notice caption on screen as BBC reports on Typhoon as it lands in Tokyo, the worst in 60 years. Truly, Jesus is the “unrecognized marathon winner” who wears the victor’s wreath/crown.
VIENNA — Eliud Kipchoge has become the first athlete to run a marathon in less than two hours, although it will not count as a world record.
The Olympic champion and world record holder from Kenya clocked 1 hour, 59 minutes and 40 seconds Saturday at the INEOS 1:59 Challenge, an event set up for the attempt.
Kipchoge was supported by 36 pacemakers who accompanied him in alternating groups, one of the reasons the IAAF will not ratify the time as a world record. (CTV News)
This banner displayed largely at top of the below BBC article, at least when the BBC posted it
This ax to the root of the “Balance Bible Code“, was revealed during Hurricane Charlie in the context of the 2004 Greece Olympics the same day they began. God chose this moment to prove a point, namely, “Who controls the weather?” — The ancient gods of Greece, etc., or the Lord Jesus Christ?
And what is the symbol of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?
A wreath!
A wreath like the 2004 Greece Olympics!
Notice the seven olives on the wreath. Eliud won a bronze medal in Athens 2004 at 19 years of age
Notice the 12 sides as easily counted within the middle 12-pointed star
Compare this with the encoded Pi wreathe as discussed in earlier posts, which is the symbol at the heart of all these posts.
Flower of Life with laurel leaves highlighted in dark greenAs explained in earlier post, the garland of 12 overlapping stars/flowers/leaves and 7 non-overlapping stars combine as one image. The Book of Revelation refers to a garland of 12 (and 7) stars. Thus, this one symbol contains the combined symbolism of the 2004 Greek and 2020 Tokyo Olympics!As explained in earlier postAs explained in earlier post
“Marathon Man” same name as Eliud in the Bible
In the Bible, Eliud was a judge/captain over Israel. His name means, “Praise be to my God!”
“But when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord, the Lord raised them up a deliverer, Ehud the son of Gera, a Benjamite, a man lefthanded.” Judges 3, 15
(Sidenote: “Gera“, a little coin, like Benjamite King Saul?)
(After reading this, see an update about “Marathon Women“ who shatters the marathon record the very next day as the Typhoon exited Japan — both are from Kenya.)
The ‘Race and the Crown’ is God’s repeated theme since the 2004 Greek Olympics
(Click to enlarge.) “Coliseum Fractal” from a wide-angle in order to see the “fiery clouds”. The race within the Coliseum has been a frequent theme the past 15 years. The original post displaying this image is from three years ago
Though only a scant 300 has viewed the below video in three years, yet it is prophetic, but its meaning is hidden. It is added to this post to highlight the fact that ‘the race and the crown’ is a common theme the past 15 years.
(After reading this, see an update about “Marathon Women“ who shatters the marathon record the very next day as the Typhoon exited Japan — both are from Kenya. And then read: 49th New York Marathon — We win! November 4, 2019)
Here is a more extensive list of posts the past year about “The victors wreathe”
Philippe did not say if the rebuild of the cathedral would be finished in time for the 2024 Paris Olympics, but said the work would be done as fast as possible. (CNN)
Crews battle forest fire at former Olympic Games site northeast of Seoul
The fire likely started Thursday night from a transformer spark near a resort in the town of Goseong in Gangwon province about 210 kilometers northeast of Seoul and then spread to the nearby mountains…
Gangwon province governs Pyeongchang, the city that hosted the Winter Olympics more than a year ago. (CBC)
Compare this with this article back during the Greece Olympics 14 years ago and its picture code.
Weighed in the balance: Ax to the root Picture Code from 5400 days ago. Notice the river that flows alongside the mountain. The river reads: “Bow low! Be still before me! I am Jesus. Abate (bow low) and you will shine like a river!”
4 thoughts on “Real reason Olympics cancelled. Jesus won the contest. He wears the crown”
I am new to your website. Do you have in any of your posts how to read your pictorials? The factuals are beautiful and the ones that look like they are on a chart, I guess, with Greek or Hebrew Lettering, I would just like to be able to “see” and understand them better.
3 months in advance, Dean Coombs predicted the date of Saddam Hussein’s death (by bible code). I marked it on my calendar. Saddam died on the correct date, about 3 months later. I was shocked to see a miracle with my own eyes! It changed my life. Only Jesus can predict the future like He can. Isaiah 46;9-10…….. I am eye witness.
Saddam was symbolic of the King of Babylon, and Only Jesus knew his death-date. Likewise, Only Jesus knows the death-date of the Great Antichrist, and the Fall of Babylon (Revelations 18). Praise Christ!
I am new to your website. Do you have in any of your posts how to read your pictorials? The factuals are beautiful and the ones that look like they are on a chart, I guess, with Greek or Hebrew Lettering, I would just like to be able to “see” and understand them better.
Thank you for your time
Greetings. The Bible Codes website is the older website. It is located at Please see this page for what the Bible Picture Codes are and and
3 months in advance, Dean Coombs predicted the date of Saddam Hussein’s death (by bible code). I marked it on my calendar. Saddam died on the correct date, about 3 months later. I was shocked to see a miracle with my own eyes! It changed my life. Only Jesus can predict the future like He can. Isaiah 46;9-10…….. I am eye witness.
Saddam was symbolic of the King of Babylon, and Only Jesus knew his death-date. Likewise, Only Jesus knows the death-date of the Great Antichrist, and the Fall of Babylon (Revelations 18). Praise Christ!
As I’ve been telling ya, friend. Matthew 11:11 People see what they want to see.