364-days: The Calendar of Reconciliation
New Year on the 364 Calendar: Table from 1915 – 2075 AD
The Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, other extra-biblical literature of that period, and to a lesser extent, the Bible all utilize a year of 364 days.
But why 364?
364 is divisible by weeks (seven) and four seasons (91 x 4 = 364). It’s the Calendar of Reconciliation because it reconciles “seven” (the number for perfection) and “thirteen” (the number for rebellion and failure) (7 x 13 = 91). And this reconciliation is universal, which is what 4, 40, 400, etc., symbolizes, as in “the four corners of the earth” (4 x 13 x 7 = 364).
However, 364 is short of an exact (but slowly decreasing) solar year 365.24218967. (For example, the year length was around 365.2423 (365 + 63/260) at the time of Christ and 365.2425 at Creation as 4114 BC, MT.)
This raises the question of how one should reconcile the 364-day year with the actual solar year without disturbing the integrity of the calendar’s unending cycles of perfect ‘sevens’ (weeks).
Side note: During the time of Christ, the Book of Jubilees gained popularity, detailing Enoch’s heavenly ascent for “294 years,” equal to six jubilees, with each jubilee spanning 49 years. The book also designates a 364-day year to Enoch, a detail found in the Book of Enoch too. According to the Book of Enoch (81:5), Enoch spent “one year” back on Earth. Intriguingly, the Bible documents Enoch’s lifespan as 365 years (Gen. 5:22-26). All these numerical specifics correspond perfectly.
Enoch serves as a precursor to Christ, as both figures descended from heaven to the underworld and then returned to heaven. The solar year at Christ’s resurrection in AD 33 was exactly 365 + 63/260 days long. A period of 293 years (365 + 63/260 days per year) is “364 days” shorter than a span of “294 years of 364 days per year, with a difference of just one second (363.999987 days)! (Moreover, 63/260 symbolizes atonement because “7” covers the imperfection of “13” — 63 x 40 = 360 x seven and 260/20 = thirteen. We refer again to the “40” and “20” years cycles a little later.)
There are Two Fundamental Methods of Calendar Intercalation:
The year is scrutinized every spring (non-mechanized),’ and the other, ‘Adjustments are worked out many years ahead of time (mechanized).
Different people groups, including Jews, throughout ages, add leap months to their lunar calendars when it lags behind the Spring Equinox by more than a month (or some other similar methodology). This is the ‘non-mechanized’ method. It works best for non-dispersed, united people.
However, other people groups, such as the Babylonians and post-exilic Jews, utilize a mechanized approach, valid no matter where one lives on earth. Both mechanized and non-mechanized methods usually have the same outcome.
Like the lunar calendar, the Enochian Calendar is adjusted to the true solar year using either method.
Therefore, there are two ways of calculating leap weeks for the Enochian Calendar:
1. (Non-mechanized) A decision is made every spring
1. (Non-mechanized) A decision is made every spring
A leap week is added when the 364-day year lags behind the Spring Equinox by more than a week. This is a valid method and works well for non-dispersed, united people.
2. (Mechanized) Calculations that approximate the Spring Equinox far in advance
Both are compatible. There are other methods. But after much study, these two are the best and most likely reflected in the Bible and other extra-biblical literature.
Remember that our goal is not to create calendars to live by.
Our purpose is to analyze patterns produced by the 364 Calendar that gave rise to the symbolic meaning of numbers in the Bible.
Footnote: The Essenes (of the Dead Sea Scrolls) likely just added a leap week when it strayed too far behind the Spring Equinox. However, in this study, we do not care what the Essenes practiced but rather what the Bible, the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Jubilees say or imply.
2a. The Enoch Jubilee Calendar
The intercalation of leap weeks marks the Sabbath year, the Jubilee, and the Grand Jubilee.
God commanded that every seventh year was a Sabbath rest for the land. Every seven times seven years is the Jubilee (49 years). A Grand Jubilee (490 years) equals ten regular Jubilees, Dan. 9:24-27; Enoch 91-93; Book of Jubilees.

Method of Intercalation of “Leap-Week”
- Add a leap week every seven years (2548 + 7 days).
- Within ten jubilees (490 yrs), the first three jubilees each conclude with two leap weeks rather than the usual one leap week, and the remaining seven jubilees each end with three leap weeks. Thus, 490 years have 178969 days (an average year of 365.2428571 days).
- For vast ages, the 210th Jubilee year (10290 yrs) has just 378 days (mean ≈365.242177). See 1406 BC & 10290 x 3 to Pillar. Compare with Enoch Chart.
- The Calendar began when Israel entered Canaan: 1406 BC (Wed., 6 AM, March 25 Gregorian); Julian day #1207977.75.
- Thus, #2460760.75 in AD 2025 is the 70th Jubilee.
Harmony of Enoch Jubilee Calendar with other calendars
The last seven years of Daniels’s “70 weeks” have 2569 days, and 2569 is also seven lunar years.
Moreover, “1260”, combined with Enoch’s 1274, is immensely compatible with the seven days of Passover and Tabernacles, which occur in the third week of the year and last a week (Nisan/Tishri 15th to 21st incl.) It allows the variable one, two, or three “leaps weeks” at the end of every seven years to interlock with the festivals of Israel, which always occur on Wednesdays in the Enoch Calendar. In other words, in a sense, Passover and Tabernacles overlap the leap week, similar to the five festive epagomenal days of the Egyptians.
No calendar perfectly aligns with the true solar year but requires adjustments to remain accurate. The overlap of the leap week with Passover and Tabernacles corrects, reconciles, justifies, and atones using a flawless calendar in an imperfect universe.
The leap week covers (“atones”) the anniversary of the original seven days of creation every seven years. But on the jubilee, not just creation but Passover is atoned for in anticipation of the flawless Lamb of God: They hung Jesus high like the Sun and Moon at noon as if night, on the 30th jubilee from when Israel entered the Promised Land. (See 30 Jubilees to Christ’s death according to the Kings of Israel.)
The struggle with an imperfect cosmos is a constant theme in Enoch. (Enoch was 364 years of age when the following was written, Enoch 81:64 with Genesis 5:23.)
And the leaders of the heads of the thousands, who are placed over the whole creation and over all the stars, have also to do with the four intercalary days, being inseparable from their office, according to the reckoning of the year, and these render service on the four days which are not reckoned in the reckoning of the year. (Note: Hence a year is 360 days long with the extra “four” epagomenal days “not reckoned.” Thus, “1260 days” is the same as 1274 days, and even 1281 with a leap week!)
And owing to them men go wrong therein, for those luminaries truly render service on the world-stations, one in the first portal, one in the third portal of the heaven, one in the fourth portal, and one in the sixth portal, and the exactness of the year is accomplished through its separate three hundred and sixty-four stations.
Enoch 75:1-2, cf., 80:2,6; 82:4-11. (This explains the “three week delay” of the angel in Dan. 10, which happens right after the revelation of the 490 years in Dan. 9 — because the 490 years also ends with a three-week epogmomenal delay that intersect “Nisan 4-24 incl.” of Dan. 10:1-4. Recall that the New Year on Enoch’s calendar begins midweek, i.e., the 4th day of the week, Wednesday.)
Moreover, the last seven years (“2569 days”) of the 490 years equals 1260 + 1260 + 49 days. This harmonizes with the 360-day year and the 49 days of Pentecost, cf., the insufflation of John 20:22 with Rev. 11:3-12.
"483 years on the Enoch Calendar is exactly 490 years of 360 days."
Significantly, 490 x 360 (176400 days) plus “2569 days” equals 490 Enochian years (178969 days). This means that 483 years on the Enoch Calendar is exactly 490 years of 360 days. Consequently, the last “week” of Daniels’s “seventy weeks” (of years) overlap (“atone”), Dan. 9:24-27. (See Key of 23.)
“176400 days” is also 525 priestly years (336 x 525). (See Key of 23.)
All this demonstrates the harmony between the 336, 360, 364, 365, and 365.2425-day year and a lunar and 361-day year.
2b. The 364-day year: Cycles of 40 & 400 years
We just explained the Jubilee method of regulating the 364-day year. We now discuss the more straightforward, alternative method. This method is harmonious with the 360 Calendar, to which the Book of Enoch refers, whereas the previous Jubilee method harmonizes with all of Scripture, the Book of Jubilees, and Enoch. Both methods often produce the same result for the New Year. Both ways have advantages and disadvantages.
Remember 2012 and the end of the world scare with the Mayan calendar? The Mayan calendar ended its 13th cycle on Dec. 21st, 2012. Each cycle has 144,000 days (that is 360 x 400 days). I posted the calendar converter then, which emphasized the 360 Calendar. Let us now add to this the Enoch calendar of 364 days. It is structured the same as the 360 Calendar.
The Book of Enoch informs us that the 364 and 360-day years are the same (Enoch 75:1). This is further evident when the tables below are compared. The two calendars are highly compatible due to their 4-day difference. Observe these calendars’ 4, 40, 400, and 4000 repetitions.
Observe below how the 7th cycle is distinguished from the previous six cycles. (It’s the same pattern as at Creation when God worked six days but rested on the 7th.)

Both are as accurate as our Gregorian year of 365.2425 days.
The 360-cal after 40 years is the same as the Julian year.
A “leap month” is 30 days on the 360 Calendar. Of course, a “leap week” on the Enoch calendar is seven days. Thus, seven leap months/weeks are inserted (intercalated) within each 40-year cycle. This is similar to the seven leap months of the Metonic 19-year cycle of the lunar calendar observed by Jews today. Seven is the number of days of Creation.
One can easily see why the Gregorian year of 365.2425 can use the same pattern of creation of seven intercalations within a 40-year cycle employing leap months of 30 days and also leap weeks of seven days (and even leap days as with our modern method). The numbers three, seven, and four dominate the equation for a solar year.
As used in our calculations, the below formula for the Gregorian year of 365.2425 is accurate and elegant — something one would expect from God, who created the sun and moon on the fourth day, ‘in the middle of the week’ (seven).

As explained before, when 13 and seven come together somehow, it signifies the ‘undoing or reversing the curse (13)’. Example: 13 x 7 x 4 seasons equals the 364 days of the Enoch cal. Now add the outer three branches as it moves towards the center. 13 + 7 + 13 = 33 (or even 40, due to the overlap of the middle seven).
The earth, sun, and moon are round — so if you were God, why not have the formula for a circle, “π,” encoded in the length of the year?

As compared to our Gregorian Calendar
The Gregorian calendar is used throughout most of the world, including the United States.
- We add a leap day added every four years.
- Every 400 years also has a leap day, but the other three centuries do not
- This produces an average solar year of 365.2425, the same as the 360 and 364-Enoch calendars.
General observations
- Notice the reoccurrence of cycles 4, 40, 400, and 4000 within all calendar systems. This explains why this number is so frequent in the Bible — because God created the sun and moon on the 4th day, Gen. 1:14-19
- Observe that the last four years of the 40-year cycle of both the 360-calendar and the Enoch have “1470 days” (49 x 30) after 400 years
- The four-day difference between 360 days (12 months) and 364 days (52 weeks) creates this harmony.
- Perfect solar eclipses, unique to our planet, are possible because the sun is 400 times farther from the Earth than the moon, but the sun is 400 times larger, so the apparent size looks the same.
- Observe that every 40 years, 7 x 7 days are added to the Enoch calendar, a ‘perfect’ number. Therefore, when the extra week is added after 400 years, 490 days accumulate, that is, “70 weeks” add one.
- Or viewed as “7 weeks + 62 weeks plus one week {+ 7}, at the end of the “400 years in Egypt”, cf., Daniel 9:24-27
- Even the Mayan calendar is made up of cycles of 400 x 360 days (144,000, “baktun”) — although divided as 7200 x 20
The lunar calendar is well suited to this pattern as well. However, instead of 400 years, there are 399 (7 x 3 x 19). This means that all calendars overlap every ’40 x 40 years’ (less four).
We explain the lunar connection next.
- Part One: Solar calendars
- Part Two: Lunar calendars
Two intersecting 400-year periods on the Enoch calendar
Details about Enoch Calendar
There are two intersecting 364-day calendars: The first began at Creation, and seven cycles 400 years later when Israel entered the Promised Land in the spring of 1406 BC. Creation from this perspective was 4206 BC (very close to the Samaritan Pentateuch Creation date of 4200 BC).
The second intersecting cycle began when the angel Gabriel came to announce the birth of John the Baptist and Christ (about) the spring of 6 BC (Luke 1). Therefore, retroactively, Creation was 4006 BC. (Recall the 360-calendar cycle of 4000 years.) There is also the 14006 BC “Creation,” as discussed in earlier posts — but this does not affect anything because 14000 years is 35 x 400. Note how unique 1995 AD is. (Remember, when one goes from BC to AD, add a year — there is no such thing as Year “0” on our Gregorian calendar!)
Compare the below incomplete selection of 400-year cycles and observe how the “200 years” intersect. (The 400 years from 1406 to 1006 BC were omitted to keep the chart small. It would look the same.) Rows 1, 3, and 5 are from 1406 BC. Rows 2, 5, and 6 are from 6 BC.

The Enoch calendar is simple! However, there are two points of time for the 400 years, precisely 1400 years apart. The effect of this is to have alternating periods of 200 years. Therefore, for 200 years, the festivals overlap one another, then for 200 years, one is a week ahead of the other. This also means that in the beginning, the lunar calendar intersected the week because the calendar of Enoch begins in the middle of the week of creation, that is, on Wednesday morning.
Enoch’s 364 Calendar begins on the Julian day of #1719320. (I.e., 6 BC, Wednesday 6 AM {Julian March 31st, Greg. March 29th}, which was Nisan 11th on the lunar calendar that year. Its next 400-year cycle is in 400 years. (Note: the cal. Converter incorrectly reads Nisan 12th for this day due to the accumulative error this far back in time with the Metonic cycle.)
However, from the perspective of 1406 BC (Julian #1207977, i.e., March 25th Gregorian), exactly 511336 days later, the New Year fell one week earlier on Julian #1719313. (#1719313 is 6 BC, Wednesday 6 AM {Julian March 24th, Greg. March 22nd}, which was Nisan 4th –that is, the anniversary of the 4th day of creation when the sun and moon were created as per the lunar calendar, Gen. 1:14-19). Its next 400-year cycle is in 200 years. (The cal. Converter incorrectly reads Nisan 5th for this day due to the accumulative error this far back in time with the Metonic cycle.)
- To know each New Year on the 364 Calendar from 1915 – 2075 AD (commencing from 6 BC and 1406 BC), click this link: “Simplified PDF.” (As a spreadsheet.)
- For a detailed Excel spreadsheet by David Rooke, including notes, click here:(1900-2100 AD).
It is easy to work out the date of the New Year on the Enoch calendar because 400 years on the Enoch calendar is the same as 400 years on our Gregorian calendar. See the Calendar Converter.
Therefore, from 206 to 406 AD, the two parallel 400-year cycles synchronize the New Year, and all festivals fall on the same day. This means that all the sections on the chart that are not colored in beige have the same dates. This also means that for 200 years before 1995 AD, the New Year harmonized, but for 200 years after 1995 (1995 became March 22nd and 29th), the New Year is one week apart. For example, on the Enoch calendar, the mornings of Sept. 16th and Sept. 23rd (Wednesday) began the seventh month (Feast of Trumpets).

For further details about the Enoch calendar and how the weeks and months are composed, please see…
Alternative intercalation of the 364 Calendar
To know each New Year on the 364 Calendar from 1915 – 2075 AD (commencing from 6 BC and 1406 BC), click this link: “Simplified PDF.” (As a spreadsheet.)
For a detailed Excel spreadsheet by David Rooke, including notes, click here: (1900-2100 AD).
So far, we have discussed the solar calendar. In Part Two, the lunar calendar is examined.
Other articles about Enoch and his calendar
- Enoch: Tribulation Witness
- Is the Book of Enoch Inspired?
- Enoch’s Prophecy of 7 cycles of 490
- 363-day Palendromic Calendar of Angels
- Part One: How the 364-day calendar works
- The Key of 23 — Serpent into a rod
- Enoch calendar is also Pi to 22nd decimal
- Throne-Room fractal, Measuring rod, & Book of Enoch
Greatings from Australia. I don’t think the intercalations of a week on the Enochian calendar follow every 6×6 +4 if we consider that the Spring equinox always remains WITHIN the same intercalated 7-day week until the next intercalated week is required to capture the equinox every 5 or 6 years. 5 years x 1.25 = 6.25-days and 6 x 1.25 is 7.5-days.
Yes, that is one way of looking at it. I take the view that there is no single “correct” way of doing it. But this one that you are talking about is the one that I most use.
By the way, the 6×6 +4 pattern refers to the 360 Calendar, which is related to the 364-calendar in the sense that the book of Enoch says that the extra day within each season (91 days) is “not to be reckoned in the count of the days.” Thus, 364 days is the same as 360 days. This has caused confusion for some. Thus, the 1260 days of the Book of Revelation is either 1260 literal days or 1274 literal days, but with 1260 figurative for the literal 1274. It is not one or the other. Both 1260 and 1274 is correct. This allows for some flexibility.
The 360 Calendar is based upon leap months of 30 days (which is why the 1290 of Daniel 12), whereas the Enochic calendar utilizes leap weeks, not leap months.
Humans tend to simplify complex systems so they can digest outcomes at a glance. Simplification is useful only when it comes with the realization that there is far more to it, and others are made aware of that fact. Example, many make a big deal about 2000 years from the death of Christ — and it is — but that is a drop in the bucket regarding the larger picture, barely a blip numerically speaking. But “2000 years” is a nice even and digestible figure, so it is what the average person understands, and therefore cares about. But it has limited value in understanding the complex design of God’s space-time fractal, which men call history.
Hey very cool, last year I noticed it was the 400th anniversary of Bacon’s Novum Organum, which changed logic or scientific method from top-down to bottom-up, and also it was the 400th anniversary of the introduction of democracy in the North American colonies, also a reversal from top-down to bottom-up. I thought, wow, that’s crazy, all of a sudden we’re switching back to top-down again. Then I noticed our calendar is a 400-year calendar, that’s how long it takes for a leap year cycle. There’s also a 350-400 year solar cycle, although not too much is known about it. Well when I saw Terry Wolfe’s reading of Revelation, where he assigns the Four Horsemen to Constantine, Charlemagne, the Jesuits, and the Green Movement, that’s also a 400 year cycle, skipping 1200 AD when the Templars were suppressed. They founded Switzerland afterward, with all their riches, it’s still New World Order headquarters (under Jerusalem). Still need to flesh that out more, but there’s something there, I’m sure.
Hey dean , how do we know that are Gregorion week is the true week from creation meaning Sunday really the first day and Saturday the last day ?
Wouldn’t it have been lost with all the calendars in history ? Can you send me the study of this ?
The law was given to Moses. This included the correct day of the week. The Sabbath day was the most important of all laws. There has always been a remnant in Israel who faithfully followed the Lord. Therefore they would have kept the Sabbath correctly until this day. Even the Sabbath years and jubilees were known for at least the first 1000 years after Moses.
We are not under the Sabbath law today, but if you keep it that’s between you and God.
So there’s a teaching out there that the equinox resets the week every year , the day after the equinox resets to the 4th day of the week . Meaning sabbath shifts a day forward every year and 2 days on a leap year . They say jubilees and Enoch teach this ?
I have heard this as well. They are flat out wrong. There is a slight possibility that the Essenes who hid the Dead Sea Scrolls practiced this — but very unlikely. Even if they did, this does not mean that they are in agreement with the Book of Enoch and other earlier traditions.
The whole premise of the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees and other early works in this genre is that orderly cycles continue unabated throughout the ages with days and years in parallel. Cycles of weeks and weeks of years continue forever. One does not add extra years in the Sabbatical year cycles, nor in the weekly Sabbaths. To do so would destroy the calendar and chronology.
Moreover, the Book of Enoch goes out of its way to deny this very notion, perhaps as a rebuttal against it.
12. And the sun and the stars bring in all the years exactly, so that they do not advance or delay their position by a single day unto eternity; but complete the years with perfect justice in 364 days. 13. In 3 years there are 1092 days, and in 5 years 1820 days, so that in 8 years there are 2912 days. (Ch. 74) https://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/boe077.htm
Far from giving a hint that the calendar is reset again and again at the equinox, the Book of Enoch says that in 8 years there are 2912 days (8 x 364).
In my work, I believe that the Book of Enoch has itself been amended over the years. I do not try to be faithful to what 3rd century BC writers believed, but what God created. To keep the 364-calendar adjusted to the equinox the goal is to not break the fundamental and pillar concept of endless cycles of weeks. Therefore, the natural way to correct the 364-day year to the true solar year is to add leap weeks at certain intervals. And we find that when we do this, behold, the 364 calendar is astoundingly symmetrical and rhythmical — the finger of God. And that is my goal — to reveal the glory of God in Creation, as is the goal of the book of Enoch.
By the way, there are calendars that exist today that reset to the spring equinox every year: The Persian, Kurdish, and Afgan calendars. It’s not that time cannot be kept according to this yearly-reset rule, its just that the Book of Enoch most definitely is not one of them, nor were the related Priestly cycles of 24 weeks.
Hey when is the 7th day sabbath?
Is it in the Gregorian Saturday every year?
Every Saturday is the Sabbath, and it begins in the evening on Friday. However, Jesus is now our Sabbath and the keeping of any holy day is optional.
I made a table of corresponding Biblical dates, which includes the 40 Year Enoch Calendars , along with the other 8, plus the 360 Calendar & Hebrew Calendar dates for Spring 2021- to Spring 2022. I emailed it to you earlier today. perhaps it can be posted.
Please also forward to me David.
I was hoping you would email me the Enoch calendar that corresponds to the Gregorian calendar.
The 40 & 400 Year Enochian Calendar Tables are ready! I emailed them to you this morning!
I know we want to keep things simple on the “Simplified” corresponding dates tables, but because the new year changes by 7 days after Autumn 1994, maybe there could be a separate Julian Day for the ‘From Christ 6BC’ Rows as well. Although, just adding 7 days could work too.
I left it out because I reasoned that you have the detailed version as an option, good job, and secondly, most do not even know what a Julian number is anyway, so for that person I figure that if they know about Julian numbers, then they can figure out the rest on their own no problem.
I’m curious what source or information do you have to support the 6BC date for the birth of Christ.
Thank you in advance for your response! Blessings Gail
To be precise, 6 BC likely points to the angel that appeared to the father of Zechariah, who announced John’s birth. Jesus’ birth would then be about 1.5 years later, that is, autumn of 5 BC. Most secular and Christian scholars alike agree that King Herod died just months after the autumn of 5 BC.
However, there are those who argue for 3 BC for astronomical reasons and still others for the traditional 1 BC. Each has merit. However, “two years old and under” is the autumn of 3 BC anyway, so that 5 BC fits that theory as well.
Is God confused?
All we know for sure is that Christ was born sometime between 6 and AD 1 — and that is intentional. As I have said over and over again — it’s not about when exactly — it never has been — even for any date from Creation till now. It’s about what it means. Chronology and numbers are a language and they declare with power that Jesus is the Christ. They declare this not in just one way (which men like to divide over), but in every way.
Yes, like any language there are rules that allow encoded information. All language is just a code. And all biblical numbers are a code, and that includes chronology. The ancients, secular and religious, knew that language fairly well, but it was largely lost since Christ. It was meant to be so — “sealed up until the appointed time in the end”.
Ages before Christ came it is apparent that 6 and 1 BC were marked and known as the great end of an age. If not, then God did a miracle to bend all ancient chronologies towards these two points of time. Either way, 6 and 1 BC are like two pillars in time — not one like we would have it, but two. We are not meant to know which is the “real” and which is merely symbolic, or perhaps in between. That would diminish the testimony of Christ, and God will have no part in it.
For 30 years I studied this language and am an expert by God’s great grace. Every day He taught me as if in a class and confirmed the word by signs following at days end or week. Little effort was involved because it was taught, not so much discovered. My joy has been to get to know the Teacher better as day by day, line upon line, the entirely was explained by His angel. Knowledge will pass away, but love is forever.
For now, all is rejected. This is a good thing. But at the right time, men will know that all biblical numeric is a language, and that Language is Christ, the Alpha and Omega. And not one iota will pass from the law until all is fulfilled. Even now, today, God confirms these things as tropical storm Iota perhaps will join two other Greek letters now stirring up the sea. Never before have these letters been used. Never before have there been two at once in the month of November. And it appears that there will be three at once!
The crown is placed upon the head of Alpha, Iota, and Omega — He is the Word of God, and not one Iota or Stroke/crown/Kappa will pass away until all is fulfilled, thereby completing what He began at His first coming — the Temple of God.
Men endorse men, but God endorses His Son and honors the many who represent Him rightly. May God show us mercy and keep us in the way.
I don’t often spill my soul like this, but for some reason I did. And here I am, a fool for Christ’s sake.
Thank you so much for getting back with me. I truly appreciate it. Do you have an email address so I can send you some research I have been working on for several years? I can type much faster than I can text.
Thank you for your consideration!
Also, I keep seeing 444 everywhere I go. It started Pesach 2017. I have been trying to figure out what it means. I believe it means several things, but I don’t want to miss anything. Lately the times I see it has been more numerous than ever. I believe it has to do with Nehemiah and the wall 444bc and then Jesus’s death 4.3.33ad. And just noticed on your website the sun, moon and stars were created 4th day. And then the prophetic calendar 360 is based in 40 and 400 years. I don’t understand it all, but Father has me working on the calendars. Like you I believe all the calendars work together but separately like Ezekiel wheel. Like you I see patterns. However, math is another story. Father has a sense of humor. A few more things I’m working on is the book of Esther and biblical astronomy. Thank you so much for all the work you have done. It has helped me so much. Gail
May God guide you and bless you in your work for Him.
2 hidden parts weeks after 40 years, back to 1447/1446 BC
Hi Dean,
In the addendum to the article “How the 364-Day Calendar Works” you said,
“The simper starting point, therefore, is 189 days earlier, that is, Julian #1719313. (I.e., 6 BC, Wednesday 6 AM {Julian Jan. 22, Greg. Jan 24th}”
Did you mean March 22/March 24?
I believe I proposed a similar 40- year Enochian Calendar intercalation method back on October 28, 2018, in the Email Topic labeled “Enoch epagomenal (intercalary) week”.
I guess it wasn’t far off.
Of course “almost correct” isn’t t the same as “correct”.
What I wrote to you at the time:
“I found that indeed, the 40 year 360-Calendar and 364-day Epagomenal Week method work in harmony at 280 (40*7) years intervals. I’m sure the way you laid it out is correct. I worked out something a little different, while using my calculator.
6*364 days+7 days= 2191 days
2191days*6 Cycles= 13146 days
Last cycle 364*4 years +7days=1463 days
13146+1463= 14609 days (40 years)…..”
God Bless!
Thanks for pointing out that slip in the month. I did mean March.
Wow. I am so sorry. I probably missed that email.
Then we both came independently to the same deduction concerning the 40-years — not sure why I overlooked it back then.
Once again, my apologies.
I also thought of the 280 years, but the 400 is much more accurate.
Not a problem. It was chosen to be revealed now.